Babylon 5 posts by JMS for April, 1992
This file includes a compilation of posts on GEnie by J. Michael
Straczynski in the Babylon 5 topic. The posts are copyright by JMS
(and compilation copyright is by GEnie).
Topic 22 Wed Nov 20, 1991
SOARON [Bio-Dread] at 19:41 EST
Sub: Babylon 5
TWCNBN has been been named! J. Michael Straczynski has managed to bring a new
quality to television and promises to do justice to TV and SF with a new
action-adventure SF series of his own design. (NO story suggestions, please.)
681 message(s) total.
Category 18, Topic 22
Message 388 Wed Apr 01, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 01:48 EST
Okay, two things: I put in the order today for the shirts (which, on
seeing what was there, I decided at the last would look better on royal blue
than black, with the emblem in white). Those of you who need to hedar -- er,
hear -- further details, will. Watch your private mail in the next two weeks.
(You know who you are.)
And now something very, very serious, folks, and I want you all to listen
I have a favor to ask.
I need those of you who have any real interest in seeing B5 hit the
airwaves to check into this topic at least twice a day between now and Friday
morning/early afternoon. I may need something from you, in a big way. This
is *important*, people. I can't go into detail at this time, and maybe the
situation will fix itself...but for now let's just say that you may have a
chance to influence a major situation. I don't know how large the B5 group of
shock-troops is, but there may be a major role for every single one of you to
I don't want to sound apocalyptic. I *do* want to convey to you that
there is something very important in the works and, as they say, to Watch This
Space. The call may never need to go out, but if it does, stay tuned.
Category 18, Topic 22
Message 421 Thu Apr 02, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 00:55 EST
Many thanks to all the volunteers. All I can say is to stand by. The
next 24-36 hours are make-or-break.
The outpouring here is very much appreciated, and very warming. Thank
Category 18, Topic 22
Message 425 Thu Apr 02, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 02:02 EST
No reason to feel foolish. The cause and situation is quite real, and
believe me, I would not be doing this if there weren't sufficient cause.
And check-ins needn't be during prime-time, that's something I should
have mentioned, but didn't. And yes, I will very *definitely* note here when
and if the crisis passes.
Please continue to bear with me. This is, as someone noted, truly an
extraordinary situation...and there may be a chance to take part in a
democratization of the process of television that may be something of a
Thanks again, and as soon as I can come out with the full story, I will
do so immediately.
Category 18, Topic 22
Message 452 Thu Apr 02, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 23:56 EST
Several things...first, thanks to one and all, especially the lurkers (so
where've you BEEN all this time?).
Second, it *looks* as if the deadline for the resolution for the current
situation has been extended to Monday, which lets us all take a moment to
breathe. So you needn't check in on the twice-daily schedule for the next
couple of days, though I strongly suggest a check-back on Monday.
In the interim, because there's some time, and because we've now gone
through so much set-up, I think it is incumbent upon me to kind of explain a
*little* of the situation. Mind, I can't say a lot; I have to be circumspect
because that's the nature of the business. At least, I have to be circumspect
at the moment...we'll see what Monday at the close of business day brings.
What I *can* say is this...that from the very first day, as those of you
who've been around the longest know, everyone associated with B5 has dedicated
him/herself to doing this one *right* in every possible sense of the word.
Budget, effects, the deal, control, the script, you name it, we've been *very*
careful, and very dedicated to that singular proposition.
In any situation like this, if you're worth your salt, you come to one
pivotal moment when you have to be willing to put *everything* on the line, to
risk it all on one throw of the dice. In order to get the last elements we
need, that's what I've had to do...we will either do this show right, on every
level, or....
You get the idea.
I've put it all up to a roll of the dice...four years work, my team,
everything. In order to do it *right*, or not at all. One of my prize
possessions is a RAF wing-insignia from WW II. The motto read only, "Who
Dares, Wins." And I believe that.
If I can mix my gambling metaphors for just a moment, in this little game
of chance I have one card up my sleeve...and that's all of you. If the
balance begins to tip, those of you who believe in what we're trying to do
will all have your part to play. And it may be *extremely* instrumental.
That's all I can say at the moment. My decision to put everything up for
grabs, winner-take-all, has been supported by all th ose involved with B5, and
that's immensely gratifying. It's a very, *very* dangerous game, but with a
little luck, and with a sudden possible ride by the cavalry over the hill,
it's *just* possible thatt we'll pull it off, and make a little history in the
So stay watchful, though a little less often between now and Monday, and
we'll see what happens. And know that your support and your interest means
more than I can possibly describe.
Thanks again, and as soon as I can explain further, or make an
announcement one way or another, be assured that it'll be here within minutes.
(Oh...and before I forget...the t-shirts are being silk-screened even as
I type this, and will be ready within about 10 days, at which time there will
be a system whereby those whats wants 'em will be able to get them without
charge. This batch will be set aside only for use at and distribution at
conventions, and to the 470/18/22 folks who've been here from the start.)
Category 18, Topic 22
Message 495 Fri Apr 03, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 20:55 EST
Two marginally off-topic replies...DS9 will film in August for a early
spring 93 airdate. That's solid. And no, there's no involvement here with
Angela's other project, which at this time is dormant anyway.
That said...there's news.
What propelled this current situation was a confluence of things: the
importance of getting some foot-draggers to move so we could still hit the
November play-date and other details, but *most* important was the issue of
the creative focus, the long-term plan for the show, and control over what we
felt the show could become. Without that, you've got nothing on a project
like this.
I'm leaving a lot out, of necessity, but from the foregoing it should be
clear that what was at stake was the creative and organizational *heart* of
the show, as well as other things.
So at some point in the game, you've got to push all your chips onto the
table and turn the game into winner-take-all.
This was then conveyed. There was resistance. At 11:45 this morning, a
call came indicating that if this was indeed the stance, then it looked like
the project was dead in the water. My agents wondered if maybe there should
be some flexibility. My associates were willing to stand by our decision.
"Let it ride," I said.
If it has to die, then let it die here and now.
As the clock ticked on, I began to think about the people we'd involved
in this project, the years of work, the dedication that so many have already
shown B5 within the team of production staff we've brought aboard. Had my
inflexibility ruined something for all of them?
At 12:20, 35 minutes later, the phone rang again.
They blinked.
We're on...and all the provisos I'd held out for were accepted.
It's a terrible thing to look into the abyss...and thus a wonderful thing
when you realize that you're not going to fall after all, that you've somehow
skated past the precipice and come out alive at the other end.
The crisis is over, the situation fixed, and now at long last, we can
settle down to the business of casting and building and rolling film.
The "we" who won in this situation is, I believe, everyone...thanks in
large measure to people at Warners and at the Television Consortium who
believe in this project, have believed in it from the beginning, and
understood what it was that was at stake...and came through for us at the end.
And thanks as well to those here, who Quixotically volunteered to go
forth and attack dragons in service of a place they had never even seen, which
is, I suppose, the higest calling one can aspire to, to fight not for
acquaintances, or the familiar, but for an *idea*.
So once again, my utmost appreciation. That the goal was achieved
without the necessity of firing a shot does not in any way diminish the thanks
due the volunteers in this extraordinary company. When next we assemble, I
hope, it will be in the cause of celebration.
And today I have amended the B5 bible to include the following notation:
"The Babylon 5 station is located in neutral territory, in grid epsilon, at
coordinates 470/22/18."
Category 18, Topic 22
Message 531 Sat Apr 04, 1992
STRACZYNSKI [Joe] at 04:28 EST
Comalite...yeah, you're the first person to pick up on the Grid Epsilon
reference. Maybe I'm being too obscure for my own good....
Regarding sound...we've hooked up with a terrific studio out here that's
been after us to get this show off the ground for about three years now so
that they can try some new stuff they've been cooking up. We're going to be
looking at using sound in new ways in terms of EFX, such as weapons and
equipment and other devices -- and acoustics. I tend to lean toward sound
that *feels* solid. The opening sequence in ALIENS, for instance, when the
laser starts cutting through the door, sizzling and crackling, and then the
door falls to the floor with a CLANG! that says This Is Solid, This Is Real.
Because we're in a station, or sometimes in ships, we're going to have to
adjust the acoustics to match, and probably layer in an assortment of
environmental noises, from machinery to transports to background voices to
pages to...um, some other stuff. The sound should be as textured as our
visuals, I think, which is why we'll be shooting and producing in surround
sound, even though not all stations are equipped to broadcast same. It still
adds a better sound, even on plain stereo receivers, and increases the shelf
life of the movie/series.
Music is probably the one area in which I'm chasing my own tail the most.
It kinda bothers me that most TV SF in the last 10 years or so has utilized