The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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From: (Gregory "snooze" Blake)
Subject: Transcript of Mira Furlan on genie RTC...
Date: 11 Aug 1994 12:56:47 -0700
Organization: National University, San Diego
Message-ID: <32dvpv$>
What follows is the transcript of Mira Furlan's visit to Genie on
Tuesday. I thought maybe people over here might find it interesting...
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In Attendance
[Kathy] K.COSTELLO [Claire] C.MAIER [Susan] S.FOX-DAVIS
[Kurt] K.HARVEY [Michael] M.SCHWARTZ19 [snooze] G.BLAKE2
SMC [Kevin] G.W.HOFFMAN [Fluffy Frog] BILL.HIRST
<STARR> Okay listen up.
<STARR> First, I'm going to put the room in read only.
<STARR> And we are going to do that now...Ready...?
Room is now in listen-only mode.
<STARR> Do not raise hands yet...
<STARR> First we will ask for you to /RAIse your hand and you'll be put in line
to ask questions.
<STARR> We are limited to one hour due to committments.
<STARR> I will open up each individual person to say your question and there
will be no follow-ups.
<STARR> End your sentence with GA.[ For Go Ahead.]
<STARR> Okay get on your mark ...get set...raise your hands...
<MIRA.FURLAN> Hi, everybody. Here I am. Ask me questions and I'll try to do
my best.
<STARR> OKay go ahead Alan.
<[Alan] A.RAVITCH> Hi Mira...I'm sure I speak for all in applauding your
<MIRA.FURLAN> Thank you so much.
<[Alan] A.RAVITCH> Simple question, I know JMS didn't alter your voice as
originally planned, but is Delenn's pattern of speech your
own or did you create for the character & how. GA
<STARR> Use your Type Aheads if you got 'em.
<MIRA.FURLAN> It's a matter of acting, not a matter of technical solutions.
The role and my own ways are intertwined, as is usual in acting.
<[Claire] C.MAIER> Hello, Mira, I really enjoy your work on B5. Joe has told
us a bit about the new commander and that the Minbari didn't
approve him. What does/will Delenn think of him? ga
<MIRA.FURLAN> I think we all have to wait and see. It's to early for me to talk
about it. ga
<[C.J.] C.LAMB> I read that you are from Yugoslavia. Why/When did you come to
the US and how did you get your role on B-5?
<MIRA.FURLAN> I came to the US two and a half years ago, when the war broke
out. I auditioned for the role in New York. ga
<STARR> Go Tom
<[Tom K.] T.KNUDSEN1> Hi Mira and Goran. I hear that you and Goran have been
"lurking " here for a while. What do you think of all
the commentary? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> Sometimes it's fun. Sometimes you can be very cruel. It's tough
to deal with criticism, of course. But, it's definitely
interesting, altough not always
<[Megatron] P.MESSIER1> Hi Mira. Nice to meet you. Does your headpiece bother
you while your performing? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> It's definately not the most pleasant thing to wear on your head.
But, I'm dealing with it. I see it as a task that I have to
endure in order to play my part. Acting is very often the
overcoming of obstacles. On the other hand, It helps me create
<[Michael] M.SCHWARTZ19> Hello! I have many friends and co-workers who left or
fled from various countries in Eastern Europe. On
your arrival in the U.S.,what was your first
impression of American culture and society? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> I have been in America before. I fell in love with the city of
New York ten years ago.But our impression was that it's TOUGH!ga
<[SHOWMAN] J.VENGROUSK1> I enjoy and admire greatly what you've done with the
character; Wonder and Class come across. What would
you recommend for someone wanting to see some of your
other work? What about any of your husband's work? GA.
<MIRA.FURLAN> You can rent a movie called "When Father Was Away on Business",
that was nominated for an Oscar in 1986. Or maybe 85, I can't
remember. That one was released on video here. Other films of
mine have played in Europe, but not here. My husband and I made a
movie together, before we left. It's called "Dear Video" and it's
a comedy. GA
<[Fenn] J.HUDGENS> Any chance those others will be released soon over here? Or
a way we can get them? (hint) ga
<MIRA.FURLAN> The American market, as you know, is pretty closed for European
movies. Everything that has subtitles scares people. Maybe they
are just too lazy to read them. ga
<[Glo] G.PEARL2> Hi! How much of the states have you seen so far? And do you
like the city better or the country? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> I haven't seen much. I still love New York. I've just returned
from Nebraska, where I played in Willa Cather's "My Antonia", so
I saw the "wild West" (I also went to South Dakota), which amazed
me, because for me it was always a myth, not reality. I saw that
cowboys are real, not just characters from movies. That was an
amazing experience for
<[Kip] L.GAMACHE> My wife wants to know if you think we'll ever see a love
interest for your character on the show? She also says she
never really liked Sci-Fi until she saw B-5. As for me, I'd
like to say your facial expressions are my favorite part of
the Delenn character. They are priceless! You do a great
job on them! GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> Thank you very much. It' nice to hear good things about one's
work. I can't say anything about my possible love interest. We
will all see what happens and what the future
<[Norma] N.GOLDSMITH> Hi, Mira. How long does it take to get the make up and
prosthetics on? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> About 3 hours. Sometimes I have to be on the set at 4am. ga
<[Phil] P.POSNER> Hi Mira - I would simply like to say how much I enjoy your
work on Babylon 5. I really appreciate the depth that you
have given to the character Delenn. I also particularly like
the nuances of your facial expressions and body language. One
question: How do you like playing the mysterious and complex
Delenn, compared to other parts? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> I love playing Delenn. It's so often that female characters just
fulfill a function in the story, they completely depend on the
male characters, they don't have any power, brain or independence,
so this is a wonderful change. I like her strength, her mystery.
I'm enjoying it. I also come from a very, very macho culture, so
I'm appreciating it even
<SF-HENIGAN> Mira, Goran ,it is so nice to have you both with us. Have you
found that it is different in the way you act/direct here in the
US than from Yugoslavia/Europe? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> It is and it isn't different. The basics are the same, of course.
But there are all these business things here (agents, unions,
etc.) that we are not used to dealing with. ga
<[Susan] S.FOX-DAVIS> What was show business like in Yugoslavia? What sort of
productions were you involved with when you lived there?
Plus, an unrelated question. When is your birthday?
I am working on a birthday list. <smile> GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> The market was, of course, much smaller and, also, I was a very
well known actress, with a lot of stage, TV and movie credits.
Here It's a constant fight, not only for me, but for everyone.
Many more elements are involved, besides the quality of one's
work (publicists, agents, etc.)....My birthday is September
<[Mark] M.WHITMAN10> Hi Mira. Thanks for taking the time to be with us. As an
actress, which first season episode of B-5 was your
favorite. And why? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> I loved "Soul Hunter", "Legacies", the two last ones, "And the
Sky Full of Stars"... I loved playing with David Warner, John
<STARR> The last ones are Quality Of Mercy and Chrysalis.(And Babylon Squared
<WALTS> I have heard other actors state that they are only one or two scripts
ahead in a series plot development. How is it for you in B5. And do
you find your fans confuse your character with you? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> I can't say that I know much ahead of time. That's how it works.
My fans probably don't recognize me when I'm outside my make-up,
which has its good and bad sides. I try to concentrate on the
<[Kurt] K.HARVEY> Hello to you Mira & your husband from way out in the Pacific
:) To me there seems to be a resemblance between the Minbari
and the Elves of folklore. Is this intentional? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> I wouldn't know, but there probably are many element from various
mythologies involved in my and other alien makups on the
<[Bear] C.BRYANT3> Welcome to both of you. How do fans in the US differ from
the fans in your native country? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> I don't know much about fans here, except from their letters that
are usually very sweet. But they don't bother me in the street
and all that, which they used to do in Yugoslavia and which I
<[Kevin] G.W.HOFFMAN> Early in the season, there was this character in Delenn's
room. Delenn reacted furiously. There was a glowing
triangle on her forehead. I would like to know more about
the triangle. ga
<MIRA.FURLAN> The triangle is the sign of the Grey Council, to which Delenn
belongs, as you might have noticed during the last few episodes.
That is all I can say. GA
<[Daniel] D.KORN1> Science Fiction as a genre, both on the screen and in books,
has a certain uniqueness (due to the "fantastic" elements)
that can't often be seen outside of the genre. What
exposure, if any, did you have to SF (screen or print,
American or not) before you began casting for B5? GA
<STARR> Next question will be the last one... I'll open up briefly for you
to all say goodbye.
<MIRA.FURLAN> I did not have much exposure, but I had the basic ones. I've read
Bradbury, Asimov, I've seen Kubrick, "Star Wars"etc. etc. ga
<[P12+] BOB-WALKER> In not knowing much ahead of time, have you ever had a
script handed to you where you thought "if I had known this
last month, I would have played that differently"? GA
<MIRA.FURLAN> There were moments like that. But sometimes it's actually
interesting not to know what's ahead of you. Just like in life...
<STARR> just a moment...
<MIRA.FURLAN> I have to go now. Thank you so much for all your sweet words to
me. it means a lot to me. Keep on watching...Love Mira. ga
<[Kathy] K.COSTELLO> Thanks for being here with us Mira.
<[Kurt] K.HARVEY> Mira, thanks so much for coming here and I wish you well in
your work.
<[Fenn] J.HUDGENS> g'night Mira! (and Goran) Great to have you here... and
don't be a lurker! :)
<[Phil] P.POSNER> Thanks for being here Mira and Goran. Hope to see you in the
B5 topics soon!
<SMC> Thanks, Mira. Best acting in SF. Knew you must have had a strong
<[Megatron] P.MESSIER1> Goodnight Mira and Goran. Thanks for your time :) Good
luck tomorrow :) (note: This RTC took place the evening
before the first day of shooting of season two/ B-5)
<[Alan] A.RAVITCH> Bye Mira & Goran. Again, thanks for the great performances &
thanks for visiting tonight. Looking forward to lots more
enjoyment of your work!
<[Tom K.] T.KNUDSEN1> Goodbye Mira and Goran. Thank you for coming and
spending some time with us. Please feel free to post if
you want to (we'll try not to be too cruel to you <G>).
Take care and keep up the great job you have been doing
on Babylon 5!!!!
<[Kevin] G.W.HOFFMAN> Goodbye!
Kevin P. Reid
<[Kip] L.GAMACHE> Mira, Could you get us, here on GEnie, a picture of you
without your makeup on? I'm sure one of the staff could
explain how you can get us one. Bye! Thank you. We think
you are wonderful!
<[Jan] SF-VENTERS> Night, Mira!!! Thanks for joining us!
<[C.J.] C.LAMB> Whoa
<BLUEJEANS> Thank you for being our guest, Mira.
<[Bear] C.BRYANT3> Night Mira and Goran!
<[Longshot] A.COOKSON> Go well.
<[Mike] SF-HENIGAN> Thanks Mira and Goran!
<[Barb] B.CLASS> Night Mira and Goran
<[Dave] REPLAYER> Thanks for coming Mira! Best of luck in the new season!
<[Susan] S.FOX-DAVIS> Good night! do drop in again and surprise us some time.
<[Kathy] K.COSTELLO> G'Night Mira and Goran
<[Sam] MYTHIASIS> Night, Mira! Ummm....There isn't a hole in my mind, is there?
<[Allen W] A.WILKINS> Goodnight.
<[Claire] C.MAIER> Thanks for being with us tonight!
<SANDY.W> Thanks for coming! This has been very interesting.
<WALTS> Mira, if I may quote Frank Herbert from Chapterhouse: Dune "Seek
freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find
your liberty" ...ciao
<K.MOHRING> We all had a real good time
<[C.J.] C.LAMB> Be cool, Mira
<[Susan] S.FOX-DAVIS> Sam: naw, but there's a hole in my head
<[4] LYRE> Mira: Thank you for coming and the excellent portrayal of Ambassador
<[Bear] C.BRYANT3> Arne, thanks for moderating. Jan, thanks for being
moderate! ;)
<[P12+] BOB-WALKER> Best case of progesterone sweetening I've ever seen. <g>
<[Jan] SF-VENTERS> LOL, Bear!
<[Kurt] K.HARVEY> :)
<[Fenn] J.HUDGENS> thwap! <-Bob
<[Susan] S.FOX-DAVIS> Progesterone Sweetening? the opposite of testosterone
<[Dave] REPLAYER> Well, we've ALL got holes in our minds. :)
Gregory Blake - snooze@DeepSeas,TooMUSH]I[,fantasia,etc -
619-563-2595<w> | 619-528-4531<h> | home: 4783 Utah St, San Diego 92116
"Understanding is a three edged sword."