- WareLogging. HyperCard was this amazing piece of software for the Apple Macintosh, once upon a time, that existed in a space somewhere between programming language, IDE, scripting language runtime, document, information manager, graphics tool, presentation app, command line, and exuberantly weird toy. It was probably the closest Apple has ever come to a justification for their egomaniacal claims of unrivalled genius in design.
- Once upon a time, I wanted to own a Macintosh. Hypercard was why.
- HyperCard is effectively dead. This may be seen as a comment on the long-term viability of closed systems, a certain schizoid tendency by decision makers at Apple to murder that which is truly beautiful through sheer incompetence, or just another casualty of the raging juggernaut that is the modern web.
- Here are a few links that may tell you a bit more:
- * http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?HyperCard
- * http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperCard
- * http://www.wired.com/news/mac/0,2125,54365,00.html
- * http://www.jaedworks.com/hypercard/
- * http://www.nobleswan.com/hypercard/