The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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Jerry Doyle : Hi everyone!
DTO : Hello, Jerry Doyle!
StarCnslt : Hi Jerry
TomWho : Hi Jerry!
DeeRich : hello
MrsRev : Hey
EZELL.J : Howdy and welcome, Jerry!
Jerry Doyle : I'm actually Rick Biggs, Dr Franklin on Bablyon 5
DTO : Welcomes!
Rick Biggs : Jerry is still on the set but I'm using his account!
CONNER.CR : Hello!
TomWho : Hi Rick!
Rick Biggs : :-)
DJMILNES : Hi rick
MrsRev : Great
EZELL.J : Howdy and welcome, Rick!
DeeRich : hi rick
TomWho : Saw you at the Big Bang in June! You were great, playing "Phil
Donahue"! ;)
Rick Biggs : LOL! I've never done this before!
Harmelink : Great, love your acting
DJMILNES : It's fun
Rick Biggs : LOL, Tom, that's my dream role to have my own talk show
Rick Biggs : Heuraldo style!
Rick Biggs : :-)
MrsRev : the doc's a great character
DTO : How are you tonight, Rick?
TomWho : You were great running around the audience with the mike! :)
Rick Biggs : DTO, I'm at the studio, we're running late ...
StarCnslt : Jerry's topic tonight: Aliens and your girlfriend!
Rick Biggs : it's traffic when I get outta here, so I've seen better days!
DTO : Muhlstein: We are now talking with Rick Biggs of Bablyon 5
TomWho : Tonight's topic: Dr. Franklin - The Real Power of Babylon 5!
MrsRev : What's in store for the doc this coming season?
Mutti : Why didn't you get to do the 'alien autopsy', Rick. You seem
to have the most experience!
Rick Biggs : MrsRev, well the Doc is going to have a hard time dealing
Rick Biggs : with the stress. He's going to find himself cracking under
Rick Biggs : the pressure and it's just a little too much for him.
Rick Biggs : The Dr is relying on stimulants to carry himself in
Rick Biggs : to do the 20 to 30 hours workload!
Rick Biggs : ga
StarCnslt : Rick, what does a Vorlon look like inside the encounter suit?
Rick Biggs : Star, good question!
Rick Biggs : A Vorlon looks like many different things to different people
Rick Biggs : ;-) ga
EZELL.J : Rick, did you use any doctors in lit or tv to pattern Dr.
Rick Biggs : Ezell, bascially the character is part my father and part
Rick Biggs : a Dr that was our family practioneer for many years
Rick Biggs : so the combination of the two!
Rick Biggs : ga
Rick Biggs : Jerry says he has about three minutes then he will come on
DJMILNES : Rick, do you enjoy working in Science Fiction?
Rick Biggs : Any more questions for me?
Rick Biggs : DJM, I LOVE sci fi - I was a Twilight Zone baby!
Rick Biggs : I used to skip classes just to watch Twilight Zone
Rick Biggs : I can tell you in the first 30 seconds which TZ it is
Rick Biggs : and who is starring :-)
Rick Biggs : ga
Harmelink : What question would you like to answer that no one ever asks?
SELENE : My favorite TV pastime - Name That Zone!
DTO : How did you first get involved in Babylon 5, Rick?
EZELL.J : Speaking of fathers, will we see Stephen's father now that
they have patched things up?
Rick Biggs : Ezell, I hope so. I hope that I get to work with Paul Winfield
Rick Biggs : again. I enjoyed that alot!
DAX4 : Who's using Jerry's computer right now?
SELENE : Rick Biggs, "Dr. Franklin"
Rick Biggs : I'm afriad I have to leave to get back to the set
Rick Biggs : Jerry's going to come to the phone!
DAX4 : Bye Richard! Congrats on the show!!
SELENE : Thank you Rick, for being here!
StarCnslt : thanks for coming on Rick
MrsRev : Thanks Rick!
Harmelink : bye
CONNER.CR : Thanks!
Mutti : bye
Sidhi : Thanks!
Rick Biggs : I've really enjoiyed this, if you want me to come
back again, I'll be happy to!
Harmelink : YES
CONNER.CR : That would be great!
Rick Biggs : bye everyone, Jerry's on his way!
DJMILNES : Thank you for coming.
StarCnslt : Please do!
Jerry Doyle : I'm done! ::::phew::::::
Jerry Doyle : Okay, I'm ready for your questions!
Sidhi : Thank you for coming!!!!
EZELL.J : Howdy and welcome, Jerry!
StarCnslt : Hi Jerry
DAX4 : Hey Jerry! Good talking to you.
CONNER.CR : Hello.
DeeRich : hi
SELENE : Welcome, welcome, a thousand welcomes to our little corner of
cyber space
Jerry Doyle : Thank you! Do you have a uestion for me?
TomWho : Is this still Rick pinch-hitting for Jerry?
Jerry Doyle : No this Jerry!
SELENE : Oh, let's see. What's it like, being the thinking woman's
Bruce Willis? <laugh>
Jerry Doyle : Harm, how about your question first then
TomWho : Hi Jerry!
Jerry Doyle : Okay Selene, your first!
Jerry Doyle : It's a lot more rewarding but it doesn't pay as well
Jerry Doyle : ga
Harmelink : Was your character's Daffy Duck fixation your idea?
Jerry Doyle : Harm, no it was Warner's Bros marketing and
Jerry Doyle : merchandising. I would have to say my favorite cartoon
Jerry Doyle : character is Tweetie but I sure would like to see the Coyote
Jerry Doyle : eat the Road Runner and say beep beep my ********
Jerry Doyle : ga
DJMILNES : When you were young did you ever dream about going into space?
Jerry Doyle : DJM, not when I was sober ! Actually the thought scares me
Jerry Doyle : I'm afraid I won't come back!
Jerry Doyle : ga
MrsRev : What is your uniform made looks uncomfortable
Jerry Doyle : Mrs Rev, it's uncomfortable wool and leather!
Jerry Doyle : ga
TomWho : Maybe it's uncomfortable, but it looks really cool.
Jerry Doyle : Tom, thanks we have a great costume and wardrope person!
TomWho : I think they have terrific tech people everywhere. The
TomWho : cinematography & editing & SFX are all outstanding.
EZELL.J : With what we have now seen of MG, do we ever WANT to see what
EZELL.J : his favorite thing in the universe is?
Jerry Doyle : Yes, if this question is coming from a woman!
EZELL.J : not!
Jerry Doyle : I think his favorite thing in the world is, is what
Jerry Doyle : most people's favorite thing is ;-)
Jerry Doyle : ga
TomWho : MG?
SELENE : Wine, women and Song, in no particular order. ;->
Jerry Doyle : exactly Selene!
SELENE : Michael Garibaldi. MG.
DJMILNES : Will we be seeing more stories about Garibaldi this year?
DJMILNES : Centered on him that is.
Jerry Doyle : DJM, yes. At the end of session two, Joe Stazinskuy told
Jerry Doyle : me that because of the story he had to tell, my character
Jerry Doyle : wasn't featured as prominently as he would have liked.
Jerry Doyle : But he assured me that my character was back on track for
Jerry Doyle : season 3 and beyond!
Jerry Doyle : ga
DJMILNES : Great!!!
TomWho : Garibaldi is probably my favorite character on B5. Well, I
really like Londo too.
Jerry Doyle : Tom, re Londo, so do I :-)
Mutti : Jerry, has the cast been concerned with the changes to the
Mutti : episode air dates that Warner Bros. made?
Jerry Doyle : Mutti, I can't speak for the erst of the cast but from my
Jerry Doyle : own viewpoint, if I have any criticism of the show it's the
Jerry Doyle : inconsistency of the day and time that the show airs.
Jerry Doyle : I'm sure Warner Bros is doing the best they can,
Jerry Doyle : and I understand that being part of the show, but as a
Jerry Doyle : viewier it ticks me off like it ticks everyone else off!
Jerry Doyle : ga
Mutti : You're up against Mo. night football here, now
TomWho : In NY it's often driven off the air by Mets baseball. (Don't
blame me, I'm a Yankees fan!)
M.Lowry : Jerry: Do you drive a motorcycle in real life? What's it like working
M.Lowry : Andrea?
Jerry Doyle : ML, I can answer it in probably one way ...
Jerry Doyle : I have something sleek fast sexy and powerful ...
Jerry Doyle : who needs the motorcycle ;-)
Jerry Doyle : ga
TomWho : LOL
M.Lowry : he he he.
TomWho : *Laughing*
Jerry Doyle : Next question please?
M.Lowry : What about the second part of the question?
Jerry Doyle : ML, i think I answered it ;-) please scroll back ;-)
DTO : M.Lowry: I think that has already been answered. ;-)
Jerry Doyle : Sidhi, your question please?
Sidhi : How far into the season have you taped B5? And do you like
Sidhi : what is developing in the episodes?
TomWho : good question!
Jerry Doyle : Sidhi, today we just wrapped episode 5, we start episode 6
Jerry Doyle : tomrrow and I think the scripts are very tight,
Jerry Doyle : good action and throwing the audience alot of new twists
Jerry Doyle : that I'm sure the audience is goign to really dig.
Jerry Doyle : ga
Sidhi : Thanks. I appreciate B5 to no end!
DAX4 : Jerry, were you interested in sci-fi growing up?
Jerry Doyle : Dax, not at all
Jerry Doyle : I didn't watch very much television and I have to this date
Jerry Doyle : never seen any of the other science fiction shows
Jerry Doyle : I often get asked the comparison between B5 and the other
Jerry Doyle : shows and it's one that I can't make
Jerry Doyle : I don't think one show has to be better than the other to
Jerry Doyle : survive, because there are alot of good shows out here
Jerry Doyle : and if you happen to like more than one show, watch it
Jerry Doyle : There is room enough in the sci fi genre, so if you like
Jerry Doyle : one of the others watch it, and if you like ours, watch it
Jerry Doyle : too!
Jerry Doyle : ga
StarCnslt : B5 is much better than any of the Treks, it has something called
originality <grin>
SELENE : Uh Oh. You must think of us as a bunch of eccentrics.
Jerry Doyle : Selene, LOL! no not at all!
Storybook : Is it true that you had bogus credits on your resume? Like the
Dance Thea. of Harlem?
Trillian : ?
Jerry Doyle : Story, yes that is correct
Jerry Doyle : When I got to Hollywood I had to have a resume
Jerry Doyle : having spent 9 years on Wall Street, I didn't think
Jerry Doyle : much of what I had done applied to show business
Jerry Doyle : so I made up a resume!
Storybook : LOL
Jerry Doyle : and one of the credits I put on there was the Dance
Jerry Doyle : Theatre of Harlem
DAX4 : You're creative, that's for sure
Jerry Doyle : I figured if I got busted, they would see the humour!
Jerry Doyle : but nobody to this date has questioned it, and I still have
Trillian : LMAO! I like your style!
Jerry Doyle : it on there as my tribute to obserdity!
Jerry Doyle : ga
SELENE : Sounds like a test to see if someone actually READ the resume!
Harmelink : Jerry: what is the question you'ld love to answer but never
get asked?
Jerry Doyle : :::: thinking :::::
Jerry Doyle : It was just asked actually!
Jerry Doyle : LOL!
Jerry Doyle : Actually ....
Jerry Doyle : :::: really thinking now :::::
Jerry Doyle : that's a such a good question, I don't know I'll have
to think
Jerry Doyle : about it!
Jerry Doyle : ;-)
Jerry Doyle : ga
Harmelink : ok
StarCnslt : Will we see more of the Shadows soon, or will they continue to
StarCnslt : be mostly represented by other agents?
Jerry Doyle : Star, yes and probably somewhere around mid season of this
Jerry Doyle : third year you are going to see some pretty insteresting stuff
Jerry Doyle : Sorry I can't elaborate on that!
Jerry Doyle : ga
Jerry Doyle : This way you have to watch ;-)
StarCnslt : wouldn't want you too, would rather wait and be surprised
Jerry Doyle : Star, same with me. I don't know where the story is going
Jerry Doyle : or where my character is going
Jerry Doyle : I like to be given the script and given the twist the same
Jerry Doyle : as the audience!
Jerry Doyle : ga
MrsRev : We met on Wall Street before the last crash sent me to
MrsRev : question is what's in store for Michael this season that you can tell
MrsRev : us...will he score with Talia forexample?
Harmelink : on screen..
SELENE : Now THERE'S a scene that will be fun to play!
StarCnslt : lol, are there going to be 4th and 5th seasons at least?
Jerry Doyle : MrsRev, I wish I could answer your question but there is just
Jerry Doyle : a little can say too much, so I have to withhold any
Jerry Doyle : information. However, I'm scoring with Talia every night ;-)
Jerry Doyle : (she's my wife)
Jerry Doyle : ga
SELENE : We wouldn't want you to lose your job, after all
MrsRev : Good for you...:-)
Jerry Doyle : M.Lowry, please go ahead
M.Lowry : Jerry,(BTW, thanks for coming): Which do you prefer: Mac or
M.Lowry : IBM? Boxers or Briefs?
M.Lowry : And have you ever been to Austin?
Jerry Doyle : ML, okay .. 1. I'm a technophobe,, so I don't have
Jerry Doyle : any computer they scare me!
Jerry Doyle : 2. briefs
Jerry Doyle : 3. No but I will be in Dallas this weekend :-)
Jerry Doyle : ga
SELENE : Boxers or Briefs? someone here watches too much MTV, darlings.
DAX4 : Jerry: is your character's name a reference to his receding hairline?
Jerry Doyle : Dax, that's funny!
DAX4 : *Laughing*
Jerry Doyle : I think the character is in reference to Guisseppi Garibaldi
Jerry Doyle : who was a famous war hero from WW11 from Italy.
Jerry Doyle : and it's not receding, it's gone ;-)
Jerry Doyle : ga
Harmelink : same boat as you Jerry
Trillian : Do you have time to read books and if ya do...what kind of literature
(or not) do
Trillian : you read?
Trillian : Oh...and thanks for coming to visit eWorld (we're not scarey)
Jerry Doyle : Trillian, the last book I read was "The HOt Zone" and it
Jerry Doyle : scared me to death.
Jerry Doyle : The last book before that was "The Warren Buffet Way"
Jerry Doyle : great book, great man!
Trillian : I just read it! I agree wholeheartedly!! Great book...Thanks!
Jerry Doyle : The last one before that was "Moby Dick" in the third grade
Jerry Doyle : I read newspapers, magazines, I read those voraciously
Jerry Doyle : ga
Jerry Doyle : Okay Ezell, shoot
EZELL.J : We've heard you love to cook. What's your favorite dish to
EZELL.J : make? BTW, any public appearance in Dallas?
Jerry Doyle : EZ, I love to cook, it's therapy
Jerry Doyle : at the end of the day when it's crazy and you can go home
Jerry Doyle : and get into the kitchen and totally fixate into preparing a
Jerry Doyle : meal and for that period of time you are somewhere else
Jerry Doyle : I can't say I have a favorite thing to make
Jerry Doyle : If I had a favorite theme, it would be Italian
Jerry Doyle : and anything to do with seafood
DAX4 : Jerry, you haven't lived until you've tasted my choc. chip
Jerry Doyle : and always have a good bottle of cabernet standing by
SELENE : BAgna Cauda, maybe?
Jerry Doyle : incase the meal stinks!
Jerry Doyle : (or two)
Jerry Doyle : ;-)
Jerry Doyle : And as far as Dallas, yes it is a personal appearance
Jerry Doyle : I'm going to be at the Stellar Occasion
Jerry Doyle : at the Harvey Hotel, downtown.
Jerry Doyle : At 10.00pm on Friday there is a cocktail thing in the hotel
Jerry Doyle : lobby bar!
Jerry Doyle : On Saturday, I talk from noon til 1.00, then from 1-2 is
Jerry Doyle : autographs, from 4-5 is a talk and from 5-6 is an autograph
Jerry Doyle : ga
M.Lowry : Anyone who appreciates cabernet savignon is okay by me!
Jerry Doyle : Sunday ... at 11.00 am is a one hour talk, at noon is a one hour
Jerry Doyle : autograph session and at 2 is another
Jerry Doyle : one talk!
Jerry Doyle : Then I have to leave and get back as I have to shoot Monday!
EZELL.J : whew!
Jerry Doyle : The appearances are fun
Jerry Doyle : andrea and I just got back from England and Ireland
Jerry Doyle : on two consecutive weekends
Jerry Doyle : and the people that brought us over are called Stargazer
Jerry Doyle : Productions and we are working to put together Babcom 96
Jerry Doyle : which will be in May 96 in London. It will be the first
Jerry Doyle : time the B5 cast will be together!
Jerry Doyle : It's going to be great! :-)
Jerry Doyle : ga
Lou Trap : Hi Jerry, thanks for being here. Is it true that your wife
Lou Trap : (Talia Winters) will be leaving the show &
Lou Trap : the original telepath will be returning. ga
Jerry Doyle : Lou, rumours, rumours, rumours!
Jerry Doyle : You have to wait and see ;-)
Lou Trap : Really... just rumours than?
Jerry Doyle : If you lived in England, you'd know by now. because
Jerry Doyle : they've already seen the last four
Jerry Doyle : espisodes of season 2.
Jerry Doyle : ga
Lou Trap : Okay.
DJMILNES : Jerry, Do you see this as a job doing a Sci Fi series, or just
DJMILNES : a long term job doing a series?
Jerry Doyle : DJ. I don't understand why the critics or people in this
Jerry Doyle : industry choose to separate sci fi from the rest of main
Jerry Doyle : stream tv using their term.
Jerry Doyle : Our show is a one hour drama, first and foremost with
Jerry Doyle : real people in real situations
Jerry Doyle : and we appen to be in the sci fi genre.
Jerry Doyle : If the critics aren't able to get past the possibility of life
Jerry Doyle : in the Year 2260 that's there problem not mine!
Jerry Doyle : I think that the success of our show is first and foremost
SELENE : Agreed: people are still people, even if the show takes place
SELENE : when I turn 300!
Jerry Doyle : because of the fans!
Jerry Doyle : But secondly because our characters are flawed.
Jerry Doyle : We're not perfect people in a perfect world or universe
Jerry Doyle : and those flaws allow the audience to identify and relate
Jerry Doyle : to the characters.
Jerry Doyle : We may conquer space travel, we may solve diseases
Jerry Doyle : but the things we will always be working on is ourselves
Jerry Doyle : and our relationships with other people and possibily
Jerry Doyle : our relations with aliens as well!
Jerry Doyle : ga
DJMILNES : Thank you for being here tonight, I've learned much and love
the show and your character. Goodnight
Harmelink : Lame Question: Is there someone on the show from Michigan?
(Thought I read that somewhere)
Harmelink : This makes up for the tough one before
Jerry Doyle : DJM, good night!
Jerry Doyle : Harmel, hmmmm
Jerry Doyle : Bruce is from Chicago
Jerry Doyle : Claudia, I'm not sure
Jerry Doyle : Andrea, Ohio
Jerry Doyle : I'm from Brooklyn, NY
Jerry Doyle : Michigan, I don't think so, sorry!
Jerry Doyle : ga
MrsRev : San Diego, my son, asks if you regret the change from Sinclair
to Sheridan?
Jerry Doyle : MrsRev, no not at all
Jerry Doyle : I enjoy Bruce and I'm happy with the fact that I'm still here
Jerry Doyle : ;-)
Jerry Doyle : and you can usesomething like this as a tool as an actor
Jerry Doyle : if you are looking for mystery and intrigue
Jerry Doyle : you can play it as everytime you look at Bruce
Jerry Doyle : you don't see Michael
Jerry Doyle : Changes are made in alot of shows ...
Jerry Doyle : there have been alot of changes since the pilot
Jerry Doyle : There have been quite a few changes, some are story points
Jerry Doyle : some by people who's business it is to make those decisions
Jerry Doyle : All I know is that when the producers are pointing those
Jerry Doyle : fingers, I duck ;-)
Jerry Doyle : ga
Harmelink : lol
StarCnslt : Will we see Sinclair much in his role as the ambassador to the
StarCnslt : Minbari? The rangers?
Jerry Doyle : STar, I don't have a definite answer because I don't know
Jerry Doyle : but in reading the first 9 scripts he hasn't shown up
Jerry Doyle : and I just down see where he would fit into the storyline.
Jerry Doyle : ga
SELENE : Staff babe Selene here with a question. We have another
SELENE : autographed pic to give out. Who gets it?
StarCnslt : me!
Harmelink : me
SELENE : The question was for JERRY
Harmelink : I stumped the guest!!
StarCnslt : lol oops
MrsRev : San Diego is the youngest fan here
Harmelink : oops too
StarCnslt : spent too much time with people that if you snooze you loose
DAX4 : Jerry could give it to my sister
Jerry Doyle : Next question, please!
Mutti : Jerry, how does one make the transition from Aero Engineer to
Mutti : sales to stock broker to SUPERSTAR actor
SELENE : We ran out of trivia question ideas, okay? So Jerry gets to
give one away now.
Jerry Doyle : Mutti, sleep around (ROFL)
Jerry Doyle : just kidding!
Jerry Doyle : Seriously though, I think you have to be passionate about
Jerry Doyle : whatever it is that you choose to do
Jerry Doyle : don't get into something to see how it might turn out
Jerry Doyle : get into something to see how far you can go!
Jerry Doyle : Passion overcomes talent more times than not!
Jerry Doyle : And I' think I've proved that because there are alot of
Jerry Doyle : really talented people out there that unfortunately
Jerry Doyle : you never get to see!
Jerry Doyle : And you have to approach everything as a business.
Jerry Doyle : Cause this is called "show business" but it is really
Jerry Doyle : the business of show!
Jerry Doyle : My feeling is, when you wake up in the morning you're
Jerry Doyle : already ahead of the game!
Jerry Doyle : So choose to make it a fun, productive kind of a day!
Jerry Doyle : ga
TREVOR S : Jerry , did you realize how intense sci fi fans could be
TREVOR S : before you joined B5? Does that scare you
SELENE : Next in queue: Jedi Man 1, MICK N DAVE
MrsRev : I have to go. Jerry your work and Andrea's gives my family
alot of pleasure. Thanks for that.
TomWho : Well, I have to leave. Thanks for spending so much time with
us, Jerry. Best of luck!
Jerry Doyle : Tom, thanks!
Jedi Man 1 : Were you at a convention called "The Big Bang" in Chicago once?
Jerry Doyle : Jedi, no I was not!
Jerry Doyle : ga
DAX4 : Jerry, please answer my question! I got forgotten about!
Jerry Doyle : Dax, what was your question?
DAX4 : What are your co-stars like, and what do you all do between takes?
Jerry Doyle : I'm fortunate to work with a wonderful cast and crew
Jerry Doyle : Our crew doesn't get enough of the recognition tha they
Jerry Doyle : shoul. they are really the back bone of the show!
Jerry Doyle : I get to go to work every day with 100 upbeat, energetic,
Jerry Doyle : talented creative people and it's a joy!
StarCnslt : Yea Jerry, I spent 12 years as a concert lighting designer, so
StarCnslt : I love guys who appreciate their crew
Jerry Doyle : Throughout the day we just bascially make fun of each
Jerry Doyle : other, abuse each other, play practical jokes, telll
Jerry Doyle : stories and debate politics
Jerry Doyle : and trash every politician we can think of.
Jerry Doyle : ga
StarCnslt : too many people don't
DAX4 : Yeah, you strike me as the type to play practical jokes!
Jerry Doyle : Dax, that would be me ;-)
Jerry Doyle : ga
MICK N DAVE : How long would you like to go with your role? Are you afraid
MICK N DAVE : of getting stuck in a role?
Jerry Doyle : Mick, B5 is a 5 year project, then it's done
Jerry Doyle : And as far as being afraid of being stereotyped into a
Jerry Doyle : certain role, as long as it is a good role and the audience
MICK N DAVE : So was Star Trek
DAX4 : LOL, mick
Jerry Doyle : likes the character, I don't see any downside to that at all!
SELENE : shhh, don't say S---T---, that's tomorrow's chat
Jerry Doyle : ga
MICK N DAVE : Good for you
Jerry Doyle : Mick, LOL, yeah right!
Jerry Doyle : We'll I have to be leaving as I have to get up at 5 am
Jerry Doyle : tomorrow
SELENE : That's about all the time we have for tonight, so let's let Jerry go
home from
SELENE : work shall we?
StarCnslt : Jerry THANKS! for coming, y'all come back now y'hear?
DeeRich : bye all and thanks Jerry!
Jerry Doyle : and I have 5 pages to read, so I've lots to do!
DAX4 : Great talking to you Jerry
MICK N DAVE : Take Care
TREVOR S : Bye! Thanks for coming!!!
SELENE : Good night, and thanks for coming around! You have all these
SELENE : computer buddies who will help you if you ever want to get online!
Harmelink : Good night Gracie!1
DAX4 : Congrats on the show, and hope to hear from you again soon!
Mutti : vielen Dank!
StarCnslt : watch out for shadows
EZELL.J : Thanks for doing a great job, Jerry. We appreciate your great
EZELL.J : efforts on B5. All the best to ya!
Mutti : they move when you're not looking
Jerry Doyle : Thanks very much to you all, take care and have a great
Jerry Doyle : night!
StarCnslt : lol Mutti
DTO : Folks, the interview transcript will be available soon in our forum
DAX4 : Buh bye
M.Lowry : Jerry: thanks for contributing to one of the best shows I've ever
SELENE : *Cheer* Thanks for being here!
Lou Trap : Hats off to Jerry!! *Cheer*
M.Lowry : sniff, sniff.
StarCnslt : Selene, please make sure you take Rick up on his offer to come
back sooon too !
DAX4 : Well, that's that, everyone
M.Lowry : *TNG Bleep 1*
Harmelink : Yes!!
DTO : Thank you for attending tonight's interview folks!
M.Lowry : Hmmm. I bet no one else heard that.
DAX4 : Selene, who's on-line tomorrow
Mutti : Awwww do we have to go to bed now?
SELENE : Many thanks to behind-the-scenes helpers SueCCC and DTO too!
Harmelink : Here here
DAX4 : *Game over, man*