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756 B

  1. <[Brennen]> Of course it's probably been done.
  2. <[caeb]> This may be our problem with everything, in a nutshell.
  3. <[Brennen]> I was going to say that could be on a t-shirt, but decency demands some limits, I think.
  4. <[Brent]> "That could be on a t-shirt" would make a good t-shirt, too.
  5. Of course, ''that's'' probably already been done, too. Sigh.
  6. Anyone else a little tired of the ubiquity of t-shirts?
  7. <[Molly]> I liked Cesar Delgado's idea of patenting shorts that say "BU" on one cheek and "TT" on the other. Also, zombies would be bad. I kind of think that "Shaun of the Dead" encompasses how it would be...minus the Queen music, of course...
  8. also, it's not letting me use my name again. I think it's my computer, not yours.