Gideon and Lochley clash on Mars as a group of religious zealots threatens
a conference on the plague.
Production number: 111
Original air date: July 14, 1999
DVD release date: December 7, 2004
Written by Peter David
Directed by John Copeland
- @@@932974890 Since the plague hit Earth, a number of doomsday cults
have appeared on Earth. One of the most extreme, Sacred Omega,
is willing to kill to prevent a cure from being found, since it
believes the plague is God's punishment for mankind's corruption.
- @@@932974890 Trace Miller
("War Zone")
was once studying to be a Foundationist priest. He witnessed
something horrible, which shattered his faith and caused him to
drop out of his training.
- @@@932974890 Max grew up on Mars. He spent most of his childhood
studying, but occasionally was able to slip away and venture into
the seedier sections of town.
- @@@932974890 What did Trace see?
- @@@932974890 Dureena said she gave a guy a chance once. What were
the circumstances, and what happened?
- @@@932974890 Franklin is still on Earth, according to Lochley.
Assuming he still holds his post as head of the Earth's xenobiological
research program
("The Ragged Edge")
he is presumably playing a key role in Earth-based research to find
a cure.
- @@@932974890 Max is an expert dancer.
- @@@932974890 When Trace is interrogated after being attacked, a sign
on the wall can be seen; it reads "Phobos." That was the name of the
bar where Sheridan was captured in
"The Face of the Enemy."
On the other hand, it may be a common name for Martian bars, since
Phobos is one of Mars' moons.
- @@@933008963 The streets mentioned in the episode are all named
after well-known pieces of Mars fiction. Bradbury Street is a
reference to Ray Bradbury, author of "The Martian Chronicles."
Burroughs Street refers to Edgar Rice Burroughs, who wrote a series
of stories about Mars featuring a character named John Carter, for
whom Carter Street is named. This isn't the first reference to
John Carter in the B5 universe; a John Carter is referred to as one
of the first Martian colonists in
"A Spider in the Web."
- @@@933014242 Another Bradbury reference: Max was drinking "dandelion
wine" at the bar. "Dandelion Wine" is the name of a 1957 novel by
- @@@932976890 Text of the conference banner:
Plague Eradication
Management Strategies
Mars Conference
June 15, 2267
- @@@933009543 The bomb timer stops on 18. In Hebrew, 18 is spelled
out as "chai," which means "life."
- @@@932974890 Gideon can be seen to wear a ring in this
episode. What's it for?
It's his Earthforce Academy graduation ring.
- @@@932974890 When Chambers is waiting to be met by Gideon,
it looks like there are people holding signs reading "Copeland"
and "Straczynski". True?
Yes on the first, no on the second.