- WareLogging.
- * http://www.capify.org/
- Ruby-based deployment framework. Rails-centric, but nice for other things too. Documentation is a wee bit sketchy, particularly if you're not in Rails-land.
- * http://github.com/leehambley/railsless-deploy - I'm using this at the moment.
- * http://www.claytonlz.com/index.php/2008/08/php-deployment-with-capistrano/
- * http://www.jonmaddox.com/2006/08/16/automated-php-deployment-with-capistrano/ - busted links, possibly kind of old
- * http://www.capify.org/index.php/Default_Deployment_Path
- I will probably publish whatever I come up with by way of a Capfile & deploy.rb.
- I am beginning to suspect that the implicit default attitude in the Ruby community is set on "you'll know what's going on once you go read the source, but until you figure that out for yourself, I'm going to let you continue thinking that you can do it by reading my vaguely hip blog entry tutorial".