- IdeaLogging, HistoryOf, NativeAmericanHistory.
- * NativeSlavery: [http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_036400_slavery.htm Encyc. of NA Indians article]
- > For Native American peoples, slavery describes three distinct experiences: the aboriginal practice of holding war captives; the capture or purchase of native peoples by Europeans for use in plantation agriculture; and the acquisition of African Americans by southern Indians for use on their own plantations.
- <[[Brennen]]> Native societies didn't place a premium on the accumulation of material wealth?
- <[[Brennen]]> "Except on the Northwest coast", she says.
- <[[Anonymous]]> hi um...... I dont really get this iam very like so do not get this ..
- im looking for something back in the1700's and 1800's and things like that and about slavery.
- <[[Anonymous]]> so could you like help me wit this, what am i kiding you are a computer you can not help me no matter what you could not talk to me no matter what duh i am so stupid man i wish somethin would pop on the computer and would give me the 411