The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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It is December 30, 2258. As the episode opens, Londo and G'Kar are
arguing before the council about quadrant 37. G'Kar accuses the
Centauri government of sending armed ships into Narn space, but Londo
is adamant in his belief that quadrant 37 is neutral territory,
because of a treaty. G'Kar declares that the Narn government no longer
acknowledges the treaty because it was forced upon them. Sinclair
intervenes and points out that the Narns have operated a military base
on the border of Centauri space, without incident, for five years, and
wonders why the problems have only now begun. G'Kar claims that
outposts such as those are necessary for Narn planetary security.
Londo responds, "Keep this up, G'Kar, and soon you won't have a planet
to protect." G'Kar storms out of the council chamber.
[INLINE] G'Kar makes his accusation.
Elsewhere on the station, Garibaldi is talking to some people when a
dying man stumbles over to him. The man is badly injured and can
barely talk, but manages to utter one message before he dies. "You've
got to stop them," he says. "They're going to kill him... they're
going to kill him."
Garibaldi explains to Sinclair and Ivanova that the man, named Stephen
Petrov, was a lurker from Downbelow who he had picked up for petty
theft and reformed. He had been an informant of Garibaldi's for six
months, though Garibaldi had not heard from him in nearly two weeks.
Garibaldi is upset that Petrov had died while wanting to turn his life
around, but realizes that his death may not have been in vain, if what
he said was true. Though they don't know whose life may be in danger,
Garibaldi is determined to find the answer.
Later, Sinclair and Catherine Sakai watch the news in Sinclair's
quarters. "After which, the president and his escort left the Mars
colony on a goodwill tour of the outer planet colonies. Sources close
to the president have hinted that he'll give a major policy speech New
Year's Day from the jump point on Io. The speech is likely to concern
human-alien relations over the remainder of his five-year term," says
the anchorwoman.
[INLINE] Watching the news.
Catherine asks Sinclair if he has plans for New Year's. He says that
he doesn't, unless the conflict between the Narn and Centauri is still
continuing. Catherine has made plans, but wants to surprise Sinclair.
Sinclair has a surprise for her as well. He talks to her about their
relationship and the problems they have had in the past, and how much
he loves her. "Look," he asks her, "do you want to get married or
don't you?" "Yes," she replies.
Londo and Vir are in Londo's quarters discussing the problems the
Centauri are having with the Narn. Londo is upset at having to tell
the council that he must give quadrant 37 to the Narns, but knows that
he must do it and that he has nearly no alternative. Then, there is an
incoming communication which Vir answers. When the voice asks for
Londo, Vir first answers that he is very busy, but Londo recognizes
the voice and takes the call personally. He recognizes the man on the
other end as Morden, who had rescued the Eye from the raiders. Londo
wants to talk, but Morden refuses, instead setting up a meeting at the
park in one hour, to discuss a problem that Morden doesn't mention.
Londo agrees, and then sends Vir away, to prepare for the meeting.
[INLINE] "I think I'll stick my head in the station's fusion reactor."
Delenn and Lennier are in Delenn's quarters. Delenn is again working
on the crystal structure that she has been constructing for a long
time. "Did you see Ambassador Kosh?" she asks Lennier, and he responds
affirmatively. "Did you relay my question precisely? Word for word?"
Again, Lennier responds affirmatively, and when Delenn asks for his
reaction, Lennier tells her. "Just one word. He said: Yes." Delenn
stops working on the structure and leaves hastily, telling Lennier to
wait for her.
Garibaldi, now in Downbelow, searches for information on Petrov's
death. He is met with consternation from the various lurkers, but
eventually finds one that has information for him. The strange man
says that it is common for lurkers to accept assignments from people
on the station when they need more people to work. "Last week, one of
the guys hired us to load cargo for transport." Garibaldi asks what
kind, but the man didn't ask. He suspected that the man who had asked
them to load the cargo was trouble. Garibaldi asks for a name, and the
man provides one: Devereaux, whom he claims hangs out in the casino.
The lurker also provides one last startling bit of information. "The
last time I saw Petrov was just before he went looking for you.
Whatever he saw, whatever he knew, scared him half to death."
[INLINE] Garibaldi gathers information.
In the park, Londo searches for Morden and eventually finds him. Londo
tells Morden that he wanted to thank him for returning the Eye, but
Morden waves it off. "Unnecessary," Morden says. "I'm here to be of
service, Ambassador! My associates believe that you are a person of
great potential, trapped in a position where your skills are unseen
and unappreciated. They'd like to change that." Londo tells Morden
that nothing can be changed, and that his life is as much as it will
ever be, but Morden suggests trying anyway.
Morden knows of the trouble in quadrant 37 and offers to solve the
problem for the Centauri. Londo doesn't believe it, but Morden
persists, telling Londo to tell his superiors that he will take care
of the situation. Londo does not still completely understand. "What is
the price for"
"No price, Ambassador," Morden answers simply. "But at some point in
the future, if we deliver on our promises, we may come to you and ask
you for a favor. That's all." Morden leaves.
[INLINE] "We're simply here to help."
Delenn enters Kosh's quarters. She breathes from a gas mask once, then
puts it away and speaks. "I have come as I said I would. Kosh, I have
great doubts. I must know if it's true. I must see with my own eyes."
Kosh says nothing in response. Suddenly, a bright light comes from the
encounter suit, and slowly, the top of the suit begins to move out of
place. Delenn looks at what she sees and smiles. "Yes, thank you. Now
I will keep the promise. Goodbye. You will not see me again as I am
now." She bows to Kosh and leaves.
In the casino, Garibaldi finds Devereaux and introduces himself.
Devereaux refuses to cooperate, but relents after Garibaldi forces him
to go to security to identify Petrov. "Big mistake, hot shot,"
Devereaux says to Garibaldi. "You shouldn't poke around in things you
don't understand. This is too big for you." Garibaldi does not believe
this, and escorts Devereaux out of the casino.
Meanwhile, in Londo's quarters, Vir enters and tells Londo that the
Centauri government wants to know if he has relayed their message to
the council. Londo tells Vir to reply that he will personally take
care of the problem in quadrant 37. Though Vir believes Londo is
drunk, Londo assures him it is not so, and tells him to send the
Sinclair goes to G'Kar's quarters, where Na'Toth tells him that G'Kar
is too busy, but she changes her mind after several females emerge
from his bedroom. Sinclair wants the Narn to give Centauri room to
maneuver, but G'Kar refuses; he considers it a dead issue. Sinclair
tries to get him reconsider. The Narn, he says, are abusing their
power by threatening the Centauri much as the Centauri had done to
"We know what we're doing," G'Kar says. "Is there anything else?"
"Just that I've had this feeling lately that we're standing at a
crossroads, and I don't like where we're going. But there's still time
to choose another path. You can be part of that process, G'Kar. Choose
wisely. Not just for the Centauri, but for the good of your own people
as well."
"We all do what we have to," G'Kar says, and asks Sinclair to leave.
[INLINE] "We're standing at a crossroads."
Later, Sinclair, Catherine, Ivanova and Garibaldi are eating dinner
together. Garibaldi wants to know what the occasion is, and Sinclair
tells him that he and Catherine are getting married, and they want
want Garibaldi and Ivanova to be the best man and maid of honor,
respectively. Congratulations are exchanged, and Garibaldi tells
Sinclair that he is glad to be his friend and best man. A beep comes
from Garibaldi's communicator, and he receives a message that
Devereaux, and the two men who were with him, is missing. Garibaldi
tells Sinclair that he found something interesting about Devereaux.
When he investigated Devereaux's PPG, he found no serial number
stamped on the inner coil. Only special agents in Earth Force security
get unnumbered PPGs, a fact which suggests to Garibaldi that something
serious is going on.
In quadrant 37, a Narn perimeter guard is investigating the sector,
and reports that he has found nothing. He loses contact with the base.
Suddenly, something materializes directly in front of him. It is a
large black ship that has many protusions resembling legs or
tentacles. It fires a beam at the ship, which is instantly destroyed.
A second mysterious ship appears nearby, then a third, then a fourth.
Several Narn ships, fighters and large capital ships alike, attempt to
intercept and return fire on the spider-like vessels, but their
attempts are fruitless. All the Narn ships are destroyed, and soon the
outpost on a nearby planet is destroyed as well. The mystery ships
vanish, fading to invisibility as they move away from the planet.
[INLINE] The Narn outpost.
Ivanova, at C&C, taking an opportunity to relax since no more ships
are due in for a while, watches the news. "At which time the vice
president disembarked Earth Force 1. He is currently undergoing
medical tests while the president continues en route to Jupiter.
Reports indicate that the vice president is suffering from a viral
infection and hopes to catch up with the tour as it returns from Io."
There is, however, no time for Garibaldi to relax. One of the ships
that Devereaux had hired Petrov to load cargo onto was delayed by
engine trouble, and he is inspecting the cargo. His aide arrives to
help. Though the cargo containers are supposed to contain medical
supplies, Garibaldi finds transmitters which are set to broadcast
static -- a "poor man's jamming device." In another crate is a
triangulation system, used to determine optimum placement for the
transmitters. The device is set for a location near the transport
point on Io, and the jammers are set to jam the gold channel frequency
for Earth Force 1. Garibaldi links to Sinclair. "We've got a problem.
Ultraviolet priority." He doesn't go into more detail, but tells
Sinclair to meet him in a briefing room in twenty minutes. He rushes
away. After Garibaldi leaves, his aide makes a communication of his
own. "This is blue alpha," he says. "Stand by."
While Garibaldi is on his way, he comes across Devereaux and his
associates. Garibaldi tries to apprehend them, but is shot in the back
by his aide.
[INLINE] Devereaux confronts Garibaldi.
Sinclair, in his quarters, tells Ivanova that Garibaldi has still not
reported in. They both agree that Garibaldi would not call for an
ultraviolet alert and then not go in to follow it up, so they surmise
that something must be wrong. Sinclair continues to try to contact
Garibaldi, but is interrupted by the chime of his door. He is thinks
it's Garibaldi, but he's wrong. It is Delenn. "Hello Commander," she
says. "I believe you recognize this." She holds up the triluminary
given her by a member of the Grey Council. "Yes," Sinclair answers,
remembering a hooded member of the Council holding that up to his face
when he was aboard the Minbari ship at the Battle of the Line. Delenn
presses further. "You remember what happened at the Battle of the
Line, don't you? You remember being taken aboard our ship?" Sinclair
says he remembers a little of what happened, but doesn't know
everything or what it means. "I suspected as much," Delenn answers.
"We have a lot to discuss, Commander. By coming to you, I am putting
both of our lives at risk. But there are things you should know."
Sinclair says it's a bad time because Garibaldi is missing.
"I understand," Delenn says. "Come to my quarters, and I'll tell you
as much as I can. But don't wait too long, Commander. Certain things
have been set in motion, and I do not have much time." She leaves.
[INLINE] "I believe you recognize this."
While Garibaldi slowly and painfully makes his way to the elevator,
Na'Toth delivers some disheartening news to G'Kar about quadrant 37.
She tells him that the outpost there is gone, and though G'Kar thinks
they have just lost contact, she informs him that the homeworld sent a
ship to investigate, and found everything gone, and all the records
destroyed. There were no survivors. Na'Toth laments the 10,000 deaths,
but G'Kar is preoccupied with even darker matters. "It wasn't the
humans. The Centauri don't have the will. The Vorlon's don't care. The
Minbari wouldn't do it. The other worlds aren't powerful enough for a
strike like this," he says. "There's someone else out there, Na'Toth,"
he says grimly.
Things are a bit lighter around the rest of the station, however. It
is now midnight, and the New Year's celebration has just concluded
with the ringing in of the new year, 2259. When a couple of guests at
the celebration attempt to leave, they find Garibaldi in the elevator.
He has lost a great deal of blood and is unconscious.
In Delenn's quarters, she is completing the building of her crystal
construct. "Are you sure there's no other way?" asks Lennier, who
watches her sadly.
"What must happen will happen," Delenn says. "Valen said this day
would come. Who are we to stand in the way of prophecy?" Lennier tries
to convince her to stop what she is doing by asking her what will
happen if she is wrong. "Then speak well of me when I'm gone," she
answers, smiling faintly. She turns away from him and looks at the
crystal structure for a moment. She then silently picks up the
triluminary from the table and inserts it into a slot at the top of
the device. It begins to glow with an eerie white light, and soon the
entire device is glowing in a similar manner. "If he comes, it must be
soon," she intones gravely, watching the corner of the room as
something fills it, apparently coming from the glowing structure. "I
have little time."
[INLINE] "What must happen will happen."
Garibaldi is rushed to MedLab, where Dr. Franklin shouts to an
assistant to prepare for surgery. He diagnoses Garibaldi as having
massive internal damage, and he cannot operate until his condition
Sinclair is worried about Garibaldi, but Garibaldi moves a little and
is able to offer an important warning as Sinclair listens. "They're
going to...they're going to kill the president. At the transfer point
on Io. Warn him! Warn him..." Sinclair rushes out as Dr. Franklin goes
to work.
Sinclair quickly arrives at C&C and asks Ivanova if she has been able
to get through to Earth Force 1. She tells him that all conventional
channels are being jammed. They are even unable to get through on the
gold channels. The C&C staff tries to reroute through civilian
channels and to get Earth Central on-line as well, but they do not
succeed either way. They are, however, still getting the ISN news
feed, which they display so they can monitor the situation. The
anchorwoman reports that, though the president was supposed to begin
his New Years speech ten minutes earlier, he had not done so. She gets
an emergency signal. Suddenly, Earth Force 1 bursts into flames.
"Station Io is dispatching hospital ships, but it doesn't seem
possible that anyone could have survived that kind of..." Sinclair
tells a tech to shut the screen off. The president is dead.
[INLINE] Earth Force 1.
While watching Dr. Franklin and the others in MedLab work on
Garibaldi, Sinclair says that he wants guards posted around MedLab
around the clock and medical personnel available 24 hours a day so
that what happened before cannot happen again. He says that they only
have one name to go on, Devereaux, and that they need any information
available about him. Sinclair leaves, and we see that he was talking
to Garibaldi's aide, who just smiles and looks through the window into
In Delenn's quarters, Lennier cries silently as he watches and listens
to Delenn. Though she cries out several times, he does nothing but
watch in anguish.
G'Kar and Na'Toth solemnly board a core shuttle, in which Ivanova is
already seated. G'Kar asks about Commander Sinclair and Garibaldi, and
Ivanova tells them that Sinclair is in MedLab with him, and that
Garibaldi's situation is still very uncertain. G'Kar wants to tell
Sinclair that there is little point in further mediating the dispute
over quadrant 37. Ivanova has heard about what happened, and asks if
they have information, but they have none. G'Kar offers his
condolences over the death of President Santiago and hopes that Earth
finds whoever is responsible. Na'Toth tells Ivanova that the Narn will
find and punish those responsible for the destruction of everything in
quadrant 37.
Back in the park, Londo and Morden meet again. Londo is amazed and
outraged at what happened to quadrant 37 and the death of the 10,000
Narns there. "I didn't know you cared," Morden replies. "Ten thousand,
a hundred thousand, a million, what's the difference? They're Narns,
Ambassador. Your sworn enemy." Londo, however, is still shocked. He
didn't think that Morden would take such drastic action. "Ambassador,
your name is being spoken at the highest levels of the Centauri
government. They don't know how you did it. They don't care. They
credit you with saving them from another embarrassment without
creating a war in the process. They've noticed you, Ambassador, which
was the point of the exercise. I hear they have great plans for you."
Londo still cannot grasp the scope of what happened, but Morden
continues. "Ambassador, you're a hero. Enjoy it! I'll be around." He
then leaves.
Sinclair tries to convince an Earth senator that the president was
assassinated, but she does not believe it. She claims that their
evidence has only pointed to problems with their fusion reactor, and
that it was all nothing more than an accident. The senator doesn't
believe that Garibaldi could know that the president might be
assassinated if Earth's best agents did not. She tells him that she
doesn't want a panic to be created by spreading "unsubstantiated
rumors" and orders him to maintain silence on his feelings of the
presidential assassination. Sinclair storms away.
Meanwhile, Garibaldi's aide calls to several other security agents who
are nearby. Devereaux and his men are lying on the floor dead.
Garibaldi's aide says that they tried to fire at him when they would
not go in for questioning, and claims he killed them in self-defense.
One of the officers says Devereaux's PPG is cold, which it wouldn't be
if Devereaux had fired it. But he withdraws his comment, perhaps not
wishing to contradict his superior.
Dr. Franklin begins to operate on Garibaldi.
Sinclair is at the bar, drinking. He watches the news regarding the
death of President Santiago and the inauguration of vice president
Morgan Clark to the presidency. "It is important that we move on to
create the world that Louis Santiago would have wanted for his
children, my children, and for posterity yet to come," President Clark
says in an address. "We will begin by focusing more on the needs of
our own people, to sustain them through this difficult time, and to
prepare them for the tasks ahead."
Sinclair, sensing someone else entering the bar, turns around and sees
Ambassador Kosh. "And so it begins," intones Kosh. "You have forgotten
something," he continues. Suddenly realizing what Kosh meant, Sinclair
rushes out of the bar and goes to Delenn's quarters.
[INLINE] "And so it begins."
He enters and finds Lennier still staring at the corner, and the still
glowing crystal statue on the table. Lennier seems to be oblivious to
Sinclair at first "You're too late," he says at last.
Sinclair follows Lennier's gaze over to the corner of the room, where
he sees a large, white, faintly glowing mass. He slowly walks over to
it and examines it. "What is it?"
"A chrysalis," replies Lennier. "She is changing."
"Into what?"
"I don't know," is the only reply that Lennier can give, as Sinclair
looks at Delenn's eyes, just barely visible beneath the surface of the
[INLINE] Delenn's chrysalis.
Na'Toth enters G'Kar's quarters, but cannot find him. As she calls out
his name, an automated message begins. "Na'Toth, by the time you get
this message, I will be gone. I have certain suspicions about the
attack on quadrant 37. I am taking the first transport back to
homeworld. You will not be able to contact me. I will contact you.
And, uh, one more thing. Tell the commander he was right. We were at a
crossroads, and there is no going back. Expect me when you see me."
Londo arrives in MedLab to find Ivanova waiting there. She explains
that she had relieved the commander and that he will be back on watch
soon. When Londo asks about Garibaldi's condition, she says they are
still operating and they still don't know what the outcome will be.
Londo says that he would like to wait with her. "He is an annoying
man, but I would miss him if he..." They then turn and continue to
watch the operation, while Garibaldi's aide looks on silently.
Morden sits in the middle of a room, surrounded by strangely
shimmering, shadowlike forms. They make a few sounds, apparently
language, but not one that we can understand. "Yes, I think he's
ready," Morden says to them. He continues to answer, speaking to them
after they speak to him. "Perfect for our needs. No, no, he suspects
nothing. When the time is right, Ambassador Mollari will do exactly as
we wish. Destiny is on our side."
Catherine, with a solemn look on her face, walks over to a sofa on
which Sinclair is sitting, staring intently. She puts her arms around
him, but he only acknowledges her with words. "Nothing's the same any
Lennier maintains a candlelight vigil over Delenn as she rests, slowly
changing in her chrysalis.
Synopsis by Matthew Murray (
[15]Last update: October 11, 1995
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