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Synopsis by Matthew Murray (mmurray@cc.wwu.edu)
President Sheridan and Delenn's shuttle is just returning to Babylon 5
after their honeymoon, and they are welcomed aboard by a party in the
docking bay, something Garibaldi knew Sheridan would want to avoid.
Sheridan promises to pay him back, but thanks the crowd, and takes
Delenn off into an adjoining hallway. Londo appears with G'Kar and
asks why there is a party for human weddings, instead of the Centauri
method of celebrating with a somber ceremony--he insists it is a bad
sign for the future. Franklin and Garibaldi have no interest in
discussing this with him.
Sheridan and Delenn consult with each other about the
attention--Delenn wishes people wouldn't give the two of them all the
credit for what all of them did collectively, but Sheridan insists
that, in a hundred years, no one will know the difference-- probably
no one will even remember them. Delenn agrees, and they move down the
hallway, joined by Franklin, Garibaldi, Londo, and G'Kar.
"And here's our first shot of the First Couple of the Interstellar
Alliance, President John Sheridan and Delenn, live on ISN," an
announcer's voice explains. "Their triumphant return to Babylon 5
after the liberation of Earth..." Then, the audio begins to break
down. "...generated good...messages from the Senate and the... former
League of Non-Aligned Worlds..." The screen erupts into static, and is
then replaced with a computer display screen.
"Continuity error caused by high energy," a voice explains.
"Correcting for error. Resetting. Do you wish to continue?"
Someone selects "Yes."
"Reloading Sequence: Sheridan and Delenn. Please select a time period,
or select Auto Play for chronological display of records."
"Auto Play" is selected.
As the records load, the voice continues, "Loading records for period
covering one year through one thousand years from events shown. Please
stand by to receive."
The voice resumes. "Accessing records from initial scanning date.
"ISN Night Side," an announcer says, "a no-holds-barred look at the
events of today that will shape the world of tomorrow. And now your
host, Derek Mitchell."
Derek Mitchell appears in the ISN studio. He explains that the
previous few weeks-- with the end of the civil war and the creation of
the Interstellar Alliance-- have been quite overwhelming, and that the
purpose of this broadcast is to reflect on recent events. The
broadcast begins with a report from an investigative reporter, who
describes the important events in Sheridan's life and predicts it'll
be a struggle to hold together the newborn Interstellar Alliance.
Mitchell then introduces a panel of experts to discuss the issue, and
each member of the panel is sharply divided. Henry Ellis, a political
speech-writer, feels Sheridan is underqualified to run the
Interstellar Alliance, and that he has no business being President of
anything. He thinks the Alliance is doomed from the beginning. Senator
Elizabeth Materie and journalist Leif Tanner disagree--they want
Sheridan to be given the chance to prove himself. They don't know if
the Alliance will work, but they feel he deserves the right to try.
Senator Materie accuses Ellis of trying to discredit Sheridan, someone
who might prevent his party from achieving a majority in the senate.
Coming up on a commercial break, Mitchell asks them, assuming Sheridan
can make the Alliance work, if it will make a difference, and what the
most difficult problem to overcome will be. Tanner feels that Sheridan
has already made a difference, and Senator Materie feels that it's too
early to tell, as the most important developments will happen in the
next year, with many problems still needing to be solved. However, she
feels he can handle it. Ellis disagrees--he says that the only way the
Alliance will work is with the use of military force, which will cause
the Alliance to fall apart.
"Thank you, thank you very much," Mitchell tells them, as he turns to
the camera. "We'll be back in just a moment to consider the political
implications of this new Interstellar Alliance, and the recent calls
for the formation of independent political parties on Mars..." The
audio and video cuts out, the screen filling with static.
"Record ends," the computer voice resumes. "Auto play feature engaged.
Loading next sequence. Date: One hundred years from first time period.
Stand by."
"...with another in our series of educational stellarcasts on the
100th anniversary of the Interstellar Alliance. Taking part in today's
discussion from Earthdome, historian Dr. Jim Latimere from the
University of York, Political Science professor Dr. Barbara Tashaki,
University of Japan at Tokyo, and psychologist Dr. William Exeter from
Latimere introduces those watching to the broadcast, and passes along
the first question to the others: What role did Babylon 5 play in the
creation of the hundred year peace? Both doctors agree that it didn't
play a role at all--Dr. Tashaki explains that individuals cannot
effect change themselves, they enable others to do the work for them.
Exeter feels they didn't do anything, and that the record of their
accomplishments is overrated. Tashaki claims the force of history was
all that saved them, after so many people died during the first year
of the Alliance's operation. As she begins to talk about Delenn and
Sheridan's son, she is interrupted by Latimere.
His next question for them is where Sheridan and Delenn went wrong.
Though Latimere tries to defend them, Exeter says that one of their
problems was the establishment of a telepath colony on Babylon 5.
Tashaki agrees, saying that she felt it helped bring about the
Telepath War. Latimere tries to prevent her from associating events
too much, but she won't be swayed. Latimere then shows them a video
clip of Garibaldi, in a room, surrounded by people, begging them to
work with him. They refuse, but are soon confronted with a message
from Sheridan on a screen nearby refusing to bargain with terrorists
for the lives of hostages. Sheridan gives them the choice to surrender
or to die, with ten minutes to decide. One of the people raises a gun,
and the sound of gunfire is heard as Latimere ends the clip. Exeter
feels that Sheridan was pathological, and that he was power-hungry,
never letting anything get in his way. Tashaki thinks it was, instead,
a sophisticated PR campaign.
"And then there's that bit about the way his death was handled," Exter
"Exactly," Tashaki agrees. "Everyone knows Sheridan died on Minbar.
The cover story they put out was designed to perpetuate the myth of
his character. And I guess it worked, 'cause a lot of people still
believe it, eighty years later."
Latimere then asks them about Delenn--Exeter feels it's ridiculous to
believe that Delenn is still alive, living in seclusion, and that the
Alliance is using that for their own purposes. Tashaki also agrees,
wondering why, if the Alliance is truly that strong, they need the
lies and myths.
Latimere asks if they feel the Alliance has been a force for good.
Exter basically thinks so, but also believes that the Alliance's
original motives may not have been as pure as believed. Tashaki thinks
that it is unfair to give Sheridan and Delenn undue credit. As she is
about to continue, an alarm sounds, and Latimere informs them that
there has been a security breach in the building.
Three Minbari walk in, and the one in the lead is very recognizable.
It is a much older Delenn. "John Sheridan was a good, kind, and decent
man," she says. Latimere asks her if she came so far to say that, to
which she responds, "You came just as far to say less." She tells them
that they don't truly wish to know anything--they ignore that which
they truly know because it is inconvenient, and they invent that which
they do not know. Delenn insists that Sheridan was a good and kind man
that cared about Earth, even when everyone turned their backs to him.
She starts to walk away, but is interrupted by Exeter, mentioning that
they would expect her to say that. She tells them good-bye, and looks
around at their faces, finding nothing to give her reason to stay. She
turns and leaves.
"Record ends," the computer voice intones. "Auto play feature engaged.
Loading next sequence. Date: Five hundred years from first time
period. Stand by."
In room with a conference table, the rear wall glowing blue, a man,
Daniel, steps forward from the wall. He hits a few keys on the control
he is carrying, and the blue wall changes into a Babylon 5 background.
He explains, for the benefit of posterity, the "virtual environment"
is identical to that of Babylon 5 in 2262, and is as accurate as
possible, given the age of the records available, and the destruction
of the station 480 years earlier. He turns to the camera. "The purpose
of this simulation is to provide reverse-correct infospeak as support
for current changes in Earth policy. That is, the new policy that the
Interstellar Alliance is restrictive, against the best interests of
Earth. Intent is to deconstruct historical figures revered by Prole
Sector, thereby legitimizing current government policies."
He activates the control holograms--one of Sheridan, one of Delenn,
one of Dr. Franklin, and one of Garibaldi. He explains that, to
determine if research has been thorough enough, the holograms will be
imbued with the psychological makeups of the people in question, and
will therefore behave "in a fashion consistent with realfact." The
holograms do believe that they are Babylon 5 in the year 2262, and as
the next step in the process, Daniel updates the holograms with
information gathered during the ensuing 500 years they cannot recall.
Sheridan realizes what Daniel is trying to do--use the vids as
propaganda (or, as Daniel calls them, "goodfacts") to justify a break
from the Alliance, because Earth needs room to expand that the
Alliance doesn't allow them. Garibaldi realizes they have been
recreated to provide false records. The people who created the
Alliance are now being used to undermine it. As the memories of the
last 500 years become loaded into their memories, the holograms
realize they are on the verge of another civil war, with the Daniel's
group wanting to invade worlds still loyal to the Alliance--their
legacy is a hindrance, and they must be deconstructed.
As the four holograms begin to finally understand what's going on,
Daniel beings phase 3 of his project--a goodfact scenario. The area
around them changes to a corridor in Babylon 5, with Sheridan's
personality reprogrammed. He explains to a holographic group of
aliens-- who surrendered in hopes of finding mercy--that he shows no
mercy to the weak. He promises to "blaze a path across the galaxy"
using their blood. Sheridan orders his officers to fire at the aliens,
which they do. Delenn, Garibaldi, and Franklin begin to formulate a
plan, but they are stopped by Daniel when he begins a new simulation,
this time using Franklin, who explains--in a holographic medlab--his
method of using alien organs in human bodies to create a genetic
cross-breed for use by the Alliance.
Daniel pauses the program to make some notes, and Garibaldi begins
speaking to him. Daniel has little desire to talk to him and tries to
deactivate the program, but Garibaldi suggests he not do that--he
might have some useful information. After all, Garibaldi claims, he
did most of the strategic planning during the war, and that kind of
information could make Daniel look very good to his superiors, but he
will need just a few questions answered. Daniel admits that he does
know what his superiors are planning--they are going to attack the
outer colonies, and the enemy nations on Earth simultaneously. He also
reveals that, to demoralize the enemy, they will attack civilian
population centers. Daniel asks what Garibaldi would suggest they do.
"I suggest," Garibaldi replies, "that you put your head between your
legs and you kiss your ass goodbye."
Daniel attempts to deactivate Garibaldi, but it won't work--while all
of the new information was being downloaded into the Garibaldi
hologram, he learned how to use the system to transmit their entire
conversation to the "enemy" forces. Garibaldi predicts that, since
they are more humanitarian, they will probably only target military
facilities. Daniel doesn't believe him, but the red alert klaxons
sounding change his mind, and he still can't deactivate the
simulation. Garibaldi asks if, by any chance, they are currently on
military base, and, without replying, Daniel lets out an urgent scream
and leaves the room, running through the blue field as quickly as he
can. Garibaldi's hologram walks over to his comrades, and says to
them, "Rest easy friends. Rest easy," just as the base is engulfed in
a blinding flash of white light.
"Record ends," continues the computer voice. "Auto play feature
engaged. Loading next sequence. Date: One thousand years from first
time period. Stand by."
In an old library or study, with a man, in monk's robes, adjusts the
camera, amazed the mechanism still works after so long. He says he
needs to begin his report, but is interrupted by a knock at the door.
He answers it, and admits another, younger monk, bearing a large book,
into the room. Brother Michael, the younger monk, says he's having a
crisis of faith.
Brother Alwyn asks what the problem is this time, and Michael replies
that he doesn't know why he's there, or what his purpose is, or to
what end he is pursuing God's work. Brother Michael explains that he
heard a rumor that their request for recognition has been turned down
by Rome again, and asks if it's true. Alwyn says they don't understand
the wisdom of their mission to keep alive knowledge of the past that
would otherwise have been lost after the Great Burn 500 years earlier.
Alwyn says that science isn't Rome's calling, but Michael wants to
know how they can be sure it is theirs. Since most of the records were
lost during the Great Burn, they only have word of mouth to go on.
Alwyn says they still have the holy books written after the Great Burn
that tell of the battles that burned the air and the sea, accounts
which can be verified by looking outside.
Michael says it's all too clean and too thought out, and opens the
book he brought. He shows a picture of a being named Lorien, the Last
of the First. Michael says the others claim he was a fable created to
match scripture, but that no proof exists. Alwyn insists there is
proof, in space--a place they can unfortunately not reach. Michael
feels great sorrow at what has happened to Earth, and Alwyn reminds
him that is why they are there, to preserve the ancient knowledge that
still does exist. But Michael needs to know how they will ever create
the flying machines mentioned in the books, or if they will ever find
the truth that lies in the stars. He wants to know about Blessed
Sheridan, who lived and died, taken "bodily into heaven" and the other
people mentioned.
The one element that gives Brother Michael the most pause, however, is
that of the prophesies of Delenn III, who predicted the
An'la'shok--the Rangers--would come to Earth in its greatest hour of
need and rebuild it. He says they have waited so long, and they have
never come, that he is beginning to doubt that, as well as all the
others. He is afraid that, because of that, his life might prove to
have all been a lie. Alwyn tells Michael he cannot help him--only his
faith can do that. Faith and reason must work together to look for the
reason to continue. Alwyn tells Michael that if the Rangers did come
back, they would never know about it. Their secret would be feared by
those who blame science for the Great Burn. Michael asks Alwyn if he
believes the Rangers are on Earth now, to which Alwyn responds that he
believes they could be. That's enough for him, and for faith. Alwyn
believes that should be enough for Michael as well. He closes the
book, and tells Michael to finish illuminating upon it, that he has
come too far to lose his faith. He ushers Michael to the door, but
before Michael goes, he says that he hopes that, if the truth lies in
the stars, he can one day walk among them. Alwyn tells him that he
prays his wish will someday come true. After Brother Michael has left,
Alwyn turns once again to the camera.
"Alwyn Macomber reporting in. Nothing of substance to report since my
last. We think we may have gathered enough information from the time
pre-Burn to assemble a working gasoline engine. Obviously, there is no
gasoline in this part of the country, therefore, we ask the supply
department if they could... arrange to have a suitable supply of
gasoline found in the vicinity near the Abbey in a few days. Only this
time, for Valen's sake, please make it look like an old container! The
last one could have been produced a hundred years ago!" He moves to
his closet and opens the door, and pulls out a black uniform with a
green pin over the right breast. "We will rebuild the Earth, though it
take us another two thousand years. But this time... We will build it
better. I'm attaching a conversation I just had with Brother Michael,
who, I still think, would be a worthy recruit, after he's grown a
little. Give him another twenty years, and he'll be fine. Alwyn,
An'la'shok, first sector, end report. We live for The One, we die for
The One."
"Record ends. Autoplay feature complete," says the voice.
"Stand by," says a man.
"System has finished processing and archiving records for period of
one million years from initial scanning date. Instructions?"
"Our job is finished," the man continues. "Convey records to New
"Confirmed," the computer voice says.
"Use enhanced tachyon sequence to ensure arrival in time for the
"Confirmed. Note: Atypical solar emissions increasing in intensity.
Estimate Sol will hit nova in less than 5 standard hours. Recommend
immediate evacuation."
"Tell the others not to worry," the man tells the computer. "I
wouldn't miss this for anything. Now go on." The computer display
compacts itself into a small point of light, which then floats off.
"This is how the world ends," the man says. "Swallowed in fire, but
not in darkness. You will live on, the voice of all our ancestors, the
voice of our fathers and our mothers to the last generation. We
created the world we think you would have wished for us, and now we
leave the cradle for the last time." The man turns and walks away, and
after a few steps, changes into a ball of brilliant blue-white light.
The ball of light floats over to the corner, where it merges with a
tall device standing there. The device activates, and a small
unit--closely resembling a head--emerges and the eyes glow.
A lone green ship begins flying away from a yellow star. The symbol of
the Rangers is emblazoned on its side. As it creates and enters a jump
point, the star explodes...
...and becomes the flame of a candle.
Delenn turns to Sheridan as they lie in bed. "You should sleep. We
both have early meetings."
"Yeah, I know... I was just thinking about it all, everything we've
done... And what I said earlier... And I was wondering if they will
remember us a hundred years from now, or a thousand. And I figure,
probably not."
"But it doesn't matter. We did what we did because it was right, not
to be remembered. And history will attend to itself. It always does."
They kiss each other, and then hug and smile.
_Dedicated to all the people who predicted that the Babylon Project
would fail in its mission._
_Faith manages._
[15]Last update: February 10, 1998
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