<title>What's New at Hyperion - 1994</title>
<link rev=made href="mailto:koreth@hyperion.com">
<link rel=parent href="whatsnew.html">
<h1>What's New at Hyperion - 1994</h1>
<em>Note that many, if not most, of the links listed here are obsolete by
now. This list is kept online for historical interest only.</em>
<dt>December 30, 1994
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5encyc.txt">Babylon 5 Encyclopedia</a>
has been uploaded.
<li> <a href="http://www.uml.edu/Babylon-5/GEnie/">JMS GEnie messages</a>
from the second half of September have been uploaded.
<li> The
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/Sci-Fi-Channel/sfcjan95">January 1995</a>
edition of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/Sci-Fi-Channel/">Sci-Fi Channel schedule</a>
is available on the ftp server, as is the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/Sci-Fi-Channel/sfcblock1q95">block program
schedule</a> for the first quarter of 1995.
<dt>December 26, 1994
<li> <a href="http://www.uml.edu/Babylon-5/GEnie/">JMS GEnie messages</a>
from October 1 through December 15 have been uploaded.
<dt>December 25, 1994
<li> Fixed the
<a href="countries/">foreign episode schedules</a>
so the "to the episode list" links in guide pages accessed from them
will lead back to the appropriate country's schedule rather than
the US one.
<dt>December 22, 1994
<li> The list of
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">TV station addresses</a>
on the ftp server has been updated.
<dt>December 21, 1994
<li> Hyperion has moved its Web server to a faster host. All the URLs
should stay the same;
<a href="/cgi-bin/feedback?who=webmaster&what=Trouble&where=/lurk/whatsnew.html">send us mail</a>
if you see problems. The old server will continue to work for a
few days as well.
<dt>December 20, 1994
<li> A
<a href="synops/029.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/029.html">"Soul Mates"</a>
is available.
<li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/029">results</a>
<a href="guide/029.html">"Soul Mates"</a>
are online.
<li> A list of
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvaddresses.txt">TV station addresses</a>
(a work in progress) is available on the ftp server.
<dt>December 19, 1994
<li> Updated the
<a href="misc/uk-eplist.html">UK air schedule</a>
to reflect the start of season two in February 1995.
<dt>December 16, 1994
<li> The Guide has an even newer title picture, thanks to
<a href="http://www.eit.com/">EIT</a>'s talented digital artist
<a href="http://www.eit.com/people/scott.html">Scott Brisko.</a>
Netscape users get an added bonus to make up for the browser's
meddlesome dithering.
<li> The
<a href="credits/029">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/029.html">"Soul Mates"</a>
have been uploaded.
<dt>December 13, 1994
<li> New versions of the <cite>Young Indiana Jones Chronicles</cite>
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/young-indy-guide">guide</a>
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/young-indy-suppl">supplement</a>
are available on the ftp server.
<li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/028">results</a>
<a href="guide/028.html">"A Spider in the Web"</a>
are online.
<li> Transcripts of two potentially important scenes from
<a href="guide/004.html">"Infection"</a>
<a href="guide/005.html">"The Parliament of Dreams"</a>
are available.
<dt>December 11, 1994
<li> A
<a href="synops/028.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/028.html">"A Spider in the Web"</a>
is available.
<dt>December 9, 1994
<li> A list of Babylon 5
<a href="/lurk/ftp/sponsors.txt">sponsors</a>
based on an informal survey of four season-two episodes is available.
<dt>December 8, 1994
<li> The guide to the
<a href="comic/index.html">comic series</a>
has been expanded, with a synopsis and guide page for the first
<a href="comic/001.html">"In Darkness Find Me."</a>
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">Science Fiction Television
Upcoming Episodes Schedule</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<li> A
<a href="synops/027.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/027.html">"The Long Dark"</a>
is available.
<li> The
<a href="credits/028">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/028.html">"A Spider in the Web"</a>
have been uploaded.
<dt>December 6, 1994
<li> Added more ordering information for the limited-edition
<a href="production.html#cd">soundtrack CD.</a>
<li> A new version of the UNIX
<a href="/lurk/ftp/B5quotes.tar">B5 quote generator</a>
has been uploaded, and its
<a href="http://www.reed.edu/~horde/b5/b5quote.html">FAQ</a>
has been updated.
<dt>December 5, 1994
<li> The
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/Sci-Fi-Channel/sfcdec.94">December 1994</a>
edition of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/Sci-Fi-Channel/">Sci-Fi Channel schedule</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<dt>December 1, 1994
<li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/026">results</a>
<a href="guide/026.html">"A Distant Star"</a>
are online.
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<dt>November 30, 1994
<li> The
<a href="credits/027">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/027.html">"The Long Dark"</a>
have been uploaded.
<li> The most recent week's worth of
<a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/">JMS GEnie messages</a>
have been uploaded.
<li> A
<a href="synops/026.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/026.html">"A Distant Star"</a>
is available.
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">Science Fiction Television
Upcoming Episodes Schedule</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<dt>November 25, 1994
<li> The guide page for
<a href="guide/026.html">"A Distant Star"</a>
has been updated.
<dt>November 24, 1994
<li> An air schedule for
<a href="misc/au-eplist.html">Australia</a>
is available. <cite>Babylon 5</cite> starts on November 30 at 8:30PM
on the Seven Network.
<li> The
<a href="credits/026">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/026.html">"A Distant Star"</a>
have been uploaded.
<dt>November 22, 1994
<li> An updated guide page for
<a href="guide/009.html">"Deathwalker"</a>
is online, thanks to Dave Zimmerman
<li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/024">results</a>
<a href="guide/024.html">"Revelations"</a>
are online, as are the
<a href="p5/025">results</a>
<a href="guide/025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows."</a>
An updated
<a href="p5/summary.html">summary</a>
of the season-one results (up to
<a href="guide/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</a>)
is also available.
<dt>November 21, 1994
<li> New versions of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/cast.txt">cast</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/character.txt">character</a>
lists are available.
<li> A
<a href="/lurk/synops/025.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="/lurk/guide/025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows"</a>
is online.
<dt>November 17, 1994
<li> The
<a href="credits/025">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/025.html">"The Geometry Of Shadows"</a>
have been uploaded.
<dt>November 15, 1994
<li> Fleshed out the guide page for
<a href="guide/025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows"</a>
(as usual, more will be added over time.)
<dt>November 14, 1994
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">Science Fiction Television
Upcoming Episodes Schedule</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<dt>November 13, 1994
<li> Added guide pages for several more episodes and updated the airing
order on the <a href="episodes.php">episode list.</a>
<dt>November 12, 1994
<li> The following episodes' synopses are now illustrated:
<li> <a href="/lurk/guide/022.html">"Chrysalis"</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/guide/023.html">"Points of Departure"</a>
<li> <a href="/lurk/guide/024.html">"Revelations"</a>
<dt>November 11, 1994
<li> A
<a href="/lurk/synops/024.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="/lurk/guide/024.html">"Revelations"</a>
is online.
<li> A couple weeks' worth of new
<a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/">JMS CompuServe messages</a>
have been uploaded to the ftp server.
<dt>November 10, 1994
<li> Hyperion is now home to
<a href="ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/regina/home.html">Regina di
<a href="/ba/sfbay.html">Web Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area.</a>
<li> The
<a href="credits/024">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/024.html">"Revelations"</a>
have been uploaded.
<dt>November 9, 1994
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
is available on the ftp server. It has been updated for season two and
rearranged somewhat.
<li> New versions of the UK episode guide
(<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-epguide.txt">text</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-amigaguide.lha">AmigaGuide</a>
versions, the latter with an accompanying
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-amigaguide.readme">readme file</a>)
are available.
<dt>November 8, 1994
<li> The past week's worth of JMS'
<a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/">GEnie messages</a>
are on the ftp server. (No, I don't know when more will be
<dt>November 6, 1994
<li> A
<a href="/lurk/synops/023.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="/lurk/guide/023.html">"Points of Departure"</a>
is online.
<li> Fleshed out the guide page for
<a href="/lurk/guide/024.html">"Revelations"</a>
(more will be added over time.)
<li> New versions of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/cast.txt">cast</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/character.txt">character</a>
lists are online.
<dt>November 4, 1994
<li> The Lurker's Guide has a new logo, thanks to J. J. Franzen
<code><jfranzen@scf.usc.edu></code>. Let me (and him)
know what you think.
<dt>November 3, 1994
<li> The
<a href="credits/023">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/023.html">"Points of Departure"</a>
have been uploaded.
<dt>November 1, 1994
<li> <a href="p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a> <a href="p5/022">results</a>
<a href="guide/022.html">"Chrysalis"</a>
are online.
<dt>October 31, 1994
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">Science Fiction Television
Upcoming Episodes Schedule</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<dt>October 30, 1994
<li> Fleshed out the guide page for
<a href="guide/023.html">"Points of Departure"</a>
(though more will be added over time.)
<li> A final version of the
<a href="misc/b5-appearances1.html">season 1 appearances chart</a>
is available, as is a preliminary chart for
<a href="misc/b5-appearances2.html">season 2.</a>
<li> The November
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/Sci-Fi-Channel/sfcnov94">Sci-Fi Channel
has been uploaded to the ftp server.
<li> New versions of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/cast.txt">cast</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/character.txt">character</a>
lists are online.
<dt>October 29, 1994
<li> A new
<a href="universe-2.html">Universe and Characters</a>
page is now online for season two.
<li> The season-two
<a href="misc/monologues.html#2">opening monologue</a>
has been transcribed.
<dt>October 27, 1994
<li> AutoCAD versions of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Models/">models</a>
from the ftp server are now available.
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<dt>October 26, 1994
<li> The
<a href="credits/022">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/022.html">"Chrysalis"</a>
have been uploaded.
<li> Some new
<a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/">CompuServe messages</a>
from JMS have been uploaded. The messages from the second half of
September have been saved off to a separate file.
<dt>October 21, 1994
<li> A separate page for the <cite>Babylon 5</cite>
<a href="comic.html">comic series</a>
has been started. Eventually it will turn into a page similar to the
<a href="episodes.php">episode list.</a>
<dt>October 18, 1994
<li> New versions of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvlist.txt">PTEN Station List</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-epguide.txt">UK Episode Guide</a>
have been placed on the ftp server.
<li> <a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/uncgi.html">Un-CGI</a>
version 1.2 is available. It supports multiple form selections with
the same element name (e.g. the <select multiple> tag.)
<dt>October 17, 1994
<li> New versions of the <cite>Young Indiana Jones Chronicles</cite>
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/young-indy-guide">episode guide</a>
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/young-indy-suppl">supplement</a>
are available on the ftp server.
<dt>October 16, 1994
<li> Added links to
<a href="misc/warprayer.html">Mark Twain's "The War Prayer"</a>
to the
<a href="guide/007.html">guide page</a>
for the episode of the same name, and to the
<a href="production.html#lit">literary and historical references</a>
section of the
<a href="production.html">"Making of <cite>Babylon 5</cite>"</a>
<dt>October 15, 1994
<li> <a href="/usx/">The Used Software Exchange</a>
is now open for business. If you have old software you want to get
rid of, stop by and enter it into the database.
<dt>October 14, 1994
<li> A
<a href="/lurk/synops/022.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="/lurk/guide/022.html">"Chrysalis"</a>
is online.
<li> Reworked the
<a href="episodes.php">episode list</a>
a little bit so it's more useful for people looking for a list
of upcoming episodes, and looks a bit nicer too (I hope.)
<dt>October 13, 1994
<li> A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<li> A page about the
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/israel/sinai.html">Sinai Peninsula</a>,
part of the presentation about my visit to
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/israel/">Israel</a>,
is online.
<li> <a href="misc/sg-eplist.html">Singapore</a>,
like the UK, won't be getting
<a href="guide/014.html">"TKO."</a>
The air schedule has been adjusted accordingly.
<dt>October 7, 1994
A new version of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">Science Fiction Television
Upcoming Episodes Schedule</a>
is available on the ftp server.
<dt>October 4, 1994
Now running NCSA httpd 1.3. You shouldn't notice any difference.
<dt>October 3, 1994
Fleshed out the guide page for
<a href="guide/022.html">"Chrysalis"</a>
thanks to a diligent UK viewer who shall remain anonymous.
<dt>October 2, 1994
The following episode synopses now contain inline images.
<li> <a href="synops/020.html">"Babylon Squared"</a>
<li> <a href="synops/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</a>
<dt>September 26, 1994
A page about
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/israel/caesarea.html">Caesarea</a>
is online, the first of the pages with photos from a vacation to Israel.
<a href="/usx/">Used Software Exchange</a>
is now in beta-test. Play around with it and report any problems
you see.
<dt>September 25, 1994
New on the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/">FTP server</a>:
An update to the file of JMS message regarding
<a href="/lurk/ftp/OHare.Leave">Michael O'Hare's departure</a>.
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5_jms_answers.txt">JMS answers file</a>.
A list of
<a href="/lurk/ftp/jms.credentials">other works</a>
by JMS.
<dt>September 22, 1994
A hypertext guide to <cite>Time Trax</cite>,
<a href="/trax/">Transmission Tone</a>,
is now available.
New on the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/">FTP server</a>:
<a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/">JMS GEnie messages</a>
for the second half of May, all of August, and the first half of
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5tvlist.txt">PTEN Station List</a>.
A copy of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sp2040">press release</a>
about the new Gerry Anderson series, "Space Precinct 2040."
A new version of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/sftv-sched">Science Fiction TV Shows
Upcoming Episodes</a> list.
<dt>September 19, 1994
New on the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/">FTP server</a>:
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Usenet/">JMS Usenet articles</a>
from July through mid-September 1994.
Updates to the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/cast.txt">cast</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/character.txt">character</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5quick.bin">MacBinary version</a>
of the QuickTime movie (with short effects clips from
"The Gathering"). It's the same movie as before, just easier
to decode for Mac users. The old version is still available.
<dt>September 15, 1994
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
is available on the ftp server. The changes (marked in the file) have
been incorporated into the Lurker's Guide.
<dt>September 13, 1994
Matt Ryan's guide page for
<a href="guide/008.html">"And the Sky Full of Stars"</a>
is online. It's actually three pages since there's so much in
the episode.
I'm still looking for someone to fill Matt's shoes -- follow the
link at the top of this page if you think you're up to it.
<dt>September 12, 1994
Added a note about the season-two
<a href="misc/monologues.html">opening monologue</a>
from a JMS GEnie message.
For Amiga users, some models of a few Babylon 5 ships in Imagine format,
along with sample renderings in JPEG, have been uploaded to the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Models/">ftp server</a>.
A new version of the
<a href="misc/write-direct.html">Writers/Directors List</a>
is online.
<dt>September 11, 1994
Moved the collection of
<a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/">JMS CompuServe messages</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/cs94-09-01">August 24 - September 11</a>
to its own file, since the scratch area where the messages collect
was growing pretty large.
Wrote a
<a href="synops/021.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</a>
(the one episode Matthew Murray didn't catch on tape, as luck would have it.)
<dt>September 7, 1994
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-epguide.txt">UK Episode Guide</a>
text file has been uploaded. It is also available in
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-amigaguide.lha">AmigaGuide</a>
format (compressed with the LHA archiver) for Amiga users.
A new version of the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/timetrax.txt"><cite>Time Trax</cite> Episode Guide</a>
is available.
<dt>September 5, 1994
Roughly 50 new pictures have been added to the various pages about my
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/">visit to Russia</a>.
A shorter presentation about
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/israel/">Israel</a>
is in the works.
<dt>September 3, 1994
Added some new episode titles from JMS to the
<a href="episodes.php">episode list</a>
page, as well as some more information about
<a href="chars/sheridan.html">Captain Sheridan</a>.
<dt>September 2, 1994
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
is available on the ftp server. Some of the changes have
been incorporated into the Lurker's Guide.
<dt>August 31, 1994
A new version of the text-only
<a href="/lurk/ftp/b5encyc.txt">Babylon 5 Encyclopedia</a>
has been uploaded. See also the
<a href="http://web.uml.edu/Babylon-Enc/enc.html">hypertext version</a>.
<dt>August 30, 1994
Channel 4 in the UK seems to be following the US airing order after all.
<a href="misc/uk-eplist.html">UK</a>
<a href="misc/sg-eplist.html">Singapore</a>
air schedules have been updated accordingly.
<dt>August 29, 1994
Please join me in welcoming Matthew Murray, <i>i9717029@wsuaix.csc.wsu.edu</i>,
to the Guide. He'll be writing the synopses for year two. To kick things
off, he has written a
<a href="synops/020.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/020.html">"Babylon Squared"</a>.
<dt>August 28, 1994
Updated the
<a href="episodes.php">US episode list</a>
with new season-two airing information from JMS, and created new guide
pages for five more episodes (currently containing nothing but writing
and directing credits.)
The first collection of JMS messages from
<a href="/lurk/ftp/CompuServe/index.html">CompuServe</a>
are on the ftp server.
<dt>August 27, 1994
Added a link to some information about the new commander,
<a href="chars/sheridan.html">Captain Sheridan</a>,
from JMS.
Wrote a
<a href="synops/016.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/016.html">"Eyes"</a>
and fleshed out its guide page a bit.
<dt>August 26, 1994
Added a bunch of JMS postings from Compuserve about
<a href="guide/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</a>
to its guide page. Also a brief one on
<a href="guide/020.html">"Babylon Squared"</a>.
A short QuickTime movie with some effects sequences from the pilot is
available on the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/index.html">ftp server</a>. It was uploaded to CompuServe
by someone at Warner Bros.
<dt>August 25, 1994
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-epguide.txt">UK Episode Guide</a>
text file has been uploaded. It is also available in
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-amigaguide.lha">AmigaGuide</a>
format (compressed with the LHA archiver) for Amiga users.
<dt>August 23, 1994
<a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="/lurk/p5/021">results</a>
<a href="guide/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</a>
have been announced.
<dt>August 21, 1994
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/uncgi.html">Un-CGI 1.0</a>,
a program to make processing input from forms on WWW servers much easier.
<dt>August 20, 1994
A couple tidbits from JMS in the
<a href="misc/recur.html">Recurring Characters</a>
page: Na'Toth will be played by Mary Kay Adams in season two, and a new
character, Warren Keffer, will be introduced.
<dt>August 19, 1994
The remaining pages of my
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/travelogue/">Russia travelogue</a>
are ready.
<dt>August 18, 1994
<a href="credits/021">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</a>
have been transcribed.
<dt>August 17, 1994
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ List</a>
is available on the ftp server. The changes therein (mostly minor) have
been incorporated into the Lurker's Guide.
<dt>August 16, 1994
<a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
<a href="/lurk/p5/020">results</a>
<a href="guide/020.html">"Babylon Squared"</a>
have been announced.
<dt>August 14, 1994
The page for
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/travelogue/931015.html">October 15</a>
in my Russia travelogue is ready.
The pictures of the alien ambassadors in the
<a href="universe.html">"Babylon 5 Universe and Characters"</a>
page are now links to the official digital trading cards.
<dt>August 13, 1994
Fleshed out the episode-guide page for
<a href="guide/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</a>.
The page has a slightly different format from the rest, one that will
be adopted from now on: at the top of the page is all the usual information
about guest stars and the quick description of the plot. A new section,
titled "Watch for," follows, a non-spoiler list of things to pay special
attention to while watching. Then, after a dividing line, the spoiler
section of the guide page proceeds as usual. This new format, as it's
retrofitted onto the old episodes, should make the Guide more useful when
viewing episodes for the first time.
Matt Ryan's episode-guide page for
<a href="guide/007.html">"The War Prayer"</a>
has been installed.
The first two days of the
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/travelogue/">travelogue</a>
of my
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/">visit to Russia</a>
are prettied up and ready to read.
<dt>August 12, 1994
Six new digital trading cards have been uploaded to the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Scenes/">Pictures/Scenes directory</a>
on the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/">ftp server</a>.
They contain scenes from
<a href="guide/001.html">"Midnight on the Firing Line"</a>
<a href="guide/002.html">"Soul Hunter"</a>.
<dt>August 11, 1994
<a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/furlan.rtc.940809">transcript</a>
of a GEnie real-time conference with Mira Furlan (Delenn) has been placed
on the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/">ftp server</a>.
<a href="credits/020">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/020.html">"Babylon Squared"</a>
have been transcribed.
<dt>August 10, 1994
Split the July <cite>What's New</cite> items off to a separate page (an
index of old items is at the bottom of this page.)
A transcript of a July
<a href="/lurk/ftp/jms.radio.7-24-94">radio interview</a>
with JMS is available on the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/">ftp server</a>.
<dt>August 9, 1994
New versions of the <cite>Young Indiana Jones Chronicles</cite>
<a href="ftp://ftp.hyperion.com/pub/TV/young-indy-guide">episode guide</a>
<a href="ftp://ftp.hyperion.com/pub/TV/young-indy-suppl">supplement</a>
are available on the ftp server.
<a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
results for
<a href="guide/019.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 2"</a>
have been announced.
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/posad/">Sergiyev Posad</a>
page of Steve Grimm's Russia trip pictorial is ready.
<dt>August 6, 1994
The pages for
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/pushkin/">Pushkin</a>,
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/moscow-churches/">Moscow's churches</a>,
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/moscow/">downtown Moscow</a>
in my
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/">pictorial of Russia</a>
have been filled in.
Fleshed out the guide page for
<a href="guide/020.html">"Babylon Squared"</a>
(warning: the page <em>will</em> spoil parts of the episode if you haven't
seen it yet.)
<dt>August 5, 1994
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Guide/">Text-only versions</a>
of all the Lurker's Guide
<a href="episodes.php">episode guide entries</a>
are available on the ftp server.
Wrote a
<a href="synops/015.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/015.html">"Grail"</a>
and fleshed out its guide entry.
Added a paragraph about the Downbelow and the Lurkers to the
<a href="misc/station.html">Babylon 5 Station</a>
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/babylon-5-faq">Babylon 5 FAQ list</a>
has been placed on the ftp server.
<dt>August 4, 1994
Wrote a
<a href="synops/014.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/014.html">"TKO"</a>
and fleshed out its guide entry (though there's not a lot to say about
that one.)
Added short writeups about the <cite>Marie Celeste</cite> and
Giuseppe Garibaldi to the
<a href="production.html#lit">Literary and Historical References</a>
section of the
<a href="production.html">Making of Babylon 5</a>
page. Thanks to John Daily, <code>jrdaily@indyunix.iupui.edu</code>.
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/timetrax.txt"><cite>Time Trax</cite> episode guide</a>
has been updated.
<a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/index.html">JMS' GEnie messages</a>
from the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/jms94-07-16">second half of July</a>
are on the ftp server.
<dt>August 3, 1994
Wrote a
<a href="synops/013.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="guide/013.html">"Signs and Portents"</a>.
<a href="credits/019">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/019.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 2"</a>
have been transcribed.
<a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
results for
<a href="guide/018.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1"</a>
have been announced.
<dt>July 30, 1994
Wrote up short illustrated pages on
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/peter/">St. Petersburg</a>
(and its
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/peter-churches/">churches</a>)
as part of the pages about my
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/">visit to Russia</a>.
Added a link to David Henderson's
<a href="/lurk/misc/write-direct.html">Writers and Directors List</a>
to the
<a href="/lurk/production.html">Making of Babylon 5</a>
Wrote a
<a href="/lurk/synops/019.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="/lurk/guide/019.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 2"</a>
and fleshed out its guide entry.
<dt>July 29, 1994
Matt Ryan's guide entry for
<a href="guide/006.html">"Mind War"</a>
is online.
<dt>July 27, 1994
A new version of the
<a href="misc/b5-appearances.html">appearances chart</a>
is available.
<a href="credits/018">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/018.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1"</a>
have been transcribed.
All the
<a href="/netlink.html">hardware</a>
for our faster net link is in place and the lines seem to
be working. The ftp and WWW servers here may be unavailable periodically
over the next few days as we get everything switched over; please bear
with us.
<dt>July 26, 1994
<a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
results for
<a href="guide/017.html">"Legacies"</a>
have been announced.
<dt>July 25, 1994
Wrote a
<a href="/lurk/synops/017.html">synopsis</a>
<a href="/lurk/guide/017.html">"Legacies."</a>
<dt>July 24, 1994
Wrote a synopsis of
<a href="/lurk/guide/018.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1."</a>
It's not as detailed as one of Shawn Bayern's synopses, but Shawn isn't
likely to catch up soon.
New on the ftp server:
Five new official Digital Trading Cards are available in the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Characters/">Pictures directory</a>
(also available via an
<a href="/lurk/thumbs/Characters/">experimental
Web interface</a>.)
<dt>July 23, 1994
Fleshed out the guide entry for
<a href="guide/018.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1"</a>.
Added HTML+ <code><link></code> tags to the episode guide entries.
Right now there aren't any browsers that support them, but eventually it'll
be handy.
Rewrote the index page in the Babylon 5 directory on the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/index.html">ftp server</a>
to list all the files in a more organized fashion. Removed the list
of files on the ftp server from the
<a href="other-sources.html">Other Sources</a>
A new version of the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-epguide.txt">UK episode guide</a>
is available on the ftp server. Also available is an
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-amigaguide.lha">AmigaGuide version</a>
for Amiga users.
Split off the June "What's New" entries into a
<a href="9406.whatsnew.html">separate document</a>
to keep this one smaller.
<a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/b5encyc.txt">Babylon 5 encyclopedia</a>
has been updated. (See also the
<a href="http://web.uml.edu/Babylon-Enc/enc.html">hypertext version</a>.)
<dt>July 20, 1994
<a href="credits/017">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/017.html">"Legacies"</a>
have been transcribed.
Several new batches of
<!-- a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/GEnie/index.html" -->
<a href="/lurk/ftp/GEnie/index.html">JMS's messages on GEnie</a>
are on the ftp server.
<a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
results for
<a href="guide/016.html">"Eyes"</a>
have been announced.
We have all the hardware for our new-and-improved net link. The phone
company is scheduled to install our lines on July 22, so by early next week
Hyperion should provide much faster response time.
<dt>July 18, 1994
The guide entry for
<a href="guide/017.html">"Legacies"</a>
has been fleshed out a little.
The July 18 edition of the
<a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/babylon-5-faq">FAQ list</a>
is online.
<dt>July 17, 1994
The names of actors in the episode-guide entries are now links into the
<a href="http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/Movies/">Cardiff movie database</a>
(or rather, its mirror at Mississippi State University.)
<dt>July 16, 1994
You can browse through a list of
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/russia/places.html">places</a>
I visited during my trip to Russia. The area is still under construction,
but some pictures are available.
<dt>July 15, 1994
Matt Ryan's episode guide entry for
<a href="guide/004.html">"Infection"</a>
is in place.
<dt>July 14, 1994
My personal
<a href="http://www.hyperion.com/~koreth/sg.html">home page</a>
finally has a picture of me. Not a particularly good one, but...
<a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">Poll 5</a>
results for
<a href="guide/015.html">"Grail"</a>
have been announced.
An air schedule for
<a href="misc/sg-eplist.html">Singapore</a>
is online. Thanks to Soh Kam Yung <sauron@ee.nus.sg>.
<a href="credits/016">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/016.html">"Eyes"</a>
have been transcribed.
Added a link to the
<a href="/ftp/pub/TV/timetrax.txt"><cite>Time Trax</cite> episode guide</a>
from the
<a href="episodes.php">episode list</a>
<dt>July 11, 1994
New on the ftp server:
All the images in the
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/">Pictures directory</a>
are now accompanied by miniatures in the respective Thumb directories.
Previously not all images had thumbfiles.
<a href="/lurk/thumbs/index.html">experimental
Web interface</a>
to the Pictures directory is available. If I get no negative comments
about it, it'll become the default interface.
<dt>July 7, 1994
<a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/">Pictures directory</a>
on the ftp server (also available via our faster
<a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/Pictures/index.html">mirror site</a>)
has been reorganized.
<a href="credits/015">onscreen credits</a>
<a href="guide/015.html">"Grail"</a>
have been transcribed.
<dt>July 6, 1994
New on the ftp server:
A text-only version of the
<a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/b5encyc.txt">Babylon 5 encyclopedia</a>
is available. The
<a href="http://web.uml.edu/Babylon-Enc/enc.html">hypertext version</a>
is probably preferable for online browsing.
New versions of the
<a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/cast.txt">cast</a>
<a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/character.txt">character</a>
lists are available.
<dt>July 4, 1994
Incorporated various minor changes from the new version of the
<a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/babylon-5-faq">FAQ list</a>
into various pages. Changes of note:
"Chrysalis, Part II" is now titled
<a href="guide/023.html">"Points of Departure"</a>.
Production for season two begins August 1 instead of July 18.
<dt>July 1, 1994
After numerous delays,
we have finally ordered all the equipment and phone lines for a much
faster net link. Everything should be up and running within a month,
fates willing. This should cut down on the long delays you've probably
noticed while browsing the Guide.
<dt>June 29, 1994
Added Edwin Yau's plaintext
<a href="/lurk/ftp/uk-epguide.txt">UK episode guide</a>
to the
<a href="misc/uk-eplist.html">UK episode list</a>
<dt>June 27, 1994
Matt Ryan's detailed episode-guide page for
<a href="guide/005.html">"The Parliament of Dreams"</a>
is in place. It includes links to
<a href="misc/ulysses.html">"Ulysses"</a>
by Tennyson, quoted in the episode and elsewhere in the series.
Added a section to the
<a href="production.html">Making of Babylon 5</a>
page detailing some of the
<a href="production.html#lit">literary and historical references</a>
in the series.
<dt>June 24, 1994
Added a link to Brian O'Neill's
<a href="http://web.uml.edu/Babylon-Enc/enc.html">B5 Encyclopedia</a>
to the
<a href="other-sources.html">Other Sources</a>
<dt>June 21, 1994
Added links Troy Rutter's complete lists of the B5 cast, sorted by
<a href="/lurk/ftp/cast.txt">actors' names</a>
<a href="/lurk/ftp/character.txt">characters' names</a>,
to the
<a href="universe.html">Universe and Characters</a> page.
<a href="credits/005">credits</a>
<a href="guide/005.html">"The Parliament of Dreams"</a>.
<dt>June 19, 1994
Updated the
<a href="episodes.php">episode list</a>
with new second-season episode titles from JMS.
<dt>June 16, 1994
Added a new message from JMS about
<a href="misc/season-two.html">season two</a>,
and some information from various places about
<a href="chars/kosh.html">Ambassador Kosh and the Vorlons</a>.
<dt>June 15, 1994
A new version of David Henderson's
<a href="misc/b5-appearances.html">appearances chart</a> is installed.
<a href="ftp://ftp.uml.edu/Babylon-5/B5quotes.tar">quotes program</a>
and its associated
<a href="http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/cms/zecca/b5/b5quote.html">frequently asked
questions list</a> are available through the
<a href="other-sources.html">Other Sources</a> page.
Also on the Other Sources page, several other
<a href="other-sources.html#web">WWW resources</a> were added.
<dt>June 14, 1994
Added a page for
<a href="guide/023.html">"Chrysalis, Part II"</a>, and updated the information
in several of the other episodes' pages.
<dt>June 10, 1994
Added the What's New page.
<a href="whatsnew.html">To the current What's New page</a>