WalaWiki content from p1k3.com
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  1. WareLogging, PerlLanguage backend for p1k3.com. See also: WalaCode.
  2. Display is on github: http://github.com/brennen/display
  3. = todo =
  4. * Completely re-write the docs.
  5. * Smarten up dependencies. Some features should be optional, depending on what modules are available.
  6. * Finish gallery code.
  7. * Use Test::Harness + Test::More, write some real tests.
  8. * Switch to File::Spec and friends for better portability.
  9. * Write a Display::PageStore class to abstract storage.
  10. * Should offer mappings for Next/Previous/Up links, where appropriate.
  11. * Display::PageStore::File
  12. * Display::PageStore::darcs or similar
  13. * Display::PageStore::SQLite
  14. * A given store should probably handle RecentChanges.
  15. * It should be possible to interleave results from multiple PageStores.
  16. * Eliminate dependency on diff.
  17. * Wala & Display tend to assume that your filesystem isn't completely broken. Case-sensitivity matters. This will be a problem on Windows. I'm not ''that'' inclined to care, but it might matter to someone, somewhere.
  18. * Think about some Selenium tests for editing features.
  19. * Scaling issues:
  20. * Finish cache stuff: Still missing a few related pages because it only looks at the new file text.
  21. * Optimize file grepping.
  22. * Use taint mode.
  23. * Printable-version CSS stuff, including for visibility of protocols in URLs. Brent has this in 1.1.7.
  24. * Real revision interface, easy revert for vandalism/spam.
  25. * Tidy up loose ends and roll a stable distribution version.
  26. * Build.PL, CPAN requirements met.
  27. * A working, batteries-included (all library dependencies) tarball.
  28. = changes =
  29. * 1/20 - 1/30/08 - Layout tweaks.
  30. * 10/3 - Cleaned up a [http://p1k3.com/2007/10/3 bug in handle()].
  31. * 9/20 - 9/30/07
  32. ** Made some changes inspired by Perl::Critic, added RCS keywords.
  33. ** Updated wrapper scripts and the like.
  34. ** Cleaned up the docs.
  35. ** Integrated with a new Wala object interface.
  36. ** Wrapped handle() method with display().
  37. * 9/19/07
  38. ** Rewrote Display into a class. This is some kind of ugly right now, with $self->method splattered all over the place, but it solves the package-global-for-configuration problem.
  39. ** Split out some documentation into a .pod file.
  40. * 9/17/07
  41. ** Added a very simple image gallery generator, based on Imager.
  42. ** Switched to Image::Size
  43. * 8/6/07 - Tweaked CSS for footnotes and line-height.
  44. * 8/1/07 - Broke a bunch of stuff out into Display::Image and Display::Markup.
  45. * 7/1 - 7/17
  46. * Started separating out markup-specific stuff.
  47. * Did some largely irrelevant, if not entirely counterproductive, optimization.
  48. * 6/24/07
  49. * Converted to a module, Display.pm
  50. * Tweaked to handle either a CGI.pm query object or a set of date strings.
  51. * Added FastCGI and generic wrapper scripts.
  52. * 6/21/07 - Started working on generalizing things, added most of the necessary files to the repository.
  53. * 6/20/07 - Set up a svn repository, cleaned up the code a bit, added FastCGI support using CGI::Fast. Added Image::Size support. Wrote a bunch of POD.