A tree explorer plugin for vim.
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16 years ago
  1. *NERD_tree.txt* A tree explorer plugin that owns your momma!
  2. omg its ... ~
  3. ________ ________ _ ____________ ____ __________ ____________~
  4. /_ __/ / / / ____/ / | / / ____/ __ \/ __ \ /_ __/ __ \/ ____/ ____/~
  5. / / / /_/ / __/ / |/ / __/ / /_/ / / / / / / / /_/ / __/ / __/ ~
  6. / / / __ / /___ / /| / /___/ _, _/ /_/ / / / / _, _/ /___/ /___ ~
  7. /_/ /_/ /_/_____/ /_/ |_/_____/_/ |_/_____/ /_/ /_/ |_/_____/_____/ ~
  8. Reference Manual~
  9. ==============================================================================
  10. CONTENTS *NERDTree-contents*
  11. 1.Intro...................................|NERDTree|
  12. 2.Functionality provided..................|NERDTreeFunctionality|
  13. 2.1.Global commands...................|NERDTreeGlobalCommands|
  14. 2.2.Bookmarks.........................|NERDTreeBookmarks|
  15. 2.2.1.The bookmark table..........|NERDTreeBookmarkTable|
  16. 2.2.2.Bookmark commands...........|NERDTreeBookmarkCommands|
  17. 2.2.3.Invalid bookmarks...........|NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks|
  18. 2.3.NERD tree mappings................|NERDTreeMappings|
  19. 2.4.The NERD tree menu................|NERDTreeMenu|
  20. 3.Options.................................|NERDTreeOptions|
  21. 3.1.Option summary....................|NERDTreeOptionSummary|
  22. 3.2.Option details....................|NERDTreeOptionDetails|
  23. 4.The NERD tree API.......................|NERDTreeAPI|
  24. 4.1.Key map API.......................|NERDTreeKeymapAPI|
  25. 4.2.Menu API..........................|NERDTreeMenuAPI|
  26. 5.About...................................|NERDTreeAbout|
  27. 6.Changelog...............................|NERDTreeChangelog|
  28. 7.Credits.................................|NERDTreeCredits|
  29. 8.License.................................|NERDTreeLicense|
  30. ==============================================================================
  31. 1. Intro *NERDTree*
  32. What is this "NERD tree"??
  33. The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and
  34. directories. It presents the filesystem to you in the form of a tree which you
  35. manipulate with the keyboard and/or mouse. It also allows you to perform
  36. simple filesystem operations.
  37. The following features and functionality are provided by the NERD tree:
  38. * Files and directories are displayed in a hierarchical tree structure
  39. * Different highlighting is provided for the following types of nodes:
  40. * files
  41. * directories
  42. * sym-links
  43. * windows .lnk files
  44. * read-only files
  45. * executable files
  46. * Many (customisable) mappings are provided to manipulate the tree:
  47. * Mappings to open/close/explore directory nodes
  48. * Mappings to open files in new/existing windows/tabs
  49. * Mappings to change the current root of the tree
  50. * Mappings to navigate around the tree
  51. * ...
  52. * Directories and files can be bookmarked.
  53. * Most NERD tree navigation can also be done with the mouse
  54. * Filtering of tree content (can be toggled at runtime)
  55. * custom file filters to prevent e.g. vim backup files being displayed
  56. * optional displaying of hidden files (. files)
  57. * files can be "turned off" so that only directories are displayed
  58. * The position and size of the NERD tree window can be customised
  59. * The order in which the nodes in the tree are listed can be customised.
  60. * A model of your filesystem is created/maintained as you explore it. This
  61. has several advantages:
  62. * All filesystem information is cached and is only re-read on demand
  63. * If you revisit a part of the tree that you left earlier in your
  64. session, the directory nodes will be opened/closed as you left them
  65. * The script remembers the cursor position and window position in the NERD
  66. tree so you can toggle it off (or just close the tree window) and then
  67. reopen it (with NERDTreeToggle) the NERD tree window will appear exactly
  68. as you left it
  69. * You can have a separate NERD tree for each tab, share trees across tabs,
  70. or a mix of both.
  71. * By default the script overrides the default file browser (netw), so if
  72. you :edit a directory a (slighly modified) NERD tree will appear in the
  73. current window
  74. * A programmable menu system is provided (simulates right clicking on a
  75. node)
  76. * one default menu plugin is provided to perform basic filesytem
  77. operations (create/delete/move/copy files/directories)
  78. * There's an API for adding your own keymappings
  79. ==============================================================================
  80. 2. Functionality provided *NERDTreeFunctionality*
  81. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. 2.1. Global Commands *NERDTreeGlobalCommands*
  83. :NERDTree [<start-directory> | <bookmark>] *:NERDTree*
  84. Opens a fresh NERD tree. The root of the tree depends on the argument
  85. given. There are 3 cases: If no argument is given, the current directory
  86. will be used. If a directory is given, that will be used. If a bookmark
  87. name is given, the corresponding directory will be used. For example: >
  88. :NERDTree /home/marty/vim7/src
  89. :NERDTree foo (foo is the name of a bookmark)
  90. <
  91. :NERDTreeFromBookmark <bookmark> *:NERDTreeFromBookmark*
  92. Opens a fresh NERD tree with the root initialized to the dir for
  93. <bookmark>. This only reason to use this command over :NERDTree is for
  94. the completion (which is for bookmarks rather than directories).
  95. :NERDTreeToggle [<start-directory> | <bookmark>] *:NERDTreeToggle*
  96. If a NERD tree already exists for this tab, it is reopened and rendered
  97. again. If no NERD tree exists for this tab then this command acts the
  98. same as the |:NERDTree| command.
  99. :NERDTreeMirror *:NERDTreeMirror*
  100. Shares an existing NERD tree, from another tab, in the current tab.
  101. Changes made to one tree are reflected in both as they are actually the
  102. same buffer.
  103. If only one other NERD tree exists, that tree is automatically mirrored. If
  104. more than one exists, the script will ask which tree to mirror.
  105. :NERDTreeClose *:NERDTreeClose*
  106. Close the NERD tree in this tab.
  107. :NERDTreeFind *:NERDTreeFind*
  108. Find the current file in the tree.
  109. If not tree exists and the current file is under vim's CWD, then init a
  110. tree at the CWD and reveal the file. Otherwise init a tree in the current
  111. file's directory.
  112. In any case, the current file is revealed and the cursor is placed on it.
  113. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. 2.2. Bookmarks *NERDTreeBookmarks*
  115. Bookmarks in the NERD tree are a way to tag files or directories of interest.
  116. For example, you could use bookmarks to tag all of your project directories.
  117. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. 2.2.1. The Bookmark Table *NERDTreeBookmarkTable*
  119. If the bookmark table is active (see |NERDTree-B| and
  120. |'NERDTreeShowBookmarks'|), it will be rendered above the tree. You can double
  121. click bookmarks or use the |NERDTree-o| mapping to activate them. See also,
  122. |NERDTree-t| and |NERDTree-T|
  123. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. 2.2.2. Bookmark commands *NERDTreeBookmarkCommands*
  125. Note that the following commands are only available in the NERD tree buffer.
  126. :Bookmark <name>
  127. Bookmark the current node as <name>. If there is already a <name>
  128. bookmark, it is overwritten. <name> must not contain spaces.
  129. If <name> is not provided, it defaults to the file or directory name.
  130. For directories, a trailing slash is present.
  131. :BookmarkToRoot <bookmark>
  132. Make the directory corresponding to <bookmark> the new root. If a treenode
  133. corresponding to <bookmark> is already cached somewhere in the tree then
  134. the current tree will be used, otherwise a fresh tree will be opened.
  135. Note that if <bookmark> points to a file then its parent will be used
  136. instead.
  137. :RevealBookmark <bookmark>
  138. If the node is cached under the current root then it will be revealed
  139. (i.e. directory nodes above it will be opened) and the cursor will be
  140. placed on it.
  141. :OpenBookmark <bookmark>
  142. <bookmark> must point to a file. The file is opened as though |NERDTree-o|
  143. was applied. If the node is cached under the current root then it will be
  144. revealed and the cursor will be placed on it.
  145. :ClearBookmarks [<bookmarks>]
  146. Remove all the given bookmarks. If no bookmarks are given then remove all
  147. bookmarks on the current node.
  148. :ClearAllBookmarks
  149. Remove all bookmarks.
  150. :ReadBookmarks
  151. Re-read the bookmarks in the |'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'|.
  152. See also |:NERDTree| and |:NERDTreeFromBookmark|.
  153. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. 2.2.3. Invalid Bookmarks *NERDTreeInvalidBookmarks*
  155. If invalid bookmarks are detected, the script will issue an error message and
  156. the invalid bookmarks will become unavailable for use.
  157. These bookmarks will still be stored in the bookmarks file (see
  158. |'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'|), down the bottom. There will always be a blank line
  159. after the valid bookmarks but before the invalid ones.
  160. Each line in the bookmarks file represents one bookmark. The proper format is:
  161. <bookmark name><space><full path to the bookmark location>
  162. After you have corrected any invalid bookmarks, either restart vim, or go
  163. :ReadBookmarks from the NERD tree window.
  164. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. 2.3. NERD tree Mappings *NERDTreeMappings*
  166. Default Description~ help-tag~
  167. Key~
  168. o.......Open files, directories and bookmarks....................|NERDTree-o|
  169. go......Open selected file, but leave cursor in the NERDTree.....|NERDTree-go|
  170. t.......Open selected node/bookmark in a new tab.................|NERDTree-t|
  171. T.......Same as 't' but keep the focus on the current tab........|NERDTree-T|
  172. i.......Open selected file in a split window.....................|NERDTree-i|
  173. gi......Same as i, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gi|
  174. s.......Open selected file in a new vsplit.......................|NERDTree-s|
  175. gs......Same as s, but leave the cursor on the NERDTree..........|NERDTree-gs|
  176. O.......Recursively open the selected directory..................|NERDTree-O|
  177. x.......Close the current nodes parent...........................|NERDTree-x|
  178. X.......Recursively close all children of the current node.......|NERDTree-X|
  179. e.......Edit the current dif.....................................|NERDTree-e|
  180. <CR>...............same as |NERDTree-o|.
  181. double-click.......same as the |NERDTree-o| map.
  182. middle-click.......same as |NERDTree-i| for files, same as
  183. |NERDTree-e| for dirs.
  184. D.......Delete the current bookmark .............................|NERDTree-D|
  185. P.......Jump to the root node....................................|NERDTree-P|
  186. p.......Jump to current nodes parent.............................|NERDTree-p|
  187. K.......Jump up inside directories at the current tree depth.....|NERDTree-K|
  188. J.......Jump down inside directories at the current tree depth...|NERDTree-J|
  189. <C-J>...Jump down to the next sibling of the current directory...|NERDTree-C-J|
  190. <C-K>...Jump up to the previous sibling of the current directory.|NERDTree-C-K|
  191. C.......Change the tree root to the selected dir.................|NERDTree-C|
  192. u.......Move the tree root up one directory......................|NERDTree-u|
  193. U.......Same as 'u' except the old root node is left open........|NERDTree-U|
  194. r.......Recursively refresh the current directory................|NERDTree-r|
  195. R.......Recursively refresh the current root.....................|NERDTree-R|
  196. m.......Display the NERD tree menu...............................|NERDTree-m|
  197. cd......Change the CWD to the dir of the selected node...........|NERDTree-cd|
  198. I.......Toggle whether hidden files displayed....................|NERDTree-I|
  199. f.......Toggle whether the file filters are used.................|NERDTree-f|
  200. F.......Toggle whether files are displayed.......................|NERDTree-F|
  201. B.......Toggle whether the bookmark table is displayed...........|NERDTree-B|
  202. q.......Close the NERDTree window................................|NERDTree-q|
  203. A.......Zoom (maximize/minimize) the NERDTree window.............|NERDTree-A|
  204. ?.......Toggle the display of the quick help.....................|NERDTree-?|
  205. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. *NERDTree-o*
  207. Default key: o
  208. Map option: NERDTreeMapActivateNode
  209. Applies to: files and directories.
  210. If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window.
  211. If a directory is selected it is opened or closed depending on its current
  212. state.
  213. If a bookmark that links to a directory is selected then that directory
  214. becomes the new root.
  215. If a bookmark that links to a file is selected then that file is opened in the
  216. previous window.
  217. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  218. *NERDTree-go*
  219. Default key: go
  220. Map option: None
  221. Applies to: files.
  222. If a file node is selected, it is opened in the previous window, but the
  223. cursor does not move.
  224. The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapActivateNode (see
  225. |NERDTree-o|).
  226. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227. *NERDTree-t*
  228. Default key: t
  229. Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenInTab
  230. Applies to: files and directories.
  231. Opens the selected file in a new tab. If a directory is selected, a fresh
  232. NERD Tree for that directory is opened in a new tab.
  233. If a bookmark which points to a directory is selected, open a NERD tree for
  234. that directory in a new tab. If the bookmark points to a file, open that file
  235. in a new tab.
  236. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. *NERDTree-T*
  238. Default key: T
  239. Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenInTabSilent
  240. Applies to: files and directories.
  241. The same as |NERDTree-t| except that the focus is kept in the current tab.
  242. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  243. *NERDTree-i*
  244. Default key: i
  245. Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenSplit
  246. Applies to: files.
  247. Opens the selected file in a new split window and puts the cursor in the new
  248. window.
  249. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  250. *NERDTree-gi*
  251. Default key: gi
  252. Map option: None
  253. Applies to: files.
  254. The same as |NERDTree-i| except that the cursor is not moved.
  255. The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapOpenSplit (see
  256. |NERDTree-i|).
  257. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  258. *NERDTree-s*
  259. Default key: s
  260. Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit
  261. Applies to: files.
  262. Opens the selected file in a new vertically split window and puts the cursor in
  263. the new window.
  264. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  265. *NERDTree-gs*
  266. Default key: gs
  267. Map option: None
  268. Applies to: files.
  269. The same as |NERDTree-s| except that the cursor is not moved.
  270. The key combo for this mapping is always "g" + NERDTreeMapOpenVSplit (see
  271. |NERDTree-s|).
  272. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  273. *NERDTree-O*
  274. Default key: O
  275. Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenRecursively
  276. Applies to: directories.
  277. Recursively opens the selelected directory.
  278. All files and directories are cached, but if a directory would not be
  279. displayed due to file filters (see |'NERDTreeIgnore'| |NERDTree-f|) or the
  280. hidden file filter (see |'NERDTreeShowHidden'|) then its contents are not
  281. cached. This is handy, especially if you have .svn directories.
  282. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  283. *NERDTree-x*
  284. Default key: x
  285. Map option: NERDTreeMapCloseDir
  286. Applies to: files and directories.
  287. Closes the parent of the selected node.
  288. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  289. *NERDTree-X*
  290. Default key: X
  291. Map option: NERDTreeMapCloseChildren
  292. Applies to: directories.
  293. Recursively closes all children of the selected directory.
  294. Tip: To quickly "reset" the tree, use |NERDTree-P| with this mapping.
  295. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  296. *NERDTree-e*
  297. Default key: e
  298. Map option: NERDTreeMapOpenExpl
  299. Applies to: files and directories.
  300. |:edit|s the selected directory, or the selected file's directory. This could
  301. result in a NERD tree or a netrw being opened, depending on
  302. |'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'|.
  303. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304. *NERDTree-D*
  305. Default key: D
  306. Map option: NERDTreeMapDeleteBookmark
  307. Applies to: lines in the bookmarks table
  308. Deletes the currently selected bookmark.
  309. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. *NERDTree-P*
  311. Default key: P
  312. Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpRoot
  313. Applies to: no restrictions.
  314. Jump to the tree root.
  315. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  316. *NERDTree-p*
  317. Default key: p
  318. Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpParent
  319. Applies to: files and directories.
  320. Jump to the parent node of the selected node.
  321. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. *NERDTree-K*
  323. Default key: K
  324. Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpFirstChild
  325. Applies to: files and directories.
  326. Jump to the first child of the current nodes parent.
  327. If the cursor is already on the first node then do the following:
  328. * loop back thru the siblings of the current nodes parent until we find an
  329. open dir with children
  330. * go to the first child of that node
  331. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  332. *NERDTree-J*
  333. Default key: J
  334. Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpLastChild
  335. Applies to: files and directories.
  336. Jump to the last child of the current nodes parent.
  337. If the cursor is already on the last node then do the following:
  338. * loop forward thru the siblings of the current nodes parent until we find
  339. an open dir with children
  340. * go to the last child of that node
  341. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  342. *NERDTree-C-J*
  343. Default key: <C-J>
  344. Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpNextSibling
  345. Applies to: files and directories.
  346. Jump to the next sibling of the selected node.
  347. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348. *NERDTree-C-K*
  349. Default key: <C-K>
  350. Map option: NERDTreeMapJumpPrevSibling
  351. Applies to: files and directories.
  352. Jump to the previous sibling of the selected node.
  353. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  354. *NERDTree-C*
  355. Default key: C
  356. Map option: NERDTreeMapChdir
  357. Applies to: directories.
  358. Make the selected directory node the new tree root. If a file is selected, its
  359. parent is used.
  360. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  361. *NERDTree-u*
  362. Default key: u
  363. Map option: NERDTreeMapUpdir
  364. Applies to: no restrictions.
  365. Move the tree root up a dir (like doing a "cd ..").
  366. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  367. *NERDTree-U*
  368. Default key: U
  369. Map option: NERDTreeMapUpdirKeepOpen
  370. Applies to: no restrictions.
  371. Like |NERDTree-u| except that the old tree root is kept open.
  372. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  373. *NERDTree-r*
  374. Default key: r
  375. Map option: NERDTreeMapRefresh
  376. Applies to: files and directories.
  377. If a dir is selected, recursively refresh that dir, i.e. scan the filesystem
  378. for changes and represent them in the tree.
  379. If a file node is selected then the above is done on it's parent.
  380. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  381. *NERDTree-R*
  382. Default key: R
  383. Map option: NERDTreeMapRefreshRoot
  384. Applies to: no restrictions.
  385. Recursively refresh the tree root.
  386. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  387. *NERDTree-m*
  388. Default key: m
  389. Map option: NERDTreeMapMenu
  390. Applies to: files and directories.
  391. Display the NERD tree menu. See |NERDTreeMenu| for details.
  392. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  393. *NERDTree-cd*
  394. Default key: cd
  395. Map option: NERDTreeMapChdir
  396. Applies to: files and directories.
  397. Change vims current working directory to that of the selected node.
  398. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  399. *NERDTree-I*
  400. Default key: I
  401. Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleHidden
  402. Applies to: no restrictions.
  403. Toggles whether hidden files (i.e. "dot files") are displayed.
  404. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  405. *NERDTree-f*
  406. Default key: f
  407. Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleFilters
  408. Applies to: no restrictions.
  409. Toggles whether file filters are used. See |'NERDTreeIgnore'| for details.
  410. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  411. *NERDTree-F*
  412. Default key: F
  413. Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleFiles
  414. Applies to: no restrictions.
  415. Toggles whether file nodes are displayed.
  416. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  417. *NERDTree-B*
  418. Default key: B
  419. Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleBookmarks
  420. Applies to: no restrictions.
  421. Toggles whether the bookmarks table is displayed.
  422. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. *NERDTree-q*
  424. Default key: q
  425. Map option: NERDTreeMapQuit
  426. Applies to: no restrictions.
  427. Closes the NERDtree window.
  428. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  429. *NERDTree-A*
  430. Default key: A
  431. Map option: NERDTreeMapToggleZoom
  432. Applies to: no restrictions.
  433. Maximize (zoom) and minimize the NERDtree window.
  434. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  435. *NERDTree-?*
  436. Default key: ?
  437. Map option: NERDTreeMapHelp
  438. Applies to: no restrictions.
  439. Toggles whether the quickhelp is displayed.
  440. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  441. 2.3. The NERD tree menu *NERDTreeMenu*
  442. The NERD tree has a menu that can be programmed via the an API (see
  443. |NERDTreeMenuAPI|). The idea is to simulate the "right click" menus that most
  444. file explorers have.
  445. The script comes with two default menu plugins: exec_menuitem.vim and
  446. fs_menu.vim. fs_menu.vim adds some basic filesystem operations to the menu for
  447. creating/deleting/moving/copying files and dirs. exec_menuitem.vim provides a
  448. menu item to execute executable files.
  449. Related tags: |NERDTree-m| |NERDTreeApi|
  450. ==============================================================================
  451. 3. Customisation *NERDTreeOptions*
  452. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  453. 3.1. Customisation summary *NERDTreeOptionSummary*
  454. The script provides the following options that can customise the behaviour the
  455. NERD tree. These options should be set in your vimrc.
  456. |'loaded_nerd_tree'| Turns off the script.
  457. |'NERDChristmasTree'| Tells the NERD tree to make itself colourful
  458. and pretty.
  459. |'NERDTreeAutoCenter'| Controls whether the NERD tree window centers
  460. when the cursor moves within a specified
  461. distance to the top/bottom of the window.
  462. |'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold'| Controls the sensitivity of autocentering.
  463. |'NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort'| Tells the NERD tree whether to be case
  464. sensitive or not when sorting nodes.
  465. |'NERDTreeChDirMode'| Tells the NERD tree if/when it should change
  466. vim's current working directory.
  467. |'NERDTreeHighlightCursorline'| Tell the NERD tree whether to highlight the
  468. current cursor line.
  469. |'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'| Tell the NERD tree whether to replace the netrw
  470. autocommands for exploring local directories.
  471. |'NERDTreeIgnore'| Tells the NERD tree which files to ignore.
  472. |'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'| Where the bookmarks are stored.
  473. |'NERDTreeMouseMode'| Tells the NERD tree how to handle mouse
  474. clicks.
  475. |'NERDTreeQuitOnOpen'| Closes the tree window after opening a file.
  476. |'NERDTreeShowBookmarks'| Tells the NERD tree whether to display the
  477. bookmarks table on startup.
  478. |'NERDTreeShowFiles'| Tells the NERD tree whether to display files
  479. in the tree on startup.
  480. |'NERDTreeShowHidden'| Tells the NERD tree whether to display hidden
  481. files on startup.
  482. |'NERDTreeShowLineNumbers'| Tells the NERD tree whether to display line
  483. numbers in the tree window.
  484. |'NERDTreeSortOrder'| Tell the NERD tree how to sort the nodes in
  485. the tree.
  486. |'NERDTreeStatusline'| Set a statusline for NERD tree windows.
  487. |'NERDTreeWinPos'| Tells the script where to put the NERD tree
  488. window.
  489. |'NERDTreeWinSize'| Sets the window size when the NERD tree is
  490. opened.
  491. |'NERDTreeMinimalUI'| Disables display of the 'Bookmarks' label and
  492. 'Press ? for help' text.
  493. |'NERDTreeDirArrows'| Tells the NERD tree to use arrows instead of
  494. + ~ chars when displaying directories.
  495. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  496. 3.2. Customisation details *NERDTreeOptionDetails*
  497. To enable any of the below options you should put the given line in your
  498. ~/.vimrc
  499. *'loaded_nerd_tree'*
  500. If this plugin is making you feel homicidal, it may be a good idea to turn it
  501. off with this line in your vimrc: >
  502. let loaded_nerd_tree=1
  503. <
  504. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  505. *'NERDChristmasTree'*
  506. Values: 0 or 1.
  507. Default: 1.
  508. If this option is set to 1 then some extra syntax highlighting elements are
  509. added to the nerd tree to make it more colourful.
  510. Set it to 0 for a more vanilla looking tree.
  511. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  512. *'NERDTreeAutoCenter'*
  513. Values: 0 or 1.
  514. Default: 1
  515. If set to 1, the NERD tree window will center around the cursor if it moves to
  516. within |'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold'| lines of the top/bottom of the window.
  517. This is ONLY done in response to tree navigation mappings,
  518. i.e. |NERDTree-J| |NERDTree-K| |NERDTree-C-J| |NERDTree-C-K| |NERDTree-p|
  519. |NERDTree-P|
  520. The centering is done with a |zz| operation.
  521. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  522. *'NERDTreeAutoCenterThreshold'*
  523. Values: Any natural number.
  524. Default: 3
  525. This option controls the "sensitivity" of the NERD tree auto centering. See
  526. |'NERDTreeAutoCenter'| for details.
  527. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  528. *'NERDTreeCaseSensitiveSort'*
  529. Values: 0 or 1.
  530. Default: 0.
  531. By default the NERD tree does not sort nodes case sensitively, i.e. nodes
  532. could appear like this: >
  533. bar.c
  534. Baz.c
  535. blarg.c
  536. boner.c
  537. Foo.c
  538. <
  539. But, if you set this option to 1 then the case of the nodes will be taken into
  540. account. The above nodes would then be sorted like this: >
  541. Baz.c
  542. Foo.c
  543. bar.c
  544. blarg.c
  545. boner.c
  546. <
  547. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  548. *'NERDTreeChDirMode'*
  549. Values: 0, 1 or 2.
  550. Default: 0.
  551. Use this option to tell the script when (if at all) to change the current
  552. working directory (CWD) for vim.
  553. If it is set to 0 then the CWD is never changed by the NERD tree.
  554. If set to 1 then the CWD is changed when the NERD tree is first loaded to the
  555. directory it is initialized in. For example, if you start the NERD tree with >
  556. :NERDTree /home/marty/foobar
  557. <
  558. then the CWD will be changed to /home/marty/foobar and will not be changed
  559. again unless you init another NERD tree with a similar command.
  560. If the option is set to 2 then it behaves the same as if set to 1 except that
  561. the CWD is changed whenever the tree root is changed. For example, if the CWD
  562. is /home/marty/foobar and you make the node for /home/marty/foobar/baz the new
  563. root then the CWD will become /home/marty/foobar/baz.
  564. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  565. *'NERDTreeHighlightCursorline'*
  566. Values: 0 or 1.
  567. Default: 1.
  568. If set to 1, the current cursor line in the NERD tree buffer will be
  569. highlighted. This is done using the |'cursorline'| option.
  570. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  571. *'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'*
  572. Values: 0 or 1.
  573. Default: 1.
  574. If set to 1, doing a >
  575. :edit <some directory>
  576. <
  577. will open up a "secondary" NERD tree instead of a netrw in the target window.
  578. Secondary NERD trees behaves slighly different from a regular trees in the
  579. following respects:
  580. 1. 'o' will open the selected file in the same window as the tree,
  581. replacing it.
  582. 2. you can have as many secondary tree as you want in the same tab.
  583. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  584. *'NERDTreeIgnore'*
  585. Values: a list of regular expressions.
  586. Default: ['\~$'].
  587. This option is used to specify which files the NERD tree should ignore. It
  588. must be a list of regular expressions. When the NERD tree is rendered, any
  589. files/dirs that match any of the regex's in 'NERDTreeIgnore' wont be
  590. displayed.
  591. For example if you put the following line in your vimrc: >
  592. let NERDTreeIgnore=['\.vim$', '\~$']
  593. <
  594. then all files ending in .vim or ~ will be ignored.
  595. There are 2 magic flags that can be appended to the end of each regular
  596. expression to specify that the regex should match only files or only dirs.
  597. These flags are "[[dir]]" and "[[file]]". Example: >
  598. let NERDTreeIgnore=['.d$[[dir]]', '.o$[[file]]']
  599. <
  600. This will cause all dirs ending in ".d" to be ignored and all files ending in
  601. ".o" to be ignored.
  602. Note: to tell the NERD tree not to ignore any files you must use the following
  603. line: >
  604. let NERDTreeIgnore=[]
  605. <
  606. The file filters can be turned on and off dynamically with the |NERDTree-f|
  607. mapping.
  608. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  609. *'NERDTreeBookmarksFile'*
  610. Values: a path
  611. Default: $HOME/.NERDTreeBookmarks
  612. This is where bookmarks are saved. See |NERDTreeBookmarkCommands|.
  613. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  614. *'NERDTreeMouseMode'*
  615. Values: 1, 2 or 3.
  616. Default: 1.
  617. If set to 1 then a double click on a node is required to open it.
  618. If set to 2 then a single click will open directory nodes, while a double
  619. click will still be required for file nodes.
  620. If set to 3 then a single click will open any node.
  621. Note: a double click anywhere on a line that a tree node is on will
  622. activate it, but all single-click activations must be done on name of the node
  623. itself. For example, if you have the following node: >
  624. | | |-application.rb
  625. <
  626. then (to single click activate it) you must click somewhere in
  627. 'application.rb'.
  628. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  629. *'NERDTreeQuitOnOpen'*
  630. Values: 0 or 1.
  631. Default: 0
  632. If set to 1, the NERD tree window will close after opening a file with the
  633. |NERDTree-o|, |NERDTree-i|, |NERDTree-t| and |NERDTree-T| mappings.
  634. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  635. *'NERDTreeShowBookmarks'*
  636. Values: 0 or 1.
  637. Default: 0.
  638. If this option is set to 1 then the bookmarks table will be displayed.
  639. This option can be toggled dynamically, per tree, with the |NERDTree-B|
  640. mapping.
  641. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  642. *'NERDTreeShowFiles'*
  643. Values: 0 or 1.
  644. Default: 1.
  645. If this option is set to 1 then files are displayed in the NERD tree. If it is
  646. set to 0 then only directories are displayed.
  647. This option can be toggled dynamically, per tree, with the |NERDTree-F|
  648. mapping and is useful for drastically shrinking the tree when you are
  649. navigating to a different part of the tree.
  650. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  651. *'NERDTreeShowHidden'*
  652. Values: 0 or 1.
  653. Default: 0.
  654. This option tells vim whether to display hidden files by default. This option
  655. can be dynamically toggled, per tree, with the |NERDTree-I| mapping. Use one
  656. of the follow lines to set this option: >
  657. let NERDTreeShowHidden=0
  658. let NERDTreeShowHidden=1
  659. <
  660. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  661. *'NERDTreeShowLineNumbers'*
  662. Values: 0 or 1.
  663. Default: 0.
  664. This option tells vim whether to display line numbers for the NERD tree
  665. window. Use one of the follow lines to set this option: >
  666. let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=0
  667. let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers=1
  668. <
  669. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  670. *'NERDTreeSortOrder'*
  671. Values: a list of regular expressions.
  672. Default: ['\/$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$']
  673. This option is set to a list of regular expressions which are used to
  674. specify the order of nodes under their parent.
  675. For example, if the option is set to: >
  676. ['\.vim$', '\.c$', '\.h$', '*', 'foobar']
  677. <
  678. then all .vim files will be placed at the top, followed by all .c files then
  679. all .h files. All files containing the string 'foobar' will be placed at the
  680. end. The star is a special flag: it tells the script that every node that
  681. doesnt match any of the other regexps should be placed here.
  682. If no star is present in 'NERDTreeSortOrder' then one is automatically
  683. appended to the array.
  684. The regex '\/$' should be used to match directory nodes.
  685. After this sorting is done, the files in each group are sorted alphabetically.
  686. Other examples: >
  687. (1) ['*', '\/$']
  688. (2) []
  689. (3) ['\/$', '\.rb$', '\.php$', '*', '\.swp$', '\.bak$', '\~$']
  690. <
  691. 1. Directories will appear last, everything else will appear above.
  692. 2. Everything will simply appear in alphabetical order.
  693. 3. Dirs will appear first, then ruby and php. Swap files, bak files and vim
  694. backup files will appear last with everything else preceding them.
  695. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  696. *'NERDTreeStatusline'*
  697. Values: Any valid statusline setting.
  698. Default: %{b:NERDTreeRoot.path.strForOS(0)}
  699. Tells the script what to use as the |'statusline'| setting for NERD tree
  700. windows.
  701. Note that the statusline is set using |:let-&| not |:set| so escaping spaces
  702. isn't necessary.
  703. Setting this option to -1 will will deactivate it so that your global
  704. statusline setting is used instead.
  705. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  706. *'NERDTreeWinPos'*
  707. Values: "left" or "right"
  708. Default: "left".
  709. This option is used to determine where NERD tree window is placed on the
  710. screen.
  711. This option makes it possible to use two different explorer plugins
  712. simultaneously. For example, you could have the taglist plugin on the left of
  713. the window and the NERD tree on the right.
  714. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  715. *'NERDTreeWinSize'*
  716. Values: a positive integer.
  717. Default: 31.
  718. This option is used to change the size of the NERD tree when it is loaded.
  719. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  720. *'NERDTreeMinimalUI'*
  721. Values: 0 or 1
  722. Default: 0
  723. This options disables the 'Bookmarks' label 'Press ? for help' text. Use one
  724. of the following lines to set this option: >
  725. let NERDTreeMinimalUI=0
  726. let NERDTreeMinimalUI=1
  727. <
  728. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  729. *'NERDTreeDirArrows'*
  730. Values: 0 or 1
  731. Default: 0.
  732. This option is used to change the default look of directory nodes displayed in
  733. the tree. When set to 0 it shows old-school bars (|), + and ~ chars. If set to
  734. 1 it shows right and down arrows. Use one of the follow lines to set this
  735. option: >
  736. let NERDTreeDirArrows=0
  737. let NERDTreeDirArrows=1
  738. <
  739. ==============================================================================
  740. 4. The NERD tree API *NERDTreeAPI*
  741. The NERD tree script allows you to add custom key mappings and menu items via
  742. a set of API calls. Any scripts that use this API should be placed in
  743. ~/.vim/nerdtree_plugin/ (*nix) or ~/vimfiles/nerdtree_plugin (windows).
  744. The script exposes some prototype objects that can be used to manipulate the
  745. tree and/or get information from it: >
  746. g:NERDTreePath
  747. g:NERDTreeDirNode
  748. g:NERDTreeFileNode
  749. g:NERDTreeBookmark
  750. <
  751. See the code/comments in NERD_tree.vim to find how to use these objects. The
  752. following code conventions are used:
  753. * class members start with a capital letter
  754. * instance members start with a lower case letter
  755. * private members start with an underscore
  756. See this blog post for more details:
  757. http://got-ravings.blogspot.com/2008/09/vim-pr0n-prototype-based-objects.html
  758. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  759. 4.1. Key map API *NERDTreeKeymapAPI*
  760. NERDTreeAddKeyMap({options}) *NERDTreeAddKeyMap()*
  761. Adds a new keymapping for all NERD tree buffers.
  762. {options} must be a dictionary, and must contain the following keys:
  763. "key" - the trigger key for the new mapping
  764. "callback" - the function the new mapping will be bound to
  765. "quickhelpText" - the text that will appear in the quickhelp (see
  766. |NERDTree-?|)
  767. Additionally, a "scope" argument may be supplied. This constrains the
  768. mapping so that it is only activated if the cursor is on a certain object.
  769. That object is then passed into the handling method. Possible values are:
  770. "FileNode" - a file node
  771. "DirNode" - a directory node
  772. "Node" - a file or directory node
  773. "Bookmark" - A bookmark
  774. "all" - the keymap is not constrained to any scope (default). When
  775. thei is used, the handling function is not passed any arguments.
  776. Example: >
  777. call NERDTreeAddKeyMap({
  778. \ 'key': 'foo',
  779. \ 'callback': 'NERDTreeCDHandler',
  780. \ 'quickhelpText': 'echo full path of current node' })
  781. \ 'scope': 'DirNode'
  782. function! NERDTreeCDHandler(dirnode)
  783. call a:dirnode.changeToDir()
  784. endfunction
  785. <
  786. This code should sit in a file like ~/.vim/nerdtree_plugin/mymapping.vim.
  787. It adds a (redundant) mapping on 'foo' which changes vim's CWD to that of
  788. the current dir node. Note this mapping will only fire when the cursor is
  789. on a directory node.
  790. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  791. 4.2. Menu API *NERDTreeMenuAPI*
  792. NERDTreeAddSubmenu({options}) *NERDTreeAddSubmenu()*
  793. Creates and returns a new submenu.
  794. {options} must be a dictionary and must contain the following keys:
  795. "text" - the text of the submenu that the user will see
  796. "shortcut" - a shortcut key for the submenu (need not be unique)
  797. The following keys are optional:
  798. "isActiveCallback" - a function that will be called to determine whether
  799. this submenu item will be displayed or not. The callback function must return
  800. 0 or 1.
  801. "parent" - the parent submenu of the new submenu (returned from a previous
  802. invocation of NERDTreeAddSubmenu()). If this key is left out then the new
  803. submenu will sit under the top level menu.
  804. See below for an example.
  805. NERDTreeAddMenuItem({options}) *NERDTreeAddMenuItem()*
  806. Adds a new menu item to the NERD tree menu (see |NERDTreeMenu|).
  807. {options} must be a dictionary and must contain the
  808. following keys:
  809. "text" - the text of the menu item which the user will see
  810. "shortcut" - a shortcut key for the menu item (need not be unique)
  811. "callback" - the function that will be called when the user activates the
  812. menu item.
  813. The following keys are optional:
  814. "isActiveCallback" - a function that will be called to determine whether
  815. this menu item will be displayed or not. The callback function must return
  816. 0 or 1.
  817. "parent" - if the menu item belongs under a submenu then this key must be
  818. specified. This value for this key will be the object that
  819. was returned when the submenu was created with |NERDTreeAddSubmenu()|.
  820. See below for an example.
  821. NERDTreeAddMenuSeparator([{options}]) *NERDTreeAddMenuSeparator()*
  822. Adds a menu separator (a row of dashes).
  823. {options} is an optional dictionary that may contain the following keys:
  824. "isActiveCallback" - see description in |NERDTreeAddMenuItem()|.
  825. Below is an example of the menu API in action. >
  826. call NERDTreeAddMenuSeparator()
  827. call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({
  828. \ 'text': 'a (t)op level menu item',
  829. \ 'shortcut': 't',
  830. \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction' })
  831. let submenu = NERDTreeAddSubmenu({
  832. \ 'text': 'a (s)ub menu',
  833. \ 'shortcut': 's' })
  834. call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({
  835. \ 'text': '(n)ested item 1',
  836. \ 'shortcut': 'n',
  837. \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction',
  838. \ 'parent': submenu })
  839. call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({
  840. \ 'text': '(n)ested item 2',
  841. \ 'shortcut': 'n',
  842. \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction',
  843. \ 'parent': submenu })
  844. <
  845. This will create the following menu: >
  846. --------------------
  847. a (t)op level menu item
  848. a (s)ub menu
  849. <
  850. Where selecting "a (s)ub menu" will lead to a second menu: >
  851. (n)ested item 1
  852. (n)ested item 2
  853. <
  854. When any of the 3 concrete menu items are selected the function "SomeFunction"
  855. will be called.
  856. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  857. NERDTreeRender() *NERDTreeRender()*
  858. Re-renders the NERD tree buffer. Useful if you change the state of the
  859. tree and you want to it to be reflected in the UI.
  860. ==============================================================================
  861. 5. About *NERDTreeAbout*
  862. The author of the NERD tree is a terrible terrible monster called Martyzilla
  863. who gobbles up small children with milk and sugar for breakfast.
  864. He can be reached at martin.grenfell at gmail dot com. He would love to hear
  865. from you, so feel free to send him suggestions and/or comments about this
  866. plugin. Don't be shy --- the worst he can do is slaughter you and stuff you in
  867. the fridge for later ;)
  868. The latest stable versions can be found at
  869. http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1658
  870. The latest dev versions are on github
  871. http://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree
  872. ==============================================================================
  873. 6. Changelog *NERDTreeChangelog*
  874. Next
  875. - add 'scope' argument to the key map API
  876. - add NERDTreeCustomIgnoreFilter hook - needs doc
  877. - add magic [[dir]] and [[file]] flags to NERDTreeIgnore
  878. 4.2.0
  879. - Add NERDTreeDirArrows option to make the UI use pretty arrow chars
  880. instead of the old +~| chars to define the tree structure (sickill)
  881. - shift the syntax highlighting out into its own syntax file (gnap)
  882. - add some mac specific options to the filesystem menu - for macvim
  883. only (andersonfreitas)
  884. - Add NERDTreeMinimalUI option to remove some non functional parts of the
  885. nerdtree ui (camthompson)
  886. - tweak the behaviour of :NERDTreeFind - see :help :NERDTreeFind for the
  887. new behaviour (benjamingeiger)
  888. - if no name is given to :Bookmark, make it default to the name of the
  889. target file/dir (minyoung)
  890. - use 'file' completion when doing copying, create, and move
  891. operations (EvanDotPro)
  892. - lots of misc bug fixes (paddyoloughlin, sdewald, camthompson, Vitaly
  893. Bogdanov, AndrewRadev, mathias, scottstvnsn, kml, wycats, me RAWR!)
  894. 4.1.0
  895. features:
  896. - NERDTreeFind to reveal the node for the current buffer in the tree,
  897. see |NERDTreeFind|. This effectively merges the FindInNERDTree plugin (by
  898. Doug McInnes) into the script.
  899. - make NERDTreeQuitOnOpen apply to the t/T keymaps too. Thanks to Stefan
  900. Ritter and Rémi Prévost.
  901. - truncate the root node if wider than the tree window. Thanks to Victor
  902. Gonzalez.
  903. bugfixes:
  904. - really fix window state restoring
  905. - fix some win32 path escaping issues. Thanks to Stephan Baumeister, Ricky,
  906. jfilip1024, and Chris Chambers
  907. 4.0.0
  908. - add a new programmable menu system (see :help NERDTreeMenu).
  909. - add new APIs to add menus/menu-items to the menu system as well as
  910. custom key mappings to the NERD tree buffer (see :help NERDTreeAPI).
  911. - removed the old API functions
  912. - added a mapping to maximize/restore the size of nerd tree window, thanks
  913. to Guillaume Duranceau for the patch. See :help NERDTree-A for details.
  914. - fix a bug where secondary nerd trees (netrw hijacked trees) and
  915. NERDTreeQuitOnOpen didnt play nicely, thanks to Curtis Harvey.
  916. - fix a bug where the script ignored directories whose name ended in a dot,
  917. thanks to Aggelos Orfanakos for the patch.
  918. - fix a bug when using the x mapping on the tree root, thanks to Bryan
  919. Venteicher for the patch.
  920. - fix a bug where the cursor position/window size of the nerd tree buffer
  921. wasnt being stored on closing the window, thanks to Richard Hart.
  922. - fix a bug where NERDTreeMirror would mirror the wrong tree
  923. 3.1.1
  924. - fix a bug where a non-listed no-name buffer was getting created every
  925. time the tree windows was created, thanks to Derek Wyatt and owen1
  926. - make <CR> behave the same as the 'o' mapping
  927. - some helptag fixes in the doc, thanks strull
  928. - fix a bug when using :set nohidden and opening a file where the previous
  929. buf was modified. Thanks iElectric
  930. - other minor fixes
  931. 3.1.0
  932. New features:
  933. - add mappings to open files in a vsplit, see :help NERDTree-s and :help
  934. NERDTree-gs
  935. - make the statusline for the nerd tree window default to something
  936. hopefully more useful. See :help 'NERDTreeStatusline'
  937. Bugfixes:
  938. - make the hijack netrw functionality work when vim is started with "vim
  939. <some dir>" (thanks to Alf Mikula for the patch).
  940. - fix a bug where the CWD wasnt being changed for some operations even when
  941. NERDTreeChDirMode==2 (thanks to Lucas S. Buchala)
  942. - add -bar to all the nerd tree :commands so they can chain with other
  943. :commands (thanks to tpope)
  944. - fix bugs when ignorecase was set (thanks to nach)
  945. - fix a bug with the relative path code (thanks to nach)
  946. - fix a bug where doing a :cd would cause :NERDTreeToggle to fail (thanks nach)
  947. 3.0.1
  948. Bugfixes:
  949. - fix bugs with :NERDTreeToggle and :NERDTreeMirror when 'hidden
  950. was not set
  951. - fix a bug where :NERDTree <path> would fail if <path> was relative and
  952. didnt start with a ./ or ../ Thanks to James Kanze.
  953. - make the q mapping work with secondary (:e <dir> style) trees,
  954. thanks to jamessan
  955. - fix a bunch of small bugs with secondary trees
  956. More insane refactoring.
  957. 3.0.0
  958. - hijack netrw so that doing an :edit <directory> will put a NERD tree in
  959. the window rather than a netrw browser. See :help 'NERDTreeHijackNetrw'
  960. - allow sharing of trees across tabs, see :help :NERDTreeMirror
  961. - remove "top" and "bottom" as valid settings for NERDTreeWinPos
  962. - change the '<tab>' mapping to 'i'
  963. - change the 'H' mapping to 'I'
  964. - lots of refactoring
  965. ==============================================================================
  966. 7. Credits *NERDTreeCredits*
  967. Thanks to the following people for testing, bug reports, ideas etc. Without
  968. you I probably would have got bored of the hacking the NERD tree and
  969. just downloaded pr0n instead.
  970. Tim Carey-Smith (halorgium)
  971. Vigil
  972. Nick Brettell
  973. Thomas Scott Urban
  974. Terrance Cohen
  975. Yegappan Lakshmanan
  976. Jason Mills
  977. Michael Geddes (frogonwheels)
  978. Yu Jun
  979. Michael Madsen
  980. AOYAMA Shotaro
  981. Zhang Weiwu
  982. Niels Aan de Brugh
  983. Olivier Yiptong
  984. Zhang Shuhan
  985. Cory Echols
  986. Piotr Czachur
  987. Yuan Jiang
  988. Matan Nassau
  989. Maxim Kim
  990. Charlton Wang
  991. Matt Wozniski (godlygeek)
  992. knekk
  993. Sean Chou
  994. Ryan Penn
  995. Simon Peter Nicholls
  996. Michael Foobar
  997. Tomasz Chomiuk
  998. Denis Pokataev
  999. Tim Pope (tpope)
  1000. James Kanze
  1001. James Vega (jamessan)
  1002. Frederic Chanal (nach)
  1003. Alf Mikula
  1004. Lucas S. Buchala
  1005. Curtis Harvey
  1006. Guillaume Duranceau
  1007. Richard Hart (hates)
  1008. Doug McInnes
  1009. Stefan Ritter
  1010. Rémi Prévost
  1011. Victor Gonzalez
  1012. Stephan Baumeister
  1013. Ricky
  1014. jfilip1024
  1015. Chris Chambers
  1016. Vitaly Bogdanov
  1017. Patrick O'Loughlin (paddyoloughlin)
  1018. Cam Thompson (camthompson)
  1019. Marcin Kulik (sickill)
  1020. Steve DeWald (sdewald)
  1021. Ivan Necas (iNecas)
  1022. George Ang (gnap)
  1023. Evan Coury (EvanDotPro)
  1024. Andrew Radev (AndrewRadev)
  1025. Matt Gauger (mathias)
  1026. Scott Stevenson (scottstvnsn)
  1027. Anderson Freitas (andersonfreitas)
  1028. Kamil K. Lemański (kml)
  1029. Yehuda Katz (wycats)
  1030. Min-Young Wu (minyoung)
  1031. Benjamin Geiger (benjamingeiger)
  1032. ==============================================================================
  1033. 8. License *NERDTreeLicense*
  1034. The NERD tree is released under the wtfpl.
  1035. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING.