- Thinking about grad school. Also useful may be TrackingAcademics.
- [http://weblogs.swarthmore.edu/burke/?page_id=4 "Should You Go To Graduate School?"]
- Some things to go through:
- *University of Wisconsin at Madison
- **[http://www.education.wisc.edu/eps/ Educational Policy Studies MA]
- **[https://www.gradsch.wisc.edu/eapp/eapp.pl Online Application]
- * http://www-gse.berkeley.edu/program/LLSCS/scs.html
- **[https://sis.berkeley.edu/grdappl/grd_login_menu Online Application]
- ***[https://gse.soe.berkeley.edu/admin/sas/applicantstatus.html Applicant Status]
- Code: 2421133
- * http://history.berkeley.edu/
- ** 23 grand out-of-state tuition; not sure what the aid is like.
- ** Less than 10% admissions.
- **"We do not offer a stand-alone terminal masters degree."
- ** "The average GPAs of domestic students admitted for Fall 2005 were 3.84 undergraduate, 3.95 graduate, and 3.7 history."
- * http://llss.unm.edu/
- * CollegeOfTheAtlantic
- * [http://www.bankstreet.edu/gs/studies_in_ed.html Bank Street School, Studies in Ed]
- ** Lia Gelb, Director: 212-875-4489
- ** [http://www.bankstreet.edu/gs/financial.html Financial aid]
- ** [http://www.bankstreet.edu/gs/housinginfo.html Housing Help]
- * http://www.aprovecho.net/
- * [http://web.reed.edu/academic/mals/ Reed (Oregon)]
- * http://www.nyu.edu/gallatin/prospective/ma/
- **Jeremy thinks this would be too loose from an employer's perspective. Am I concerned with an employer's perspective? And if not, should I be?
- University of Vermont:
- * [https://www.applyweb.com/apply/uvmg/ Application]
- * [http://www.uvm.edu/academics/catalogue2005-06/?Page=read.php&SM=offeringmenu.html&p=/Academic_Offerings/Interdisciplinary_%28M.Ed.%29 edu]
- * [http://www.uvm.edu/~history/?Page=graduate.html History]
- UniversityOfKansas, History:
- * Both MA and PhD.
- * Enrollment about 90.
- * RayHiner - HistoryOfEducation? ''Children in the Life and Thought of Cotton Mather''. Maybe not.
- * TAs are unionized.
- * Only fall semester.
- * $45 application or so.
- * About 24 slots funded within department.
- * "The History Department will provide funding, usually in the form of a Graduate Teaching Assistantship, to all entering students who do not have alternative sources of financing (such as through the military or an ongoing professional position). Applicants who wish to be considered for Department funding should check the appropriate place on the Application Cover Sheet. Only full-time students are eligible. Foreign students who are not native speakers of English are usually not eligible for financial aid until their second year."
- = In the "let's not kid ourselves" department: =
- U. California Santa Cruz
- * http://www.graddiv.ucsc.edu/deptprograms.html
- * http://humwww.ucsc.edu/histcon/HisCon.html - History of Consciousness
- [http://www.unc.edu/depts/history/grad/prospective.html#criteria UNC-CH History criteria]
- * Submit by December 1.
- * Rarely admit for terminal M.A.
- * Undergrade GPA average between 3.6 & 4.0
- * 16% of applicants.
- [http://www.unc.edu/depts/ed/ma_ed_ccc/index.html University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Education, M.A.]
- **[https://admprosapp2.admissions.unc.edu/grad/DEFAULT.ASP Online Application]
- * [http://cashiers.unc.edu/stufininfo.htm Costs of Attendance]
- * [http://studentaid.unc.edu/ Scholarships and Financial Aid]
- *[http://research.unc.edu/grantsource/ Grant Source Library]
- ** [http://cfx.research.unc.edu/funding/search_results.cfm Funding for Masters Students]'
- * [http://gradschool.unc.edu/documents/averagescores.pdf Average Scores of Applicants]
- Chapel Hill Quick Facts http://www.ci.chapel-hill.nc.us/index.asp?NID=3
- *note that Chapel Hill is nicknamed "The Southern Part of Heaven". Yikes and Yikes.
- <[[stephen]]> UNC-CH has a great history department, but yeah; most of their programs are PhD focused which means that you'd be doing PhD work. If you stop the program early and have don't "enough" they will grant a terminal masters but they really don't like to admit people straight to a master's program.
- That said, check out [http://sils.unc.edu/ sils.unc.edu]. I am currently investigating the dual degree between Library Science and Law (focusing on IP law). Neat?
- Can I just also say: it would be *awesome* if you came to study at Chapel Hill! :-)
- <[[Brennen]]> Yeah, I've long thought it sounds like a sweet place. Probably not quite what we're looking for - and with my academic record it really ''is'' in the "let's not kid ourselves" dept., but still...
- I've been thinking for a while about something that would be kind of "democratic technology" focused - using tech (including but not limited to web & network stuff) to help things like DemocraticEducation, and looking at how various tech (low and high) helps or hinders those kinds of efforts, affects the social environment, etc.
- <[[Stephen]]> Sounds like a pretty nifty thesis project to me. My focus is currently on fair use and technology: how publishing companies are able to use technological barriers to define or eliminate fair use. Fair Use as currently defined (loosely) by US law assumes that the user will be able to use the material.
- <[[Brennen]]> Sounds like a worthy topic. It's certainly got some currency, and the more people fighting the good fight, the better...