Babylon 5 posts by JMS on GEnie for July 16-31, 1994
This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
Straczynski in the Babylon 5 category. The posts are copyright by JMS
(and compilation copyright is by GEnie).
Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
SF-MARSHALL [Dave ] at 18:50 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 - The Series (Non-Spoiler)
Welcome to the Babylon 5 category and main topic for the new series. Here is
the place for all general information on the series. Topic 2 is the location
for SPOILERS. And please, NO STORY IDEAS are to be posted either.
732 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 452 Sat Jul 16, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:59 EDT
The first batch of mugs are from (you'll pardon the expression) Creation.
Currently about 2/3rds finished writing a second-season ep called
"Revelations," and though I've written and commissioned others already, this
one's sizing up to be a major ass-kicker from a story perspective.
Definitely the flip-side of "Chrysalis." Some really, really nice stuff.
The hardest part is always writing Kosh, because you have to be very
careful how much you use him, and what he says. Too much and he loses his
sense of mystery, and you don't want him spouting fortune-cookie type
aphorisms. He has a very deliberate way of speaking in which everything,
every smallest nuance and inflection means something, but sometimes not what
it appears to mean, or comes at it from a very different angle than normal
conversation. So I go as minimalist as possible, to get the meaning down to
the smallest number of words possible. And in one scene, one of only two he
appears in, I got him down to *one word*, and that one word -- and it's a
totally inoffensive, neutral word on its own terms -- should scare the hell
out of *everybody*.
Ah loves this show....
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 455 Sat Jul 16, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:22 EDT
Telepaths are the ultimate minority, and when it comes to the use of
their talents, and the protection of the rights of the hysterical majority,
their rights don't mean a whole hell of a lot.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 473 Sat Jul 16, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:18 EDT
Yes, Mary Jo is Christian Slater's mom. She keeps nudging us about an
appearance, since he loves SF. We'll see.
And also correct...the majority of freelance scripts we commission don't
tend to need a lot of revision. Certainly not after the first go round. DC's
first script needed a bit of work, but that was mainly because she was still
feeling her way around the characters and the show. Her second script came in
almost letter perfect; move around a few commas and that's about it. And her
outline for her next script, for season two, is very cool.
Funny story. Saw Ed Wasser ("Morden") the other day, and asked him if
he'd had any reaction to his first appearance on the show. Just one, he said.
He was in a florist shop, picking out some stuff for a friend who was sick.
The proprieter came over, asked, "What do you want?" Ed sorta mumbled about
wanting some flowers. "What do you want?" the owner asked again. Ed -- still
not getting it -- said he was looking for some nice stuff for a friend who was
sick. "Yes, but what do you *want*?" the owner asked. At which point Ed
finally twigged to what was going on. He said afterward that it really *is*
an unnerving approach, which was kinda the point.
Of course, the owner then added that he thought the scene was from DS9,
but what the hell, it's an imperfect universe.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 483 Sun Jul 17, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:52 EDT
We're re-doing *all* of our computer displays for next year, using some
nifty graphic designs. Part of the problem is that the boys at Foundation
were doing the displays, and they were swamped doing our main CGI, so that
kinda fell by the wayside. This year we've got someone who does ONLY our
computer screens with us in-house.
Glad you liked the series font, btw; I picked it out me own self. It's
Serpentine Medium, for anyone interested.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 499 Sun Jul 17, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:43 EDT
Yeah, just about all of our monitor stuff in scenes is done live on the
stage, rather than in post; gives it a nice sense of reality, I think.
Re: serpentine medium...about 75% of the reason I picked that font was
because it looked cool, and 25% because I liked the name and the image it
brings to mind.
Re: telepathy...yes, it's bordered and proscribed by physical
limitations, in many ways; the closer you are, the better you can do. Even
Bester, in "Mind War," noted that he could shut Ironheart down, "but we have
to be on a line-of-sight to do it." They couldn't just broadcast it into the
ether, he had to be *there* in front of them.
The whole telepathy issue is an interesting one in the universe of B5.
There have always been attempts to prove the existence of telepathy, but in
general the findings have been inconclusive. But about 125 years or so ago in
B5's timeline (2100-2110 and thereabouts) the findings began suddenly to tilt,
and full-blown telepaths began to be discovered. There were some abortive and
confused attempts to legislate around this, most of which failed or were
overturned in various courts of law. About 2150 or so, the government
agencies that regulated and oversaw telepaths were rolled over into the newly
established Psi Corps, which became a clearing house for locating,
controlling, and licensing telepaths for commercial, some very restricted
legal, and military purposes.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 521 Mon Jul 18, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:51 EDT
Yes, a businessman can insist on having his own telepath present, or can
ask not to be scanned during negotiations...though it is a sign that one has
something to hide, and might screw the deal. Sinclair could have asked for a
telepath on his side, but 1) that wasn't the issue, it was allowing NO
telepath to have that access, and 2) would've requird a Psi Corps military
liaison-type telepath, and none were available on station.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 529 Tue Jul 19, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:29 EDT
There's definitely a crew mess, which you can see in "Babylon Squared,"
and a couple of other episodes. Next season you'll also be seeing our
Officer's Club.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 559 Thu Jul 21, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:44 EDT
Of course those two options are profoundly unfair. Some elements of
EarthGov are very unfair. Some elements of *our* government are very unfair.
So now we see what this does to people, and how they react.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 560 Thu Jul 21, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:49 EDT
(hrrmmmm...looks like my internet gateway is down again....)
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 580 Fri Jul 22, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:41 EDT
One of the Kosh guesses in this category is correct.
But I'm not telling you which one, or which topic it appears in.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 636 Sun Jul 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:23 EDT
Re: sound in space...I sent out the word to just about everyone to get a
consensus on this issue. And I got back some surprising responses from a
number of physicists, including none other than Freeman Dyson. The SF
community has always accepted, unquestioningly, almost as a shibboleth, the No
Sound In Space Is Possible theory. But what came back from Dyson and others
says, basically, that this ain't necessarily the case.
Eventually, I'll get around to collating all the info and uploading it
here. (But as one example, if a ship of very large size explodes, the
atmosphere within will expand outward, carrying with it the sound of the
explosion. It will fizzle fairly quickly, but if you're within the range of
the expanding bubble of air and sound, you'll hear something. Also, if a
ship explodes, if you're outside the bubble, floating in space without a ship
or a helmet, no, you won't hear it, but then that doesn't matter because
you're dead. If you're in another ship, outside the range of the expanding
air curtain, you'll hear sounds as the debris, radiation and other effects of
the explosion strike your hull, causing it to ring or otherwise reflect the
In any event, I think that this particular shibboleth is going to have
to be reconsidered.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 651 Sun Jul 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:29 EDT
Nothing scanned by a telepath is admissible in court per se.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 688 Thu Jul 28, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:38 EDT
Neither "Quality," "Babylon Squared" nor "Chrysalis" start with someone
coming to the station.
Topic 2 Wed Nov 20, 1991
STARR [Arne] at 19:41 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 -- The Series!! >>SPOILERS<<
Babylon 5 offically became a series on May 28 '93. There will be 22 hour eps
for season one (in addition to the pilot). Airs Wednesdays at 8PM in most
places starting Jan. 26 '94. This is the SPOILER topic where anything goes.
824 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 653 Sun Jul 17, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:49 EDT
We digitally isolated the image of the bike driving away, and then
composited it into the shot.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 670 Sun Jul 17, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:22 EDT
Correct...Internal Investigations = II's = Eyes.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 683 Sat Jul 23, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:20 EDT
I try not to hype shows that I like unless I know beyond a doubt that
it's absolutley kickp-ass. I like "Voice" a lot; it is the point at which we
really start cranking, speeding things up as we barrel toward "Chrysalis." I
think the CGi is nothing less than terrific, Christopher Franke went balls-to-
the-wall and did an *amazing* job with the music, the performances are good.
I like it a lot. I haven't commented upon it a lot because it's kind of the
weird child in the brood; when I write, I generally write tight and fast. By
the third act, you're *moving*. In this case, you have to pace yourself out
*very* differently, so part of my brain keeps doing this "c'mon, speed it up,
speed it up" when I'm watching the first part because I'm used to a different
one-hour kind of pacing.
Kathryn says I'm nuts. But then this is nothing new.
Anyway, I do think it's pretty cool, and does a lot with virtual sets and
composite sets.
Yesterday, I got the final air-check versions of "Babylon Squared" and
"Chrysalis" to QC before delivering them to PTEN. Watched both of them three
times in the same day. They're just stunning. Probably the two best episodes
of the entire season.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 686 Sat Jul 23, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:36 EDT
Yeah...I love Londo's song, that whole scene. The director wanted to cut
Ivanova's coda after her mantra, but I really felt we needed it, and it played
perfectly with her Russian character, which tends to have this unusual
relationship with higher forces (he said vaguely). I love character based
humor, because it's very powerful once you know the characters, and it can
really blind-side you if done right. Ivanova's reaction in the core area was
about as real as would probably happen, but it's funny to hear her *say* it.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 689 Sun Jul 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:26 EDT
Basically, I thought "Legacies" was pretty good, all things considered.
I'd put it at around the center of the pack. It didn't exactly leap off the
boards at me, but I didn't have any major problems with it, as I did with, for
instance, "Infection." (Like the CGI composite shot of the rotunda, looking
out at the garden before panning down a lot.)
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 691 Sun Jul 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:27 EDT
Generally, that stuff is generated by Ron's elves, since they do the
rendering and have the specs on-line, and yes, that stuff will show up in the
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 698 Sun Jul 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:32 EDT
How did I get what CD of my CGI? I'm not sure I understand the question.
The CD Rom (I believe these are two separate issues) will be out from
Compton's around January or so.
And yeah, we definitely gave Ron's elves a workout on this one....
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 717 Tue Jul 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:58 EDT
This ought to mess you up...take all the stuff we learn and stuff we do
in "Voice," multiply the whole two hours times two, and you get some idea of
what's in "Babylon Squared" and "Chrysalis." The latter is the closest thing
I've ever seen to a blipvert...yikes!
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 721 Tue Jul 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:53 EDT
How does one come up with stuff like Londo's song? Easy, really; you
start by putting yourself in the position of an alien trying to understand us.
And if you step back for a second, we do some *very* weird stuff. What he
says about the song is exactly right in terms of its meaning.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 728 Wed Jul 27, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:49 EDT
Tom: I just think that you gotta push the car to its limits, and beyond,
and beyond, cranking it further and further until your buttons fly off, the
windshield cracks, the roof buckles and the doors blow off. That, to me, is
a *ride*. And I want B5 to be a *ride*.
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 739 Thu Jul 28, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:42 EDT
And there we get into the contradiction; Ivanova and Sinclair down on the
planet would be mainly more run-and-jump...Draal talking about his feelings,
Delenn showing she is upset that her friend is going away and will never be
seen by her again, their obvious friendship, that to me is characterization.
And not just throwaway stuff, either, but important down the road.
But hey, what do I know....
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 746 Thu Jul 28, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:52 EDT
"...a few minutes of Sinclair and Ivanova telling each other what's going
on in their heads while they explore the city."
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 749 Thu Jul 28, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:08 EDT
On the question of dialogue, this comes under the heading of General
Editorializing, not directed to anyone in particular....
I love monologues. They are a legitimate part of any drama. The MTV
generation has had its tastes so thoroughly bastardized by quick cuts,
lowering the attention span further and further, that any bite of more than
ten seconds and they start to wander, it becomes a block of words and they
blur out.
Go rent Network by Paddy Chayefsky, watch nearly any of the TZs by Rod
Serling, go see "The Lady's Not for Burning" by Christopher Fry...all
chockablock with moments where you park for a moment and let fly with a chunk
of dialogue that smashes your head against the wall. Not every single
exchange has to be foreshortened so that you lose the *impact* of what's being
said. Because people's attention spans have been greatly foreshortened,
suddenly more than 3 lines at a time is somehow viewed as wrong. It ain't.
Just that lots of folks are afraid to try it, afraid to rely on just the words
and the actors. And sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. But it's
The monologue in particular, done right, isn't just to convey
information, it's to create a mood, to paint pictures with words, to expand on
the obvious. Yeah, I could've just written, "The narns hate us, we hate them,
it's equal math." But that doesn't carry the same meaning, the same sense as
"so here we are...victims of mathematics." The use of the word "victim"
connotes, hey, it's not my fault. Yeah, the former is shorter, but you lose
the rhythms, the imagery, and the *sense* of what is intended. You could say,
"The narn hate us." But to say, "if the narns gathered together in one place,
and hated, all at the same time, that hatred would fly across dozens of light
years and reduce Centauri Prime to a ball of ash," draws a picture, lends
power to the emotion.
Point being...I like 'em, there's nothing wrong with them, and they're
Category 18, Topic 2
Message 765 Fri Jul 29, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:46 EDT
Actually, sadly, that was Londo's first wife, who he was forced to
divorce later. Eventually I'll get into this.
Londo and Garibaldi really are two sides of the same coin, in some ways.
There's an odd friendship there, almost grudging; Londo had little to gain by
cheering up Garibaldi, except a drink perhaps, but that's what friends do.
Re: the XO and second going down...my theory is that there's a First
Contact Protocol that doesn't currently exist because there's no need for it
in the present. No aliens yet. The Earth/Minbari War started with a botched
First Contact that nearly wiped out humanity. You don't want junior officers
anywhere even *near* the scene. You send your two best, who are trained in
FCP (which Sinclair referenced in "Soul Hunter," btw). If they die, they're
replaceable. Earth isn't.
Two really great quotes above, btw. We get some more nice ones in season
two, in the first two episodes. One is from Lincoln (a little bit about
saving or losing the last best hope of Earth), the second from Yeats (what
rough beast slouching toward Bethelehem, to be born).
Topic 3 Tue Nov 03, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:09 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 - Computer SFX Tech-Talk
Some of the new computer EFX used in BABYLON 5 will be revolutionary, a new
approach never seen before on this scale. It's all new tech, and this topic
will try and address the new technologies involved.
656 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 3
Message 620 Sat Jul 16, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:21 EDT
Yes, that building is in the Garden. You can see buildings there in many
shots, some better than others. It's a big place. The Fresh Air restaurant
is also in the Garden area, and you can see buildings there in "Purple," also
upcoming in "Quality."
Category 18, Topic 3
Message 632 Sun Jul 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:33 EDT
Hey...sooner or later...boom.
Topic 4 Tue Nov 03, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:12 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 - Cast & Characters
For discussion of the actors who will be bringing BABYLON 5 to life with their
performances...for information before, and discussion after the airing of "The
Gathering" pilot.
574 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 4
Message 500 Sun Jul 17, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:45 EDT
...grumble mumble ramma framma overrated tradition bah humbug....
Category 18, Topic 4
Message 511 Sun Jul 17, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:24 EDT
The address to send the photos is the generic B5 address:
14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.
Re: Jarvis...I have a little something planned in our first episode, just
a little thing, really...a small stilletto between the ribs....
Category 18, Topic 4
Message 523 Tue Jul 19, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:30 EDT
It's okay, both addresses will work fine.
Category 18, Topic 4
Message 538 Wed Jul 27, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:53 EDT
Thank you, thank you, *thank you* for giving me the name of the pinhead
who's been spreading that information around. I've been trying to backtrack
it for a few weeks now. It's been really infuriating because it simply ain't
Oh, good, this means tomorrow I get to call somebody up and yell at him.
I *enjoy* that. There's nothing more wonderful in all the universe that
a justified, righteous mad. I get all tingly just thinking about it.
Category 18, Topic 4
Message 552 Fri Jul 29, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:48 EDT
Filming begins on August 10th. Probably some time next week I'll be able
to give you the name. We've pretty much closed the deal, after considerable
and lengthy negotiation, but I don't want to come out with it just yet.
Topic 9 Wed Nov 11, 1992
T.RESTIVO [Little Guy] at 18:27 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 Humor
From *Beep Beep*, to Top Ten Lists, to full-blown parodies, this is where to
put your funny bone in writing!
715 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 9
Message 703 Sat Jul 23, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:23 EDT
This is a terrible story, but Paul Simon, in an interview, swears that
it's true. Someone asked him about his songs. He said he was in a restaurant
down south, stopped in for a sandwich, long time ago. Asked for a chicken and
egg sandwich. The waitress called back the request to the cook, "One mother
and child reunion."
And that's where he got the title....
Topic 12 Wed Nov 18, 1992
B.WIST [Brad] at 18:12 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 Sightings
Post here when you've spotted Babylon 5, whether it be on Television,
Magazine, or somewhere else. Let us know where we can find it/see it, too.
642 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 12
Message 634 Tue Jul 19, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:24 EDT
Just did an on-camera interview for E! News Daily. Expect to see this on
the E! channel (if you get it) on the 25th of this month. The topic: on-line
services. (Fairly straightforward introductory stuff, frankly.)
Topic 13 Mon Nov 23, 1992
T.ORTH [Mr. Rico] at 21:00 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 - Science & Technology
Jump gates, nanotech, high-tech weapons, starship drives, sound in space, and
other subjects of science and technology in Babylon 5.
485 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 13
Message 456 Sun Jul 17, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:26 EDT
Actually, would red light tend to produce red eyes, or green eyes?
Through a red filter, red on red, everything would kinda vanish, yes?
Topic 14 Thu Dec 31, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:59 EST
Sub: Lurkers/Introductions: Please Sign In
A place for newcomers to come in, say hello, whether you want to jump into the
conversation or not, just to let us know you're here.
755 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 14
Message 721 Wed Jul 20, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:34 EDT
"JMS is not a god."
Oh, great, fine, you had to wait until AFTER they found the nails and
hammer to mention that....
Category 18, Topic 14
Message 726 Sat Jul 23, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:26 EDT
Regarding why I generally don't respond to flirtings...does the name
Bobbitt ring a bell?
Topic 17 Tue Jan 19, 1993
C.STOBBE [Colin] at 21:02 EST
Sub: Babylon 5 - Merchandising
A place to discuss all the neat Babylon 5 merchandising coming out (hopefully)
716 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 17
Message 667 Sat Jul 16, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:23 EDT
Not yet, but we've been talking about it.
Category 18, Topic 17
Message 669 Sat Jul 16, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:23 EDT
No, they are not.
Any script broker selling copies of B5 scripts is doing so without
permission. They are engaging in copyright infringement. The contents of the
scripts belong to PTEN, but the physical copies belong to the writers, who get
nothing out of this. It ruins, for instance, Christy's chance to make a few
dollars selling what is hers, if her script gets on the open market.
Category 18, Topic 17
Message 672 Sun Jul 17, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:28 EDT
One of the things we're thinking of doing, once and if we can get this B5
fan liaison office going, is to sell scripts from the show. But unlike any
other script house (and a certain other show that sells its scripts), the
writers of the scripts sold will get a royalty off the sale of their scripts;
or, if they don't want them sold, we won't do so. And it won't be exclusive
in any event.
Category 18, Topic 17
Message 674 Mon Jul 18, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:46 EDT
That is one of the things we hope to do with the B5 fan liaison office,
when and if we can get it going; to help defray expenses, we think we can
market a few things, including scripts of aired shows, with the proviso that
the original writer gets a royalty off the scripts, and/or can opt not to have
their script sold if they so desire.
Category 18, Topic 17
Message 678 Mon Jul 18, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:27 EDT
Probably within a month or so after being aired.
Category 18, Topic 17
Message 689 Sat Jul 23, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:27 EDT
The EA game fell through, for various and sundry reasons.
Category 18, Topic 17
Message 696 Tue Jul 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:56 EDT
Yeah, I had the same conversation...suggested a structure rather like the
Winds of War, set during the Earth/Minbari War, in that we have all of our
characters in different places, seeing the story and the war from their
perspectives, and how their paths intersect during that time in odd or
unlikely ways. Dell didn't think that was the way to go, that unless it was
set in the present, people would feel disappointed.
Oh, well...eventually we'll get around to that part of the story.
Category 18, Topic 17
Message 707 Fri Jul 29, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:51 EDT
John: we discarded a title for this season, "A Trick of the Mind," which
we changed to "A Spider in the Web." The former, now available, might work
well for the book.
Topic 23 Fri Feb 12, 1993
V.VAIDY1 [Vijay] at 23:00 EST
Sub: "OtherWorks" by JMS
Before there was "B5" and when "JMS" was just another Plain Joe, there was
[A discussion of the other works of J. Michael Straczynski]
201 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 23
Message 196 Sat Jul 16, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:24 EDT
Actually, the eps I wrote for AW were never released; they were part of
the batch done for the last season, which never got aired or released.
Category 18, Topic 23
Message 200 Mon Jul 18, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:28 EDT
Didn't write it, your honor. Had nothin' to do with it. The ones I
wrote (and the ones Larry wrote) are the only ones with single writing
Topic 24 Fri Jun 04, 1993
J.ROY18 [Jonathan] at 21:11 EDT
Sub: Babylon 5 - Weapons and Warfare!
For discussion about the weapons, counter weapons, armor, shielding, tactics,
logistics, and so forth, of small combat and large scale war in the Babylon 5
331 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 24
Message 325 Tue Jul 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:59 EDT
Insofar as I know, the designs entered in on the cruisers hasn't been
modified at all, so I can't account for any perceived differences. And I
believe that the Minbari flyer used was the same model as Deathwalker used,
though without checking the tapes I can't be 100% sure. It's a fairly
standard flyer.
Topic 25 Fri Mar 12, 1993
S.SHELLENBAR [>> SHANE <<] at 08:47 EST
Sub: J. Michael Straczynski Speaks in Public
This is the place to find out where and when JMS will be appearing next. JMS
has honed his skills as a public speaker and is taking his act on the road.
596 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 25
Message 581 Tue Jul 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:59 EDT
San Diego Comic Con *Flash*.....I've been asked to do two major B5
presentations (well, major in that I'll be there...which is kinda major, I
guess...okay, maybe a lieutenant...second lieutenant...actually, it's not a
big thing....) at the convention: one is still slated for that Friday from 2-4
p.m., and they've added a second presentation from 11-1 Saturday. (If you saw
the Chicago presentation, there isn't much need to hustle to see the one on
Friday; but you may want to be there for the Saturday one, which will be in a
larger room.)
Possible that Bill Mumy will be there; don't know (doubt it) if Harlan
will be able to show up in time; John Iacovelli (art/production designer
extraordinaire) will try to show up for one of these.
Category 18, Topic 25
Message 584 Wed Jul 27, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:57 EDT
I'll tell you a true thing, and I'm not saying this to get any kind of
reassurance or pats, this is the god's honest truth...I never feel that way.
If one of the cast shows up, if one of our other folks shows up, that's a big
deal, from my perspective. Me is just me, and I'm forever *astonished* when
people actually show up. I'm constantly sure that I'm going to go to the room
and find that no one is there. I'm told by people that I'm supposed to be
some kind of "celebrity," whatever the hell THAT means this week...but I've
never transitioned into accepting that notion.
Category 18, Topic 25
Message 586 Wed Jul 27, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:43 EDT
Nothing that I know of, meself included.
Category 18, Topic 25
Message 592 Thu Jul 28, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 17:10 EDT
I'd recommend Saturday.
Topic 31 Sat Jul 09, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:23 EDT
Sub: Really Stupid Questions from JMS
Every so often, I need Information. (You won't get it!) Technical stuff,
research or reference stuff...and given the brain trust here, I figured this
could be a useful resource from time to time. With appreciation.
99 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 31
Message 38 Sat Jul 16, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:28 EDT
Can I get SCSI installed with the computer from Dell? Does PCI take the
place of SCSI? Will Jeff marry Sally?
Question: the Native American practice of "wars" in which you bonk each
other with gourds while riding on horseback, not really hurting anyone but
racking up points...that's called "counting coup," yes?
Category 18, Topic 31
Message 45 Mon Jul 18, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 15:54 EDT
(as he lay there on the mat, the referee counting slowly to ten, he
decides whether to get up, and face another barrage, or just lay there
contemplating how amazing the lights look from this perspective....)
My problem with my current system is that it works fine with the first
item on the SCSI system, a rewriteable optical disk. It's when I plug that
into the second device, a 6-CD rom jukebox (Pioneer 604X) that suddenly the
system begins resetting and resetting and resetting when I turn it on. I can
only make ti stop resetting by unplugging the jukebox. There's not a conflict
in the device number, that seems fine. And insofar as I can tell, the
terminatin switches are set fine. Ultrastor thinks that a jumper of some kind
needs to be installed on the car.
All I want...please...is a computer that I can plug in, not have to mess
with, and will be able to do everything I want it to do with the DOS software
(sorry, macs) that I've grown accustomed to. It seems like every computer
I've ever owned needs massaging, nudging, configuring, constant prayer and
occasional exorcism. I just want it to *work right* out of the box. Is that
really so much to ask?
Category 18, Topic 31
Message 61 Sun Jul 24, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:33 EDT
Other stupid question moment. Back in the 50s, there was an SF series
called "Planet Patrol." No, not "Space Patrol" (though that was what it was
called in England), "Planet Patrol." Aired in New York on WPIX. We're
talking here puppets, okay? Cool martians and tube cars and rockets and space
stations and stuff. Used to watch the show all the time when I was a kid, and
am looking for copies of the episodes. (It was made in B&W.) For *years*,
nobody even believed it existed; it isn't in ANY book that I'm aware of.
Finally, about 2 years ago, I got my hands on one copy of one episode from a
contact, which wasn't much, but was enough to convince everyone from holding
that planned sanity hearing. It DOES (or did) exist. So once every year or
two, I put out the word...if anyone here has copies of this show, or knows
where same can be gotten, I'd *very* much appreciate hearing about it.
Category 18, Topic 31
Message 69 Tue Jul 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:27 EDT
Kathy, it'd be great if you could find out. Basically, if it's a show
with real actors, it's not the show I'm looking for; if it's got puppets, then
it is. (Though sometimes I wonder at the distinction....)
Category 18, Topic 31
Message 73 Tue Jul 26, 1994
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 16:03 EDT
Klaatu: not the Tom Corbet space patrol, this is a different thing.
Yeah, finally decided to screw it and bite the bullet (to mix my
metaphors a bit) and get the damned thing. Reality is, if you wait for the
next Big Thing, you'll never buy anything. I'd gotten paralyzed, and finally
just figured to do it.
Going for the Dell Dimension 90mhz Pentium, 32 megs ram, 17" monitor (.26
mm resolution), 3x CD Rom, 2 1-gigabyte drives, 2 floppies, IDE controller,