#!/bin/csh @ x=0 @ y=0 @ r=0 @ h=32 @ pal=80 @ wid=999 @ maxwid=5 while ($y < 272) @ x = 0 convert +dither -crop ${wid}x${h}+0+${y} -colors $pal $1 r${r}.miff while ($x < ${maxwid}) convert -crop 100x999+${x}00+0 r${r}.miff r${r}c${x}.gif echo $x $r @ x++ end @ y += $h @ h = 24 @ pal = 20 @ r++ if ($r == 15) then @ wid = 400 @ maxwid = 4 endif end # # Two-row-high set of buttons; use the same palette on both rows. # convert -colors ${pal} +dither -crop 500x48+0+${y} $1 r11-12.miff @ x = 0 @ r2 = $r + 1 while ($x < ${maxwid}) convert -crop 100x${h}+${x}00+0 r11-12.miff r${r}c${x}.gif convert -crop 100x${h}+${x}00+${h} r11-12.miff r${r2}c${x}.gif echo $x $r - $r2 @ x++ end @ r += 2 @ y += $h + $h while ($y < 392) @ x = 0 convert +dither -crop ${wid}x${h}+0+${y} -colors $pal $1 r${r}.miff while ($x < ${maxwid}) convert -crop 100x999+${x}00+0 r${r}.miff r${r}c${x}.gif echo $x $r @ x++ end @ y += $h @ h = 24 @ pal = 20 @ r++ if ($r == 15) then @ wid = 400 @ maxwid = 4 endif end