- I just took a class on the HistoryOf early Christianity, or at least that's what it's titled. It's crosslisted as history, religious studies, and classics.
- These were originally notes and suchlike things for a take home test and an in-class final; most of them will disappear in a while. None of this text is likely to be impressive in any intellectual, philosophical, or spiritual sense.
- -- [[Brennen]]
- ----
- = 307 Final Exam stuff =
- Page 111 in ''The New Testament'', the Duling textbook.
- Thomas:
- * http://p1k3.com/2003/2/3/thomas
- * [http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Thomas Wikipedia: Gospel of Thomas]
- * http://www.misericordia.edu/users/davies/thomas/Trans.htm
- * http://www.goodnewsinc.net/othbooks/thomas.html
- * http://home.epix.net/~miser17/Thomas.html
- Q:
- * http://religion.rutgers.edu/nt/primer/q.html
- * [http://www.cygnus-study.com/pageq.shtml Burton Mack's Q translation] - Nicely formatted translation; the site it's on is a moderately obnoxious let's-attack-Christianity sort of thing, although as such go it's better than most and has some nice textual resources.
- http://www.alislam.org/books/jesus-in-india/