- <[caeb]> What you need, really, is to temper your experimental nature with actual knowledge about how to cook.
- (It's not that the food you make is terrible, it's just... you really can't help yourself, usually. *coughcheddaricecreamcough*)
- <[Brennen]> I would say that's not fair, but I suppose it's pretty fair.
- <[caeb]> There are things one is not supposed to do to cauliflower. (Granted, you could argue that one of those things is to eat it.)
- <[caeb]> Also, did you get my email about the shooting at Sur Tango?
- <[Molly]> shit. I thought the shooting was in front of O'Rourke's. But Sur Tango can get pretty ghetto... Cheddar Ice Cream, Brennen?
- <[caeb]> It was Sur Tango. Yulia was there when it happened.
- <[caeb]> (And have we had this "you did what to ice cream?" conversation before or is it just me?)
- <[Molly]> i think we have. strangeness.
- <[Brennen]> It was an unfortunate and memorable episode.