The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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JMS Usenet messages for August 1996.
Date: 1 Aug 1996 15:33:32 -0400
Subject: Re: JMS's new scriptwriting book LOCIS listing; ISBN included
"1) Will you be doing a book tour for your scriptwriting book?"
There are no plans for that at present, though I may try to coordinate
something or other when I do the occasional convention.
"2) How can we get your book signed in the event of no book tour?"
Conventions, mainly. Problem is that the book is coming out right when
we're in the thick of production, and getting away at this time is nearly
Date: 1 Aug 1996 15:37:27 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Milton?
If by this you mean "better to reign in hell than serve in heaven," then
no, that ain't it.
Date: 1 Aug 1996 15:40:39 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Character Aquisition
"How did you pick / decide upon the actors who are presently involved in
the story? And are you planning on appearances by "named - major"
personalities in upcomming episodes?"
If by this you mean how do we cast the actors...the actor comes in and
auditions, reading dialogue for that character from a given episode. The
one that comes in the door and is most what I saw in my head when I
created the character, gets the job.
Date: 1 Aug 1996 16:04:24 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Shadow Hugos...
Interesting...we'll see how this compares to the real results.
Date: 1 Aug 1996 16:08:41 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Will Adam Nimoy direct any 4th season episodes?
We've asked about Adam, but he may be booked on other shows, alas.
Date: 2 Aug 1996 00:17:21 -0400
Subject: Re: Mr. JMS: So, which is the best of Final Five?
It would be an even tie I think between the final two, "Shadow Dancing"
and "Z'ha'dum." The two episodes are also linked at the hip, so they're
really more like one unit...not so much a two-parter, but siamese twins,
story-wise. They're both very exciting, move the arc forward hugely, and
though they rely on a lot of backstory, are also good points for folks new
to the show to dive in, because they also *explain* a lot of backstory, so
they can get into it.
They're both just lovely, knockout episodes. And, at times, scary as
Date: 2 Aug 1996 00:21:50 -0400
Subject: Re: JMS: Shooting
Filming begins August 26th.
Date: 2 Aug 1996 01:04:53 -0400
Subject: Re: AAA Rating on Customer Service
"I've seen you be gracious, informative, and mentoring in this newsgroup
but this takes the cake."
No big, it's just part of the service. Jim's right down the hall, ain't
much of a problem to take ten minutes to go down the corridor and annoy
him. In fact, I'll take any chance I get to annoy him....
Date: 2 Aug 1996 01:06:10 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Question about maybe new show
The sequel would be a syndicated show. We'll see....
Meanwhile, something I probably should mention since it showed up in the
trades the other associates, Doug Netter and John Copeland are
directly involved in a new series which is just about set to go into
pre-production, called "Battleground Earth." The series is based on a
series bible and script written by Gene Roddenberry in the early 70s.
Majel Barrett Roddenberry is also directly involved with the show.
I've been more or less sworn to silence until the news broke in the
Hollywood Reporter. I first found out about this shortly after Majel did
our show, at which time she was very impressed with how we do things here,
and decided she wanted to work with us. David Kirschner, primarily known
as a film producer, is also involved with the series.
They initially asked me to write the new 2-hour pilot script, since a) the
original is considerably out of date, given when it was first written, and
b) there was a general concensus that a Roddenberry/Straczynski
collaboration would be infinitely promotable. The job was basically mine
for the asking, but after giving it a great deal of thought, I declined,
even though the money was good and the show would get a lot of promotion.
I have a moral obligation to B5, and that has to come first, I can't have
any outside distractions. So instead I've recommended a very good SF TV
writer who's worked on a number of network shows lately (no, don't ask, I
won't tell you, and it's probably not who you'd think anyway, and it'd be
inappropriate for me to say in any event until a deal is signed). I think
it'll be a good match-up of talents. Beyond that, I have no involvement
with the series, and it'd also be inappropriate for me to talk any more
about the content or nature of the show; that will have to come from those
directly involved.
(BTW, for those who get the Sci-Fi Channel, B5 producer John Copeland will
be on their new show VORTEX, along with Majel, this Friday.)
Date: 2 Aug 1996 15:04:16 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Question about maybe new show
"This sounds like a very exciting show, but will Netter and Copeland still
be able to perform their duties on B5 or will you have to replace them?"
Doug's job on B5 is primarily oriented toward the business end, so that's
not a problem; John was in on the sale of the project, but now that it's
done, a line producer will be brought in for that show (John's the line
producer on B5), so John will definitely be staying with B5 in his
capacity of producer, and not directly involved in the daily running of
the new show.
Date: 2 Aug 1996 23:22:23 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: your Meyers-Briggs type
No, haven't taken that particular test, though while I was in university I
took a number of personality inventories and the like as part of my degree
plan in psychology. Right up through the MMPI and others. The career
evaluation inventories indicated that I should be either a clerk or in the
Air Force.
Date: 2 Aug 1996 23:25:14 -0400
Subject: Re: B5 Beards
Sort of the ZZ Top of television production....
Date: 2 Aug 1996 23:51:55 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Idle thoughts.
Well, one can always assume that Morden received some help, in one form or
another, in adjusting to the shadows....
Date: 2 Aug 1996 23:51:52 -0400
Subject: Re: JMS: Shooting
No, I'm afraid the new episodes won't be aired here in the US until
October, with the first year 4 eps beginning in November.
Date: 3 Aug 1996 17:43:18 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: New Twilight Zone
Actually, the character in that episode of the new TZ was Jeremy St.
Claire, not Sinclair.
Date: 3 Aug 1996 17:43:57 -0400
Subject: Re: What's so important about Z'ha'dum?'d almost think there was something or someone there that they
considered important.
Date: 3 Aug 1996 18:04:16 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: season 4 intro vioceover...
"So basically, what I'm asking is does the fact that G'Kar gets the last
major speech in season 3 mean that he gets to do teh voiceover for season
Not as such, no....
Date: 3 Aug 1996 18:05:18 -0400
Subject: Re: Why JMS really believes in God?
I love it when people decide to tell me what I *really* believe, or don't
believe, that what I say and think is my view of life isn't really it at
ALL...and then throw all the old, cliched, hackneyed "how can god allow
evil to happen" straw men into the argument so they can be easily shot
down, when that has *nothing* whatsoever to do with my attitudes on the
subject. And the notion that it takes more belief to have a non-belief
than belief to have a belief is so illogical, so deep in paralogia and
cliched thinking as to be beyond commenting on because any response would
be utterly and permanently drowned out by laughter.
Date: 4 Aug 1996 02:46:07 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn JMS: The Real Ghostbusters
"If I am not mistaken, you worked on the Real Ghostbusters cartoon show. I
also remember reading that you wrote a few scripts. Which scripts did you
write? How much were you involved in the show?"
Yikes...trying to remember them all, there were something like 15-20
episodes that I wrote..."Janine, You've Changed"..."Ragnarok and
Roll"..."Citizen Ghost"... "No One Comes to Lupusville"..."Take
Two"..."Xmas Marks the Spot"..."The Halloween Door"..."Mr. Sandman, Dream
Me a Dream"..."Russian About"... "Chicken, He Clucked"..."The Haunting of
Heck House"...a whole bunch of others.
I was story editor on that series, for both the ABC and syndicated
versions, editing 78 episodes in one season. It was a hoot; we got to go
totally nuts and be obscure and adult and funny and outrageous.
Date: 4 Aug 1996 02:50:05 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Driving
"I was really surprised to read in the TV Guide article that you don't
drive. How have you been able to live in auto-dependent Southern
California for so many years with out giving in and starting to drive? I'm
amazed that you manage to do it..."
So am I, some days.
It's a moral thing; I'm a *terrible* driver, easily distracted, my depth
perception sucks, and...I hit things. And they frown on that. So for the
good of the Commonweal, even though it's a monumental pain in the ass, I
stay off the road.
So when I can't catch a ride with someone, I have an occasional (per-job)
driver, or I get cabs. Used to ride the bus all the time. All the time I
was working at Filmation at the start of my TV staff career I bussed it
in; took about 2-2 1/2 hours to get from Glendale to Encino, approximately
a 45 minute drive by car.
Now it's usually just a car, one way or another, but it's still a pain.
At the same time, though, I know I could never live with myself if I ever
harmed someone else, so here we are....
Date: 4 Aug 1996 02:50:38 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Idle thoughts-request enhancement
Yes, it would be a correct assumption.
Date: 4 Aug 1996 04:44:12 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Shadows' motives?
"Do you agree with the Shadows motives?"
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Motives are one thing; the means to
achieving that motive, however, are a different issue. And those means I
do not agree with. But on some level, their motives can make
can the Vorlons' motives....
Date: 4 Aug 1996 05:00:50 -0400
Subject: Re: jms' beliefs
Since I've got nothing else to do at the moment...well, except write....
1) he prefers pepsi to coca-cola, though he prefers zima to both of them.
Actually Pepsi and Coke are about the same to me, though in a pinch I'll
go for Coke over Pepsi. As long as it's got caffeine, I'm a happy man.
Otherwise it's coffee (Arabian Mocha Sanani, preferably, or Silawesi).
Don't drink Zima. Don't drink *period*. Last thing you want is to give
an obsessive-compulsive personality a drink. Don't smoke or do drugs.
Utterly boring. My only vices are chocolate, coffee, soft drinks, and the
2) he prefers dogs to cats, and prefers irish terriers over all other
MUCH prefer cats to dogs. All kinds cats, but Abyssinians the most,
followed by your basic tabby cat. Dogs are okay, but overall the one
breed I'd ever consider owning -- even though it'd be a second career/job
to raise the creature -- would be an English Border Collie, the
obsessive-compulsives of the dog world.
3) his favorite sports are kickboxing and the ultimate fighting
Don't generally watch sports.
4) his favorite color is purple.
5) his favorite newspaper is usa today (all those nifty computer generated
Who has time for ANY papers these days...?
6) his favorite breakfast is bacon and orange juice.
You left out scrambled eggs, a toasted water-bagel and coffee.
7) his preferred method of mailing packages is UPS.
And just to round stuff off...I use MovieMaster for script formatting,
Wordstar for general writing, my favorite meal is a good lean steak with
mashed potatoes, spinach, cut corn, I use a Dell pentium computer tricked
out with every device on the planet (including, shortly, ISDN), just
picked up an IBM Thinkpad 560 as my main road computer system, like my
foods well done, and my favorite TV shows (after B5, natch) are 60
Minutes, MST3K, The Simpsons, and X-Files.
That ought to blow a hole in this thread, I think....
Date: 4 Aug 1996 05:03:59 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Poetry on B5
I've read Matthew Arnold, but have always found him a bit dry for my
tastes. I go for the more passionate, beat-the-drums stuff.
I'll continue to try to find ways to work in bits of it here and there,
never hurts to let people know there's stuff other than TeeVee out there.
Should sneak in a much longer version of Tennyson's "Ulysses" early in
season four.
Date: 4 Aug 1996 17:30:45 -0400
Subject: Re: jms' beliefs
jdn...yes, I got that it was sarcasm...I was just goofing around....
Date: 5 Aug 1996 02:49:42 -0400
Subject: Re: jms' beliefs
The final 5 eps for this season will be broadcast in October, leading into
year 4 in November.
Date: 4 Aug 1996 05:03:56 -0400
Subject: Re: Why JMS really believes in God?
"For the next few months all we're going to hear are threads from Morgan
Co. regarding Joe and the scene where Brian stands at the window
On the other hand, at least it'll be a much smaller thread....
Date: 7 Aug 1996 00:08:16 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn JMS: 4th Season Episodes
We're currently 4 scripts into the 4th season; on the season title, that's
usually something I hold back announcing until we're a bit deeper in.
Date: 8 Aug 1996 00:02:57 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: your Meyers-Briggs type
I'm starting to get the ugly notion that my messages aren't getting throgh
the AOL internet feed. I sent two notes on this, both mentioning that I
took the test, and came out an INTJ, even gave the web page number for the
full analysis, but I don't think it ever go through.
Date: 8 Aug 1996 01:29:36 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: More edited out of I&E?
Yes, there was a bit edited out of the Sheridan/Kosh conversation, but
nothing of real importance. It was at the beginning, as he catches up
with Kosh, and discusses his meeting with the League worlds and how
important it would be for the Vorlons to get involved.
Date: 8 Aug 1996 16:12:35 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Jeff W. coming back -- any chance?
Actually, Jeff has just become John Copeland's executive assistant,
something of a move up; don't know if he'll be putting on the headpiece of
the new Vorlon in town yet, but we'll see...
Date: 8 Aug 1996 16:14:44 -0400
Subject: Re: Is it asking too much?
"Is it too much to bloody ask to be able to see *one* mere episode of
Babylon 5?"
Sure...come on by the office, I've got 5 of 'em just sitting here.
Date: 8 Aug 1996 16:23:59 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Advice for other online producers?
"You're in a unique position, as the first TeeVee producer/writer/show
creator to interact on Usenet with the fans of your series. I'm writing
up a Usenet dossier for Bryce Zabel, executive producer of _Dark Skies_,
who is thinking of coming online in an interactive capacity when his show
starts airing this fall. Do you have any advice that he, or others who
come online in the future, would find useful?"
Hi, Bryce. Don't know if we've met, but I've seen your work, and seen you
about; was lurking in the back of your Fangoria talk a bit ago. Also saw
the pilot (ve haff vays); I think it has great potential. How you're
going to work the structure of the story once they're out, without
support, we'll see. (said vaguely to avoid spoilers) That aside....
He should be sure what he's here for. If it's just almost
ain't worth the time involved. Lots of folks have used the nets to
promote stuff, but for one thing it pisses people off that once the
promotion part is over, boom, they're gone (a la "Sneakers" a year or so
ago). And the cold reality is that if you added up everyone who reads the ain't even a blip on the ratings.
The best way to maintain a presence on the nets is to get a sense of the
room, to see if what you're doing is working *in general*. You'll get
tons of conflicting opinions, so you can't let that sway the story...but
you'll know, in general, if the story you're telling is getting through,
and succeeding.
I'd strongly suggest you adopt the same "no story ideas" policy I've used,
particularly with a show like "Dark Skies," where it would be easy for
somebody to say, "Okay, aliens get involved in X real-life historical
situation," even though it's the obvious thing, which you'd already
planned to handle, and then sue you for plagiarism. Best to avoid it all
How you deal with criticism is up to you. We all react differently.
Online fans are bracingly blunt in their opinions; this is generally a
good thing, except where sometimes some of them forget they're talking to
a real person, not a computer screen. But it's a good thing overall. If
someone's being unfair, say so, but other than're in for quite
a ride.
The good thing about the nets is that it's the great social equalizer.
The bad thing about the nets is that it's the great social equalizer.
Anyone with a modem has equal access, equal say. Which is terrific. We
can be tall, short, fat, skinny, old, young...what matters is the quality
of the thoughts and the clarity of their expression.
The flip side of this...if someone came toward you with a bright orange
fright wig, dead cats strapped to his chest and a live parrot up his ass,
you'd have sufficient warning that this may be a Loony, and thus avoid the
person. On the nets, you don't get that kind of advance warning. There
are some loonies here. They get the same access as everyone else, they
can get on because they bought a modem, but they live for the singular
purpose of making your life a living hell, because you have created
something, they have created nothing, and they can only live with that
contradiction if they tear you down. Some of them are literally
psychologically disturbed, and potentially dangerous. And you won't have
any notion who they are until one day, after exchanging private or public
mail, the dog satellite goes by overhead and they turn on you viciously,
start spreading rumors, attacking you in public...and you realize that
yep, this person has a parrot up his ass.
Happily, those folks remain the exception rather than the rule. The
remaining 99% are fun, and intelligent, and can teach you things about
your own show you didn't know were there.
Jump on in...the water's fine.
Date: 9 Aug 1996 23:16:25 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: At what price / personal life?
Except that I don't think there's much of interest in my personal life,
and it has little to do with the work itself.
Date: 9 Aug 1996 23:23:19 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS - What In Valen's Name?!
Some difference of opinion among the Minbari.
Date: 9 Aug 1996 23:22:20 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS : Wantings...
No, there isn't enough info yet to know what the shadows want; that's in
the final 5 of this year.
Date: 10 Aug 1996 14:15:06 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: At what price / personal life?
"In order to fully understand the message, you must understand the
Hrrmm...yes and no. Understanding the messenger can add a second layer of
interpretation, but the primary layer must stand on its own or it's
flawed. I don't need to know that Joe Orton was gay to fall out of my
chair laughing at "Loot," don't need to know that Chekhov had a drinking
problem to appreciate "Uncle Vanya," don't need to know that Mark Twain
lost both his daughters tragically to appreciate "Letters from the
Well, okay, I'll give you Twain, as the tragedies in his life fed right
into his later work. That's the yes part in yes and no.
It's just that I already put out a lot of info on my personal life, likely
more than I should, and the question "what price have you paid?" can only
solicit a self-indulgent and self-serving answer.
Date: 11 Aug 1996 03:05:02 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Best Dramatic Presentation Hugo
Yes, I'll be at the Hugo ceremony, no question about it.
Date: 11 Aug 1996 03:13:32 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Centauri Emporers/Godhood
"While looking through the new selections in the Lurker's guide, I was
reminded of something. In Chrysalis Londo asks how many gods there
currently are (I believe he's only referring to the ones that were
Emporers) and Vir replies that there are fifty, then he corrects himself
and says technically fifty-one, but there was one that he never really
considered a god."
Ah, yes...that one wasn't an emperor, that was Zoog, which was really just
a household god, primarily associated with one noble family, that somewhat
imposed Zoog where possible, forced the religious establishment to
recognize the temple they'd built to was strictly an act of
vanity on their part, to create a god, and elevate a household god, which
never really carries much weight, to something greater, adding to the
general pantheon.
"Also, could you tell us what happened with the original Ambassador To
Minbar? The one that "Went local" as Londo recalls it?"
Went native. Bought into the whole Minbari theological system, dropped
his Centauri citizenship, was last heard of in a distant retreat trying to
grow a bone.
Date: 11 Aug 1996 16:44:50 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Dream sequence from AAitN
Just offhand, yeah, I think all the info is there for the dream...either
way, it'll be explained by the end of the third season.
Date: 11 Aug 1996 16:47:09 -0400
Subject: Re: Brian and Wendamatica go nuts! or The Drool Contest.
I do hope that these stories will not use B5 characters or situations, as
I've asked repeatedly, and politely for the most part, that there *NOT* be
any B5 fanfic where I can see it. (Would prefer not to have it anywhere,
but the odds of getting that are slim, I suspect.)
Date: 11 Aug 1996 16:58:22 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Writting Difficulty:(
I try to write but find my work greatly influenced by outside sources such
as other written works, movies and television shows. I seem to be unable
to write something that hasn't already been done or write something that
has been done in a different way. Does that make sense?"
There's a quote, I forget who said it: "Of course everything has already
been said, but since no one was listening, we must begin again."
The problem, I see, in what you've described...and this is on the benefit
of three paragraphs and ten seconds thought, so take this with a grain of that you don't actually know what it is you want to say as a
writer. Or that you need to say. You're drawing sources from outside
wriers, TV shows, "unable" to do otherwise, by your statement.
Let me toss another quote in here, again from a source I can't recall:
"Too many people mistake a passion for reading with a desire to write."
It's possibly you may fall under this category.
See, the problem with the writing biz is that everyone has access to
keyboard, and we all think we can write, if we just had the time to do it.
Not true. Give me a warehouse full of paintbrushes and easels, and 100
years, and I may in time become adequate, but never more than that.
Writing is a mug's game. It's heartbreak. It's pain and struggle and
rejection and isolation and the only reason...the ONLY do it
is if you've got something to say, something that burns in you so that you
can't *NOT* write. If you're doing it on a whim, as a curiosity, as you
say "trying your hand," then this may not be the field for you. This is a
hardass, hard-work, lifetime job, and if you're not driven to say
something, maybe you should consider something else.
On the other're 18. Sometimes it takes us a while to figure
out just what the hell it is we want to say, or want to do. What it is
you need to say may not have occured to you yet. On a third hand, I think
all writers begin by playing around with other writer's voices, using
techniques of other writers as sort of training wheels while they hone
their own voice, dropping them by the wayside as new personal techniques
are perfected, until the writer's voice is unique.
Decide what it is you want, and what you *need,* not what seems like
itmight be kinda interesting...the rest takes care of itself.
Date: 12 Aug 1996 15:48:17 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: B5 in Pournelle "Life on Mars" article.
I know that Alex is a big fan of the show, have spoken with him several
times, so that's likely where the mention came from.
Date: 12 Aug 1996 16:08:53 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS, *grin*
"Perhaps there have been some spelling drifts in the next three centuries,
and JMS spends so much time in the future that he has trouble with our
local-present archaic English....."
I would point out that the phrase "local-present archaic English" is
ungrammatical and at odds with English useage. You could say, "with our
current-day English which he finds archaic," but not what you've written
here, which implies that English is present only locally -- presumably
local to where you are, when in fact English is present in many parts of
the globe -- and that the present English is also archaic in fact, as
opposed to being perceived as such by me....
I could go on and on about this particular turn of phrase, because it's
ungrammatical on several levels, but this forum has better ways to spend
its time.
Note, however, that I could have done this with *many* of your posts,
which correct me or others on one word, while containing whole *phrases*
which violate the rules of grammar.
Which is what you do.
The difference is, I have manners and don't feel it's my god-given
responsibility to correct other people on their useage on-line.
One could also offer a thought or two about the notion of "not seeing the
forest for the trees," correcting people on little word choices while
oneself applying incorrect phrases.
One could also take exception with your notion that if you have made up
your mind about an issue, then that is the single and sole truth, and that
anyone who offers a contrary opinion is either stupid, or deliberately
misleading people, since there cannot possibly be reasonable differences
of opinion about such issues as gun control, there cannot be any
possibility of reading studies in different ways, there is Gharlane's way,
which is the Truth Eternal, and those who are deliberately stupid or
willfully misinformed.
There is a phrase in the bible, Gharlane: go and pluck the log out of your
own eye before you try and remove the splinter from someone else's.
You repeatedly use sloppy grammar, misuse the English language, and turn
its complexities on its head in order to support your political
positions...then have the audacity to correct the grammar and spelling of
others. I don't do this to you, even though your messages provide
boundless opportunities for this. Because I try to err in the direction
of politeness.
So may I suggest that, with your studies in grammar, spelling and syntax,
you consult a book of manners and expand your horizon in that area as
well. And since you take umbrage whenever someone objects to your
advising them on grammar and other niceties, I'm confident that you will
not in any way argue with or be upset by this reply to you, since that
would be a direct contradiction to your own stance on being corrected.
Date: 12 Aug 1996 16:09:40 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: 5000 down, how many to go?
No, then I wasn't clear...there were 1,000 waiting to be mailed that week,
there have already been piles and piles sent out over the last few weeks,
as can be confirmed by many here.
Date: 12 Aug 1996 16:09:55 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Non-spoiler sequel question
There's a story for the sequel, an arc it'd follow, but it wouldn't be as
intense an arc as with B5...more stand-alone in nature. A bit more fun in
some ways.
Date: 12 Aug 1996 23:41:39 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Embarrassing Fan Club item
We did check the card before it went to the printer; expiration was
spelled correctly. When they came back, due to the need to get things out
fast, they weren't rechecked...and some got out. We had them redo the
print run, but some had gotten out by then.
Date: 13 Aug 1996 04:02:52 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: B5 Model Kits
No, those model kits are 100% unlicensed. However, I've been told just
this week that WB has finalized a contract for a model license...I'll post
the info when it's permitted for me to release it.
Date: 13 Aug 1996 04:03:53 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Thanks, & questions on Foundation & MST
I've no idea what Foundation is up to outside B5.
As for MST3K...yeah, I'd heard Trace was leaving. Vastly unfortunate.
They've bounced back from losing Joel (and, in some ways, I feel it's a
definite improvement), from the first assistant Mad Scientist (ditto
squared), sorta came back from losing TV's Frank (though Forrester's mom
just doesnt do it for me, and the show still lacks something without
Frank)...but to get by without Dr. Forrester...AND Crow...or at least
Crow's voice and attitude...I dunno. That's gonna be a tough one.
I met Trace briefly in San Diego, and spoke with him on the phone a couple
of times over the last year or two. I love MST3K, and my assistant at the
time, prior to Joanne, got the full cast to sign a photo for me, which is
now the ONLY non-B5 item framed on my office wall at the B5 stage. (In
return, we sent them a batch of B5 caps.)
So we'll see what happens, they're a good bunch and I'm willing to give
them the benefit of the doubt...but this one's gonna be real tough.
Date: 13 Aug 1996 04:27:36 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:parrots:(was:Advice for other online producers?)
"And the funniest part of all is, JMS actively supports the party and the
individual politicians who brought you the "Communications Decency Act,"
which would, if it hadn't been hamstrung by a court which had actually
read the Constitution, have resulted in eventual restraint of such modes
of expression......"
That's right, Gharlane. I supported the individuals now residing in the
White House, and still do...because I'm not a one-issue person. Is the
CDA a stupid, invidious, badly written, paranoid, neanderthal, repressive
bill? Absolutely. And I supported the people who were actively against
it, as I was actively against it. I don't have this notion that I must
agree 100% with a politician, or have that politican hew to every single
belief which I hold, in order to support him or her. There can be
respectful (or loud) disagreements on principle on individual points.
The issue is: *on balance*, which side do I tend to support? Both parties
are flawed. Candidates on both sides have eccentricities, failings,
misfired notions. But on've got Bob Dole, who doesn't have
any notion on the leadership of this country except the vague idea that
he's *earned* his shot, and he's going to have it. It's not about
providing a new vision, it's just about being the one wearing the pointy
hat. He wants the ultimate promotion.
Kemp I find interesting, but saddled with Dole this is a non-starter. And
from where I sit the Republican party has capitulated to the Religious
Right on every issue of substance...people who've said they want to
designate this a Christian nation, drag creationism into the schools
(saying they want balance, but I don't see anybody offering to let folks
teach Darwin from the church pulpit on Saturday nights), who've whipped up
so much hatred against physicians and classes that murdering doctors is
simply an unfortunate consequence....
Are there flaws to the Democratic side? Absolutely. An inability to come
to grips with social programs long in need of serious reform, a
soft-hearted and sometimes soft-headed approach to social organization,
de-emphasis on infrastructure in deference to social programming, too much
concern about words and not enough concern about actions, grass-roots
You say you're a fan of this show. Well, consider this: that if the
government envisioned by Phyllis Schlafly and Pat Buchanan and Robert Dole
and Bob Dornan and Alfonse D'Amato (possible spelling error there) ever
took serious hold in this nation, Babylon 5 -- with its sometimes
subversive nature, its open and frank discussions on religion, death,
sexuality, violence, the conflict between belief and medicine -- would be
the first program chucked out the door.
It was under the Reagan years that the Captain Power series -- for all its
flaws, some episodes very good, some less so -- got shot out from under
the producers because of the then-fashionable assault on violent TV by
pressure groups (many of them on the far right), so don't tell me it can't
happen...I was the one on the opposite side of the conference table when
religious-right "consultants" on Satanism advised the network on another
show where I was working on what they had to do to avoid sending
unintentional Satanic messages, which meant leaving out references to
fictional books like the Necronomicon, being unable to use the name
Lovecraft, and being told that the signs of a kid succumbing to Satanism
are "he's curious...he's sometimes depressed...he tries to reject
authority...and he's susceptiple to peer pressure." No, I'm NOT making
that up, that's verbatim.
And these are the same groups bending the Republican party to their own
whims. I've seen their work up-close and personal, and I tell you
frankly, that if they got in charge, this show would be deep-sixed so fast
it'd make your head spin.
The present administration may be muffin-headed at times, may have its
personal pecadillos and quirks...but compared to the mean, venal,
anti-intellectual, anti-artist opposition, the opposition of Jesse Helms
and Pat Buchanan...I'll take it, and be glad of it, and when something as
inherently dopey and destructive as the CDA gets passed, be absolutely
open in complaining about it.
And thank you for dragging my personal politics back into this...and
throwing it in my face. Anything else you'd like to drag up?
Date: 13 Aug 1996 16:06:09 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:parrots:(was:Advice for other online producers?)
"I find your logic slipping a bit. First off to compare what is wanted in
the teachings of the _public_ schools against what is done in the
_private_ church is flawed. What is done with government money is well
within the right of the people to voice their opinion on."
Except, of course, that the churches have *tax exempt* status, on the
theory that they are separate and apart from the State...yet have been
mingling more and more in politics. I'm absolutely deleriously happy if
they want to get into politics, but then drop the tax exempt status. So
given that the church is getting a free ride with our government money, as
you say above, it's well within the right of the people to voice their
opinion on (dangling participle notwithstanding).
Basically...make up your mind. Do you want to be involved with partisan
politics? Do you want to be a part of the State, as many folks now want
to make this a Christian nation? Then start carrying your fair share of
the tax burden. It's not fair to say, "we deserve to interfere with
government," then when the tax man comes around say, "we deserve to be
separate from the government." Choose one.
"While it is very tragic that "doctors" have been killed over this issue,
what I know
as fact makes me understand it a bit."
That you have put "doctors" in quotes, and indicated you can understand
the wanton murder of civilians, tells me you have just struck your colors.
So if you knew a baby was going to grow up to be a doctor, who provided
abortion services, would it be okay to abort *that* baby, or just wait
until they're older and kill 'em then? May as well be efficient, save
college loan money and the like, yes?
And while I see anti-abortion groups lobbying for that aspect, I don't see
many of them offering to adopt crack babies, or babies that are the result
of incest or rape, or funding social services for all the infants that
will be born if they get their way. Pass every law you can think of to
make sure they're born, protect those rights... then toss 'em aside after
their born. Sure, that makes sense. Why didn't I see it before?
"Are the "..." sequences a pause or are you leaving out text? For example
,was the quote "he's curious about death, he's sometimes depressed to the
point of talking about suicide, he tries to reject authority by openly
experimenting with drugs....". All of these would be bad signs."
No, I said I'm quoting verbatim...verbatim means as said, unedited. They
didn't say that a bad sign was that he's curious about death, just that
he's *curious*, that he's sometimes depressed, and that he listens to
heavy metal music (I forgot that one), and that he rejects authority.
Broad-based statements.
The religious right uses fear tactics on a daily basis to get what it
wants. To describe what they've actually done isn't fear tactics, it's
strictly reporting what happened. If you find it scary...well, so do I.
Date: 14 Aug 1996 00:08:50 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: New B5 Web Presence
Just checked it out. Nicely done....
Date: 14 Aug 1996 00:12:55 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Walkabout cast list?
Then the Radio Times is in error. It happens.
Date: 14 Aug 1996 00:20:12 -0400
Subject: Re: is up, but...
Actually, just to clarify all this...the site is up, but not officially
all together yet; we're still waiting for approval from WB before putting
some stuff online, and making the full area list available. Right now
it's basically just a shell, which we'll put things into as we go. But we
haven't announced the site being up yet because it's still more or less in
beta stage.
Date: 14 Aug 1996 04:02:39 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:parrots:(was:Advice for other online producers?)
"If you were actively against (the CDA), why weren't you using your public
position to anathematize the California senator who was a major initial
proponent of the CDA? Why didn't you spearhead a movement for her
Real simple. I'm very much aware that the nature of my work gives me a
platform, a soapbox...and I tend to look to that famous Greek philosopher,
Peterus Parkerus, who opined, "With great power comes great
responsibility." That platform is accorded me by people who have come to
trust that I have no personal agenda underlying my storytelling, that I'm
slogging my way through to try and find out what the hell the right thing
to do is, and to do it. That trust is hard-won and not lightly to be
When and if I should use that soapbox, it has to be something bigger than
the CDA, bigger than something that might be self-serving...rather than
using up that resource on one cause or another that's best dealt with in
other ways. Otherwise, why just that one cause, and not the many others I
feel strongly about? Should I be here with twice-weekly sermonettes about
violence against women, the need for improvements in schools, and a
hundred other issues? This ain't the Let's Hear JMS's Latest Political
Rant Forum (though sometimes it does tend to become the Gharlane's Latest
Political Rant Forum, but that's another topic for another time). I tend
to get into these things (and always with subsequent regret) only when
poked or prodded or otherwise poked in the eye.
There's only one thing I'm currently considering using this limited
platform to address, something that should get support from every side of
the spectrum, and would be a worthy legacy of this show, apart from the
storytelling and the series itself. But I'm still pulling my thoughts
together on this, because if I get into it, it's going to take a lot of
work. So we'll see.
As for the rest of your's more of the usual liberal-baiting
Gharrolousness that reduces everything and everyone involved down to the
most basic stereotypes and eliminates discussion by replacing it with
scarecrow logic, demonizing, and rhetorical really,
what's the point?
Date: 15 Aug 1996 02:45:12 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn JMS: 'different' viewpoint....
I've actually seen it; saw it a while ago, while surfing the B5 sites. I
like the approach you've's twisted. I like that.
Date: 15 Aug 1996 02:46:37 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN:JMS: An oddly... topical song?
Thanks, and thanks for forwarding on those lyrics; they're terrific, and I
enjoyed them.
Date: 15 Aug 1996 02:48:25 -0400
Subject: Re: JMS: Greetings, Thanks & Season 4 in UK
Thanks. Haven't yet heard about the UK airdates for year four, but as
soon as I hear, I'll note them here.
Date: 15 Aug 1996 02:48:50 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS : Are there enough fingers pointing?
Hmmm...I think you've got most of the fingers, but not all of them....
Date: 15 Aug 1996 02:51:16 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Post B5 post
"When all has been revealed at the end of year five, have you considered
releasing a guide to these modifications and what effect they had on
getting to the overall conclusion? If nothing else, those of us playing
the guessing game would be interested to see where we have been given
additional side-tracks or simplifications."
Nope. No more than a magician hands out a manual after a performance
showing how that darned rabbit got into that tiny hat.
Date: 16 Aug 1996 06:38:27 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Thanks's always a hoot.
Date: 16 Aug 1996 14:33:21 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn:JMS -Thank You
Thanks. That's why, as a fan myself, it's important to get this show
Date: 17 Aug 1996 20:05:06 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTM JMS: Thanks and one small question
No, while Sheridan is a descendant of Phil Sheridan, Garibaldi is no
direct relation to the famed Italian war hero.
Date: 18 Aug 1996 02:27:10 -0400
Subject: Re: A Civilian in Babylon
No other civilian viewings at the office are planned; this was a one-off.
It was brought to my attention that in my original response to Wendy,
which was made lightly and in jest, I'd committed a UM, an Unintended
Meanness, and it was important to me to fix that. This was done.
Date: 18 Aug 1996 23:47:22 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS- Do *YOU* Agree With What The Shadows Want?
"I don't know If this has been asked before, but I would like to know if
you are part of the 1/3 who will agree with the Shadows intentions?"
It's...not that easy. Can I make a pretty good argument for some elements
of what they're about? Yes. (And did, in the ep.) It's a matter of
extremes...their notion is fine, taken in small larger doses,
Date: 18 Aug 1996 23:39:42 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Who's the Oldest???
"So who is older, the Shadows or the Walkers???"
The shadows, but just by a smidge.
Date: 19 Aug 1996 04:51:15 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Who *WAS* the Oldest???
"So, if that is the case, were there ever species older than the shadows?
" least one....
Date: 19 Aug 1996 17:30:40 -0400
Subject: Re: JMS also available on rastb5m
"Due to time constraints, I don't subscribe as a reader to the newsgroup
directly, but pick up Brent Barrett's listserver "b5jms". There is a faint
possibility that each of my questions was somehow answered by another fan
with great detail..."
It's possible. If it's an informational request, and someone gets to it
first and answers accurately, there's not much point to my stating the
same thing twice, when there are 500 more messages waiting.
"...but I have seen very "trivial" mesages, just natter and fun that you
have answered, yet some questions which ONLY you could have answered went
completely unnoticed."
Some, yes; many, however, *do* get answered. Sometimes I choose to "not
see" a question if it's something that, if I answer it, will give
something away, or if I don't have a good answer, or I just don't know, or
if I get caught up and I'm just unable time-wise to reply.
I'd point out to you and another poster who said that a reply from me on a
given issue was "required" that I'm not on salary or retainer here; there
is no obligation in my part to answer ANY questions. I do as much as I
can keep up with, and there's a lot TO keep up with. I'm dancing as fast
as I can. But telling me that an answer is required, or busting my chops
because you're not satisfied that I haven't answered every single question
put to me isn't going to help.
"According to test postings I've made, other people appear to get the
messages on the group, so I ask with all sincerity, do you "skip over"
messages on rastb5m, or is there some "personal" affront that is
associated with my name?"
Given that I don't have any idea who you are, and have no memory of your
name, it seems unlikely that there is any affront. I haven't noticed you
before now.
"Given your tendency to shred offensive people and not just ignore them, I
tend to think that somehow you don't see my messages."
It's altogether possible.
"Would you be kind enough to let me know if my "idle commentary" and "dumb
questions" are being read by you?"
Why? First, you'll note that you're calling them dumb and idle, not me,
so don't attribute that to me. Second, should I sit here and do this for
every user on this system? Or just you? For every message posted, should
I say, "Hello, User, I just saw this message, hello..."
"I don't necessarily need an ego scratch every time I post - the benefits
of your "being busy" are wonderful, so I don't mind if you don't have the
time to respond to everything - but some indication that you are at least
*seeing* what I post would be nice. Thanks."
See above.
"As an example, I am extrememly concerned that the final episodes of
season three may not air in Canada because of the switch in broadcasters.
Could you please officially confirm whether a special arrangement has been
made to have the new station(s) air the eps at the same time as the rest
of the world gets them? I have e-mailed the station, but have received no
response. I've seen the speculation on various web pages, but would like
an official word from you."
I don't have one. I don't know what the situation is in that regard. If
that was youre question, and I didn't have any information, I likely
would've passed it by until I did have accurate information...assuming I
saw it all, and I don't recall doing so.
There's a tendency some can fall into of thinking they're the only ones on
the net, and thinking, "well, he can respond to me, or do this one thing
for me, it's not like everyone else is doing it," when in fact lots of
other people have exactly the same outlook. I've asked, repeatedly, that
people not send private email with story questions best put in public
forums...but every day I have 30 or more of them, each thinking, "well,
it's just me."
I answer as many questions as I can out of the 500+ that float in front of
my eyes every day. If there's not a reply, don't assume I'm "affronted,"
I don't take affront out of the ether or arbitrarily. And when there IS
affront, the person involved knows about it pretty fast.
There's a certain wisdom here about "the perceived center of the
universe," but it's too obvious....
Thanks again.
Date: 20 Aug 1996 15:22:17 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Intertwining "A" and "B" stories
I answered this one in considerable detail earlier; I'd hate to be
Date: 20 Aug 1996 15:31:57 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS *and* everyone else!: Thanks
Thank *you*...the pleasure is entirely mine.
Re: information dense, that's about right. I believe in writing fairly
lean; if it doesn't belong there, it shouldn't be there. Thanks for
Date: 20 Aug 1996 16:00:19 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Misdirection, or Misdirection? (Walkabout spoilers)
No, those are two different scenes; the first one takes place in Kosh's
quarters, the second one out in the hallway. Perhaps that could've been
made clearer....
Date: 20 Aug 1996 16:00:16 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn JMS: Writing
"Just out of curiosity--which is harder for you, writing an episode (not
counting the physical aspect) or letting someone else do it?"
Date: 20 Aug 1996 16:00:22 -0400
Subject: Re: Lyta - P5 or P10?
Lyta has been certified as a P5 by the Psi Corps.
Date: 20 Aug 1996 16:00:20 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Is this a Licensed Product?
Yes, it's licensed, back from the pilot, which exlains why there are
Vorlon ships coming at the station.
Date: 20 Aug 1996 15:21:08 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Favor to Moderators?
"Considering the service that the moderators provide to us, would it
bepossible to provide themwith tapes of the final 5?"
WB will not allow us to make tapes available to ANYone, for any reason.
Date: 20 Aug 1996 23:08:16 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS (Dream Sequence)
The entire dream sequence will be laid out and explained by 3rd season's
(Can you tell it's going to be a busy final five...?)
Date: 20 Aug 1996 23:08:15 -0400
Subject: Re: JMS: an old, unaswered question
Why telepaths began to appear among something you'll find out
by this (3rd) season's end.
Date: 20 Aug 1996 23:12:03 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Walkabout (SPOILERS)
don't look
It was the same effect you would get in a massive energy burst that
"paints" shadows on the wall, which only he could see.
And no, there's nothing dangerous at all about a fleet coming out of
hyperspace or a jump point together.
The look of the new Vorlon was developed by John Vulich of Optic Nerve
based on my suggestions. I got in after a bit and redesigned/sketched the
headpiece a bit, and recommended the colors used. We're actually doing a
bit of fine-tuning on the new Vorlon prior to next season.
Date: 20 Aug 1996 23:13:56 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS - About Walkabout
You've been watching Empire too much, yes....
Date: 21 Aug 1996 00:02:55 -0400
Subject: Re: Mr. JMS: 4th season intro & title
Yes, I've decided on who will give the narration, and what it will say,
and the overall title of the season...but why just blow that out now and
lose the impact of actually *doing* it?
Date: 20 Aug 1996 23:06:34 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Walkabout (Spoiler)
Because Bester is on Earth or Mars, can't just drop everything and come
when beckoned, and it would take 3 days to get there, and they were in
kind of a hurry to test this. Besides, P10s are very few and far between;
they're more likely to have lower levels as their main weapons, so best to
see what impact those will have.
Date: 21 Aug 1996 16:14:28 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Blow by Blow spoilers..
I gave my reasons in a second post on CIS, and would rather have that go
through than repeat it all again at length. In brief, I just think that
in that much detail, it removes any and all chance of surprise, of seeing
how something happens. And the episode is held hostage to how well the
person presents the synopsis. For instance, you could say, "in this
episode, Kosh dies." Okay, that's a spoiler, and that's fine...the person
can know what to expect, but still not know *exactly* when it's going to
happen, and still enjoy it when it does.
Similarly, if someone does a beat-by-beat and describes something very
flatly, or poorly, it can prejudice the viewer against the episode before
it even airs. I can't tell you the amount of email I've received from
people who say, "I read this detailed synopsis of X on my listserve, and
from the way it was described it sounded really dopey, but it was great!"
Bottom line...I didn't ask people not to post them, can't enforce it if I
wanted to, I was just kind of aghast. Obviously people are gonna do
whatever they wanna do, that's a given. It just sorta brought me up short
a bit, that's all. Especially knowing how often this can get in the way
of enjoying the episode, even for those folks who want to be spoiled.
Date: 21 Aug 1996 22:59:25 -0400
Subject: Re: Att JMS: Writers' Boot Camp?
Disclaimer: I know nothing about this program except what I've heard
casually around town, so take everything that follows with a grain of
Anyone who tells you that, by following a formula, you will turn out a
saleable script in 6 weeks is almost always lying. If the program here is
mainly just in discipline, and that's something you need to apply butt to
chair and fingers to keyboard, then that's a different issue. So beyond
that, I can't give you an informed recommendation either way.
Date: 22 Aug 1996 03:35:16 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Religion, Creativity, etc.
"I just saw "Passing through Gethsemane" again, and felt compelled to
write, for the first time. I understand you're not religious, but I just
wanted to take the time out to thank you for your respectful treatment of
the issue in that episode."
Thanks...but it really isn't a big thing, it's just being honest as a
And if it's helped urge on your own creative works, as you say, then all
the better.
Date: 22 Aug 1996 03:37:07 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS or JPL: Who edits the editor?
Comments should go to Jim. I only had a chance to review the newsletter
after it'd been laid out, and caught some errors, not others. I've also
asked Harlan to help with the newsletter, subsequent to the first issue,
so that should add to it a bit.
Date: 22 Aug 1996 03:42:04 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS:Questions about Z'Ha'Dum and some background mythology...
"1) Why has Z'Ha'Dum not been destroyed by the Vorlons et al in one of the
previous wars to prevent the Shadows return?"
Funny,'d think maybe there was something of interest there.
"2) If the planet has been there for so long, would not the star that it
orbits have died quite some time ago, given that the Shadows are so old?"
I don't think so. Stars live an awfully long time.
"3) Was Kosh inspired by the Russian myth of "Koshchei the Deathless"?"
"4) Is the Minbari caste system inspired by the Zoroastrian belief that
prevalent in ancient Babylon? They too divided themselves into 3 castes,
warrior, religious and worker."
I kinda knew about this in the back of my head, so it may have been
subconscious, but if the question is did I consciously do this, no, I
ain't that smart.
Date: 26 Aug 1996 05:51:14 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS ... World Con Autograph
I haven't heard about a Saturday session, but we'll see what happens when
we get there.
I think they've *way* underestimated the interest there...
Date: 23 Aug 1996 14:28:17 -0400
Subject: Re: Who writes Marcus.
I wrote that particular line; knowing the longstanding British/French
"feud," for lack of a better term, it seemed appropriate.
Date: 23 Aug 1996 19:59:01 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: 5th season?
"...the rumor I heard is more specific and goes on to say that a critical
character won't be around for a fifth year."
This is another nonsense rumor. Not a single cast member has stated this
to us.
Date: 24 Aug 1996 18:00:06 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Actors' Preparation
"I was just wondering how the actors get themselves back in character
after several months off, especially since there is supposed to be
something of a cliffhanger from the end of Season Three. Will the whole
cast get to sit down and watch the Final Five, or At least the Final One
in order to help get them mentally back into the B5 Universe quickly?
Have any of them seen the episodes, yet? I'd love to hear their
Usually they just pick up the script...and get right back into it.
They've got the characters down now, so there's not a lot needed to get
back into it. Some of them run lines with each other, like Stephen and
Peter, since that relationship is something very special, but mostly they
just learn the lines and come in. Some of them want to see the final
episodes, but some don't. The only one to see most of the last two
episodes thus far is Bruce, who was just totally knocked out by them.
Peter has said that whenever he needs to get back into character, he just
straightens and says, "MISter GARiBALdi," and he's right back into it.
Date: 24 Aug 1996 18:05:10 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: About Quakers
Yeah, I know, I know, it was late and I screwed this up...I realized it
ten minutes after posting the message (and noted such in my next reply).
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa....
Date: 24 Aug 1996 22:34:29 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Novels vs. TV -- How difficult?
"As one who has successfully accomplished both, which do you consider the
most difficult: Getting a first novel published, or getting a first TV
series on the air? I'm not speaking in terms of the amount of work
involved, rather I mean the difficulty in overcoming the odds against you
in each respective field."
This is a no-brainer. The TV series is the hardest. To write and sell a
novel, you need just write the novel; once it's out there, you don't have
to have written 15 prior successful novels to get it sold. The book is
judged on its quality and marketability, and if it's good, somebody buys
My first novel, DEMON NIGHT, sat in a closet for, oh, about 2 years
(having written it just for myself) until my agent got wind of it, sent it
off to a NY affiliate, who sent it to an editor/publisher, who bought it
on sight. This was when I didn't really have much of a name in TV (which
actually works against you in literary circles), so that wasn't a factor.
Now, obviously, that's an extremely fortuntate and atypical series of
events, but still indicative in this sense....
People come to me and say they want to sell a TV series. I try and tell
them it's impossible if you don't have a credit list an arm long. Not
difficult, we're not talking here degrees of difficulty or "overwhelming
odds," there ARE no odss. It's simply impossible. Can't be done. Hasn't
been done.
Ideas are a dime a dozen. What a network wants is someone who's shown he
or she can run a series, write for TV, and produce for TV. (Or film for
those who've crossed over.) If a network is going to spend upwards of $22
million for a series in one year, not even COUNTING what's spent on
advertising, marketing, publicity, overhead and the like, they need to
have a certain comfort factor, they need to know that the person knows
what s/he's doing, and is an experienced writer/producer or, preferably, a
full-blown show runner.
You don't have to have that for novels. The odds of selling a first novel
are, from what I heard somewhere once, about 1 in 6,000. The odds of
selling a first TV series if you don't have credits are 0.
If you *do* have credits, the odds are still massively stacked against
you. Every season, the networks put maybe 10-15 shows each into
development. That refers to as little as a single pilot script order, or
as much as multiple scripts, a produced pilot, or pilot plus X-number of
episodes. Of those 10-15, maybe 4 or 5 will ever see the light of day.
The rest simply vanish. So that's about 50 possible series per year (and
that's a very generous figure). There are around 6,000 members of the
Writers Guild.
Most writer/producers go through several development deals before ever
getting anything on the air. And B5 wasn't my first in that sense. I
developed series for CBS, ABC, syndication groups, re-developed the V
series for Warner Bros., and others. It's a very, very long progression
to this particular chair.
Date: 25 Aug 1996 06:16:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Who writes Marcus.
"The writers on Voyager could do it in their sleep."
They could.
But they never do.
Therein rests the difference.
Date: 25 Aug 1996 06:25:36 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Novels vs. TV -- How difficult?
> It's a very, very long progression to this particular chair.- jms
"Well, I'm glad you're in it, that it fits you so well, and that you're as
comfortable in it as you are."
Well, yeah, mostly, until every second Thursday when they hook it up to
the wall socket....
Date: 25 Aug 1996 18:48:34 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Novels vs. TV -- How difficult?
"If this is the case (which I know it is), how come there is so much out
there that is, in a simple word, terrible? I mean, if some of these shows
are the ones that DO get through all this, I shudder to think about the
ones that don't."
Because so much of TV is formulaic, and because the networks often get
into the process too much, knocking off all the corners and edges that
make a concept interesting. I think that's starting to change, but we'll
see how far it goes.
"Also, does this set-up mean that established writer/producers can easily
get something through that never would otherwise (Steven Bochco and "Cop
Rock" comes to mind...)"
Yes. The networks often make long-term deals with major producers and set
aside stuff sight unseen. The 10:00 timeslot is basically "owned" by a
very small group of producers, with the rest of the prime-time hours a bit
more up for grabs.
"On a completely different note, you've written some plays-- how much of a
Producer role did you take on some of those, and how much did you enjoy
that aspect of it-- how does theatre compare to TV?"
I had zip involvement as producer, and wouldn't have been qualified to do
so. I enjoyed it immensely, and plan to get back into theater one of
these days.
Date: 25 Aug 1996 21:05:09 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN: JMS Do Any B5 Actors Read Newsgroups?
I don't actually know...I do know that Peter, Stephen and Jason are on
AOL, which would theoretically give them access to the net, but whether or
not they come into the usenet groups to read, I dunno.
Date: 26 Aug 1996 00:26:32 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Writters Question?
"1. How do you go about finding relatively obscure records for
researching a story? I have tried every resource I know of short of
packing up and traveling a 500+ miles to the city in question just to go
to the library. And is there a newspaper archive you know of that has all
of the newspapers online? "
I don't know the online databases well enough to comment here; when I did
this sort of thing, I generally just went down to City Hall Records and
started there, and the local newpaper morgue.
"2. As someone who has written both science fiction and horror, do you
think one is easier than the other to work in."
Horror, only nominallyl, because you don't have to be quite as rigorous
about the science (though the supernatural aspect must be consistent), and
because it's an easier thing for me...I like scaring people.
Date: 26 Aug 1996 22:16:17 -0400
Subject: Re: Attn JMS:Can't ask him, so i'll ask you+Ed Wasser.
In general, I connect to Usenet via my AOL account, regular 28.8 modem for
I have a couple of web accounts, one on Earthlink (soon to go away) one on
IBM net, using Netscape 2.0 for most stuff, FreeAgent for the rest.
Now, I'd *bought* a Motorola ISDN modem, but even though I've configured
it right, had the lines put in, it's greenlighted...can't seem to connect
to anydamnthing, and I don't have the ISDN numbers for IBM net (and
getting this info, despite some help from a few folks over there, is like
pulling teeth)...I'm wired to the gills, but the triple-damned thing ain't
happening. Some days I just despair....
Date: 27 Aug 1996 16:47:50 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: work, if any, after Star Trek
"It seems to me that William Shatner got a lot more work than the rest. Is
there a reason for this that you know of? Would it help the
eventually-to-be-ex-members of the B5 cast?"
Not for some time, and not consistently. That he was the lead helped, but
the actors from that period had a real problem which, fortunately, has
been mitigated a bit in the last 10 years or so. Working in SF isn't as
much a liability anymore, so it shouldn't be a big factor for current
B5/ST actors.
Date: 27 Aug 1996 17:09:38 -0400
Subject: Re: Att JMS: Your pending mainstream success...
"After season three's writing marathon, do you consider yourself a science
fiction writer, at least to the extent that you won't be annoyed when our
soundbyte media feels the need to pigeon-hole you into a single category?"
I don't tend to put myself into any one category, but generally don't get
bugged when I'm referred to one way or another. After my first couple of
horror novels, and a nomination for a Bram Stoker Award, and the Nightmare
Classics gig for Showtime, I was called a horror writer...I did The Real
Ghostbusters and they said I was a comedy writer...I went to conventions
while I was a writer/producer on Murder She Wrote and one person with whom
I shared a panel asked what somebody who just wrote TeeVee mysteries was
at an SF convention and why anyone should listen...and now people call me
an SF writer.
It doesn't bother me. It's actually kind of funny on one level, that
people feel they have to somehow pigenhole you by whatever you've done
last. But beyond that, as an SF fan, with a great respect for the genre,
if somebody calls me an SF writer, I don't mind.
"I think TNT will really establish this series in the mainstream culture
and wonder if you've ever had to fight the public's perception of you."
I think the mainstream public was for the most part unaware of me. Still
is, I think. And that's okay too. It's about telling a story, not
getting a certain kind of approbation.
"Do you think you'll be able to resist the gravitational pull of
"science-fiction" fame? Before your writing has been pretty much all over
the place and not giving anyone the opportunity to ensconce your name into
a genre. Do you see yourself writing science fiction for a long time or
being a guest at science fiction conventions every once in a while for the
rest of your life? Or will you purposely zig-zag away in another
I'll probably just keep doing what I'm doing. I've been playing around
with a notion for a series that could do something quite revolultionary
for mainstream TV, and that'll get me described as a manstream/intrigue
writer...if it goes anywhere. If not, I'll just keep going from genre to
genre as the stories grab me. That's the only real criterion I can apply.
I follow the story that interests me. If that happens to be a horror
novel, it's a horror novel; if it's an SF story, it's SF. I go where the
story takes me.
Date: 27 Aug 1996 17:09:55 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: At what point?
Most of that will be covered in year four. Especially the Earth
Date: 27 Aug 1996 17:10:34 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Hour 25 (Aug. 23, 1996)
That's great. Hour 25 can be a good venue into the SF community out here;
it certainly eased my transition when I came to LA.
Date: 28 Aug 1996 19:16:15 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: ratings confusion
No confusion, just different terms.
Stations that tend to support the show tend to do great ratings; San
Francisco, Portland, Washington DC, others...the show does gangbusters.
In places where the show is not well supported, or it has a crummy
timeslot, then the ratings are not as good.
When your station refers to low ratings, they're referring to their
specific area, for starters, which often hits the problem noted above.
Stations have zip interest in the national ratings, since they only sell
their local spots based on their ratings *there*. Nationally we do quite
well. The national advertisers are all very solid, and the cost per
minute is high enough for WB to make a tidy profit. But that doesn't help
a local station where it's not getting support, or otherwise not doing
what they need it to do for them.
In many cases, we've found that a station may have taken a show not
because they actually wanted the show, but because they didn't want
anybody *else* to get it initially, to prevent that threat. Or because
they were part of a station group that bought it as a package. And thus
it doesn't get supported. Invariably, when a station in this category
drops the show, it *helps* us because another station almost always picks
it up, and just as invariably does *better* with it than the first one.
Date: 29 Aug 1996 01:34:10 -0400
Subject: Re: ATTN JMS: Influences
Without belaboring the point, as Yevgeny noted, yes, Serling was a huge
influence on me, as a writer, and in my writing, slightly different
things. I find it's useful, whenever I find myself getting too
comfortable, thinking I've got it sussed, to sit down and watch anything
he humbles you *real* fast, and makes one realize that one
isn't qualified to even carry his pencil case.
If there were a pantheon of influences, I'd put Rod Serling, Harlan
Ellison, Norman Corwin, Ray Bradbury and HP Lovecraft at the very top of
the pile.
Date: 29 Aug 1996 02:17:28 -0400
Subject: Re: I ask why...
"In other words, it's cheesy makeup."
Once again, the remarkably inept Theron Fuller demonstrates that he
doesn't have a clue about what he's talking about. But he does that so
often now, that one hardly even notices anymore.
"Cheesy" has specific connotations. Words mean what they mean. It refers
to how it's used, how much is paid for it, how slipshod it is, and how
cheap it is.
Mira's makeup is overall the most complex of all the characters. It is
also the most expensive after G'Kar. It also takes longer than just about
anyone else on the show. Bill is out in about 90 minutes, sometimes less.
Andreas can get out in just under 2 hours. With Mira's makeup, it's
extremely subtle, very thin to get out the emotions that come through the
movements of the skin, and takes as much as 2 and a half hours to apply
properly. The bone piece is especially difficult and expensive, as it has
to contain elements that work into the hair, which also has hair
delicately woven into the edges, and has to fasten at the temples without
any noticeable movement.
"The justification for this is that Joe Straczysnki Himself once explained
that Delenn's "bone arrangement" was done for the convenience of the
makeup artist and the actor."
No, I never said that. You're making this up, as you make up half the
information you post and state as fact. Your grasp of reality, always
tenuous, seems to be getting worse after you targeted some poor innocent
person as being the alleged Il Porco, possibly doing his business damage
and attacking his character in a public forum based on *zero* proof, and
being, in fact, totally wrong. But you never let the facts get in the way
of your statements, as here...I never made the statement you attribute to
me. Never happened. You are, as always, lying.
If it were done for convenience, we'd've stayed with the overall bald cap
Delenn had in the first season, which took *less* time than what she has
now, and was overall less expensive. The change itself was done for story
reasons, as she became more human. We needed to see the hair. There were
two ways of doing this, one to have the hair come down through the bone,
the other to attach hair to the back of the piece and use a wig, which
seemed silly. (Though, again, some hair is woven into the bone piece to
smooth the lines.)
"Like the non-rotaing star field in the C&C shots, it's an example of
where the low budget of the series pokes through in a particularly jarring
No, it's not that we're or it's low budget. The problem is a mathematical
one. C&C rotates *below* the center of the station, the core of the
rotation. So the rotation wouldn't be at the center of the window, but
rather above it, so you'd have a movement from side to side that's far
more pronounced. To pull off this in a practical effect, you'd have to
build a *round* starfield about 30 feet high, which is bigger than just
about any TV soundstage around, and would have to rotate without making
noise at that size (almost impossible). To do blue-screen compositing of
starfields for the length of scenes we play in C&C is outside the limts of
ANY TV series, including ST, which invariably uses a star curtain for
window scenes of the same size as the B5 C&C, or sparingly uses bluescreen
for smaller windows seen less frequently.
You continue in your practice of lying, misquoting, and making up stuff to
cause friction or slam the show or myself. You attack people who don't
even know who you are and smear their names on the net for being someone
they're not and never even heard of. You're a sick, pathetic, twisted,
vicious individual, Theron. Sop why not take your bile and your lies and
your delusional bullshit somewhere else.