JMS CompuServe messages for July 1997. Collected by John Hardin
Date: 30 Jun 1997 11:58:30 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Delenn`s background
{original post unavailable}
"Considering how they refer to "The Children of VALEN" and don't
bother to mention the name of the WIFE of Valen, I'd say patriarchal."
Or they pick the more well-known of the two. We often say "Mick
Jagger's kid" because he's the more well known of the pair.
Or they could be rather subtly ignoring what they might consider
just a bit of scandal....
Date: 30 Jun 1997 11:58:32 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com> asks:
> Will you now have to rewrite/refilm the last 4 episodes?
"Will you now have to rewrite/refilm the last 4 episodes? I assume
they were ending the arc and now you have another year."
No, there's just the replacement for 422, that's all. There's a
difference between *ending the arc* and providing a *sense of
resolution.* By the end of 421, things had been settled in a lot of
areas...but far more were made very clear as being Out There. You
could view it as an epilog, or a set-up for more down the road,
depending on whether or not there was a fifth season. Hell, there's a
great big fat setup for season 5 right smack in the middle of the
Franklin/Lyta scene on Mars in "The Face of the Enemy."
This isn't directed at you so much, Vadim, as in general...some
days I wonder what the hell I'm doing on the nets. We busted our butts
to get year 5, same as we do every year (though moreso this year),
because it would be *the most satisfactory way to end the story*. It
*could* end in year 4, I was prepared to do that if necessary, but it
wouldn't be as satisfactory to all concerned as year 5. So now we have
year five. And right out of the woodwork come people -- such as a
particularly twit-like message forwarded to me from one of the usenet
groups -- saying that the fifth season was going to be just filler now,
that the story was over, used up, it's all tied up, there's nothing but
"dumb old personal stories." No more arc.
And I would love nothing more than to just thump them.
I sometimes wonder if they think I was walking down the street
one day, and I came across this Arc laying in the road. And it's a
finite package, and once it's used up, it's used up. People, I THOUGHT
THIS STUFF UP. You watch it, but I make it...and I'm not doing this
for my health, I didn't fight this hard to do a season of filler.
Where's the common sense here? My vested interest in making this a
solid story is a hell of a lot higher than ANY viewer could POSSIBLY
bring to the table. But again and again, not to you Vadim but in
general, it's "Oh, it's all done now, it's just filler."
Yes, I fought and bled to get a season 5 so I could do filler,
instead of going back to a network show where they'll pay me double
what I get on B5. Absolutely. That makes a LOT of sense.
I dunno...maybe I'm over-reacting...hell, I probably *am*
over-reacting, but it seems like they never let you rest. The end of
the Shadow War came, and folks said, "Oh, the arc is over now, nothing
interesting can happen now," and I said there was MORE interesting
stuff even than that coming up, and sure enough that happened, and it's
"Oh...okay," and this happens time and time again, and now we have a
fifth year, and it's "Oh, the arc is over, nothing interesting can
happen now."
You'd think that by now we would've proven the point...but every
year it seems like we have to prove ourselves again and again and
again. The confetti has barely hit the ground and they move in the
funeral draping.
I just get tired of it some days.
(Not you, Vadim, a very nice man, just venting.)
Date: 30 Jun 1997 16:11:14 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post had no questions}
I know, I know, I know...I think it's just the way we're all
hard wired. You can get 100 plaudits, but it's the one meroon who
busts your chops for something you didn't even *do* that sticks in your
mind. Never met anyone yet that was different. Ah, well...onward.
Date: 30 Jun 1997 16:11:14 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com>
Subject: B5 - tnt and WB
{original post had no questions}
Yes, TNT is definitely a better home. For one thing, B5 would
get lost on the SciFi channel among all the other shows; here, TNT will
treat it as something special.
Date: 30 Jun 1997 16:11:16 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com>
Subject: You the man
Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com> asks:
> Will you be writting all of season 5, or is the remarkable streak
> soon to end?
No, I have no intention of writing all of S5...I'll probably do
about what I did in S1-2, writing 11-15, with the rest being assigned
out of the arc. And Neil Gaiman has said he's now in a place where he
can tackle one, so I hope to work out something with him, a story worth
his doing, to make that happen at last.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 02:15:34 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Richard M. Perry <76461.2737@compuserve.com>
Subject: Guest Editorial
Richard M. Perry <76461.2737@compuserve.com> asks:
> There are generally two questions I get that are on this level:
> "Why do you like *that* stuff?" (after answering "yes" to "You
> really like that stuff, don't you?") and "Why are you involved
> with Boy Scouts?" On a somwhat related note, did you happen to get
> the Kingdom Come limited edition slipcover? Whose will be done?
Exactly. And the question is phrased to put you on the
defensive when there is *nothing* one needs to be defensive
about...it's "how long have you been beating your wife?" You have to
redefine the question to something a tad closer to reality.
Re: the Kingdom Come ltd. edition...no, I didn't know about
that. Will definitely go out and pick it up next chance I get; that
was one of the few series I read this year, and I liked it a lot.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 02:15:36 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: You the man
{original post unavailable}
I was planning to speak to both those folks.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 02:15:38 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post unavailable}
"I say do that same thing you did when you first had this idea-write
for yourself. Focus on what you want to express. Develop those ideas
you deem important."
That's the only way I can do this; only way I ever have or ever
"And if you ever need a break, drop by Vegas and share some Corona's,
limes, and a can of salt with me. We can laugh at the world together in
the summer sun, watch some showgirls, and throw some bucks at the
blackjack table."
I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't gamble...I
write. Sad, innit?
"I'll steer you away from any Tyson boxing matches, though."
I'm just *waiting* for him to get mad at somebody, and have that
person reel back saying, "Hey, sorry, jeez, don't bite my head off,
Date: 01 Jul 1997 02:15:41 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com>
Subject: Warners...
Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com> asks:
> Actually, the show didn't REALLY change hands, did it?
> This was more of a lateral than a punt....true?
Not really, no...because the two organizations are *affiliated*
but they continue to operate as wholly different companies, and neither
side takes orders from the other. TNT *actively pursued* both the
reruns (before the companies merged) and the fifth season. And they
fought like hell to make the deal work.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 02:15:43 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com>
Subject: B5 on TNT
Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com> asks:
> In hindsight, do you think that a deal like you've got now with
> TNT would have helped the show if you'd gone that route in 93/94?
> Or is that, like, a totally stupid question?
"In hindsight, do you think that a deal like you've got now with TNT
would have helped the show if you'd gone that route in 93/94?"
Oh...probably, but only about 200%.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 12:43:51 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post had no questions}
I hadn't noticed that in the article...well, interesting....
Date: 01 Jul 1997 12:43:52 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: John Vickery in future?
(blocked) asks:
> Couldn't you have John Vickery portray a nephew or cousin or even
> a son of Neroon, who also became a ranger?
We'll keep our eyes out for a way to bring him around again,
same as with Wayne.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 12:43:52 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com>
Subject: B5 on TNT
Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com> asks:
> Could you have gotten a TNT like deal back then?
Since TNT wasn't making those kinds of deals back then, the
point is moot.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 12:43:53 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com> asks:
> Joe, do you or did you write anything besides science fiction or
> consider to write it? I think you would write excellent "global
> adventure", I mean something like Frederik Forsait (sp?
Yeah, I've often done non-SF stuff...comedy, cop shows, mystery
shows, historical stuff, horror, essays, articles...a little of
Date: 01 Jul 1997 12:43:58 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Catherine Becic <73414.2603@compuserve.com>
Subject: makeup in new movies
Catherine Becic <73414.2603@compuserve.com> asks:
> My question: For the move In The Beginning, which is then to be
> followed immediately by The Gathering on TNT in January, how will
> you be handling the makeup? Will it be some kind of blend between
> the pilot and the series? Closer to the series and forget that it
> looks different from the pilot?
No, we're using the series makeup, rather than add one more
Date: 01 Jul 1997 12:44:00 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post unavailable}
I'm cutting back on salt, I never see the sun anyway, and the
showgirls can take care of themselves.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 12:44:01 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: B5 *only* on cable now??
{original post unavailable}
It'll only be on cable, that's correct.
Date: 01 Jul 1997 22:40:51 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
Waitaminnit...just looked at the name again...is this *the*
James Morrow? As in the writer?
Date: 01 Jul 1997 22:40:53 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Ray Pelzer <70475.1263@compuserve.com>
Subject: The 5th Season
{original post had no questions}
Thanks...not too bad for a day's work....
Date: 02 Jul 1997 13:44:58 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com>
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
Alan Mulvie <100566.1444@compuserve.com> asks:
> Whats the score with Mr Garibaldi?
> Ditto Valen/Sinclair - his descendants?
> How did Babylon 5 get destroyed?
> (from flash forwards) Who/what was on the ship escaping?
> Will the Narn and Centari find peace?
> Who where the enemys referred to in War without End (Delann in
> the future) Does Sheridan Die (in 20 years) or evolve Like
> Lionheart? Whats the score with Lionheart?
> Did the Vorlons genetically engineer Telepaths?
> What else did they genetically engineer?
> Will Clark get booted out?
> What happens to Centari Prime (in the future - war without end)
> What will Sheridans Son be like- Do? If Lyta can be "enhanced2 by
> the Vorlons, what did the shadows do to their servants? How does
> the army of Light cope with that? If "Mankind" has some of that
> technology, what will we do with it? Whats "The Rim" and whats
> beyond it? Why wont there be a Babylon 6?
> Will Mars become independent or unify with earth?
> Now the big boys have gone, are the children gonna fight?
> Will JMS let someone else write a script?
> And their are plenty of other loose ends if I take time to think
> about it, so the question isnt if you will have a season 5 of
> fillers, but will you have enough episodes to wrap up everything
> by the end of season 5?
At least a third of those are resolved in the next batch; and a
bulk of the rest in the fifth season, plus a lot of other threads you
Date: 02 Jul 1997 13:44:59 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post had no questions}
No big books, though I've had two medium-sizednovels published
so far.
Date: 02 Jul 1997 21:36:22 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: B5 *only* on cable now??
{original post unavailable}
I don't know the Canadian situation yet, but can't imagine that
they would let that market go by the boards for long.
Date: 02 Jul 1997 21:36:25 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Kevin P. Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com>
Subject: Now this is Scary...
Kevin P. Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com> asks:
> And I didn't think the father that rabid of a fan?!?
> Remember the Pinky & the Brain's Beany & Cecil spoof?
> What are you REALLY creating here???
Give me them until they're 10 and they're mine for life...insert
evil cackle here....
Date: 02 Jul 1997 21:36:27 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Meryl Yourish <103470.2703@compuserve.com>
Subject: Honor the achievement
{original post had no questions}
Thanks...y'know, someone else said that the other day, a
reporter during an interview, that there were now two paradigms of the
best SF ever prouduced in this country: ST and B5. That's a weighty
compliment, and my first reaction was to get really, really tired...but
bottom line, we did what we set out to do, kept every promise we made,
and nothing can ever take that away. We went the distance.
Date: 02 Jul 1997 21:36:30 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com>
Subject: What might be different?
Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com> asks:
> This has been bugging me a bit every since the great news about
> the fifth season got reported, and I can't help but wonder ....if
> you had been assured of a fifth season going into season four,
> are there many things you would have done differently? Is season
> five a mixed blessing for you, coupled with any regret about
> having had to expedite the arc to end by season four, a year
> ahead of your predetermined five year game plan?
"...coupled with any regret about having had to expedite the arc to
end by season four, a year ahead of your predetermined five year game
This is, again, a misnomer. The arc didn't *end* in year 4, nor
did I end it. Which becomes utterly evident once you see the final
episodes. All I did was to more or less isolate the incidents in year
5 from the preceding year, so we could go into them or not.
What you have to do, which I've noted before, is to step back
for a moment and look at the series as a whole. Every season, we do
basically the same thing: we end on a cliffhanger, then the first 4-5
episodes of the next season resolve the threads and the cliffhanger
from the prior season, and then we're off onto the next thread. They
overlap by about 4-5 episodes.
So what I did was to pull those 4 episodes from the start of
season 5 into season 4, which would otherwise have ended at 418 as the
cliffhanger. So there wasn't really that much crammed into 4, and
everything that was going to be in 5 is still there, with room for
about 3-4 standalones, which will be a nice break.
Date: 03 Jul 1997 03:20:54 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: The 5th Season
{original post unavailable}
"When you look back and reflect on what you've accomplished down the
road, I hope the reality matches the vision you had when you were
pitching the idea lo those many years ago."
A few glitches notwithstanding...it *exceeds* the vision. I'm
happy. It's the main piece that I will end up putting on the mantle to
remind folks I was here.
"Now, when you're done, could you please do a fantasy series, so I can
find a job for the troll in the well at the bottom of the hill near my
barn? He's irritating the hoses and I think he'll work for scale. . ."
Irritating the hoses?
May I suggest, rather than fantasy, perhaps a version of "Enema
Date: 03 Jul 1997 03:20:57 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Catherine Becic <73414.2603@compuserve.com>
Subject: makeup in new movies
Catherine Becic <73414.2603@compuserve.com> asks:
> In that case, for the newbies, will there be some explanation of
> why Delenn changes looks from In the Beginning to The Gathering
> and then back for the episodes?
Well, I could run a crawl on the bottom of the screen...or
insert a commercial explaining it...otherwise, I think just letting it
go would be best.
Date: 03 Jul 1997 03:20:59 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: B5 *only* on cable now??
{original post unavailable}
Columbia House will be releasing the show on cassette via
mail-order this Fall, I believe.
Date: 03 Jul 1997 03:21:01 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: B5 finally on Video.DVD?
{original post unavailable}
We're *talking* to the DVD folks, and things look positive, but
that's still a long bit down the road.
Date: 03 Jul 1997 03:21:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Tapes and DVD
{original post unavailable}
Yes, Columbia House has called to get graphics, so I would
suggest that it's confirmed on tapes. Don't know the status on the
movies, but I would imagine they'd be included...DVD is still in
Date: 03 Jul 1997 13:36:54 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com>
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post had no questions}
Thanks...there's an awful lot in those characters and
situations. I've tried, as best I can, to create a living, breathing
universe, with stories you follow in any direction and find something
Date: 03 Jul 1997 13:36:56 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com>
Subject: General
Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com> asks:
> Why?
> You don't drink, do drugs, etc?
"I know that season 5 won't be filler, because that's not what a
Master of his craft does. You wouldn't tolerate it from anyone else,
so you surely will not do it yourself."
Bingo. Sometimes when I try to describe what's happening on my
side of things, I don't find the right words. Thanks for doing so.
"You don't drink, do drugs, etc?"
Also don't smoke or gamble.
"Wow, talk about the clean cut, all american boy! <g> No vices, eh?"
Two: Chocolate and coffee.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:07 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: John F Davis <73455.43@compuserve.com>
Subject: Season 5
John F Davis <73455.43@compuserve.com> asks:
> Is season 5 going to be broadcast where I can see it or am I
> going to have to break down and buy cable?
If you're in the US, it's only available on TNT.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:09 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Congratulations & Thanks
{original post unavailable}
"And I notice that one episode made the TV Guide list of the top 100
shows ever."
No...don't think so, though it's a great idea.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post unavailable}
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:13 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post had no questions}
Yeah, but if it were easy, I guess everybody'd do it.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:15 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: B5 *only* on cable now??
(blocked) asks:
> Will they still be aired by the syndicated stations or will TNT
> show them?
No, the final 4 of S4 will show in October, on regular stations.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:17 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com>
Subject: B5 *only* on cable now??
SysOp Dupa T Parrot <70040.104@compuserve.com> asks:
> Will this be something like Columbia House's special collector
> subscriptions? For example, you sign up and get a B5 tape every
> four weeks? Or would they offer the tapes individually or each
> season as a boxed set?
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:19 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: B5 *only* on cable now??
{original post unavailable}
Insofar as I know, yes.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:21 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Renegade???
(blocked) asks:
> Did you write the episode of Renegade that aired (well...cabled)
> tonight on USA? Or did my ears deceive me?
I don't write for Renegade, and thus have no information on this
other than what you just told me.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:23 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: colin heaps <100622.3610@compuserve.com>
Subject: S5 in the UK?
colin heaps <100622.3610@compuserve.com> asks:
> Do you think it likely that TNT will be showing S5 in the UK?
I haven't been apprised of the UK situation in full yet, but
imagine that it'll go through WB as before, not TNT.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:25 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
Subject: Script Smart
Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com> asks:
> This was a technical manual, wasn't it?
Thanks...I'm very proud of that book.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 02:49:28 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com>
Subject: General
Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com> asks:
> Do you do the gourmet coffee?
> Joe, any chance that you'll be at the big B5 convention in
> Pasadena in November?
No one's talked to me yet about a B5 con in Pasadena in October,
so I dunno.
And yeah, I do the gourmet coffee thing. Big on Arabian Mocha
Sanani, and Silewesi, and Sumatran. It's the one "trendy" thing I
allow myself.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 03:03:25 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: SysOp Lee Whiteside <76711.2660@compuserve.com>
Subject: Updates from jms
{original post had no questions}
"Basically, Warner Bros. was not willnig to fund a fifth season of B5
for syndication."
Incorrect. Not just incorrect but *massively* incorrect.
In the past, the PTEN deal had WB and the indie stations putting
up the money for B5.
For year 5, TNT *and* WB are both footing the bill for the fifth
season. WB *wanted* to do the show, but was finding trouble in the
current syndicated marketplace with more and more stations, and
timeslots, being committed to other programs and networks like UPN.
TNT provided a window, and WB went through it.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 03:03:27 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: season5 cast (rumor)
{original post unavailable}
Jerry Doyle will be in season 5 of B5.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 20:45:06 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
Subject: Last 4 - have to redo?
{original post had no questions}
The two novels are currently out of print.
Date: 07 Jul 1997 20:45:07 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Jonathan Kass <74130.443@compuserve.com>
Subject: Even more congrats
Jonathan Kass <74130.443@compuserve.com> asks:
> 1) Do you envision writing the entire 5th season?
> 2) Whose idea is that "AOL Keyword" stuff at the end of the
> show??
No, no desire whatsoever to write all of S5, nor is there a need
And the difference is that AOL has set aside an entire *area*
just for B5, so they get the notation. It would be as if they renamed
the sfmedone section the B5 section, there's a massive difference in
Date: 07 Jul 1997 20:45:09 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Mars Pathfinder
{original post had no questions}
There's nothing I can say about the current Mars mission that
cannot be summed up in the word "cool."
Date: 07 Jul 1997 20:45:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: SysOp Lee Whiteside <76711.2660@compuserve.com>
Subject: General
{original post had no questions}
Creation counter-programed Loscon?
That bites.
Date: 08 Jul 1997 02:10:02 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Michael Grabois <74737.2600@compuserve.com>
Subject: San Diego Con plans?
Michael Grabois <74737.2600@compuserve.com> asks:
> What's the difference between the Saturday show and the
> Friday/Sunday ones? And is anyone else from the show scheduled to
> be at the con?
I don't actually know what the difference is, except that I
think the Friday/Sunday presentations involve the videos, and the
Saturday one *may* just be me running my mouth. (I just sent a note
asking about this, btw.)
I think they've learned what other cons have learned: that it's
best to take extraordinary measures to deal with B5 presentations.
People show up. LOTS of people. And a cuter and more inherently spiffy
bunch I can't imagine.
Date: 16 Jul 1997 21:10:29 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: All
Subject: jms in san diego
Just a quick note to let folks know that I'll be in San Diego
this coming weekend for ComicCon, at the convention center downtown.
I'll be doing two (fairly identical) major B5 presentations Friday and
Sunday at 11 a.m., and a "spotlight on jms" presentation (whatever the
hell that is) Saturday at 1:30.
A word to the wise: in the past, these have always been the
largest events held at ComicCon, which has about 25,000 guests on
average. The room they set aside for B5 stuff tends to hold about 2400
people, so seating is kind of at a premium. Translation: try and get
there early.
I'll be bringing the season 4 bloopers, clips from upcoming
shows, some nifty videos, and trailers for the two new B5 TV movies for
TNT. Also, the official B5 fan club will be making its debut at a
table in the dealer's room this weekend at SDCC, selling some nifty
stuff including bunches of the Agamemnon cap worn by Sheridan in
"Knives." It's identical to the prop in just about every way.
See you there.
Date: 16 Jul 1997 21:50:50 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Updates from jms
(blocked) asks:
> How can I sign up to the fan club?
> Also, how can I get one of these boxes signed by someone going by
> the handle "jms?"
You can get info on the boxes, and the fan club, at
Date: 16 Jul 1997 21:50:52 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com>
Subject: Congratulations & Thanks
{original post had no questions}
Yeah, I know all about the project...they'd asked me to write
it, and I read the material, but finally had to pass.
Date: 16 Jul 1997 21:50:53 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Jonathan Kass <74130.443@compuserve.com>
Subject: Internet World Article
Jonathan Kass <74130.443@compuserve.com> asks:
> Is the story they have true?
Yeah, it happened. I haven't seen the article, but apparently
they chide me for not using a virus checker...but what did the most
damage was the trojan horse program that use deltree to systematically
start deleting my hard drive, and no checker can find those.
Date: 20 Jul 1997 21:10:50 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com>
Subject: jms in san diego
{original post had no questions}
It's okay, I know what date they hit the place, so I can be out
of town when it happens.
Date: 20 Jul 1997 21:10:53 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: jms in san diego
{original post unavailable}
Thanks. I don't do any convention with a direct link to Trek in
its name, so that would leave Toronto Trek out, despite many friendly
talks with the con organizers. Bottom line, I get gigged by ST fans
for "poaching," and it just ain't worth the grief I get.
Date: 20 Jul 1997 21:10:56 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Shawn D. Ratner <73753.175@compuserve.com>
Subject: Babylon 5 Credit Card
Shawn D. Ratner <73753.175@compuserve.com> asks:
> Is that true?
It's been discussed with other ideas, but nothing more.
The Agamemnon caps made their debut at San Diego Comic Con, and
were a huge hit.
Date: 20 Jul 1997 21:11:00 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Darran Williams <101656.2143@compuserve.com>
Subject: Babylon 5 - The Cult
{original post had no questions}
Hmmm...I don't know. I'll have to check.
Date: 20 Jul 1997 21:11:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post unavailable}
You must understand that Claudia is one of 10 or so actors on
the show. The other actors understood and understand that we cannot
renegotiate contracts in mid-stream, and they are *supportive of the
show*, and gave us extensions on their contracts so that WB could have
time to make the TNT deal work. They are all, to a man and woman, on
board otherwise.
Claudia opted to not give the extension, where the other cast
did, and now wants (or says she wants to) renegotiate, now that all the
other cast members are locked down. To do so in her case, when she did
not give us the extension, and deliberately embarrassed WB by having an
article appear in the trades saying she was out and looking for other
work, would be an insult to all the other cast members who have worked
with us to date.
Further, yes, she's right, in that the contract could not be
changed so that she could go out and do movies at a moment's notice.
By contract, we must have first call on an actor's services. That is a
requirement of ANY TV contract with an actor who is a series regular.
That cannot be changed for ANY actor, ANYwhere.
That said...I already *told* Claudia that, even though we
couldn't put it in the contract, I would be happy to work with her
*informally* on this, and that if she said she needed to be gone from
X-date to Y-date, I would write her out of those episodes so that she
could do the movies. SHE ALREADY GOT FROM ME THAT PROMISE. I've
already done similar things for her and other cast members on the show,
which is how many of them have appeared in other projects. So this is,
for me, a non-issue.
No, from my standpoint, she wanted off the show, and I have no
idea why she is running up the fans like this unless she wants to avoid
responsibility for this.
Again, this isn't a case of my word against hers. EVERY SINGLE
CAST MEMBER was there when this went down, and MANY of them tried to
talk her out of walking off the show. If you don't want to take my
word for it, ask any one of them who was there, especially Bruce or
I would suggest the fans *not* get into this, because a) you're
not getting solid or reliable information from Claudia, and b) it is
simply too late. She opted to pass on season 5, whether she wants to
admit this or not, whether she's running from responsibility from that,
I don't know...but it was her choice. I sat with her on Thursday night
at Midnight and told her, flat out, that I would accommodate her
request on a personal basis, and that she *had* to either contact WB
herself or have her agent do so the next day, or she was off the show,
because we HAD to get the show going. The train was leaving, and she
could be on it or not as she chose. She chose not to get on board.
What you also don't understand is that we start shooting season
5 in less than one month. We're in the process of writing scripts
*right now*, and have been since we got the production order right
about the time we went to Blackpool. You can't whipsaw the writing
back and forth -- is she in, isn't she in, maybe she is, maybe she
isn't -- and hope to have anything in shape to shoot. That was why we
had to know at that date. Normally we have a longer lead time; this
time we didn't, and this has already put the scripts back a bit. The
script with the new character is written and in; if I take it out now I
have to replace it, and there isn't *time*.
Claudia knew this. WB knew this. We were up against it. She
had to choose to be in, or out. She chose out. It's no longer our
responsibility, and it's flatly too late to bring her back. The door
is closed on season 5.
Date: 20 Jul 1997 21:11:09 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Kevin P. Kenney <104102.352@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post had no questions}
I answered this in the other thread. Once you read it, you may
think differently.
As for your tone, please take it elsewhere. I have no interest
in hearing it.
Date: 20 Jul 1997 21:35:00 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: C Christian in Season 5?
{original post unavailable}
I personally told Claudia that we would work out the time for
her to do a film project prior to the deadline coming for her decision.
Other cast members knew this, and confirmed it to her.
Date: 20 Jul 1997 21:35:01 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Alan L. Ravitch <73627.3126@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia sez this..
Alan L. Ravitch <73627.3126@compuserve.com> asks:
> Ask yourself this: why would I have done the TNT promos for the
> 5th season if I did not want to be involved? This fax was received
> on Friday, so what kind of game was being played by giving me
> false hopes throughout the weekend in England?
1) This confirms what I said in my note to Brian, that I
personally assured Claudia of the chance for time off (so Kevin, bugger
2) Neither I nor anyone else in B5 told her that she had until
Monday. I sat with her Midnight Thursday and said she had to talk to
her agent and get this to WB *the very next day*, Friday, or that was
it. Jeff took it upon himself to try and talk Claudia into trying to
work it out on Monday, out of his concern and a hope that this could be
3) Her agent was notified several days prior to the deadline
that it was in place by WB business affairs.
4) As noted in my other message, there wasn't time to sit down
leisurely after Blackpool and discuss this. The first script had to be
in on July 6th. The second on July 12th. The third one on July 18th.
Those are the hard and fast deadlines in order to meet production
requirements for season 5. It is not July 20th. By the time anyone
could "sit down" we'd be deep into episode 5 or 6, and then what do we
do? Rewrite all 5 or 6 at the last minute?
It's an unfortunate situation. Nobody's denying that. But what
happened, happened.
Date: 22 Jul 1997 01:54:32 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com>
Subject: Script Smart
Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com> asks:
> It's hell being popular, ain't it?
Finally I'm popular....
Date: 22 Jul 1997 01:54:35 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post unavailable}
"I do have a question though. Why did you opt for a new character,
instead of simply promoting Corwin? Was this simply to save changing
Corwin's role in S5 or is there another reason?"
It involves some things that happen later this season that
require a certain grade officer in place in S5, and would require
Corwin to jump several ranks. He's too young and inexperienced for
that job.
Date: 22 Jul 1997 01:54:39 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post had no questions}
The information on residuals is not correct. NO ONE was aske to
give up residuals on season 5 forever. That simply never took place.
To explain:
There are different residuals formulas for the various forms of
TV. The best one is for network, where the fee paid per rerun is quite
high; then you have syndication, which starts at a much lower level;
then there is the basic cable residual, which is lowest of all. In
year 5, B5 is going from syndication to basic cable. That means it
must now use the basic cable residuals formula. But the cast had to be
informed of this, and agree to it, otherwise there could not BE a fifth
The basic cable deal is spelled out very clearly in the Screen
Actors Guild (SAG) agreement, which is standard for all parts of the
Industry. The rule is that the amount paid to an actor over
double-scale is *credited against* residuals. Once that amount is
earned out, the residuals come again. That is standard for basic cable.
(The closest parallel would be a print author, who is paid an advance
against royalties; once that advance is earned out, the royalties come
to the author.)
So to make it clearer: let's say for the sake of argument that
scale is $5,000 per episode. (It isn't that exact figure, but I don't
have the SAG book in front of me; still, that's close.) Double scale
would be $10,000 per episode. So if an actor is paid, let's say,
$12,000 per episode, then $2,000 over double scale per episode is
credited against residuals, for a total of $44,000. That amount would
get burned through pretty fast, and then the actor would again start
getting residuals.
That was the situation explained to *all* the actors. NO ONE
was asked to permanently give up S5 residuals. That simply never
happened, and *could not* happen under SAG rules. And the rule as
specified above can be verified in the SAG agreement.
BTW...it was stated to Claudia's people that WB *could* drop her
down to 18 episodes if she wanted to be paid for only those 18
episodes, but her reps demanded that she should be paid for all 22
regardless, and didn't take that deal.
You must understand that this sort of thing is common. For
instance, when Stephen Furst wanted to do fewer episodes so that he
could appear as a regular in the sitcom "Misery Loves Company," he
said, "Look, I really want to do this, so if you could cut me down to,
say, 8 episodes, and just pay me for those 8 instead of the contracted
13, that'd be great." And that deal was made, and made quickly. If an
actor wants to be reduced in the number of episodes, but still be paid
for the full number, that makes things difficult for a studio to go
along with.
And as of now, it's a moot point. The boat has left the pier.
This is no longer an issue that can be altered. She opted out, for her
own reasons. Heck, that was announced in the trades long before we knew
what was going on. We have had no choice but to move on.
Date: 22 Jul 1997 17:15:25 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Troy Starr <74752.3172@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
"In the back of my mind, I wonder why Claudia, her agent, Joe, and the
WB/TNT folks couldn't sit down together (or conference call, or
whatever) and talk with each other on that final day."
I did. That Thursday night, I sat with her for half an hour,
urging her to call her agent, and have her agent call WB. Didn't
happen. We never even heard anything from her or her people until
literally 1 week after the deadline for scripts to start coming in.
Date: 22 Jul 1997 17:51:09 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
Paul McElligott <70007.3154@compuserve.com> asks:
> Are the actors who played Major Ryan or Captain McDougal being
> considered to replace Claudia? Or would that be telling?
I'd prefer to put a female in that position, to keep the cast
relatively balanced. I've actually come up with some very interesting
ideas on this, which are kinda fun...a way to put a lot more conflict
into the inner circle, if you will.
Date: 22 Jul 1997 17:51:12 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Brian Meloche <75570.2732@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post had no questions}
Actually, this would be much simpler if it *were* a
communication breakdown. But it ain't.
Date: 22 Jul 1997 17:51:14 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com>
Subject: Clauduia
Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com> asks:
> If, in the past, you've given your word to someone regarding
> something specifc, and you've kept it, why all of a sudden is
> your word not good? How many in your profession would extend that
> courtesy?
Thanks. Yeah...ask any cast member, and they'll tell you that
when I make a promise, it's kept, no matter what it takes.
On the reaction...it goes with the territory. What's been
difficult have been the emails that have come in suggesting that I
"watch my back" at the next few conventions I attend. Disagreement or
discussion is one thing; threats are another.
Date: 22 Jul 1997 21:46:03 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Troy Starr <74752.3172@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
There was no pay cut for the fifth season for the cast. And the
residulas formula is standard for basic cable.
Date: 22 Jul 1997 21:46:04 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Clauduia
{original post unavailable}
"Joe could write sa character out of an episode or 4, yet the suits
could insist that the actor be present on the set anyway (or be in
breach of contract)!"
Nope. Wouldn't happen. Has never happened. Would never
happen. WB has not even given us a creative *note* in almost 2 years.
This one's a non-starter. That would simply not happen. If
you're not in the script, there's no need for you to be there.
Date: 23 Jul 1997 20:47:27 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Steven K. Andeweg <72143.674@compuserve.com>
Subject: jms in san diego
Steven K. Andeweg <72143.674@compuserve.com> asks:
> When will they be available through the club via mail order?
Yes, the caps can be purchased through the fan club, and
Date: 23 Jul 1997 20:47:31 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post had no questions}
One of the problems not just in this, but in general, is that
there is so much mythology about how TV is done, and so much bad
information. Any time that can be cleared up, the better.
Date: 23 Jul 1997 20:47:32 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com>
Subject: Clauduia
Roseann M. Caputo <103510.1542@compuserve.com> asks:
> I'm just as disappointed as everyone else, but it happens, yes?
> Why can't everyone just appreaciate you for the sick, twisted,
> lovable, demented, tortured, bizarre, clever, witty, devious,
> genius that you are? PS: Being as I'm only 5'2", it will be
> difficult for me to watch you're back and see what's coming also,
> perhaps my 6'5" boyfriend will help?
"Why can't everyone just appreaciate you for the sick, twisted,
lovable, demented, tortured, bizarre, clever, witty, devious, genius
that you are?"
Kill me...just kill me now and get it over with....
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:00 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Steven K. Andeweg <72143.674@compuserve.com>
Subject: jms in san diego
Steven K. Andeweg <72143.674@compuserve.com> asks:
> When will they be available through the club via mail order?
They're probably available right now.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:02 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Bancroft Gracey <100532.1747@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
Bancroft Gracey <100532.1747@compuserve.com> asks:
> -bpg- Uncle-at-Large "....'Great Maker', huh?"
"They wouldn't like it, but they had to let a certain Mrs Roddenberry
set a precedent..."
1) Majel isn't a series regular, with the contract requirements
2) Nobody messes with the Roddenberrys.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:05 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Ron Chusid <74756.3150@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
There is nothing amiss with an actor seeing work as a
contingency if the current show is not renewed.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:08 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com> asks:
> If that's the case, then why wouldn't/couldn't he put it into
> writing?
"If that's the case, then why wouldn't/couldn't he put it into
writing? So far as I can tell, that's because although he can do
everything in his power to keep Ivanova out of four episodes, there are
higher powers within WB/TNT who could say otherwise. They're the ones
who hold CCs contract, not JMS."
Every studio holds the contract on its actors; that's the same
for every show.
Nothing could be put into writing in the form of a renegotiation
because all of the actors are on a favored nation basis...if one
renegotiates in his/her favor, they all get to renegotiate. Any of our
cast can take fewer episodes if they agree to be paid for fewer
episodes since that favors WB. Or they can come to me and we'll do it
unofficially, as has been done with every single cast member for 4+
years now. Peter wanted to do "The Late Shift," I wrote him out for a
couple of episodes to accommodate that; Andreas wants to do a movie, he
asks, and I write him out. This has never, ever been a problem.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
"Again, I'm not saying that JMS did anything wrong, but if the studio
can supercede Joe (i.e. Joe can verbally say 'I'll do it', but the
studio still has the right to say 'no'), then I can't blame CC for
wanting something in writing <shrug>"
Any studio can supercede the authority of an executive producer.
The question, though, is one of logic.
If Character X is not in an episode, is not written in an
episode, there is no grounds on earth for a studio to force the actor
to hang around the studio for that episode. Never been done to my
knowledge on ANY show, anywhere, at any time. Nor would there be any
reason to do so here.
And WB doesn't write the scripts. I do. And they don't bother
us on that one. We haven't had a creative note since year 2, episode
2, and that was mainly on a scene they wanted clarified.
In the past, with every actor on the show, I have said, "Come to
me, and we'll work out unofficially time for you to get away." There
are some occasions when I say, "Look, I *need* your character for this
episode, I can't do "Severed Dreams" without Sheridan," but that
doesn't happen too often. We have never had a problem with WB over
this. And never once have I given my word to an actor about being
available, and not had it work out.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:14 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
"In her message, CC has quoted Copeland as saying that if TNT/WB want
her to do the 22 episodes, there's nothing that can be done about it."
What John said was that if she wanted to be paid the full amount
(the 22 episode fee) she had to be in all 22.
"However, there still seems to be a question as to whether or not she
was informed of the correct deadlines or if WB/TNT withdrew whatever
offer was on the table before that deadline arose."
She was. They didn't.
On the Thursday before the final Friday deadline, I sat in the
bar of the DeVere Hotel in Blackpool with Claudia and said, "Claudia,
the press has announced your departure from the show. WB takes it
seriously, and I have to start writing *yesterday*. We have to know if
you're in or out, and we have to know by mid-day (noon) tomorrow. If
we don't get an indication from your agent that you're in, the offer
will be withdrawn."
The offer was withdrawn at mid-day Friday, as indicated.
Because to wait any longer would damage the show, and our chances of
getting going without missing airdates.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:18 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
"CC trusts that JMS will do what he can, but feels that things might
be out of his hands and puts the question to Copeland who tells her
(via her agent) that what JMS offered is "Not possible."
It is not possible only if one wishes to be paid for all 22.
"5. A deadline is set for CC to get in touch with WB to confirm S5.
According to CC, she was told this by Conaway and not informed via
normal channels (i.e. via agent, manager, WB). She tries to contact
her agent regarding this but they miss each other over the weekend."
Ken Parks of WB Business Affairs informed her agent. I
personally informed her as well.
"JMS says she had a Friday deadline. CC says she was told Monday by
Conaway and that neither her agent or manager were informed of this
After the Friday deadline passed, Jeff took it upon himself to
try and convince her to go back to the show. He went to her and said
that if she or her agent contacted WB on Monday, there might be a
chance to patch things up. That was the full extent of it. Jeff does
not represent the show, and was not asked to convey this to Claudia,
and was acting on his own good will to try and help her out. It had
nothing to do with deadlines.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:20 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
Nothing was said about any of this online until Claudia began
talking about it at a convention Toronto and indicating that she had
been fired, which was not the case.
She passed.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:22 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post had no questions}
We'll probably start casting in the next 7 days.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:25 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
Vadim Naroditsky <72133.1175@compuserve.com> asks:
> The only 3 women that come to mind are: Lyta (unlikely but we can
> expect anything from you, can't we? I assume that the idea of
> keeping this affair to humans is still in effect, isn't it?
Nothing to do with being "politically correct," this is the
least PC show on record. I just like to have a mix of male and female
characters, and when it tilts too much in o, including Claudia, who has
three or four web sites devoted to her. She's not exactly out in the
cold here. Her comments at the convention were here instantly, the
Variety and Reuters articles were here very quickly, and her online
note showed up within hours. I don't exactly see that as only one side
being presented.
Second, your observation is cynical and untrue. I've been
online at CIS since 1984-85; I was one of the first people on CIS on my
block. I've been here for going on 13 years. I got on here to hang
out with fellow fans, and talk about shows, and meet people. I'm still
here now for the same reasons. You can speak to events and specifics
all you want, but stay out of my motives unless and until you can hire
a teep to probe around in my cerebellum.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:33 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post unavailable}
"I merely wanted to point out that JMS has seemed to USE this forum to
put over a very onesided point of view."
You're right. I put across one side. Mine. You put across
yours. How many people are supposed to inhabit my body? It's not my
place to speak for Claudia or you or anybody else.
I have not used words in the same way you have used them,
either; unlike you, I have not characterized the people here. You have
called me arrogant without a) any meaning of the word, or b) anything
to back that up other than bile and spirit messages. I have not called
anyone in this stupid, or malicious, or arrogant.
In reviewing your messages here, however, I'm nearly prepared to
make an exception to the rule.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:35 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post unavailable}
"I do not have to sound like I'm in control ALL THE TIME."
I don't think you will find anyone in this forum who feels, on
reading your messages, that you're in control.
Mission objective achieved.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:38 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com>
Subject: The Couch Critic-Jeff Ja
Shane S. Shellenbarger <104305.3404@compuserve.com> asks:
> There's a compliment in there somewhere...but for whom?
I think it's the closest he will ever come to speaking well of
the show.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:40 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: John M. Graham <74166.3727@compuserve.com>
Subject: Script Deadlines
John M. Graham <74166.3727@compuserve.com> asks:
> Why then, was the deadline for Claudia to make up her mind left
> so short? Is the problem the lack of reruns (meaning you have to
> get further ahead in case you fall behind without the planned
> holds in the countdown)? (Also, will Claudia appear in 501 aring
> as 422, and how does she get paid for 422, since that whole
> residual problem raises its ugly head?
"With the exception of 501 (airing in the 422 slot), you should have
about 2 extra months to get the episodes in the can. They won't, after
all, air until January, when they previously aired in November. Why
then, was the deadline for Claudia to make up her mind left so short?"
Because you can't just come in and shoot one episode, then tell
everyone, "Okay, we're taking a break for two months." The moment you
begin shooting, the clock is ticking. SAG regulates the span of time
you have the actors, equipment is rented...on and on. We had to come
back in time to shoot 501/422, and it's going to be close as it is. It
takes 52 days of post to finish an episode once it's filmed, so with
501/422 shooting August 18th, just do the math to see how close this is
going to be.
And once we pull the trigger on 501, we have to go immediately
into 502. And on and on.
Even if this were not an issue with the 422 business, we would
*still* have to start shooting in August because of the schedule of
holidays, and TNT's desire to run S5 *straight through* without reruns
or breaks. That means you have to start early and be finished with a
lot of shows, and vault them, to be able to then run through them all
sequentially in 22 weeks.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:44 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Clauduia
{original post unavailable}
"Even if Claudia had no doubt that Joe could steer her around any
trouble with the suits, the verbal agreement wouldn't carry any weight
in the outside world."
Y'know, up until this very moment, the whole 4-eps-in-writing
thing hadn't made sense to me, I couldn't get my brain around it.
I don't know if that's it, but it's a helluvan interesting
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:46 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com>
Subject: Clauduia
{original post had no questions}
Yeah, it's another chance to make the show even more
Date: 24 Jul 1997 00:52:48 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: New Character
{original post had no questions}
Thanks...it'll be an interesting addition to the mix, given what
happens in the latter part of the season.
And no, she won't be "dead and gone forever." There's the third
TNT movie, and a possible feature film, and if she wants to approach us
about those projects, we'll be more than happy to have the discussion.
That's precisely why I'm not recasting the role.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 20:42:21 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post unavailable}
"all I was really saying is that he should keep the business side of
the show off of this forum."
Then you miss two important points.
1) This came up at Claudia's convention appearance, and the
result has led people to ask questions. As in, "What the hell's going
2) The whole reason I'm *here* is not publicity, but to create
and maintain a dialogue about How Television Is Done and Why Things Are
Done The Way They're Done. The business side of it has comprised about
60% of the discussion from day one. To answer questions about all the
other business aspects, but pointedly *not* answer them here, goes
against the reason I'm here, and would imply there's something to hide.
Besides, last I heard, you didn't define the range of what can
be discussed here, that's up to the sysops. If it's jake by them, it's
jake by me. The problem is yours.
Date: 24 Jul 1997 20:42:23 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: New Character
{original post had no questions}
The Sisters of Zathras...now *there's* a convent worth joining.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:28 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com> asks:
> My question then is, what about the supposed conversation between
> CCs agent and Copeland? Did this never take place?
> is the agent lying?
The conversation was not fully reported. If an actor wants to
be paid for 22 episodes, then yes, it is impossible for ANY studio to
put in writing that they will pay for 22 while getting only 16 or 18.
None of them will ever do that. Now, if an actor wants to 16-18 and be
paid for only 16-18, then that's another issue. But the former is not
possible, and that was what John was addressing. He's kind of gotten a
bad rap in this, without cause.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:31 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
I have little to quarrel with in any of that, though I will make
the point that there isn't really *that* much dissimilarity in our
reports, as others have pointed out...it's the behind the scenes stuff
and conversations and dates that get jumbled up in some of the reports.
It's also a matter of perception...here you perceive that my
"side" of it, if you want to call it that, is getting more support.
But on other nets, I've gotten a hideous amount of hate mail, and some
threats, disguised and outright. So it's a matter of what you see, vs.
what is. (Kinda like the overall situation.)
Finally...as you say, you have no reason to give more weight to
one side or another in this. But there is one aspect of this to bear
in mind. People can argue after the fact about how a tossed coin came
down, can debate whose coin it was, whether it was a dime or a quarter,
who said what about the ground it came to rest upon...and no one down
the road may have any reason to believe one report or another...but it
*did* come down, and it *did* come down either heads, or tails.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:34 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hero Games (Sue) <75162.372@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
"No offense, but it's your word against hers, and my point is that we
don't have any reason to believe either one of you over the other."
Actually, that's not quite correct. There were approximately 10
actors there in Blackpool when all this went down...and they can all
verify the account that I have described in all this.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:41 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Tim's Apology
{original post unavailable}
"I am still of the opinion that this business side of the show should
be kept under wraps and that a simple request for such, on this forum,
by yourself would have dealt with this matter more swiftly."
(sound effect: hysterical laughter)
New to the nets, ain'tcha?
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:43 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Scott Baker <76072.1744@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post had no questions}
Thanks...I'll try.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:45 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia C fired!
(blocked) asks:
> Every character but Ivanova has undergone great changes, I
> presume that her's were to come now with the challenges and
> stresses of the battle with Psi Corp/Earth and her assumption of
> Army of Light command? Will the new character be used, more or
> less, to complete Ivanova's development or will her thread be
> dropped? Will the new character only have a lifespan of nine
> years? Could he be assistant king/commander?
Whatever you're drinking, you're either not drinking enough of
it or too much of it.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:48 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Hugh Kennedy <70042.710@compuserve.com>
Subject: Pathfinder pix?
Hugh Kennedy <70042.710@compuserve.com> asks:
> I seem to remember that your CGI people were able to work in some
> hubble shots as backcloths for some of the earlier scenes? Is
> there any chance of featuring a certain well known piece of Mars
> territory? Its just nice to tell sci-fi averse people, ok - its
> just a story but how can it be purely sci-fi when the backdrops
> are real?
We do get lots of Mars shots from the Space folks, and those
have been used in the establishing shots this season.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:50 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: T.P. Chai <104674.3064@compuserve.com>
Subject: Scripts; 501/422
T.P. Chai <104674.3064@compuserve.com> asks:
> JMS, 1) will 501/422 have season 4 or 5 title screens?
> 2) since you're shooting S5 straight through, is it going to cost
> less money?
"1) will 501/422 have season 4 or 5 title screens?"
It will be a season 4 title sequence.
"2) since you're shooting S5 straight through, is it going to cost
less money?"
No, we're not shooting any differently than we ever do. We
always start in the Summer, usually July, then have a one week hiatus
midway toward Christmas, then there's the Christmas break, then we come
back in January, and shoot through to the conclusion with one more
one-week hiatus, which are given to keep from burning out the crew.
TNT will be airing them straight through, without breaks for reruns, so
we're going to have everything done ASAP to meet those deadlines.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:53 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Tom Boon <100334.657@compuserve.com>
Subject: Hour of the Wolf
Tom Boon <100334.657@compuserve.com> asks:
> Were any publicity shots taken of G'Kar wearing Garibaldi's hat?
"Were any publicity shots taken of G'Kar wearing Garibaldi's hat?"
None that I know of.
Date: 25 Jul 1997 14:30:55 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Bruce "Firestorm" S. <72571.1722@compuserve.com>
Subject: Clauduia
Bruce "Firestorm" S. <72571.1722@compuserve.com> asks:
> Is a creative note kind of like a warning or an order?
A creative note is often, "Can you clarify this scene a little
so that new viewers will get it?" That was, I believe, the last
creative note we got, back in episode 2 of year 2. They're mainly in
the form of story suggestions, rarely if ever a Do It Like This
Date: 26 Jul 1997 15:22:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: O. C. Alexander <72623.3472@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
No, it's almost impossible for an actor to be a regular on two
shows at the same time; to make the Stephen Furst thing work, for
instance, allowing him to be a regular on "Misery Loves Company," we
had to support his request, and we were happy to do that. Most
producers would rather not.
In terms of guest stars, though, it's pretty wide open. Armin
has even auditioned for B5 on one occasion. And some of our regulars,
like Pat, have done work on ST, as well as Andreas, who reprised his
character there.
Date: 26 Jul 1997 15:22:14 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: John F Davis <73455.43@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
"JMS was simply not at that fatful alledged meeting between Claudis
and managment (or at least I've never seen him claim to be there) so he
only knows what others have told him about that meeting."
There was no such meeting.
"Now Claudia was alledgely present at that alledged meeting where they
are alledged to have told her to find another job."
Again, there was no such meeting. Claudia was in the UK, at the
same convention I was attending, when all this went down. And *I* was
the one who told her that she had to have her agent contact WB to tell
them she was in, or they'd withdraw the offer.
Kinda sticks a pin in that particular balloon....
Date: 26 Jul 1997 15:22:17 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post unavailable}
"case in point - Claudia's cut-of date was last week - yet Joe claimed
that he had written stories that would have to be re-fitted around
claudia and he didn't have time... but if thats so then he never had
any intention of writing her in - so there is a whole there."
No, the date is incorrect. This all happened at Blackpool,
which was over the weekend of July 10th-13th. The Friday deadline that
we have been discussing was July 11th. The weekend of the 17th I was
in San Diego, which is when Claudia started talking about this at a
convention elsewhere.
I could not have been sitting in a hotel pub with her on
Thursday night in Blackpool if I was in San Diego at the time. All
this went down while we were in the UK.
Date: 26 Jul 1997 15:22:19 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Randall A. Schanze <74724.762@compuserve.com>
Subject: Ok, how about this...
Randall A. Schanze <74724.762@compuserve.com> asks:
> CC has 2 major plot threads hanging over her, right?
> Is it plausible?
> Is it paranoid?
> Is it likely?
> Is it totaly stupid and inane?
Gone off the Prozac again, I see....
Date: 27 Jul 1997 00:57:24 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Ian & Kathy Taylor <100331.2651@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post had no questions}
"reminds me very much of what I was told by someone with good reason
to know about the loss of Michael O'Hare from the show i.e. that the
people in charge of the purse-strings basically made the decision."
See, here's what kills me about all this.
When the Michael situation took place, I came out very openly
and I said, "No, this was my decision, working with Michael," and very
few held *me* accountable, they tried to blame WB...here, I came out
openly and said I tried everything I could to keep Claudia on the show,
and that her eventual departure was not my decision, it was hers, and
I'm being given the rap for it. I didn't get it when I *did* make the
decision (with Michael), and I'm getting it now when I *didn't* make
the decision.
Some days it's enough to make me lose my hair.
Date: 27 Jul 1997 00:57:27 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Philip Friel <100647.753@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
Philip Friel <100647.753@compuserve.com> asks:
> And the coupla guys that I notice giving you a load of crap
> around here - I don't ever recall seeing you give *them* any crap
> (if you had, it might've been different, 'cos then it's
> *personal* - guns at fifty paces, and all that <bg>), so just
> what *is* their problem?
"I won't say that there won't ever be an SF show as good as B5, as
you've now set the yardstick, and the rest have something to aim at.
Maybe, someday, someone will reach or pass it"
I'm looking forward to that. I'll be the first one to stand up
and cheer when it happens.
"I'll say one thing about Trekkies, even though B5 fans often beat up
on them <g,d,&r> - if Gene Roddenberry were alive today, and were
active online, I just couldn't see him taking even a fraction of the
flack from online Trekkies as you do from these excuses for B5 fans"
Noooo...I don't think so...ask Majel about some of this
sometime. Believe me, if Gene were online, he'd get the same thing.
It's the medium, not the person, that's the problem.
Date: 27 Jul 1997 00:57:29 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Tim's Apology
{original post unavailable}
Yep, that's what precipitated the discussion.
Date: 27 Jul 1997 00:57:31 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Tim's Apology
{original post unavailable}
What smug?
You said that if I asked people not to talk about it, they would
automatically stop. I've been on the nets a long time, and that sort
of thing is so unlikely as to engender the response I noted. Hence my
As if my saying, "Now, stop that" would work.
How much power do you think I have?
The problem isn't what I'm saying, it's your sensitivity over
Date: 27 Jul 1997 00:57:34 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com>
Subject: Third TNT film???
Carl Cantarella <105030.3700@compuserve.com> asks:
> Is this true?
Yes, that's correct.
Date: 27 Jul 1997 22:54:21 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Brent Barrett <75063.3305@compuserve.com>
Subject: An Open Letter
{original post had no questions}
Thanks, to everyone on the J&D mailing list. There's been quite
a bit of positive feedback lately, which has certainly helped.
I'm considering strongly pulling back from the nets for a while.
What a number of people don't seem to understand is that amidst all
this, with all the name-calling and dead-catting and
tar-and-feathering, I have to launch the fifth season. I have to write
these first 5-6 episodes, and make them not just as good as year 4, but
better. The only way I can write is to push away all the other voices
until I can hear the small, still voice at the back of my head that
speaks in the place of the characters. There has been so much going on
(see above) that this has become difficult at best.
Come January, if the shows are crap, from crap scripts, and
people yell, "How come the stories suck?" it does no good for me to
yell back, "BECAUSE EVERYBODY WAS YELLING AT ME!" That is a pretty
silly excuse. The bottom line is: angry email is ephemeral; the shows
will be on the air for a lot longer. And that is where I have to put my
emphasis right now.
So I'm not yanking the modem out of the wall, but my presence
will be somewhat reduced over the next little bit, because I've fallen
*desperately* behind due to all the turmoil over this. If people think
they're upset over Claudia leaving, and the grief this has caused, the
truth is they have no idea what those words mean until they've sat
behind my keyboard and tried to push through it to find the words. And
then to get yelled at for things I'm not responsible for...I can either
read it, and get angry, or take a break and get the show in place.
Even the positive email, welcome as that's been, and there's been a
lot, has been a reminder of the whole situation, so I basically just
have to pull back for a bit.
I'll be here...but quietly, until I'm caught up. Similarly,
with regrets (and as soon as I can find the darned email address for
them), I'm going to have to cancel out on RebelCon in Massachusetts in
order to try and catch up. I can't justify the time away when we're so
close to the bone.
Date: 28 Jul 1997 00:14:22 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: DS9 = Babylon 5
{original post unavailable}
"But then I never watched B 5 even if Chekov was on it. I always
thought of it as a copy of DS9 because DS9 was in the works longer."
Just to correct: DS9 was not developed until about 1991/1992
(I'll have to go check which one for sure)...B5 was being shown around
town in full pilot-script and artwork form dating back to 1987.
Date: 28 Jul 1997 00:14:25 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post unavailable}
Re: Turhan...yeah, everybody on the set yelled at me when we had
to kill off Turhan's character. He was one of the genuinely sweetest
and nicest persons to come work on the show, and they all fell in love
with him. If there's EVER a way I can figure out how to bring him
back, I'm up for it.
Date: 28 Jul 1997 00:14:28 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: John F Davis <73455.43@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
John F Davis <73455.43@compuserve.com> asks:
> how did the British rags figure out what she was GOING to say
> while she was still saying "I'll be there"?
No...let me stress this again: there was never any meeting here.
The meeting you *might* be thinking of was the one where we
brought in the actors to explain to them the differences in syndication
vs. cable residuals formula. That took place some weeks before.
If it helps, let me break down the dates for you a bit:
July 9th: the Variety and Reuters pieces appear saying Claudia's
has left the show. WB wants to know where Claudia stands, and we need
to know because at this point I've finished writing the new 422, and am
about to start on 502 (actually the first S5 episode). I hear about
this when Claudia, I and the rest of the cast are in the UK at
Blackpool. The WB need for urgent clarification is conveyed to
Claudia's agent.
July 10th: I reinforce to Claudia, at the pub in the DeVere
hotel, that unless she confirms through her agent by noon Friday, the
11th, that she wants to be on the show, the offer will be withdrawn,
that she will have, to all intents and purposes, passed on the offer.
July 11th: there was no "final comment," no meeting...again, we
are still in the UK. For there to be a final comment, she or her agent
would have had to actually *speak* to someone. But no call came from
either Claudia or her agent. There was NO response at all. Thus, the
offer was finally and reluctantly withdrawn because we were simply out
of time, and having been told that silence = a pass on the offer, there
was no longer any reason to maintain the offer. She passed.
July 12th: Jeff goes to Claudia and on his own, tries to
convince her to try and work this out on Monday, that if her agent
makes contact first thing, maybe this can be worked out. This is not a
position that I told him to advance to her, he did this entirely on his
own, hoping that she could still come back from her decision. Bruce
and other cast members also try to talk to her about this, concerned
about her decision.
July 14th (Monday): Claudia leaves the convention mid-day,
announcing that she is going to go to a photo shoot.
The weekend of July 19th-20th: I'm at ComicCon in San Diego,
where I learn that Claudia, at another convention, has announced that
she was fired from B5. And that, to paraphrase, is where the blitz hit
the fans.
I know you keep trying to find some way that maybe I wasn't
there, perhaps to save me from the situation...but I was there for
every bit of it; having the room 4 doors down from Claudia at the time,
I couldn't be *more* in the thick of it unless I slept on the floor of
her room.
Date: 28 Jul 1997 00:14:32 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Claudia Opts Out-JMS
{original post unavailable}
Ray: extremely, extremely well said. Better than I could have
said it, and probably better than I *have* said it.
You really ought to give this writing thing a shot sometime,
Date: 28 Jul 1997 00:14:34 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Ron Chusid <74756.3150@compuserve.com>
Subject: Claudia C fired!
{original post had no questions}
"Before coming to this forum today I was reading through a ST
newsgroup on the internet. John Ordover was busy defending himself
against criticism for things like ignoring rude messages. I'm sure you
don't find this at all surprising."
Yeah, well, John also announced *definitively* (and with
considerable joy, I suspect) on AOL that B5 had been canceled, and
there would be no fifth season, so I'm probably the last person to ask
about this....
Date: 28 Jul 1997 00:14:39 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Tim's Apology
{original post unavailable}
"Surely you have the power to not reply to certain messages?"
Of course I do. And I do frequently.
The problem is that the nets are best able to spread complete
misinformation even faster than they can spread real information. If
something is stated once in error -- like the person who thought the
deadline was the 19th rather than the 11th -- others pick it up and
within a matter of a day or two, there are 10,000 people all with the
same wrong information, and if you go back to them to correct it later,
they say, "Well, no, that's not what I heard," even though they may not
be able to remember where they got that info from.
On the nets, the line between "speculation" and "fact" is very
blurry on the best of days. My feeling has always been that in that
kind of situation, you put out the facts as best you can, on the theory
that the folks interested in the discussion are sharp enough to suss
out the truth, and those not interested in it wil simply not bother to
read the threads.
Also, bear in mind that there was a request put out to email
bomb me by people concerned about Claudia's situation. A request put
out *by* Claudia and her people. Now, I can either spend ten thousand
hours a day responding to each one of those in email, or by public
messages put a lot of those concerns to rest and save a fair amount of
hassle when I'm *trying* to put on a show here.
Date: 28 Jul 1997 00:14:42 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: Your Pasadena payback
{original post unavailable}
Well, certainly the more folks retell the story at cons, the
less I can tell it, so there's that...but the joke has gone about as
far as it's going to.
Until I can think of something better.
Date: 28 Jul 1997 00:14:45 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Richard P. Manny <70762.141@compuserve.com>
Subject: Onward and upward
Richard P. Manny <70762.141@compuserve.com> asks:
> Cavellos' book (I certainly didn't find anything that jumped out
> at me as contrary to the tv series)?
I'd say that the Cavelos book is pretty canonical, yes...I
didn't work with the author as closely as with #9, but I agree with
just about all of the major strokes there.
Date: 29 Jul 1997 20:51:10 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: DS9 = Babylon 5
{original post unavailable}
Yes, that would be me...and the finale's been filmed, so it's
out of my encrypted file at last. Look for it at the end of season 5.
Date: 29 Jul 1997 20:51:11 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: (blocked)
Subject: DS9 = Babylon 5
{original post unavailable}
The show starts the weekend of January 4th on TNT, first with a
newly filmed prequel, "In the Beginning," then the original pilot, then
the next day, Monday, it starts from the very first episode of season
one and goes straight through, Monday through Friday, 5 nights a week,
at 7 p.m. Eastern. The fifth season starts mid-January.
With the new airings on TNT, we will run through the entire
first 4 years in 18 week cycles, so everyone will have a chance to
catch up and see the whole thing.
But this thread more properly belongs in the B5 section, so any
further questions should probably go there.
Date: 30 Jul 1997 00:57:30 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Chad Underkoffler <102512.1310@compuserve.com>
Subject: but
Chad Underkoffler <102512.1310@compuserve.com> asks:
> Boy shaves his head.") Is there any way for me to strengthen this
> authorial muscle? Advice?
> Hints?
Basic approach: if you know your characters, then find out what
they want, how far they will go to get it, and how far someone else
will go to stop them. From this comes structure, and from this comes
Put them in *motion*.
As someone noted, "The king died and then the queen died" is not
a story; "The king died and then the queen died of grief" is a story.
Cause and effect.
Date: 30 Jul 1997 00:57:33 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Alan L. Ravitch <73627.3126@compuserve.com>
Subject: Bailing on Rebelcon?
Alan L. Ravitch <73627.3126@compuserve.com> asks:
> Joe...is that a definite that you're now NOT going to do
> Rebelcon?
Yeah...I notified the con people the other day. I'm *really*
distressed by this, because it's the first time I've ever had to bail
on a con due to work commitments (or any OTHER reason, there's never
been one before this). But given the distance, the work involved, the
deadlines looming up ahead of me, and all the rest...I can't justify
doing it. The show has to come first.
And I'm *really* bummed because it's John Flinn's first
convention, and I really wanted to be there to see his reaction.
Date: 30 Jul 1997 19:37:29 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com>
To: Chad Underkoffler <102512.1310@compuserve.com>
Subject: but
Chad Underkoffler <102512.1310@compuserve.com> asks:
> Out of curiousity, what do you think of Dibell's PLOT?
"Out of curiousity, what do you think of Dibell's PLOT?"
Dunno, never read it.
Don't read books on sex, either.
Some things you have to learn on instinct.