B5 Ranked #1 by VQT

From J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5:

I'm *very* pleased to announce that the latest survey by Viewers For Quality Television (VQT) has selected BABYLON 5 as the #1 ranked syndicated drama, and #16 *overall*, putting it ahead of such series as MURPHY BROWN, DS9, SEINFELD, DR. QUINN MEDICINE WOMAN and THE SIMPSONS in their listings for Highest Quality Shows.

My thanks and appreciation to all those who took the time to seek out VQT's surveys, and continue to do so, in order to bring attention to the hard work being done on this show, and it is our hope that we continue to merit your attention and support.

VQT is a viewer organization that tries to promote quality television, primarily by raising public awareness of low-rated shows they consider to be of merit. (But their member poll isn't limited to low-rated shows, of course.) More information is available, as is another survey form.

One reader says that B5 won its position as a write-in -- that is, it wasn't one of the shows already listed on the voting form, but had to be written in by the voters.

If you have more details about the survey or contact info for VQT, please send me mail. (But please don't mail me asking for more information; all I know about it is here.)

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