Garibaldi takes on a new job. The resistance's counter-propaganda broadcasts begin. Sheridan proposes a plan to protect the Non-Aligned Worlds from raiders. Tim Choate as Zathras. Denise Gentile as Lise Hampton. Mark Schneider as Wade. Charles Walker as Ben.
P5 Rating: 8.04 Production number: 412 Original air week: May 5, 1997 DVD release date: January 6, 2004 Written by J. Michael Straczynski Directed by David Eagle
@@@865362949 It's also possible his captors want to get him close to Edgars, and that by taking the job he'd in fact be following their implanted orders.
That would put a different spin on the disappearance of Narn telepaths ("Ship of Tears.") The Book of G'Quan was probably correct about the Shadows killing most of the Narn telepaths. But maybe the reason the gene never resurfaced in the Narn population wasn't that it wasn't strong enough, as G'Kar supposed, but that it was only designed to last a few generations, and once the previous Shadow War was over, its time simply ran out. Of course, that assumes the Vorlons implanted telepathy into the Narn.
Lurker: You tipped the balance. I felt it when we were joined.
You're more than you think you are.
Talia: Then what am I?
Lurker: The future.
Re: the CGI...we've been fairly conventional with the CGI in recent seasons, we're trying to get a bit more adventurous.
The Lise flashback material is all exactly as was filmed for "Babylon Squared." I think we used a few more pieces of the original footage, but it was all stet.
Why didn't we see what happened to Delenn, since she
left in the previous episode?
Re: Delenn...these episodes happen close to one another in
time, so you have to allow travel time for her to get to Minbar.
But we'll see him soon enough.
(And the voice belongs to Efram Zimbalist Jr.)
It did take a *very* long time to burn through the bulkhead door to allow them access to the hallway, and said door did mildly glow in the affected areas prior to melting through. The station hull is even more heat resistant.
George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5