### GUIDE ### [3][Background] [4][Synopsis] [5][Credits] [6][Episode
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_Contents:_ [9]Overview - [10]Backplot - [11]Questions - [12]Analysis
- [13]Notes - [14]JMS
A violent attack on a Minbari poet rocks B5 and leaves Sinclair
scrambling to flush out a vicious pro-Earth group. Two star-crossed
young Centauri lovers seek Londo's protection. Ivanova is shaken
when a man from her past arrives at the outpost. [15]Nancy Lee
Grahn as Shaal Mayan. [16]Danica McKellar as Aria Tensus.
[17]Rodney Eastman as Kiron Maray. [18]Tristan Rogers as Malcolm
Biggs. [19]Michael Paul Chan as Roberts.
Sub-genre: Suspense
[20]P5 Rating: [21]6.82
Production number: 107
Original air date: March 9, 1994
Written by D. C. Fontana
Directed by Richard Compton
* The Homeguard, a radical pro-Earth group, has wide support among
humans, and is growing in popularity back on Earth.
* Shaal Mayan is a renowned Minbari poet. "I create and perform
Tee'la," she says: "poem songs that attempt to recall old memories
and prompt new ideas."
* The only two human beings ever to have direct contact with a
Vorlon have since been transferred to Earth - Dr. Kyle to work
closely with the president (cf "[22]Infection"), and the telepath
Lyta Alexander just a week later. Neither of them shared their
experiences with anyone on the station. (cf [23]"The Gathering")
* Londo has [24]three wives, all of them arranged marriages, all of
them "great sacrifices." "They inspire me! Knowing that they are
waiting at home for me is what keeps me here, [25]75 light years
* Ivanova used to be involved with a fellow named [26]Malcolm Biggs,
but left him when she enlisted in Earth Force 8 years ago.
* More insight into Londo's personality and Minbari beliefs:
_Mayan:_ Ambassador, you should listen to the girl. We Minbari
consider love to be a most potent force for healing. She cares
deeply for him. Such feelings can turn the tide when all else
_Londo:_ Oh I see. And if he dies, despite this great power of lo-
_Mayan:_ _If he dies,_ she will suffer enormous grief, but every
moment together will make her grief a little less.
_Londo:_ I would expect such logic from a poet. What can a Minbari
know about Centauri feeling?
_Mayan:_ Ambassador, I have traveled far and seen much. And what I
have seen tells me that all sentient beings are defined by their
capacity and need for love.
_Londo:_ And she will learn to live without it!
_Mayan:_ As you did?
* [later...]
_Vir:_ Kiron may die because our "glorious" tradition values
wealth and power over _love._
_Londo:_ My shoes are too tight.
_Vir:_ Excuse me?
_Londo:_ Something my father said. He was old, very old at the
time. I went into his room, and he was sitting alone in the dark,
crying. So I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "My shoes are
too tight, but it doesn't matter, because I have forgotten how to
dance." I never understood what that meant until now. _My_ shoes
are too tight, and I have forgotten how to dance.
Unanswered Questions
* The black light camouflage suits worn by the Homeguard henchmen
were developed by Earth Force; friends of [27]Malcolm's procured
some prototypes for them. Is a faction of Earth Force actually
backing the Homeguard for its own reasons?
* Londo seems to have had a troubled childhood (see [28]Backplot).
What happened that he's so aggressive and melancholy? None of the
other Centauri seem particularly so.
* Why is Kosh studying human history, as [29]Sinclair's conversation
with him appears to reveal, especially when he says "We have no
interest in the affairs of others?" Perhaps for some reason Kosh
does not consider humans "others." Or perhaps by "affairs" he
meant the passing events of the day, as compared to the millennia
of a civilization.
* The Homeguard sign branded onto Shaal Mayan's forehead is a
combination of male and female symbols from ancient Greek mythos.
Perhaps it's a contemporary symbol for humankind.
* Vir passed himself off as the Centauri ambassador in letters to
his cousins, and later [30]rebukes Londo to his face about his
decision on the matter. This is quite bold compared to the
quavering fop he's been before.
* Londo's nicknames for his wives are "Pestilence, Famine, and
Death" - three of the four horsemen of the apocalypse from ancient
Christian mythos. Who is the fourth horseman War? Perhaps Londo
* [31]Talking to Kosh about the attacks on non-humans, Sinclair
breaks off right after asking him to "lend a hand." Not long later
Sinclair wonders aloud to Ivanova how an assassin had managed to
poison Kosh on the "hand," _through_ his encounter suit. (cf
[32]"The Gathering")
* Sinclair was brusque and callous to Delenn and the Abbai
agricultural representative at the diplomatic reception. He also
declared to the assembled Council that the hate-crime
investigation was closed, offering neither arrests nor evidence of
safety. This was part of his ruse to win the Homeguard's trust,
but he may still have injured his reputation with other races.
* The Homeguard plot on the station was, according to its leader
Malcolm Biggs, part of a much bigger plot to kill prominent aliens
all over the Earth Alliance.
* Black light camouflage is a similar technology to the chameleon
net the assassin used in [33]"The Gathering." However, it requires
an entire body-suit and only works while the user is motionless.
No mention was made of what was done with the four suits captured
with the Homeguard henchmen - Garibaldi may have stashed them away
somewhere. And it's unlikely that those were the only four suits
in existence; perhaps the technology will be seen again (cf.
[34]"Babylon Squared".)
* Mayan, a childhood friend of Delenn's, arrived on the station on a
tour of other worlds. Earth was to have been her next stop.
* _Mayan_ (of her attacker): "All I could see was a shadow. It was a
shadow, that is all I know."
(cf [35]"Signs and Portents", perhaps?)
* Ivanova is illegally growing coffee in the station hydroponics
* Kosh speaks.
_Sinclair:_ Meanwhile it might be helpful if you spoke with the
other ambassadors.
_Kosh:_ We take no interest in the affairs of others.
_Sinclair:_ Well I hope you'll reconsider. If you could give us a
hand, we -
_Kosh:_ Yes?
_Sinclair:_ Nothing. We'll respect your wishes. [pause]
That's quite a viewer. I've never seen anything like it before.
What is it?
_Kosh:_ Efficient.
_Sinclair:_ Those are images from my world. If I may ask, what are
you -
_Kosh:_ I am studying.
_Sinclair:_ Studying what?
_Kosh:_ [shuts down]
* The images on Kosh's levitating viewer were zoom-ins on pictorial
records from Earth history throughout the span of its
jms speaks
* Correct; the title of "The War Prayer" is a nod to [36]Twain's
piece of the same name, which should be read by *everyone*. Given
the growing problems with illiteracy, I try to refer not to pop
society so much, as to literature...Tennyson, Twain, even writers
whose last names don't begin with T.
* Of course, you're assuming that a Centauri year is the same as our
year. The speed of light is constant...but defined by us by our
own 12-month year. For instance, in one episode, we mention that
B5 is 12 of our light years from the Narn homeworld, which is
equal to about 10 of their years.
So without knowing the Centauri year, the figures are faulty.
* For those out there who still think the skin tab getting through
Kosh's encounter suit was an error...we're going to be dealing
with that, and some other interesting threads in [this] episode.
Sinclair comments on the whole question of how the poison ever got
into him...and notes how curious it is that, within weeks of that
incident, Dr. Kyle was transferred back to Earth to work directly
with the Earth Alliance President on matters of alien immigration,
and Lyta Alexander was similarly transferred a week or so after
that. The only two people to have personal knowledge of a Vorlon
have been shipped off and possibly locked up.
* By the way...on the Kosh poisoning thread, which was originally to
be discussed in "Parliament"...we ended up about 3 minutes long on
"Parliament," and three minutes short on D.C. Fontana's "War
Prayer." So we lifted that scene and inserted it into her episode,
doing a small bit of ADR to facilitate the move. It's now quite
* _Why was Delenn unfamiliar with poetry in [37]"The Gathering?"_
For the Minbari, it's tee'la, which is a kind of poem-song, sort
of. Delenn was mainly just unfamiliar with the term.
* Y'know...it's a funny old world. And sometimes it just astonishes
About 2 months ago, one of our freelancers turned in a script that
has to do with a hate group, in the course of which a guest
character -- a Minbari -- is attacked and has her head branded
with the symbol of the group.
So you will doubtless understand my astonishment when I turned on
DS9 and saw the same thing happen.
Unfortunately, we've already shot that episode, it's in the can,
so ther nothing we can do about it now. Further -- and let me be
totally clear about this -- there's no way that DS9 could've
borrowed the idea from us, or in any way been influence by us, and
no way we could've been influenced by them. To get on the air now,
they would've had to shoot their episode some time before the
writer turned in that draft for our show. And none of us were in
any way aware of what was going on there until we saw it the night
of the broadcast...and came in the next day with looks of absolute
These things do happen...and when you're dealing with similar
general areas -- humans vs. aliens, or one alien group vs. another
alien group -- then something like this becomes inevitable. And
given the foreheads on Ferengi, and the foreheads on Minbari, the
obviousness of that target becomes clear. Still, it's amazing when
it happens. And I guess I just wanted it to be clear when this
thing airs that the sequence in our show was in the can and done
when the DS9 episode aired.
* We're in discussions to see if there's any way we can cut this
from the show...the only problem is that the brand stays on
throughout the show. If it were just in one shot, we'd cut the
shot and find some other way around it. The only way we can lose
it now would be if we literally wiped off the brand by going into
every frame in which it appears and digitally removing it from the
frame...which is a *real* pain in the butt...but we are
considering it.
* The points made above are essentially correct; the brand goes on
in the very top of the show, in the teaser, and stay on throughout
the episode...and part of the story is dealing with this, and what
it means. An offer is made to remove it, but the victim decides
*not* to have it removed, because there are lessons in these
things...and it becomes almost a badge of defiance.
In addition to the notes here, I've received a whole bunch of
email notes saying to leave it in, on the grounds that it *does*
happen in real life (or incidents close to it), and how we're
handling it *is* very different. (Some indicated that it can
illustrate how the two hows handle their themes in different
ways.) So it's a tough call ...to change would also mean some
re-shooting...but given the responses here, I think it's okay to
leave it in place.
File this one away the next time someone asks, "What sort of ways
has the BBS discussion actually affected Babylon 5?"
* There is some limited life within the garden...some birds (which
you can hear sometimes), and insects, and the like. (In one shot
you can see an insect fly off one of our actors. Yeah, sure, like
we planned that....) It's generally one season in the Garden, and
plants requiringvariation are raised in a separate hydroponics
area, such as the orchard (seen in "War Prayer").
* Lennier is not in the cargo area during the beating, nor is he in
BG during the negotiations. That's a Minbari of the worker class.
(You can generally tell from the orange-ish smock-thingie they
wear.) Sorry.
Originally compiled by Matthew Ryan _matt@uhs.uchicago.edu_
[44]Last update: August 8, 1997
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