<title>What's New - 1996</title>
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<h1 align=center>What was New - 1996</h1>
<dt>December 30, 1996
The onscreen credits for
<a href="credits/067.html">"The Hour of the Wolf,"</a>
<a href="credits/068.html">"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi,"</a>
<a href="credits/069.html">"The Summoning,"</a>
<a href="credits/070.html">"Falling Toward Apotheosis"</a>
are online.
A glitch in all the credits pages has been fixed; this should make
the credits look a lot better under Microsoft Internet Explorer.
(For the technically minded, the problem was that the alignment
from the preceding <p> tag was being carried over into a
<pre> block.)
<dt>December 25, 1996
<a href="synops/069.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/069.html">"The Summoning"</a>
is online.
<dt>December 21, 1996
The archive of JMS'
<a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/">CompuServe</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Usenet/">Usenet</a>
messages from September through November has been split apart into
smaller files. Apologies to everyone who suffered through the
excruciatingly long download before.
A new introduction to the Background section of the episode guide
for season four is in place. (Select the "Background" link from an
episode's guide page to see a summary of the story up to, but not
including, that episode.)
<a href="making/effects.html">Effects</a>
page has been updated to reflect the fact that Foundation Imaging
no longer does B5's special effects.
<dt>December 19, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/070">results</a>
<a href="guide/070.html">"Falling Toward Apotheosis"</a>
are online.
<dt>December 10, 1996
<a href="synops/070.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/070.html">"Falling Toward Apotheosis"</a>
is online. The synopsis of
<a href="guide/069.html">"The Summoning"</a>
should be available shortly.
A revamped version of Edwin Yau's
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-guide/">UK episode guide</a>
is available.
<dt>November 26 - December 10, 1996
On vacation.
<dt>November 25, 1996
<a href="synops/068.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/068.html">"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?"</a>
is online.
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/069">results</a>
<a href="guide/069.html">"The Summoning"</a>
are online.
<dt>November 21, 1996
A new version of the B5 FAQ is available:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s1">Season one.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s2">Season two.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s3">Season three.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s4">Season four.</a>
<dt>November 18, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/068">results</a>
<a href="guide/068.html">"Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?"</a>
are online.
<dt>November 11, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/067">results</a>
<a href="guide/067.html">"The Hour of the Wolf"</a>
are online.
<dt>November 10, 1996
<a href="synops/067.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/067.html">"The Hour of the Wolf"</a>
is online.
A schedule for
<a href="countries/mx/eplist.html">Mexico</a>
is online.
<dt>November 8, 1996
A schedule for
<a href="countries/ru/eplist.html">Russia</a>
is online.
<dt>November 5, 1996
<a href="resources/fans.html">Fans</a>
page has moved from the Making Of section to the Resources section,
a more intuitive location.
<dt>November 4, 1996
A schedule for the
<a href="countries/ph/eplist.html">Philippines</a>
is online.
<dt>November 3, 1996
<a href="synops/066.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/066.html">"Z'ha'dum"</a>
is online.
<a href="/lurk/ftp/America-Online/jeff-conaway.txt">transcript</a>
of an October 8 chat session with Jeff Conaway is online.
<dt>November 2, 1996
Several recent months' worth of
<a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/index.html">JMS GEnie messages</a>
have been uploaded.
<dt>October 30, 1996
Lots of little changes all over the Guide today. I took the day off
work to spend plowing through some of my E-mail backlog. I've
gotten through 220 messages so far; sadly, that's not even half the
backlog, but I'll attempt to catch up before season four begins.
Please bear with me if you notice something is out of date -- it's
almost undoubtedly on my to-do list already, and more mail about it
will only slow me down further!
<dt>October 17, 1996
I'll be out of town until October 21, so if you don't see pages
getting updated over the weekend, that's why.
A new version of the B5 FAQ is available:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s1">Season one.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s2">Season two.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s3">Season three.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s4">Season four.</a> Just
a placeholder for now.
<dt>October 14, 1996
A schedule for
<a href="countries/wbtv/eplist.html">WBTV</a>
in Central and South America is available.
<dt>October 13, 1996
A transcript of JMS' October 11
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Misc/jms-irc-961011">IRC chat session</a>
is available.
<dt>October 9, 1996
The Poll 5 votetaker is now maintaining Web pages with a
<a href="http://people.delphi.com/mike100000/p5summary.html">summary</a>
of the results, and an up-to-date version of the results for the
<a href="http://people.delphi.com/mike100000/current-p5.">current
<dt>October 8, 1996
Some of you have noted that the Guide isn't using inline JPEGs any
more. They'll be back! The method I was using to choose between
JPEGs and GIFs turned out to be too heavy a load on the server.
Luckily, we'll be installing a faster machine in the next couple
of weeks. And, spare time permitting, I'll shortly be implementing
a more efficient way of doing the picture selection. The JPEGs
will return when the first of those two things happens. Thanks
for your patience.
<dt>October 3, 1996
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Misc/vortex.txt">transcript</a>
of a recent interview with Bruce Boxleitner, John Copeland, and
Jerry Doyle is available.
New versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<dt>October 1, 1996
Hyperion has moved to a new ISP yet again. If you see that your
browser is listing this server as "", your
browser is keeping old host addresses around longer than it's
supposed to. You'll want to restart it at some point (though
the old address will continue to be forwarded to the new one for
at least a week.)
<dt>September 28, 1996
The spoiler page for
<a href="guide/065.html">"Shadow Dancing"</a>
and its
<a href="synops/065.html">synopsis</a>
have been moved to the main part of the Guide.
So has the spoiler page for
<a href="guide/066.html">"Z'ha'dum."</a>
<dt>September 27, 1996
The spoiler page for
<a href="guide/064.html">"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place"</a>
has been moved to the main part of the Guide, as has a
<a href="synops/064.html">synopsis.</a>
<dt>September 23, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-guide/b5uk-epguide.txt">UK episode guide</a>
is online.
<a href="credits/066.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/066.html">"Z'ha'dum"</a>
are online. One more round of thanks to George Chauvet for
transcribing them. The
<a href="http://search.intertext.com/b5/066.html">spoiler page</a>
for the episode now contains analysis and other material. Be sure
you really want to see it!
<dt>September 22, 1996
The spoiler pages for
<a href="guide/062.html">"Walkabout"</a>
<a href="guide/063.html">"Grey 17 Is Missing"</a>
have moved to the main part of the Guide. The remaining
season-three episodes' pages are still being maintained separately.
<dt>September 17, 1996
<a href="http://search.intertext.com/b5/066.html">spoiler page</a>
<a href="guide/066.html">"Z'ha'dum"</a>
now contains a synopsis.
<dt>September 16, 1996
<a href="credits/065.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/065.html">"Shadow Dancing"</a>
are online. Thanks to George Chauvet for transcribing them.
<a href="http://search.intertext.com/b5/065.html">spoiler page</a>
<a href="guide/065.html">"Shadow Dancing"</a>
now contains a synopsis.
<dt>September 9, 1996
<a href="credits/064.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/064.html">"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place"</a>
are online. Thanks to William F. Harris for transcribing them.
<a href="http://search.intertext.com/b5/064.html">spoiler page</a>
<a href="guide/064.html">"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place"</a>
now contains a synopsis.
<dt>September 2, 1996
<a href="support/index.html">B5 Support Page</a>
has had a major update. (It happened on August 28, in fact.)
The onscreen credits for
<a href="guide/062.html">"Walkabout"</a>
<a href="guide/063.html">"Grey 17 Is Missing"</a>
are online. Thanks to George Chauvet for transcribing them.
New versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<a href="http://search.intertext.com/b5/063.html">spoiler page</a>
<a href="guide/063.html">"Grey 17 Is Missing"</a>
now contains a synopsis and other material.
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/062">results</a>
from the UK airing of
<a href="guide/062.html">"Walkabout"</a>
are online.
<dt>August 18, 1996
<a href="http://search.intertext.com/b5/062.html">spoiler page</a>
<a href="guide/062.html">"Walkabout"</a>
now contains a synopsis and other material.
New versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<dt>August 15, 1996
The layout of the
<a href="/lurk/countries/us/eplist.html">US/Canada episode list</a>
has been changed slightly. Let me know if it causes problems for you.
<dt>August 3, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-guide/b5uk-epguide.txt">UK episode guide</a>
text file has been uploaded.
Even newer versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<dt>July 27, 1996
New versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<dt>July 23, 1996
This week's
<a href="http://www.iguide.com/tv/magazine/current/ftr3f2.sml">TV Guide</a>
article on B5 is available online. (That link probably won't work
after July 29.)
<dt>July 17, 1996
We have started putting JPEG versions of some of our inline images
in place alongside the GIF versions. Our server should automatically
feed you an image type your browser can handle; if you find you're
getting garbage or a broken-image icon where you used to get a
picture, please let us know. The change will be an ongoing process
over the next several weeks. JPEG provides significant savings in
file size, and thus download time, for some images; it also looks
much better in many cases, especially on 16-million-color displays.
Not all images will be JPEGged, just those that benefit either in
appearance or size. That means most of the navigational icons will
remain GIFs even for people who can handle inline JPEGs.
This feature will probably not be available on mirror sites, which
will continue to serve up GIF images.
<dt>July 15, 1996
New versions of all the files in the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s1">Season one.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s2">Season two.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s3">Season three.</a>
<dt>July 2, 1996
New versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<dt>June 25, 1996
A new
<a href="p5/summary.html">Poll 5 results summary</a>
is available, covering episodes up to
<a href="guide/061.html">"War Without End, Part 2."</a>
<dt>June 15, 1996
New versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<dt>June 8, 1996
<a name="June81996"><strong>Babylon 5 has been confirmed renewed for a
fourth season!</strong></a>
This was announced Friday June 7 at 9pm EDT by producer John
Copeland in the "B5 stations renewal" folder on America Online,
<a href="http://www.demon.co.uk/ici/wolf/">verified Saturday June 8</a>
by JMS while at the science fiction convention Wolf 359.
<dt>June 3, 1996
<a href="http://www.asta.uni-essen.de/lurk/lurker.html">German
of the Lurker's Guide is online.
<dt>May 31, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">news and schedules</a>
part of the B5 FAQ is online.
<a href="credits/061.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/061.html">"War Without End, Part Two"</a>
are online.
The guide page for novel #6,
<a href="novels/006.html">"Betrayals,"</a>
has been fleshed out.
<dt>May 30, 1996
Synopses for "War Without End" parts
<a href="synops/060.html">one</a>
<a href="synops/061.html">two</a>
are online.
<dt>May 29, 1996
A new mirror is online, at Digital Service Consultants in Atlanta,
Georgia. The URL is
<a href="http://www.dscga.com/lurk/lurker.html">http://www.dscga.com/lurk/lurker.html</a>.
<dt>May 27, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/061">results</a>
<a href="guide/061.html">"War Without End, Part Two"</a>
are available.
<dt>May 26, 1996
<a href="credits/060.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/060.html">"War Without End, Part One"</a>
are online.
A <a href="/lurk/ftp/America-Online/mira-furlan.txt">transcript</a>
of an America Online chat session with Mira Furlan is available.
<dt>May 24, 1996
New versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<a href="credits/059.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/059.html">"Interludes and Examinations"</a>
are online.
<dt>May 23, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/060">results</a>
<a href="guide/060.html">"War Without End, Part One"</a>
are available.
<dt>May 18, 1996
New versions of parts of the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<dt>May 16, 1996
A transcript of an America Online chat session with
<a href="/lurk/ftp/America-Online/richard-biggs.txt">Richard Biggs</a>
is available.
<dt>May 15, 1996
<a href="synops/058.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/058.html">"Ship of Tears"</a>
is online.
<dt>May 14, 1996
<a href="synops/057.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/057.html">"A Late Delivery from Avalon"</a>
is online.
<dt>May 13, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/059">results</a>
<a href="guide/059.html">"Interludes and Examinations"</a>
are available.
<dt>May 12, 1996
<a href="synops/059.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/059.html">"Interludes and Examinations"</a>
is online. (Yes, I know two episodes have been skipped; the
synopses should be available soon.)
By popular demand, new entries in the guide pages will now have
modification dates next to them. Items older than two weeks won't
have dates, so you can scan for the dates to see what's generally
new, then look at the individual dates to see how new each thing is.
This will only affect entries added after this announcement, but
in two weeks nobody will be able to tell the difference anyway.
The dates are in US format (month/day.)
<dt>May 11, 1996
<a href="credits/058.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/058.html">"Ship of Tears"</a>
are online.
<dt>May 9, 1996
<a href="credits/057.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/057.html">"A Late Delivery from Avalon"</a>
are online.
<dt>May 7, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/058">results</a>
<a href="guide/058.html">"Ship of Tears"</a>
are available.
<dt>May 3, 1996
New versions of all the files in the B5 FAQ are online:
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s1">Season one.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s2">Season two.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s3">Season three.</a>
<dt>April 30, 1996
<a href="credits/056.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/056.html">"Sic Transit Vir"</a>
are online.
<dt>April 29, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/057">results</a>
<a href="guide/057.html">"A Late Delivery from Avalon"</a>
are available.
<dt>April 28, 1996
<a href="synops/056.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/056.html">"Sic Transit Vir"</a>
is online.
The guide page for
<a href="guide/058.html">"Ship of Tears"</a>
has been fleshed out.
<dt>April 24, 1996
<a href="synops/055.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/055.html">"Ceremonies of Light and Dark"</a>
is available.
<dt>April 23, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/056">results</a>
<a href="guide/056.html">"Sic Transit Vir"</a>
are available.
<dt>April 22, 1996
Since so many people see the episodes on weekends, starting next week
the "This Week's Episode" link will switch on Tuesday morning rather
than Monday morning. That'll give people a chance to check the guide
page for the episode they've just seen without having to hit an extra
<dt>April 21, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">news/schedule</a>
part of the B5 FAQ is online.
<dt>April 19, 1996
Hyperion has switched to a new Internet service provider. You
should notice substantially faster performance, though initial
accesses to the Guide might be slow until our updated nameserver
records have been propogated. (If that's gibberish to you, don't
worry about it!)
<a href="credits/055.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/055.html">"Ceremonies of Light and Dark"</a>
are available.
<dt>April 18, 1996
Erik Oliver's guide page for novel #5,
<a href="novels/005.html">"The Touch of Your Shadow, the Whisper
of Your Name"</a>
is online.
<dt>April 15, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/055">results</a>
<a href="guide/055.html">"Ceremonies of Light and Dark"</a>
are available.
<dt>April 13, 1996
New versions of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">general</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">news/schedule</a>
parts of the B5 FAQ are online.
<dt>April 12, 1996
<a href="synops/054.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/054.html">"Severed Dreams"</a>
is available, as are the
<a href="credits/054.html">onscreen credits.</a>
<dt>April 8, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/054">results</a>
<a href="guide/054.html">"Severed Dreams"</a>
are available. It is easily the highest-rated episode so far.
<dt>April 7, 1996
<a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/jms-96-04-06">transcript</a>
of yesterday's real-time conference with JMS on CompuServe is available.
<dt>April 3, 1996
UK users can access the new ftp.hyperion.com mirror at
<a href="http://www.cant.ac.uk/staff/nick/b5/hyperion/mirror.html">www.cant.ac.uk.</a>
<dt>April 2, 1996
Several official
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Releases/">press releases</a>
about the show are available.
<dt>March 27, 1996
Updated all the links on guest stars' names in the episode guide to
point to the official location of the Internet Movie Database.
<dt>March 21, 1996
An updated
<a href="p5/summary.html">summary</a>
of the
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
results is available.
<dt>March 19, 1996
A new mirror site in
<a href="http://www.ntua.gr/lurk/lurker.html">Greece</a>
is online.
<a href="making/write-direct.html">writers/directors list</a>
has been updated.
<dt>March 18, 1996
The Babylon 5 FAQ has been split into five separate files, and
expanded with new material from the Lurker's Guide and elsewhere.
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">The main FAQ, covering general
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-news-schedule">News and schedules.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s1">Season one.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s2">Season two.</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-setting-s3">Season three.</a>
A revised version of the
<a href="universe/appearances-3.html">season 3 appearances chart</a>
is online.
<dt>March 16, 1996
An updated version of the discussion of parallels between B5 and the
works of
<a href="/lurk/ftp/lovecraft.txt">H. P. Lovecraft</a>
is available on the FTP server, as is an
<a href="/lurk/ftp/lovecraft.html">HTML version.</a>
<dt>March 12, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">station address list</a>
is online.
<dt>March 7, 1996
A nicer, HTMLized version of the
<a href="p5/summary.html">Poll 5 results summary</a>
is online.
<dt>March 5, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/053">results</a>
<a href="guide/053.html">"Point of No Return"</a>
are available.
<dt>March 4, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">station address list</a>
is online.
<dt>March 3, 1996
<a href="credits/053.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/053.html">"Point of No Return"</a>
have been transcribed.
<dt>March 2, 1996
<a href="synops/053.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/053.html">"Point of No Return"</a>
is available.
<dt>March 1, 1996
Hyperion is running new Web server software. Please let us know if
you see problems.
<dt>February 28, 1996
<a href="credits/052.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/052.html">"Messages from Earth"</a>
have been transcribed.
<dt>February 27, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/052">results</a>
<a href="guide/052.html">"Messages from Earth"</a>
are available.
<dt>February 24, 1996
The following synopses are now illustrated:
<li> <a href="synops/051.html">"Exogenesis"</a>
<li> <a href="synops/052.html">"Messages from Earth"</a>
<a href="synops/052.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/052.html">"Messages from Earth"</a>
is online.
<dt>February 21, 1996
Matthew Murray's
<a href="synops/051.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/051.html">"Exogenesis"</a>
is online.
<dt>February 20, 1996
<a href="credits/051.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/051.html">"Exogenesis"</a>
have been transcribed.
<dt>February 19, 1996
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/051">results</a>
<a href="guide/051.html">"Exogenesis"</a>
are available.
<dt>February 18, 1996
<a href="synops/050.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/050.html">"Dust to Dust"</a>
is now illustrated.
<dt>February 17, 1996
The following synopses are now illustrated:
<li> <a href="synops/046.html">"Convictions"</a>
<li> <a href="synops/047.html">"A Day in the Strife"</a>
<li> <a href="synops/048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane"</a>
<li> <a href="synops/049.html">"Voices of Authority"</a>
<dt>February 15, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ</a>
is online.
New versions of the SF TV
<a href="ftp://ftp.hyperion.com/pub/TV/sftv-titles">titles</a>
<a href="ftp://ftp.hyperion.com/pub/TV/sftv-sched">schedule</a>
files are online.
<dt>February 14, 1996
<a href="/lurk/ftp/newton.sit">episode guide</a>
(with some
<a href="/lurk/ftp/newton.txt">documentation</a>)
for the Apple Newton is available.
Erik Oliver's guide page for novel #4,
<a href="novels/004.html">"Clark's Law,"</a>
is online.
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/050">results</a>
<a href="guide/050.html">"Dust to Dust"</a>
are available.
<dt>February 13, 1996
<a href="credits/050.html">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/050.html">"Dust to Dust"</a>
have been transcribed.
<a href="synops/045.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/045.html">"Matters of Honor"</a>
is illustrated.
<dt>February 11, 1996
<a href="synops/050.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/050.html">"Dust to Dust"</a>
is online.
<dt>February 8, 1996
The episode previews on the official B5 web site are now available
via a permanent link on the Lurker's Guide home page.
A recent
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Misc/tallman.txt">interview</a>
with Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander) is available.
<dt>February 6, 1996
A discussion of the parallels between B5 and the works of
<a href="/lurk/ftp/lovecraft.txt">H. P. Lovecraft</a>
is available on the FTP server.
<a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="p5/049">results</a>
<a href="guide/049.html">"Voices of Authority"</a>
are available.
<dt>February 5, 1996
Previews are now available for
<a href="guide/050.html">"Dust to Dust"</a>
courtesy of the
<a href="http://pathfinder.com/Babylon5">official B5 web site.</a>
<dt>February 4, 1996
<a href="synops/049.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/049.html">"Voices of Authority"</a>
is online, as are the
<a href="credits/049.html">onscreen credits.</a>
<dt>February 3, 1996
A B5 concordance/encyclopedia is available on the FTP server.
<a href="/lurk/ftp/concord1.txt">Part 1,</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/concord2.txt">part 2,</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/concord3.txt">part 3.</a>
<dt>February 2, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ</a>
is online.
<dt>January 30, 1996
An Australian
<a href="http://econ-www.newcastle.edu.au/lurk/lurker.html">mirror</a>
of the Guide is available.
<dt>January 27, 1996
An interview with Foundation Imaging animator
<a href="making/mojo.html">Mojo</a>
is available.
<dt>January 22, 1996
Previews are now available for
<a href="guide/049.html">"Voices of Authority"</a>
courtesy of the official B5 website.
<a href="p5/summary.html">Poll 5 Summary</a>
has been updated to include episodes up to
<a href="guide/048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane."</a>
<dt>January 21, 1996
<a href="synops/043.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor"</a>
is illustrated.
<dt>January 20, 1996
The Background section of the episode guide pages for season three
now have a new summary of the story so far. Thanks to Katrina
Glerum, kat@gol.com.
<dt>January 19, 1996
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ</a>
is online.
<dt>January 14, 1996
A new partial
<a href="http://www.csv.warwick.ac.uk/~suaap/lurker/eplist.htm">mirror</a>
(episode guide only, no images) is available for UK users.
<dt>January 13, 1996
A viewer campaign is underway to keep B5 airing on
<a href="http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~vogon/save_b5.txt">WPTT</a>
in Pittsburgh, PA.
<dt>January 12, 1996
<a href="reference/cast.shtml">cast</a>
<a href="reference/character.shtml">character</a>
listings have been updated. There is also now a list of actors
ordered by
<a href="reference/castbyep.shtml">first appearance.</a>
Thanks to Dan Dassow, M195722@sl1001.mdc.com.
<dt>January 7, 1996
A schedule for
<a href="countries/id/eplist.html">Indonesia</a>
is online.
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ</a>
is online.
B5 has resumed airing in
<a href="countries/se/eplist.html">Sweden.</a>
<a href="whatsnew.html">To the current What's New page</a>
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