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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en-us">
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  5. <title></title>
  6. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  7. <meta property="og:title" content="">
  8. <meta property="og:description" content="Today we stand together to say: not on our watch, and never again.">
  9. <!-- <meta property="og:image" content=""> -->
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  11. <meta name="twitter:title" content="">
  12. <meta name="twitter:description" content="Today we stand together to say: not on our watch, and never again. ">
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  20. <div class="banner">
  21. <section class="page-header">
  22. <h1 class="project-name"></h1>
  23. </section>
  24. </div>
  25. <section class="main-content">
  26. <blockquote><em>Write a list of things you would never do. Because it is possible that in the next year, you will do them.</em> <nobr>&mdash;Sarah Kendzior</nobr> <a href="#footnote1">[1]</a></blockquote>
  27. <p>
  28. We, the undersigned,
  29. are employees of tech organizations and companies based in the United States.
  30. We are engineers, designers, business executives, and others
  31. whose jobs include managing or processing data about people.
  32. We are choosing to stand in solidarity with Muslim Americans,
  33. immigrants, and all people whose lives and livelihoods
  34. are threatened by the incoming administration&rsquo;s
  35. proposed data collection policies.
  36. We refuse to build a database of people
  37. based on their Constitutionally-protected religious beliefs.
  38. We refuse to facilitate mass deportations
  39. of people the government believes to be undesirable.
  40. <p>
  41. We have educated ourselves on the history of threats like these,
  42. and on the roles that technology and technologists played
  43. in carrying them out.
  44. We see how <a href="">IBM collaborated to digitize and streamline the Holocaust</a>,
  45. contributing to the deaths of six million Jews and millions of others.
  46. We recall the <a href="">internment of Japanese Americans</a>
  47. during the Second World War.
  48. We recognize that <a href="">mass deportations</a>
  49. precipitated the very atrocity the word genocide
  50. was <a href="">created</a> to describe:
  51. the murder of 1.5 million Armenians in Turkey.
  52. We acknowledge that
  53. genocides are not merely a relic of the distant <nobr>past&mdash;</nobr><wbr>among others,
  54. <a href="">Tutsi Rwandans</a> and
  55. <a href="">Bosnian Muslims</a>
  56. have been victims in our lifetimes.
  57. <p>
  58. Today we stand together to say: not on our watch, and never again.
  59. <p>
  60. We commit to the following actions:
  61. <ul>
  62. <li>We refuse to participate in the creation of
  63. databases of identifying information
  64. for the United States government
  65. to target individuals based on race, religion, or national origin.
  66. <li>We will advocate within our organizations:
  67. <ul>
  68. <li>to minimize the collection and retention of data
  69. that would facilitate ethnic or religious targeting.
  70. <li>to scale back existing datasets
  71. with unnecessary racial, ethnic, and national origin data.
  72. <li>to responsibly destroy high-risk datasets and backups.
  73. <li>to implement security and privacy best practices,
  74. in particular,
  75. for end-to-end encryption to be the default wherever possible.
  76. <li>to demand appropriate legal process
  77. should the government request that we turn over
  78. user data collected by our organization, even in small amounts.
  79. </ul>
  80. <li>If we discover misuse of data that we consider illegal or unethical
  81. in our organizations:
  82. <ul>
  83. <li>We will work with our colleagues and leaders to correct it.
  84. <li>If we cannot stop these practices,
  85. we will exercise our <a href="">rights</a> and responsibilities to speak out publicly
  86. and engage in <a href="">responsible whistleblowing</a>
  87. without endangering users.
  88. <li>If we have the authority to do so,
  89. we will use all available legal defenses to stop these practices.
  90. <li>If we do not have such authority,
  91. and our organizations force us to engage in such misuse,
  92. we will resign from our positions rather than comply.
  93. </ul>
  94. <li>We will raise awareness and ask critical questions
  95. about the responsible and fair use of data and algorithms
  96. beyond our organization and our industry.
  97. </ul>
  98. <div class="note">
  99. Note: Signatories&rsquo; references to affiliated organizations below
  100. are for identification purposes
  101. and are not intended to imply an endorsement by the organization.
  102. </div>
  103. <p>Signed,</p>
  104. <ul class="signatories" id="signatories">
  105. <!-- For lines below not marked with GitHub usernames, see attribution at: -->
  106. <!-- -->
  107. <!-- To add a signature, insert ONE LINE below. -->
  108. <!-- - Begin with <li>. -->
  109. <!-- - Alphabetize by first name. -->
  110. <!-- - Consider including your GitHub username (see examples below). -->
  111. <li><a href="">Aaron Couch, DKAN</a> <!-- from github user acouch -->
  112. <li>Aaron Kraus, Reciprocity, Inc. <!-- from verified email -->
  113. <li><a href="">Adam Bender, Senior Software Engineer, Google</a> <!-- from github user adambender -->
  114. <li>Adam Thomason, Fastly <!-- Github athomason -->
  115. <li><a href="">Adarsh Jupudi, Cloud Architect, Datacom</a> <!-- from github user cloudoperator -->
  116. <li>Adnan Alam, IT @ GitHub <!-- Github sukoonmusic -->
  117. <li><a href="">Adam Herzog, Trifork</a> <!-- from GitHub user ah3rz -->
  118. <li>Adam C. Foltzer, Galois</li>
  119. <li>Aidan Fitzgerald, Cornell University <!-- from GitHub user aidan-fitz --></li>
  120. <li><a href="">Aki Rose Braun</a>, <a href="">Programmer</a>, PayPal/Venmo</li> <!-- from github user gesa -->
  121. <li>Akil Harris, First Look Media
  122. <li>Akiva Leffert <!-- from GitHub user aleffert --></li>
  123. <li><a href="">Alan McConchie</a>, Stamen Design <!-- From GitHub user almccon -->
  124. <li><a href="">Alana Hanson</a>, Leapfrog Online <!-- from Github user alanahanson --></li>
  125. <li>Alec Perkins <!-- from GitHub user alecperkins -->
  126. <li><a href="">Alesandro Ortiz</a>, Software Engineer</li> <!-- from GitHub user thephpjedi -->
  127. <li><a href="">Alex Baldwin, Poncho</a> <!-- from GitHub user goosey -->
  128. <li><a href="">Alex Cook, Software Engineer (Part-time Thought Leader)</a>
  129. <li><a href="">Alison Buki, Developer/Designer</a></li>
  130. <li>Alison Hodges, Founder, Erlea Documentation Professionals <!-- From GitHub user lamagnifica -->
  131. <li><a href="">Amy Farrell</a></li><!-- from GitHub user akf -->
  132. <li><a href="https://twitter/sh4na">Andreia Gaita, GitHub</a></li><!-- from GitHub user shana -->
  133. <li>Andreas Fuchs, Stripe
  134. <li>Andrew Bonventre, Google
  135. <li><a href="">Andrew Cheung, Signal Sciences</a></li> <!--from Github user whereandy -->
  136. <li>Andrew Dunham, Stripe <!-- from GitHub user andrew-d -->
  137. <li><a href="">Andrew Green</a>, Creator of NetPhone</li><!--from Github user ElectricMagic -->
  138. <li>Andrew Losowsky, <a href="">The Coral Project</a> <!--from github user losowsky -->
  139. <li>Anthony Martinez, Twitter
  140. <li><a href="">Andrew Michaud</a>, Quantcast <!-- from GitHub user andrewmichaud -->
  141. <li>Anil Dash, Fog Creek Software
  142. <li>Annie Tuan, Mobile Software Engineer
  143. <li><a href="">Aram Zucker-Scharff</a>, Full Stack Engineer, Salon Media Group<!-- from GitHub user aramzs -->
  144. <li><a href="">Aria Stewart</a>, npm Inc<!-- from GitHub user aredridel -->
  145. <li>Arthur Richards
  146. <li>Asher Cohen <!-- from GitHub user Asheric -->
  147. <li><a href="">Asher Langton</a>
  148. <li>Asumu Takikawa, Igalia <!-- from Github user takikawa -->
  149. <li><a href="">Audrey Eschright, Recompiler Media</a> <!-- from GitHub user aeschright -->
  150. <li><a href="">Ben Cohen</a>
  151. <li><a href="">Ben Kraft</a>, Khan Academy
  152. <li><a href="">Ben Mendis</a>, Software Engineer, Novetta Solutions <!-- from GitHub user Sitwon -->
  153. <li><a href="">Ben Tarnoff</a>
  154. <li><a href="">Ben Williamson</a> <!-- from Github user benw -->
  155. <li>Ben Wood, Autodesk
  156. <li><a href="">Benjamin Esham, Ellucian</a> <!-- from GitHub user bdesham -->
  157. <li><a href="">Benjamin Stockwell</a> <!-- from GitHub user benjsto -->
  158. <li><a href="">Bill Nottingham</a>, Red Hat</li> <!-- from GitHub User wenottingham -->
  159. <li><a href="">Blain Smith</a> <!-- from GitHub user blainsmith -->
  160. <li><a href="">Brady O'Connell</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user boconnell -->
  161. <li>Brandon Faloona</li> <!-- from GitHub user bfaloona -->
  162. <li><a href="">Brandon Istenes</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user brandones -->
  163. <li><a href="">Bret Lowery</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user bretlowery -->
  164. <li>Brett Houtz <!-- from GitHub user BrettHoutz -->
  165. <li>Brian Geppert, metacode
  166. <li>Brian Jenkins, CTO, FoodCare
  167. <li><a href="">Brian Mastenbrook, AirStash</a>
  168. <li><a href="">Brian T. Rice, Awake Networks</a>
  169. <li>Briar Rose Schreiber, Software Engineer, Board Member of Stumptown Syndicate <!-- from GitHub user ubiquill -->
  170. <li>Britton Watkins
  171. <li><a href="">Bryan Naegele</a>, Integrity <!-- from GitHub user bryannaegele -->
  172. <li>Calvin Ashmore, Google <!-- from GitHub user calvinashmore -->
  173. <li>Carmen Andoh, Travis CI <!-- from GitHub user Lyoness -->
  174. <li><a href="">Casey Dunham</a> <!-- from GitHub user caseydunham -->
  175. <li><a href="">Chris Radcliff</a>, Return Path <!-- from GitHub user globalspin -->
  176. <li><a href="">Chris Short</a> <!-- from GitHub user chris-short -->
  177. <li><a href="">Christian Monaghan, Cofounder, Nava PBC <!-- from GitHub user cmonaghan -->
  178. <li><a href="">Christian R. Vozar, XumaK, Rogue Ethic <!-- from GitHub user christianvozar -->
  179. <li><a href="">Christine Sun</a>, Software Engineer <!-- from GitHub user daiyitastic -->
  180. <li><a href="">Christopher Allan Webber</a> <!-- from GitHub user cwebber -->
  181. <li><a href="">Christopher Vermilion</a> <!-- from GitHub user cvermilion -->
  182. <li><a href="">Christian Heilmann</a></li> <!-- from github user codepo8 -->
  183. <li><a href="">Cody Brocious, Optiv Security</a>
  184. <li><a href="">Colin Kelley, CTO, Invoca</a>
  185. <li>Conrad Meyer <!-- from verified email -->
  186. <li><a href="">Cristos Lianides-Chin</a>, <a href="">Anchor-Buoy Software</a> <!-- from GitHub user cristoslc -->
  187. <li>Dan Auerbach, Application Developer, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  188. <li><a href="">Dan Bornstein, Computer Programmer</a>
  189. <li><a href="">Dan Copeland</a>
  190. <li><a href="">Danny Glover, Plastiq</a> <!-- from GitHub user whoisglover -->
  191. <li><a href="">Dan Kaminsky, Chief Scientist, White Ops</a>
  192. <li><a href="">Dan Phiffer, Mapzen</a> <!-- from GitHub user dphiffer -->
  193. <li><a href="">Danielle Leong, Software Engineer, GitHub</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user dmleong -->
  194. <li><a href="">Danne Stayskal, Artificial Intelligence, Lifeboat Foundation; Cryptographer, March Hare</a>
  195. <li><a href="">Darren Vengroff, Chief Scientist, Hestan</a> <!-- from GitHub user vengroff -->
  196. <li><a href="">Dave Mayo, Software Developer, Harvard University</a>
  197. <li><a href="">Dave Reid, Lullabot</a> <!-- from Github user davereid -->
  198. <li>David Adrian
  199. <li>David Beckley
  200. <li>David Glasser, Meteor Development Group <!-- from GitHub user glasser -->
  201. <li><a href="">David Golightly, Software Developer, Substantial</a>
  202. <li>David Hartunian, Position Development <!-- from GitHub user dhartunian -->
  203. <li>David Reid, Engineer, Fig <!-- from GitHub user dreid -->
  204. <li><a href="">David Welton</a></li> <!-- from Github user davidw -->
  205. <li>David Yip <!-- from GitHub user yipdw -->
  206. <li><a href="">Derek Eder</a>, <a href="">DataMade</a> &amp; <a href="">Chi Hack Night</a></li> <!-- from Github user derekeder -->
  207. <li>Don Marti, Mozilla <!-- from GitHub user dmarti -->
  208. <li><a href="">Donald Ball, SparkFund</a>
  209. <li>Drew Durbin, CEO, Wave
  210. <li><a href="">Drew Erny<a> <!-- from GitHub user dperny -->
  211. <li><a href="">Daniel Espeset</a>, Etsy <!-- from GitHub user danielmendel -->
  212. <li><a href="">Drew Stokes</a> <!-- from GitHub user dstokes -->
  213. <li><a href="">Ed Ropple, edboxes</a>
  214. <li><a href="">Edgar Aroutiounian</a>, Programmer, <a href="">iterate hackerspace </a>founder </li><!-- from GitHub user fxfactorial -->
  215. <li><a href="">Edin Cenanovic, Software Engineer</a> <!-- from GitHub user edinc -->
  216. <li><a href="">Eldan Goldenberg</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user eldang -->
  217. <li><a href="">Elsie Powell, 2U</a> <!-- from GitHub user embolalia -->
  218. <li><a href="">Emma Claire Humphries</a>, Mozilla Corporation <!-- from GitHub user emceeaich -->
  219. <li><a href="">Eric Jackson</a>, City of Asheville, IT Services <!-- from GitHub user ejaxon -->
  220. <li><a href="">Erica Portnoy</a>, Electronic Frontier Foundation <!-- from GitHub user ohemorange -->
  221. <li>Erik Ogan, Principal Engineer, <a href=""></a> <!-- from GitHub user erikogan -->
  222. <li>Erik Osheim, Stripe <!-- from Github user non -->
  223. <li>Erin Ptacek, Latacora
  224. <li><a href="">Erin Resso</a> <!-- from GitHub user deejayres -->
  225. <li>Ethan Fremen, Invitae <!-- from GitHub user mindlace -->
  226. <li>Ethan Schlenker, Twitter
  227. <li><a href="">Erik Straub, Odd Networks</a> <!-- from GitHub user brkattk -->
  228. <li><a href="">Femi Agbabiaka</a> <!-- from GitHub user femiagbabiaka -->
  229. <li><a href="">Fred Benenson</a> <!-- from GitHub user fredbenenson -->
  230. <li><a href="">Frederic Jacobs</a>, Security Engineer <!-- from GitHub user FredericJacobs -->
  231. <li>Gabe Medrash, Web Application Developer <!-- from Github user GabeMedrash -->
  232. <li><a href="">Galen Charlton</a> <!-- from Github user gmcharlt -->
  233. <li>Geoffrey Irving, Google Brain <!-- from Github user girving -->
  234. <li>George Tankersley, Cloudflare
  235. <li><a href="">Goss Nuzzo-Jones</a>, Head of Software at Superpedestrian <!-- from GitHub user gossnj -->
  236. <li><a href="">Grayson Chao</a>, Software Engineer <!-- from GitHub user graysonchao -->
  237. <li><a href="">Haldean Brown</a> <!-- from GitHub user haldean -->
  238. <li><a href="">Harlan Lieberman-Berg, Akamai Technologies</a> <!-- from GitHub user hlieberman -->
  239. <li>Heather Rivers, Director of Engineering, Mode Analytics
  240. <li><a href="">Henry Chen</a>, <a href="">Hackbright Academy</a>
  241. <li><a href="">Holly Allen</a> <!-- from GitHub user hollyallen -->
  242. <li><a href="">Ian McKellar</a>
  243. <li><a href="">Ian Ynda-Hummel</a>, <a href="">PreVeil</a> <!-- from GitHub user ianyh -->
  244. <li><a href="">Ilya Kreymer, Engineer, Rhizome/Webrecorder</a><!-- from GitHub user ikreymer -->
  245. <li><a href="">Ingrid Avenda&ntilde;o, Uber</a>
  246. <li><a href="">Ivan Montilla, Miralles IT</a>
  247. <li>J. Patrick Lanigan, Web Developer</li>
  248. <li>Jacob Farkas <!-- from GitHub user farktronix -->
  249. <li>James Gates</li>
  250. <li><a href="">James Vasile</a>, Partner, <a href="">Open Tech Strategies LLC</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user jvasile -->
  251. <li><a href="">James Turnbull</a>, Empatico <!-- from GitHub user jamtur01 -->
  252. <li><a href="">James Wrubel</a> <!-- from GitHub user jwrubel -->
  253. <li><a href="">Janardan Yri</a>
  254. <li>Jane Ruffino
  255. <li>Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, Electronic Frontier Foundation <!-- from GitHub user jsha -->
  256. <li><a href="">Jason Griffey</a>, <a href="">Measure the Future Project</a> <!-- from Github user griffey -->
  257. <li>Jason Suárez, Zendesk
  258. <li>Jason Uhlenkott, IBM Watson
  259. <li><a href="">Javier Vegas, Nuzzel <!-- from GitHub user javiervegas -->
  260. <li>Jeanine Adkisson, GitLab <!-- from GitHub user jneen -->
  261. <li>Jeffrey Cutler, MadGlory <!-- from GitHub user vfrride -->
  262. <li><a href="">Jeff Forcier</a> <!-- from GitHub user bitprophet -->
  263. <li>Jeffrey Stanton, SparkFund
  264. <li><a href="">Jeffrey Wescott</a> <!-- from GitHub user jeffreywescott -->
  265. <li>Jen-Mei Wu, <a href="">Liberating Ourselves Locally</a> <!-- from GitHub user jenmei -->
  266. <li>Jenny Tong, Pumping Station: One
  267. <li>Jérôme Petazzoni, Docker <!-- from GitHub user jpetazzo -->
  268. <li>Jeremy Rauch, Latacora
  269. <li><a href="">Jesse Adametz, Cloud Operations Engineer, Invoca</a> <!-- from GitHub user jadametz -->
  270. <li>Jesse James, Developer Evangelist, Raygun</li> <!-- from GitHub user jrjamespdx -->
  271. <li>Jesse Luehrs, Stripe
  272. <li>Jesse Phelps
  273. <li><a href="">Jess Frazelle</a></li>
  274. <li>Joe Biggica, Web Developer, <a href="">Reuters</a> <!-- from GitHub user joebiggica -->
  275. <li><a href="">Joe Blubaugh</a>, Lightstep
  276. <li><a href="">Joe Crawford</a>, Web Developer
  277. <li><a href="">Joel Teply</a>, Founder, CEO, Cambrian <!-- from GitHub user joelteply -->
  278. <li>John Barbuto, Indiegogo <!-- from GitHub user jbarbuto -->
  279. <li>John Firebaugh, Mapbox <!-- from GitHub user jfirebaugh -->
  280. <li><a href="">John Manoogian III</a>, Internet Artisan, Design Hacks</li> <!-- from GitHub user jm3 -->
  281. <li><a href="">John Mott</a>, Lead Software Developer, O'CONNORS</li> <!-- from GitHub user jackmott -->
  282. <li>John Ryan <!-- form Github user jtryan -->
  283. <li>John Slivka, Oracle <!-- Github user jslivka -->
  284. <li>John Wineman, Cloudflare</li> <!-- Github user jwineman -->
  285. <li>Jonathan Bisson, UIC <!-- from Github user bjonnh -->
  286. <li><a href="">Jonathan Freedman</a>, Autodesk</li><!-- from GitHub user otakup0pe -->
  287. <li>Jonathan Haddad, The Last Pickle
  288. <li><a href="">Jonny Gerig Meyer</a>, <a href="">OddBird</a> <!-- from Github user jgerigmeyer -->
  289. <li><a href="">Josef Grosch</a>
  290. <li>Josh Feldman
  291. <li><a href="">Joshua Wise, Imaging Architect, NVIDIA Corporation</a>
  292. <li><a href="">JR Conlin</a>, mozilla <!-- from Github user jrconlin --></li>
  293. <li>Judy Tuan, Software Engineering Manager
  294. <li><a href="">Julie T. Do, Obscura Digital</a> <!-- from GitHub user dotj -->
  295. <li>Justin T. Conroy, Pumping Station: One
  296. <li>Justin Falcone
  297. <li><a href="">Justin Holguín</a> <!-- from Github user holguinj -->
  298. <li>Ka-Ping Yee, Engineer, Wave
  299. <li><a href="">Kai Dalgleish, Mapbox</a>
  300. <li><a href="">Kai Mast, Cornell University</a>
  301. <li><a href="">Karl Fogel, Partner, Open Tech Strategies LLC</a>
  302. <li>Karl-Rainer Blumenthal, Internet Archive <!-- Github user kblumenthal -->
  303. <li>Karl Schults, Engineer, Scribd <!-- GitHub user kschults -->
  304. <li><a href="">Karl Stolley, Associate Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology</a></li>
  305. <li><a href="">Katerina Marchán, npm, Inc.</a>
  306. <li><a href="">Keith McKnight</a>, Software Engineer, Splash
  307. <li>Kelly Buchanan
  308. <li>Kelly Shortridge
  309. <li>Kelsey Gilmore-Innis, Callisto
  310. <li><a href="">Ken Kinder</a>, Developer</li>
  311. <li><a href="">Ken Mayer</a>, CTO</li><!-- from GitHub user kmayer -->
  312. <li><a href="">Kent Brewster</a> <!-- from GitHub user kentbrew -->
  313. <li>Kent Quirk, Software Architect, The Achievement Network <!-- from GitHub user kentquirk -->
  314. <li>Kev Kitchens, Qualcomm <!-- from GitHub user kevvok -->
  315. <li><a href="">Kevin Burke</a>, consultant <!-- from GitHub user kevinburke -->
  316. <li><a href="">Kevin Cantwell, Timehop</a>
  317. <li><a href="">Kevin London</a> <!-- from GitHub user kevinlondon -->
  318. <li><a href="">Kit Cambridge</a>, Mozilla
  319. <li>Krysten Alberg, thedatabank, gbc <!-- from verified email -->
  320. <li><a href="">Kyle Drake, Neocities</a> <!-- from GitHub user kyledrake -->
  321. <li>Laurel Ruhlen, SPINS <!-- from Github user lruhlen -->
  322. <li><a href="">Laurie Voss, npm, Inc.</a>
  323. <li><a href="">Lee Jensen</a>, Big Cartel LLC. <!-- from GitHub user outerim -->
  324. <li><a href="">Leigh Honeywell, Slack</a>
  325. <li><a href="">Lennon Day-Reynolds</a>, Stripe
  326. <li><a href="">Liam Stewart</a>, <a href="">Ginge Digital</a>
  327. <li>Lincoln Quirk, Founder,
  328. <li><a href="">Lindsey Bieda</a>
  329. <li><a href="">Liz Fong-Jones, Google</a>
  330. <li><a href="">Lode Claassen, Lead developer, The Correspondent</a> <!-- from GitHub user lode -->
  331. <li><a href="">Lou Huang</a>, Mapzen
  332. <li>Lukas Bergstrom, Google
  333. <li>lvh, Latacora
  334. <li>Maggie Ronan
  335. <li><a href="">Majid Razvi</a>, Sage
  336. <li>Mano Marks, Docker
  337. <li><a href="">Marc Hedlund</a>, Skyliner <!-- from GitHub user precipice -->
  338. <li><a href="">Marc Love</a>, Carbon Five <!-- from GitHub user marclove -->
  339. <li>Mark Fletcher, <a href=""></a> <!-- from GitHub user wingedpig -->
  340. <li><a href="">Mark A. Matienzo, Stanford University Libraries</a>
  341. <li> Marky Jackson <!-- from github user markyjackson-taulia -->
  342. <li>Marlena Compton, IBM
  343. <li>Martin Robinson, Igalia
  344. <li><a href="">Matthew Avant</a>, Palantir <!-- from GitHub user mavant -->
  345. <li><a href="">Matthew Harris</a>, Principal R&D Engineer <!-- from GitHub user morissette -->
  346. <li><a href="">Matthew Garrett, CoreOS</a> <!-- from GitHub user mjg59 -->
  347. <li><a href="">Matthew Gaudet, IBM</a> <!-- from GitHub user mgaudet -->
  348. <li><a href="">Matthew Lane, Rithm School</a>
  349. <li><a href="">Matt Lee, GNU Project</a> <!-- from GitHub user mattl -->
  350. <li><a href="">Matthew McVickar</a>
  351. <li>Matthew Pfeffer
  352. <li><a href="">Matt Schaar, GitHub</a> <!-- GitHub User moby -->
  353. <li>Matt Van Horn, Principal Engineer, Habit Inc. <!-- Github user mattvanhorn -->
  354. <li><a href="">Maurice Edward Borasky</a> <!-- from github user znmeb -->
  355. <li>Max T. Curran, UC Berkeley, School of Information <!-- from github user mtcurran -->
  356. <li>Megan Tong, Software Engineer, Grovo</li> <!-- from github user essentialred -->
  357. <li>Meghan Purvis <!--from github user meghanpurvis -->
  358. <li>Melinda Jacobs
  359. <li><a href="">Melissa Elliott</a>
  360. <li><a href="">Michael Downey</a>
  361. <li><a href="">Michael Hoye</a> <!-- from github user mhoye -->
  362. <li>Michael Jeremiah Curry
  363. <li><a href="">Michael Ricks-Aherne</a>, Sauce Labs <!-- from GitHub user miketwo -->
  364. <li>Michael Wilber, Cornell Tech
  365. <li>Michelle Bu, Stripe <!--from github user michelle -->
  366. <li><a href="">Mike Morris</a></li> <!-- from github user mikemorris -->
  367. <li><a href="">Michael Nolan</a>, <a href="">Giphy</a>
  368. <li>Mike Perry, Tor Project
  369. <li>Mikeal Rogers, Node.js Foundation <!-- from GitHub user mikeal -->
  370. <li>Milan Griffes, Head of Risk, <a href="">Wave</a> <!-- from verified email -->
  371. <li><a href="">Mindy Preston, Docker</a>
  372. <li><a href="">Mitchell Zubarev-Foxworth, Network Engineer</a>
  373. <li><a href="">Mohamad Fayez Taha, Atheer</a> <!-- Github user mftaha -->
  374. <li>Molly de Blanc <!-- from GitHub user mollydb -->
  375. <li><a href="">Morgan Astra</a> <!-- from Github user morganastra -->
  376. <li><a href="">Morgante Pell</a>, <a href="">Gandalf</a> <!-- from Github user morgante -->
  377. <li><a href="">Myk Klemme</a>, Engineer <!-- from Github user mklemme -->
  378. <li>Nate Parsons, Planet Labs, Inc.
  379. <li>Nathan Sorenson, SparkFund
  380. <li>Nathaniel J. Smith, UC Berkeley <!-- from GitHub user njsmith -->
  381. <li><a href="">Nesan Waran</a>, Software Developer</li>
  382. <li>Nathaniel Wolf, Pandora <!-- from GitHub user nathanielwolf -->
  383. <li><a href="">Ned Batchelder</a>, edX
  384. <li><a href="">Nicholas Roy</a>, Internet2 <!-- from Github user nckroy -->
  385. <li><a href="">Nick Doty</a>, UC Berkeley, School of Information <!-- from Github user npdoty -->
  386. <li>Nick Sull, Cloudflare
  387. <li><a href="">Nicki Anselmo</a><!-- from Github user nanselmo -->
  388. <li><a href="">Nikki Everett</a>, Internal Communications, GitHub <!-- from GitHub user neverett -->
  389. <li>Nikko Patten-Weinstein, SparkFund
  390. <li><a href="">Nicholas Young, Uptime Ventures</a></li>
  391. <li><a href="">Noah Berman</a> <!-- from Github user bermannoah -->
  392. <li><a href="">Noah Hall</a>
  393. <li>Noel Hidalgo, Executive Director, <a href="">BetaNYC</a> <!-- from GitHub user noneck -->
  394. <li>Obi Onyeador, Founder, Revalor Consulting Group <!-- from verified email -->
  395. <li><a href=""> Oliver Keyes, Senior Data Scientist</a> <!-- from Github user okeyes-r7 -->
  396. <li><a href="">Olivier Lacan, Software Engineer</a> <!-- from Github user olivierlacan -->
  397. <li><a href="">Patrick Hammons</a> <!-- from Github user hamhands -->
  398. <li><a href="">Patrick O'Doherty, Intercom, Noisebridge</a> <!--- from Github user patrickod -->
  399. <li>Patrick Granvold, West Coast Informatics, LLC
  400. <li>Paul Coldren <!-- from Github user pcoldren -->
  401. <li>Paul Kruczynski
  402. <li>Paul Ostazeski
  403. <li><a href="">Paul Swartz</a> <!-- from GitHub user paulswartz -->
  404. <li><a href="">Peter Abrahamsen</a></li>
  405. <li>Peter Eckersley, Chief Computer Scientist, Electronic Frontier Foundation
  406. <li><a href="">Pete Gamache</a>, <a href="">Appcues</a>
  407. <li>Peter Reilly, Software Engineer
  408. <li>Philip James, Stripe
  409. <li>Philip Neustrom, Shotwell Labs
  410. <li>Philip Porada, Systems Administrator
  411. <li>Richard Esteban Martinez Hughes, MIT Class of 2008
  412. <li>Richo Healey, Stripe
  413. <li>Rick Altherr, Google <!-- from GitHub user kc8apf -->
  414. <li><a href="">Robby Russell</a>, <a href="">Planet Argon</a></li>
  415. <li><a href="">Rusty Foster</a>, COO, Scripto
  416. <li><a href="">Robert Gaal, TQ</a> <!-- from GitHub user robertgaal -->
  417. <li><a href="">Ross Grady, IBM</a> <!-- from Github user rossgrady -->
  418. <li>Russell Johnston <!-- from GitHub user rpjohnst -->
  419. <li><a href="">Ryan DeBeasi, STAT</a> <!-- from GitHub user rdebeasi -->
  420. <li><a href="">Ryan Grove, Cake</a> <!-- from GitHub user rgrove -->
  421. <li>Ryan Sablosky, Bard College
  422. <li><a href="">Sam Stokes</a> <!-- from GitHub user samstokes -->
  423. <li>Sam Balinghasay, BuzzFeed <!--from github user xs -->
  424. <li><a href="">Sean T. Edwards, Software Engineer</a>
  425. <li>Sam Bleckley, <a href="">Mutually Human</a></li> <!-- from github user diiq -->
  426. <li>Sam Dukhovni <!-- from GitHub user sdukhovni -->
  427. <li>Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Indiana University
  428. <li><a href="">Sathya Sekaran, Software Engineer</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user sfsekaran -->
  429. <li><a href="">Roy Pardee</a>, Group Health Research Institute</li>
  430. <li><a href="">Scott Arciszewski</a></li>
  431. <li><a href="">Serena Wales</a></li> <!-- from github user gangleton -->
  432. <li>Seth Price, RS &amp; GS Engineer, Planet, Inc.
  433. <li>Shannon Turner</li>
  434. <li><a href="">Sha Hwang</a>, Cofounder, Nava</li> <!-- from github user shashashasha -->
  435. <li><a href="">Shanthanu Bhardwaj</a>, Quality Engineer, Palantir Technologies</li>
  436. <li>Shaun Carland, Software Engineer, Yesware
  437. <li>Shauna Gordon-McKeon
  438. <li><a href="">Shauni Deshmukh</a> <!-- from Github user shauni -->
  439. <li>Sheila Miguez, Canonical
  440. <li>Shelly X Ni <!-- from GitHub user shellicious -->
  441. <li>Siena Aguayo, Software Engineer, Indiegogo
  442. <li>Sophie Haskins, SRE, GitHub
  443. <li>Stefan Hayden, Shutterstock
  444. <li><a href="">Stephen Schieberl, Wieden+Kennedy</a> <!-- from GitHub user bantherewind -->
  445. <li><a href="">Stephen Woods, Salesforce</a> <!-- from GitHub user saw -->
  446. <li><a href="">Steven Johnson, Google</a> <!-- from Github user steven-johnson -->
  447. <li>Steven Schwartz, Sr. Dev/Ops Engineer, Blackbaud
  448. <li><a href="">Stuart Geiger, UC-Berkeley Institute for Data Science</a></li> <!-- from Github user staeiou -->
  449. <li>Sufi Avonne Sidhu, Product Designer <!-- from verified email -->
  450. <li><a href="">Sven Slootweg</a> <!-- from GitHub user joepie91 -->
  451. <li><a href="">Tab Atkins-Bittner, Google</a> <!-- from Github user tabatkins -->
  452. <li>Tamim Sookoor, Senior Cyberphysical Researcher, G2, Inc.</li> <!-- from GitHub user sookoor -->
  453. <li><a href="">Tara Vancil</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user taravancil -->
  454. <li>Ted Scharff, Planet Labs
  455. <li>Teresa Murphy, Marketing Associate, Indiegogo
  456. <li><a href="">Todd Kennedy</a> <!-- from github user toddself -->
  457. <li><a href="">Tom Chen</a>
  458. <li>Tom Hutchinson <!-- from GitHub user th5 -->
  459. <li>Thomas H. Ptacek, Latacora
  460. <li><a href="">Thomas Fish, Washington College GIS Program</a> <!-- from Github user Guerillero -->
  461. <li>Thor Kell, Spotify <!-- from github user tkell -->
  462. <li><a href="">Tiffany Taylor</a>, Designer <!-- from GitHub user niffyat -->
  463. <li>Tim Chevalier, Google
  464. <li><a href="">Tim Heckman</a> <!-- from GitHub user theckman -->
  465. <li><a href="">Timothy Kempf, Meadow</a> <!-- from GitHub user Fauntleroy -->
  466. <li>Tom Tanaka <a href="">Software Engineer</a> <!-- from GiHub user -->
  467. <li>Todd Siegel <!-- from Github user toddsiegel -->
  468. <li>Travis Donia <!-- from Github user tdonia -->
  469. <li>Tre Murillo <a href="">Software Engineer</a>, Capital One
  470. <li>Tymm Zerr
  471. <li><a href="">Valerie Aurora, Frame Shift Consulting</a>
  472. <li><a href="">Victor Gama</a>, Software Developer, D3 Estúdio
  473. <li><a href="">Victor Lourng</a>, <a href="">Temple University</a> &amp; <a href="">StudentRND</a></li> <!-- from Github user lablayers -->
  474. <li>Will Barton <!-- from GitHub user willbarton -->
  475. <li><a href="">Will Hayworth</a>, Google <!-- from Github user wsh -->
  476. <li>William Wnekowicz, Developer in Residence, KPCB
  477. <li><a href="">Will Greenberg, Endless Computers</a>
  478. <li><a href="">Yan Zhu, Security Engineer</a>
  479. <li><a href="">Joe Karlsson</a></li> <!-- from GitHub user joeKarlsson -->
  480. <li><a href="">Zach Holman</a> <!-- from GitHub user holman -->
  481. <li><a href="">Zach Wick, Stripe</a> <!-- from GitHub user zachwick -->
  482. <li><a href="">Greg Wilson</a> <!-- from GitHub user gvwilson -->
  483. <!-- End of signatures. -->
  484. </ul>
  485. <div class="note" id="count"></div>
  486. <script>document.getElementById('count').innerText = 'Number of signatories: ' + document.getElementById('signatories').childElementCount;</script>
  487. <h2>How to sign this pledge</h2>
  488. <p>
  489. If you would like to join us in signing this pledge,
  490. we ask that you send us your name and
  491. optional position, affiliation, and/or URL,
  492. exactly as you would like to be listed here,
  493. in one of the following ways:
  494. <ul>
  495. <li><a href="">Send us a pull request on GitHub.</a>
  496. <li><a href="">Direct message us on Twitter (our DMs are open).</a>
  497. <li>If neither of these options are possible,
  498. please email neveragaindottech at gmail dot com,
  499. but please note that this may delay your signature
  500. as we must validate your identity.
  501. Please send us some way for us to confirm your identity,
  502. such as a LinkedIn profile or a homepage.
  503. </ul>
  504. <h2>Additional resources</h2>
  505. <p>If you&rsquo;re reading this and want to take action beyond signing,
  506. some things you can do include:</p>
  507. <h3>Donate</h3>
  508. <ul>
  509. <li><a href="">American Civil Liberties Union</a>
  510. <li><a href="">Council on American-Islamic Relations</a>
  511. <li><a href="">Asian Law Caucus</a>
  512. <li><a href="">Southern Poverty Law Center</a>
  513. <li><a href="">MPower Change: Muslim Grassroots Movement</a>
  514. <li><a href="">DRUM – Desis Rising Up and Moving</a>
  515. <li><a href="">Center for Media Justice</a>
  516. <li><a href="">ProPublica</a>
  517. </ul>
  518. <h3>Volunteer</h3>
  519. <ul>
  520. <li><a href="">Showing Up for Racial Justice</a>
  521. </ul>
  522. <h3>Legal assistance and referrals</h3>
  523. <ul>
  524. <li><a href="">Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Cooperating Attorneys List</a>
  525. <li>State and local lawyer referral services
  526. <ul>
  527. <li>San Francisco Bay Area:
  528. <ul>
  529. <li><a href="">San Francisco</a>
  530. <li><a href="">San Mateo County</a>
  531. <li><a href="">Santa Clara County</a>
  532. </ul>
  533. <li><a href="">All others: See the American Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Directory</a>
  534. </ul>
  535. <li>State labor law enforcement agencies
  536. <ul>
  537. <li><a href="">State of California Labor Commissioner’s Retaliation Complaint Investigation Unit</a>
  538. <li><a href="">California Department of Fair Employment and Housing</a>
  539. </ul>
  540. </ul>
  541. <h3>Other resources</h3>
  542. <ul>
  543. <li><a href="">Responsible Data Forum</a> (data ethics)
  544. <li><a href="">Data &amp; Society</a> (research on social impact of data)
  545. <li><a href="">ACM Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice</a> (and <a href="">revisions committee</a>)
  546. <li><a href="">EFF&rsquo;s Surveillance Self-Defense Guide</a>
  547. </ul>
  548. <h3>Further reading</h3>
  549. <ul>
  550. <li><a href="">Autocracy: Rules for Survival</a> by Masha Gessen
  551. <li><a href="">Trump: The Choice We Face</a> by Masha Gessen
  552. <li><a href="">We’re heading into dark times. This is how to be your own light in the Age of Trump</a> by Sarah Kendzior</a>
  553. <li><a href="">A Yale history professor’s powerful, 20-point guide to defending democracy under a Trump presidency</a> by Timothy Snyder
  554. </ul>
  555. <h3>Footnotes</h3>
  556. <ol>
  557. <li id="footnote1">From <a href="">We&rsquo;re heading into dark times. This is how to be your own light in the Age of Trump</a> by Sarah Kendzior
  558. </ol>