Babylon 5 posts by JMS for Jan 1, 1993 - Jan 18, 1993
This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
Straczynski in the Babylon 5 topic. The posts are copyright 1993 by
J. Michael Straczynski with compilation copyright by GEnie.
Topic 1 Mon Oct 26, 1992
SF-FANTASY [Yog Sysop] at 18:50 EST
Sub: Babylon 5
Welcome to the Babylon 5 category! As always, offering or requesting copies
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397 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 73 Fri Jan 01, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 05:01 EST
Will, jeez, that's amazing...you should've said something, the B5 family
would've been there with cards and letters. How're you doing now? I know it
can be a very traumatic experience, even once you're physically 100%.
One more thing, Will. Email me your address.
On other fronts....
One week from today, we will (or should) be finished with
sound/music/looping edits and the B5 pilot will be complete. It's both
exhilirating to think about that...and there's also that post partum
depression that hits whenever I finish a big project, a novel, or an episode
of a series. In my head, all I can play over are the things we should've or
could've done to make it even better...the scenes we should have trimmed, the
scenes we should've dropped back in again, THIS angle on a fight instead of
THAT one...you can play with these things forever. At some point, you just
have to let go.
Then the next phase -- the series -- rests in large measure in your
hands, in terms of how fast we can get this puppy in gear.
It's kind of funny, meanwhile...I've gotten a number of private responses
to stuff I asked here, and one person told me a rather remarkable story,
alongside Will's...without naming names, he'd taken it upon himself to
proselytize about the show as much as possible, to tell as many people about
it as he could.
Apparently, he was on one system, and saw a young woman on-line, and
called her into chat, something he was normally to shy EVER to do before.
They began talking about the show -- she'd apparently heard a little about
it, but not much -- and over time they began corresponding, and, in the words
of the person who sent me the note, "We fell in love with each other."
They've now met, and it looks like it might get serious indeed.
Amazing. (When the person gives me his permission, I'll post the full
note; he's a little sheepish of her finding out he said anything.)
I think it's really kind of cool.
Oh...one last thing. Several people have inquired privately how to send
notes or stuff hard-copy. An address where I can be reached is 14431 Ventura
Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 89 Fri Jan 01, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 18:21 EST
What an amazing group of posts...I'm speechless. It's gratifying to see
that the process works, that this medium can be used to such good effect.
Something that has always been important to me is de-mystifying the process.
Lee mentioned somewhere uptopic that the on-line stuff has been going on for a
long time, across various shows, from RGBs and Power through Zone and now to
this. To de-mystify writing, Harlan writes in bookstore windows...I do this.
I just got a private note today (oh, and speaking of notes, just address
hard-copy mail to my name; it's a private mailing address, not a studio) from
one fellow who just managed to get a development deal with a studio. It ain't
big, but it's a start...and because of the discussion here, and elsewhere over
the years, he has a better idea of what to expect, and how to prepare.
This is an extremely tough business to crack. And the largest part of
the problem is just getting accurate information. When I came to LA
originally, I didn't know squat, and a long time -- a LONG time -- was wasted,
time I now very much regret losing, because I just didn't fully or accurately
understand How Things Worked. If this process can make the entry easier for
another writer, or de-mystify what happens behind the screen, then all the
And, selfishly, it has been great to get the input, to hear the
questions, especially those I can't answer...because down the road you just
KNOW that that question will come up eventually, and better to be hit with it
now than blindsided later on. It's a rewarding, fascinating and challenging
exchange. I suspect that a LOT of shows would be considerably improved for
this kind of direct communication.
Oh, yeah...and re the newsletter...if you ask Christy nice, I'm sure
she'll send you the back issue. Tell her I said it was okay.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 94 Fri Jan 01, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:42 EST
That would be telling....
"And they were carried off to Babylon...."
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 124 Sun Jan 03, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:05 EST
I really don't know how to make an e-mail mailing list, and it would seem
inappropriate to ask anyone here to go through the hassle of doing it for all
1800-2000 people here to accommodate the handful with dishes. Or silverware,
for that matter. If someone here would like to be your "Dish Buddy" and send
you a note when it goes on, that might be one way of doing it.
Re: kids/robots...the exact phrasing of that has gone through various
permutations and paraphrasings; the specific line is "No kids or cute robots."
The latter specifically entails entities such as Twiki (got the spelling right
this time, thanks to whoever corrected me), who should be run down by a truck
at the first opportunity. (In fact, I can say without hesitation that if you
ever DO see what passes for a cute robot on this show, keep a close eye on it,
because you'll probably see somebody drop an anvil on it REAL fast.)
So this allows us to explore the question of robotics, but to do so in a
fairly serious context. Because logically, 200+ years in the future there are
going to be some changes; robotics will be more common, though likely in some
different form. (If you've seen the promos or the pilot, you've seen the
maintenance 'bot that checks out the hull of B5; it has arms, it moves, it's
independent, it's a robot. It just doesn't begin its report with "Bida-bida-
On the topic of kids...it's a deliberate decision to steer clear of that
part, not because I think it's invalid, but because a) it's been done on
another show, and its spinoff, rather intensively, and b) it's part of the SF
stereotype, "We have to have kids because SF is a kid's genre."
Might there be a story about a family of refugees who come seeking
sanctuary, or opportunity elsewhere? Of course. But any kids in that family
won't be at the *center* of the story. And they'll be gone by the end of the
episode. It's also a matter of context; absent the scenario just posed, this
is a place for businessmen, travelers, mappers, traders, diplomats and others,
it's not a place for kids. It's also potentially a very DANGEROUS place.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 126 Sun Jan 03, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 19:29 EST
Rumors are exactly that...and as I've indicated, anything that happens
of substance -- good, bad or indifferent -- you'll hear it from the source.
How can PTEN be dead when it hasn't even AIRED yet? I've hered this same
rumor from others, and have to say that if Creation is spreading this that
they are being *highly* irresponsible. The facts again are these: the first
night of programming goes on later this month. B5 airs the following month.
Based on the ratings for all of the shows, they will then open a second night,
or modify the first. And that will determine where (and when) B5 lands. It's
a logistical question about when to expand.
If anyone wanders back in that topic's direction and would like to re-
post this as an official rebuttal, you're welcome to do so.
I also hear they're showing the E! piece...guys, if you want to help us,
there at Creation...don't
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 160 Mon Jan 04, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:30 EST
My sense (what there is of it) is that in every show, you have to make
choices. What, fundamentally, is the story you are telling? Who is your
story about? Is it for adults, or children? I don't watch LA Law regularly,
but I sort of poke my nose in from time to time, and I don't see a lot of
kid's stories. One could well go to the producers of that show and say, "Why
aren't you doing kid stories?" to which the only answer is, "That's not our
I already said above that if families come through, there may be kids
along. The point of clarification for me is that I don't want to do shows
with kids at the center. First to distinguish us from other shows, and second
because that's not the area that I want to concentrate on just now. Of course
people still have kids, and of course some will come through B5; it's where
one places them in the story that's at issue.
It's often kinda funny...people say, on the one hand, "Yeah! Fight them
studios! Don't let them tell you the kind of stories you oughta do!" Then,
"But you've GOTTA do a story with kids!" or "This is the sort of story you
HAVE to do."
The only answer to that -- said without sarcasm, honest -- is "Do what I
did...sell your own show." I don't mean that in any way harshly, I'm very
serious about that. Whether it's a novelist, or a short story author, or a TV
writer, or a screenwriter, we each of us has to decide fundamentally what it
is we want to write about it, and define our choices. Would you call Larry
Niven and say, "Listen, while you're in the middle of the Mote In God's Eye
sequel, we need a really good section about kids." You let the man tell his
story his way.
This, for me, is just one of those areas on which I have planted my feet
and sunk roots clear to the center of the planet. Now, it's altogether
possible that some day long down the road, one story will occur to me, and
I'll deal with that when and if it happens. But in the interim...it's vital,
from my perspective, to make B5 a show by, for and about adults in adult
relationships; not to invalidate the other stuff, but only as a sense of where
this show's emphasis is. It's time to let the studios and the suits and the
networks know that an SF series can survive without putting in the required
child or teenager.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 162 Mon Jan 04, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:54 EST
Postscript to the preceding: that doesn't mean that I (or any other
member of the B5 team) shouldn't be challenged on stuff like this.
Challenges are good. First, they keep you on your toes. Second, it makes one
verbalize why one has taken a certain stance, and it's at that point that
weaknesses and fallacies in the argument become apparent. "The unexamined
life" and all that. As I've noted before, sometimes the only way to get
pertinent information is to ask impertinent questions.
I love a good philosophical knock-down-drag-out.
Meanwhile, on other fronts...
I will tell you the truest thing I have learned about television in the
process of making the B5 pilot. That quality is rare is not really
remarkable; what's remarkable is that it gets done at ALL. Any show,
regardless of quality. There are millions of details, the tiniest things that
require constant shepherding. You're in the midst of doing one thing and
somebody calls involved with another part of the show and says, "Look, we've
got some question about whether the doors should go SHOOP! or BLOOP!, George
thinks SHOOP, and we think he's right...unless you'd rather come listen to
them youreself." And it's very easy to say, "Okay, just take care of it,"
then find yourself sitting there a month later and saying, "Damn, why did we
end up with a SHOOP! effect?"
It's physically impossible to be in every place at all times, and you
particularly don't want to be in a position where you start giving your people
less room to play and be independent. There are just so many details that
it's very easy to say, "Okay, fine, deal with it," or to not bother with
something, that it becomes quickly apparent why it's so hard to find real
quality out there. That kind of attention is a major pain in the butt. When
you see it from this side, you're just amazed that it gets done at ALL.
Just a thought for the day...
BTW, for those who might be interested (all four of you), the very last
episode I wrote for this season's "Murder, She Wrote" will air this coming
Sunday. I haven't seen anything on it -- no dailies, no rough cuts -- so I
have no idea how it came out, though I *hear* it came out well. Just FYI.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 180 Tue Jan 05, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 22:35 EST
RE: cliffhangers...not between episodes, certainly. Between seasons,
it's...hard to explain. There are, or will be *changes* that happen from one
season to another (as planned), specific events that take place that should
bring one up short...but "cliffhanger" in the sense of leaving some guy
hanging from a string over a lake of fire...no, no plans for such at this
RE: kids...boy, that one sure hit a nerve on both sides, didn't it?
That's good. An argument like this is what a show or story should do, get
people discussing the issues.
Meanwhile, on other areas....
I was in the editing bay today during the pre-dub of B5 (which I'll
explain more , which btw has a nifty huge projection screen, twelve or fifteen
feet across, so I got to see some of the show as if at a theater...plays
pretty well.
Anyway...what a pre-dub is, is this: those who saw the earlier version of
the pilot will remember, for instance, the scenes in the main corridor of the
station (well, one of them, anyway). You have Sinclair and Garibaldi talking.
It's an un-mixed scene...just as filmed, there are just two guys talking. All
the rest of the set is silent.
But now...NOW...you're in the editing bay, and now you add in the
background voices, human and alien...mechanical sounds nearby...an intercom
voice advertising station services...then layer in the music, and suddenly
it's a MOVIE! Someone said that sound is half of a movie, and you forget that
until it hits you in the face.
The pre-dub is where you layer in the voice tracks (original, from the
production; adr (automatic dialogue replacement) for lines that were not
sufficiently audible or need to be looped; incidental dialogue (computers,
background characters) and walla (general crowd sounds). You decide how much
of any of these is too much, how much more you need, what the balance is...if
you need to use the surround capability to put this voice HERE or THERE....
Then we previewed some scenes with music, and did a little of the same
there (we'll do more during the final mix Thursday through Tuesday). For
instance...most music cues are anywhere from a few seconds long to maybe a
minute or more. Ours tend to be longish...the longest is a cue that lasts 7.5
minutes, and goes inside the station, outside the station, to different
*parts* of the station, and the music continues throughout. We figured that
we needed to better differentiate the sound inside vs. outside the
station...so in the music cue, we drop the electric guitar out of the mix for
the inside scenes, and put it back in for the outside scenes, for instance.
The result, basically, being that it becomes a *M*O*V*I*E* for the first
time. And boy, it cooks, lemme tell you. There are moments of absolute and
inutterable self-doubt in a project like this, especially when paired with the
monumental press machine from elsewhere which is doing everything possible to
bury us in the interests of preserving an economic monopoly and critics who
figure we're a clone of another show. But then you turn around and see
something like this, and you know it's going to work...and it really helps.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 208 Thu Jan 07, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:44 EST
Ah, except, Gary, for the reason I picked that particular metaphor; this
ain't Sudden Death, as with football.
This one's going to the judges at the end of the round, and the case will
be decided...win, lose or draw...on the merits of the performance in the ring,
not on hype (on either side), not on good feelings, but on the quality of the
work, which is as it should be. Only thing I've ever asked at any point in my
life is a fair fight on a level playing field. Then let things fall as they
And as for the judges...look in the mirror.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 223 Fri Jan 08, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:41 EST
Yeah, I agree, the pointing-rods-and-magically-changing-colors on hair
and stuff is kinda old (though it surfaced in Total Recall). No plans for it,
that's for sure.
Category 18, Topic 1
Message 230 Fri Jan 08, 1993
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 03:46 EST
Aquila...let me try this again, since you may have missed it in other
postings. Our current situation is ironic in that it has nothing really to do
with our show, but rather with the network.
The chronology, and our situation, is simple.
1) November 1991: Time Trax, Kung Fu and B5 contend among each other for
the first night of programming on the new network. There are ONLY TWO SLOTS
AVAILABLE, two hours. B5 and TT have the inside track, but there's a question
as to whether or not B5 can be done for TV *at all* given what we were
promising (a huge saga, state of the art EFX, a large cast, that sort of
thing). So we have to answer that question by making a pilot. The other two
shows go into series production at that time.
2) They start filming episodes in August, about the same time we start
the pilot.
3) We finish the pilot (barring our current last phase of post
production). Warners LOVES the show. The stations, which have always been
big on the show, WANT the show. Warners tries to convince the local stations
to open up a second night of programming, with B5 as the anchor. The stations
love the idea...but don't want to open up a second night until they get the
ratings on ALL THE SHOWS. Not just B5. If all the shows are big hits, then
they open the second night with Bt as the anchor. If one doesn't perform,
then B5 becomes the replacement.
Point being...and I can't stress this enough...there is no -- repeat, NO -
- problem with Warners or the stations in terms of confidence or anything