Subject: ATTN JMS - Convention in Md/Va Date: 1 Feb 1995 00:28:55 -0500 There are no plans that I'm aware of, but some cast members may have plans I don't know about. jms Subject: Re: B5 & E2 in "Sci Fi Univers Date: 1 Feb 1995 03:13:50 -0500 Here's a great example of how critics don't have a clue about the genre or its roots, or what springs from what. There's a review in today's Daily Variety (Tuesday) of John Carpenter's new film "In the Mouth of Madness," which on every level is an H. P. Lovecraft pastiche, from the structure, the characters, the locales, the names, everything. So what does the reviewer call it 3-4 times? A tribute to Stephen King. jms Subject: ATTN JMS: B5 Q's Date: 1 Feb 1995 03:23:41 -0500 I'm generally trying to avoid pets; they get in the way of the story. The dead are either buried in space, or if their family can afford it, sent home. jms Subject: Attn JMS: Religion in B5 Qusti Date: 1 Feb 1995 03:23:20 -0500 "Why did you choose to make religion a part of B5 when all othert science fiction shows avoid it?" Well, there's one good answer right there. Second answer: why not? Third answer: if one is honest as a writer, then even an atheist such as myself must acknowledge that it'll be around in 250 years. It hasn't vanished in the last 6,000 years after all. jms Subject: Reactions to "Race" (SPOILERS) Date: 2 Feb 1995 04:57:09 -0500 The Lurker didn't say "Jason cracked." If it was captioned that way, I'm as surprised as anybody else. There was another name there, the name of the man who was being interrogated back at Mars Colony. EST = Earth Standar Time, not East Coast time. Greenwich Mean Time, basically. (Above should read Standard.) There's Local Time, and EST; ordinary official business is usually timed to match EST. No, Garibaldi's authority doesn't exceed Sheridan's. But when Sheridan's superiors give Garibaldi a direct order to have the quarters locked out, that they are illegally occupied...Garibaldi must comply. That is standard legal military procedure. (Funnily enough, I've gotten a couple of notes from folks in the military -- one Navy, and one Marine -- citing similar petty stuff happening to their COs.) At five miles long, with hundreds of miles of piping, leaks are going to happen. Some are more serious than others. At that moment, Sheridan was concerned about psis, not leaks. He's trying to be inconspicuous; he wouldn't stop in the midst of all this and order a repair team. He'd probably do it later. ("Come alone," he was told. So now a maintainance team shows up....) Just some thoughts on the comments. jms Subject: Attn JMS: Will we see Zathras Date: 2 Feb 1995 05:20:49 -0500 Of course we will see Zathras again at some point. jms Subject: attn jms: Dragoncon/NASFIC Date: 2 Feb 1995 00:51:11 -0500 No plans for Atlanta, and we're booked on stories. jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Sheridan spoiled? Date: 2 Feb 1995 04:20:54 -0500 Certainly, for the last couple of years, Sheridan has commanded an Earth Alliance Starship where when he asked for someone to do something, they jumped to do it. On B5, nobody jumps except onto your back. This will take some getting used to.... jms Subject: Re: Space Opera Date: 2 Feb 1995 06:56:38 -0500 BTW, and just so this is clear to everyone...the request to avoid discussion was just for the satellite people; now that the show has begun to air regionally, all bets are off, though as always messages with spoilers should be noted as such. jms Subject: *** The Coming Of Shadows *** Date: 2 Feb 1995 16:32:08 -0500 Noted elsewhere: it's cool to discuss details now that it's begun airing, with appropriate spoiler notices. jms Subject: The Coming Of Shadows - **SPOI Date: 2 Feb 1995 16:36:51 -0500 Re: the name Rangers...hey, when you grow up watching The Lone Ranger, and spend lots of time researching the Texas Rangers when you work (briefly) on Walker...certain names spring unbidden. jms Subject: JMS Shadows: Almost a 10! Date: 4 Feb 1995 05:24:33 -0500 Sinclair didn't send the same letter. Same greeting, to keep the recipient secret. Only the Ranger knew who got what. jms Subject: Attn JMS: Ultraviolet Clearanc Date: 4 Feb 1995 04:51:22 -0500 Ultraviolet Clearance is a term that I think either Larry or I started using a long time ago on other projects. Insofar as I recall, it has nothing to do with Paranoia. We just got tired of seeing Red Alert, and figured, okay, what's above red in the spectrum? ` jms Subject: Re: Londo's Dream >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jms Subject: JMS: UK opinions Date: 12 Feb 1995 02:19:46 -0500 Opinions always matter. It's sometimes hard to put my brain back where it was X-months ago, but of course I'd love to hear all the UK reactions. And in a way, it might be fun for those who've seen this a while ago to see others going through the same thing now. jms Subject: Quickie L.A/jms/Harlan Alert Date: 12 Feb 1995 03:00:53 -0500 Tomorrow, Sunday, 2-4 p.m., Harlan Ellison will be signing his new comic DREAM CORRIDOR (and maybe other stuff, though I don't know that for sure) at Golden Apple Bookstore in Los Angeles. I'm also planning to tag along and spend more money than I should on this stuff.... jms Subject: "What" is jms? Date: 12 Feb 1995 04:03:40 -0500 Some have suggested the Old Fart of the Galaxy. Some have suggested the Big S. (I look upon this with suspicion.) Or the Old Crank of the Galaxy. Or Great Maker. I dunno...maybe just Joe...? jms Subject: JMS: The Future? Date: 12 Feb 1995 04:14:27 -0500 We don't know what the future holds for PTEN; we can only hope to keep B5 sufficiently successful that it will have a berth somewhere no matter what. We'll see.... jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Which Hubble image? Date: 12 Feb 1995 04:14:35 -0500 I'll have to go back and ask which Hubble shot was used as bg in the Narn colony shot. The recognition problem becomes when you take the 2D image and extend it in 3D for purposes of movement. But I'll get it in any event. jms Subject: ATTN:JMS - B5 WAV or MOD files Date: 12 Feb 1995 04:03:46 -0500 Actually, the rights to B5 audio clips/screen saver/wallpaper have been sold to the same company that did the Terminator 2 package, and may be out by summer/fall. jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Your lucid dream... Date: 12 Feb 1995 04:14:41 -0500 Not that much going on, I'm afraid to say. Upper floor renovations are about finished, and now they're doing some foundation work. A couple of new stores opened downtown. Spent a couple of dreamtime nights over at the local college, doing Q&As about writing. Went past an accident on the main road the other night, car half-in and half-out of the water. Folks seemed okay. That's about it. (For those looking on, to explain...I know this is weird...but for as long as I can remember, most of my dreams have taken place in the same sort of dream town that's gradually built slowly over the years. I have a house there, know where the stores are, the has no correlation to anything real, it's all contemporaneous with the present, and generally just a flip-side. Fairly dull, actually. I think the reason my brain generated this was that we moved from house to house and town to town every six months to a year when I was growing up, and this is/was my brain's attempt to form solidity by *creating* a home town from bits and pieces of the others. So at night, I leave *here* and go _there_.) Oh! Wait, we *did* have a bus strike recently, so that's at least something interesting. Haven't heard how it turned out, though. jms Subject: JMS: Any word on a third seaso Date: 12 Feb 1995 04:34:36 -0500 We should get definitive word come April. Right now, I'd venture that it's about 65/35 or 70/30 that we'll get picked up. Basically, a bit better than 50/50, which is where we were this time last season. jms Subject: JMS: GROPOS: all CGI?? NOW?? Date: 12 Feb 1995 04:36:14 -0500 Everything in the battle sequence at the end of Gropos is CGI; no models, despite the shadows. Real fire was sampled for the flames, though. jms Subject: jms: Line in Cos (minor spoile Date: 12 Feb 1995 04:46:57 -0500 "A word or two in the right ear...." jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Change of commanders Date: 14 Feb 1995 18:58:48 -0500 The story arc proceeds very much as planned; the change of COs allows us to do all we had in mind originally, plus some more on top of it. In addition, there are trap doors for every character in case there's ever a problem. As in a WW II movie, characters may come and go, but the story of the war is the story of the war. jms Subject: Re: "What" is jms? Date: 14 Feb 1995 18:59:22 -0500 Someone over on another service suggest Joe'quan. Currently in process of hunting him down. "Hand me my chainsaw, mother, I'm going out to catch dinner." jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Demon Night and Oth Date: 15 Feb 1995 00:28:13 -0500 I'd have to go back and reread either my notes, or the book, but my general *sense* is that the reason they didn't use explosives to close up the door centuries ago was that they didn't have such explosives to use. Certainly not among the native american population of the time. Actually, hardcover or soft, the book is out of print, and thus I no longer get royalties on the book. There are, as you say, certain themes in my work that tend to recur, because I'm still trying to get a handle on them...why do we do the thigns (things) that we do? What are the hairline fractures in our personalities that cause one person to become a Mother Theresa and another to become a serial killer? What are the choices between here and there? Basically, the fundamental questions of who are we, what are we doing here, why are we doing what we're doing, where are we going, and what shall we do when we get there? jms Subject: JMS: "Stribers:" am I right??? Date: 15 Feb 1995 00:30:12 -0500 Streibs, actually. Just for accuracy. jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Exhibiting Babylon 5 Date: 15 Feb 1995 01:14:16 -0500 If the showings are free, then insofar as I know, no permission is required. jms Subject: ATTN: JMS Vorlon shown in teas Date: 15 Feb 1995 01:58:06 -0500 I have no idea what was in the teaser, but since we haven't provided anyone with images of Kosh absent his encounter suit, it wasn't that. jms Subject: JMS:Do you enjoy talking to us Date: 15 Feb 1995 00:51:24 -0500 I don't know enough about how these informal RPG groups function, so really can't comment. Do I enjoy it? For the most part, yes. The other frustrations are pretty much the same ones faced by anyone else on the net; the occasional offhand insults or dismissals, the trolls and flames, the person who says "If this had been a ST episode, I would've given it a 10, but since I expect more from B5 I'm only giving it a 2" rather than judging it simply on its own merits, the person who feels he has to find SOMETHING negative to say or he feels he's not participating properly.... I've been riding the nets for over 10 years. So after a while, you come to know what to expect. And the majority of it is nothing less than swell. Whether the analysis is positive or negative, often it comes with thought and consideration and cogent, perceptive commentaries, and one can't help but learn and be impressed. Most of the other folks I know who work in SF TV think I'm insane to be here, to this extent, every single day. Because there's often a kind of love/hate relationship between SF TV people and viewers. Here's an example (and please, this is NOT a case of "the author speaking through an imaginary third person"). This is a writer/producer who's worked on a number of SF series (or in one case, a contemporary fantasy series), who no longer works in the genre, instead seeing out work in non-SF/fantasy venues. I ran into him at a local newsstand here in Sherman Oaks a while back, and I asked him about his decision. This, though a paraphrase from memory, is what he said: "The viewers drove me out of it. I just got tired of it. While some of them are okay, the majority of them are just damned ungrateful. You bust your ass making a show, 12-16 hours a day. You put it out there, and all they ever want to do is nitpick. They crab, they bitch, they moan, they pick things apart until there's nothing left. Then when you're finally canceled, they scream at you asking why you're not on the air. Well, if you'd *supported* the show when it was on the air instead of bitching about it all the time, maybe it *would* be on the air. In two years on [insert name of a high-visibilty police-type series] I haven't had any of that. Same with the other non-SF shows I've done. They turn on the show, and either they like it, or they don't like it, they don't tear it to shreds in front of your eyes, call you names, insult you or bitch at you. [Name and Name] feel the same way about it that I do, and they're looking to get off [series name] for the same reason. They're just going crazy with it. It's got nothing to do with not wanting to hear negative opinions, just the way they do it." Now, obviously, I have some very real disagreements with some of the sentiments expressed here. Part of it, I think, is that I do come out of the world of being a fan, and I think I better understand the situation, that it comes out of being invovled with a show and the ideas behind it in a very visceral fashion. Also, I think that if you're not on the nets or out among the fans regularly, all you'll here ARE the negative things, because those are the ones who tend to write...those who're pissed off. People who like a show don't often write in to say so. But on the nets, or at conventions, you're more apt to encounter them. Absent that, it's easy to see how someone might come away with the notion that it's all just negative. Are there, from time to time, unfair or ill-considered criticisms of this or any other show? Of course there are. That goes with the territory. Are they disproportionately outweighed by the thoughtful and insightful criticisms? Definitely. As for how you're treated...I feel that if you treat fans with respect, they will treat you with respect, and as a consequence, while there have been some occasional hiccups here and there, I'd have to say that yes, I do enjoy the exchange, it is both entertaining and rewarding, and I'm happy to continue it. Even if some of my associates *do* think I'm nuts. jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Dou you read non-ATT Date: 18 Feb 1995 04:40:16 -0500 Because I get so much mail, I scan first for ATT:JMS messages that are first-timers; when I've gone through those, I then try to make time for initial replies from others to that starter-thread. After a thread has been around for a while, I often phase out in order to deal with the new ones that need replies. jms Subject: Question: What did Delenn ask Date: 18 Feb 1995 05:19:51 -0500 Delenn's question to Kosh in "Chrysalis" was never stated, but it will be revealed before this season is out. jms Subject: JMS: "We" versus "I" (AAitN Sp Date: 18 Feb 1995 05:25:30 -0500 Re: we/I...yes, it's interesting, isn't it? You'd almost think it was contradictory or something. You may tell your friend that the city hit in "CoS" was CGI, not a model. jms Subject: JMS : Revelations CGI question Date: 18 Feb 1995 06:02:22 -0500 Correct; the Narn bridge is CGI. Re: the explosion...we shot a lot of live pyrotechnics for Ron's use; but don't recall offhand which was used here, live or CGI. jms Subject: B5's story structure (was an i Date: 18 Feb 1995 06:01:56 -0500 Another comparison somebody made about B5 recently was to Bradbury's Martian Chronicles books; independent, but they add up at the end. To follow up on your (Dianne's) other point...yes, from time to time, as we push ourselves to the limit, we're going to crash and burn. That's part of the risk if you really want to try and do something different. We push the envelope...and sometimes get a papercut. I had, for instance, MUCH more in mind for the EFX in the final confrontation in "The Long Dark." But we were, alas, about this > < much ahead of the technology to pull off what I wanted. The pattern is, write an episode that goes a little further than the last time. See if you can do it. Find which aspects of that worked, and push it *again*. If we can do a stationary base and mine field with one batch of ships in "Midnight," can we do a larger base and *two* competing groups of ships (three if you count the shadows and centauri) in "Coming of Shadows")? As Paul Bryant says at Foundation, we try to ride the bleeding edge of storytelling and technology. Or to quote an old SAS pin I own, "Who Dares, Wins." jms Subject: ATTN JMS: A User Plugs B5 Date: 18 Feb 1995 06:07:34 -0500 Many thanks; your efforts are very much appreciated. jms Subject: B5 on Cover of April '95 Starl Date: 18 Feb 1995 06:07:53 -0500 Yeah, I'd heard about the cover. I know that the editor there swore to all and sundry that he would *never* give a cover story to B5, but it appears the requests from viewers became so much, and their deliberate omission so obvious, that something had to be done. (I no longer cooperate with any interviews for them, though I can't by all rights ask my cast to do the same. Whenever I give interviews for other magazines where the writer also works for Starlog, I specifically request that it not be used there.) jms Subject: haunting images.... Date: 18 Feb 1995 03:56:49 -0500 For what it's worth, I have the same situation...images from the various episodes stay with me long after they should go. We've worked hard to create a sense of, "Here's some extrapolation, one possible future" and keep it as rigorous as possible. It *is* a very weird feeling at times. jms Subject: JMS: Tractor beams?! TRACTOR B Date: 19 Feb 1995 06:04:03 -0500 It has never been stated that other worlds or species or civilizations don't have the technology to use gravity, magnetic or other forces to move objects. It was used in "Sky Full of Stars" when the Minbari cruiser pulled in Sinclair's ship. *We* don't have that tech yet, and must work around it, but a few others do. As with the other note I left on another topic, I don't see the problem here. This seems perfectly within the realm of probability for any reasonably advanced species; it's just that we haven't reached that point yet. jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Glad to see charact Date: 19 Feb 1995 06:04:15 -0500 By the way, in addition to the re-appearance of Neroon, you may have noticed that the first Grey Council member Delenn addresses is the same one we saw in "Points of Departure." jms Subject: 'All Alone in the Dark' used a Date: 19 Feb 1995 06:04:28 -0500 Sheridan and the other fighters flew at a slight angle right past the window in C&C. I don't see where the problem is in this. The window wasn't used as a monitor, it was used as a window. The starfuries came out of the cobra bays as the station rotated them planet-side, they banked, and headed toward the gate, passing C&C. jms Subject: Coverage in STARLOG Date: 19 Feb 1995 20:43:24 -0500 Clarifications and elaborations upon your note. I wasn't addressing articles "on spec," which I know they don't much buy over there. But there are many, many article writers who use the same interview for different magazines, sometimes avoiding competing marketplaces, sometimes in different countries. There are some writers working out of the UK who interview me, and the material ends up in Starburst or TV Zone or other magazines there. A writer may be on an assignment from Sci-Fi Universe or Cinefantastique, and may also write for Starlog. My request to those writers is that you can use any interview with me for any of those publications except Starlog. While I know that Starlog has, from time to time, done articles on other shows, or the rare insightful piece, it remains almost primarily a Star Trek/Paramount flack. At the moment, I'm holding the current issue in my hands. It has *18 pages* of Star Trek related ads; Patrick Stewart wall plaques; Patrick Stewart Photo Book; Star Trek Collector's Chess Set; Deep Space Nine Magazine; Star Trek mouse pads; Picard figures; Seatrek 95; Cruise Trek; Star Trek pins; Star Trek conventions; Star Trek soundtracks; Brent Spiner records; TNG magazine; TNG holographic t-shirts; Star Trek posters; more Star Trek t-shirts; Star Trek Collector's Portfolio; Star Trek blueprints; more Star Trek posters; the Voyager magazine...all this in just ONE issue. Is there anything WRONG with any of this? Absolutely not. But it does tell us a little about what they are. And what they're not. STARLOG is not a magazine covering the science fiction media scene. It is a Paramount/Star Trek flack publication that INCLUDES some limited coverage of other stuff, at its whim. Other series come on the air, and the attitude is "Well, let's see what happens after they've been on the air for a long time before we give them any coverage." VOYAGER is announced and the coverage is almost ORGASMIC...cover stories, one feature article after another after another, in many cases before the show even hits the airwaves. But that's different, because that's the company that buys 80% o their advertising space. Which, again, is fine...just don't pretend to be something other, because the editorial policy follows the line of the money for the ads. Which isn't immoral, it simply is. STARLOG has no motivation to be responsible, or even-handed, or even accurate, when it comes to covering non-Star Trek shows; it doesn't have to since the bulk of its money comes from Star Trek and Paramount. So it can operate under the whim, or pique, of its editors more so than a more general-interest SF magazine. I stopped cooperating with Starlog because I got tired of their inaccuracies in interviews I participated in, tired of screwed up credits and pictures; especially tired of cheap-shot articles that bitched about how the last Twilight Zone series was being done so that MGM would have enough to syndicate so they wouldn't lose their shirts, totally eliminating the possibility that the stories told there could have ANY merit when the financing was for profit (like Star Trek is being made by Paramount out of their concern for the commonweal and to cure cancer)...tired of the obvious editorial bias. I received direct word from Starlog reporters that there would never be a B5 cover because of the editor's pique, obviously hoping that if such was withheld, maybe the show would die and the problem would be obviated. Well, we didn't go away, and now the pressure and the obviousness of their omission has forced them into doing a B5 cover. I'm sorry, but I've worked as a journalist for publications like the Los Angeles Times, TIME Incorporated, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner, and I've *seen* how editors should run their bureaus. STARLOG ain't run that way. It is, purely and simply, a Star Trek magazine with pretensions of being something other. Now, if all you want really is Star Trek coverage, and maybe to keep informed of other stuff...that's nothing less than spiffy. But please don't try to convince me of anything else, because it simply ain't so. And the conflict of interest is so thick you could cut it with a spoon; they know they can't piss off Paramount because if Paramount pulled their ads on Monday, on Tuesday STARLOG would be out of business, as opposed to magazines that may have a more general, and thus less controlling, slate of advertisers. After my last communication with STARLOG, I'd nominally decided to withhold ALL cooperation with the magazine, including my cast, directors, everyone. Subsequently, I realized that this would be unfair to those people, who deserve some recognition for their work and publicity for their careers. Unlike STARLOG's editors, I don't impose my personal pique upon my work situation. I will withhold any personal interviews, however. Which probably suits them just fine anyway. So in the end...everyone's happy. jms Subject: Some de-briefing! --AAINT Spo Date: 19 Feb 1995 20:08:24 -0500 If you trust Sheridan, there's no need for a lengthy report; plus, a written report, no matter how well encrypted, can be broken or fall into the wrong hands. The best record of a secret meeting that could get you fired or killed is no record at ALL. jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Acts of Sacrifice SP Date: 20 Feb 1995 03:25:05 -0500 As it happens, I made it a point to be on-set the day we shot what we ended up calling "the Ivanova dance." Wanted to make sure it was done correctly. We only had to shoot it about three times, only in the master, no coverage. The crew was absolutely breathless after the first take, from keeping from laughing. It was very funny. jms Subject: Saw "B5" Promo at WB Studio St Date: 21 Feb 1995 05:07:37 -0500 Really? They're running promos? That's very cool..... jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Your Family Date: 21 Feb 1995 04:48:20 -0500 There's fairly little I'd want to say about my family on this forum (or any). Not in something that'll be archived. Suffice to say that it wasn't terrific; we probably could've been a poster family for Dysfunctional Post-Nuclear Families. The question's fine, but this is something that I'll talk about at cons, or in person, but not on-line. jms Subject: ATT JMS:Changed story on GoS Date: 21 Feb 1995 19:08:26 -0500 Mainly it was written with Ivanova solving her problem on her own, without Garibaldi being there. jms Subject: ATT JMS: From Worst to First! Date: 21 Feb 1995 22:36:13 -0500 Well, that's welcome news, and I look forward to their next report. jms Subject: Whose dream? (no spoilers) Date: 22 Feb 1995 06:23:42 -0500 And of course there's the story of the man who dreamed he was a butterfly, and when he awoke, wondered if he was actually a human who dreamed he had been a butterfly, or a butterfly who was dreaming he was a human.... jms Subject: All Alone in the Night - Anayl Date: 23 Feb 1995 05:23:45 -0500 Ejecting would not have purchased Ramirez's life because when the system came back on line with its analysis, it announced that the radiation was "already at terminal levels." From the instant he heard that, he was a dead man waiting to stop moving. He could've sent the ship back, risking a faulty autopilot...and might've died for nothing if it encountered the *slightest* glitch en route. jms Subject: Thoughts on Sheriden's Dream ( Date: 23 Feb 1995 05:24:01 -0500 Without commenting much on the rest of this message, there is an element of what you say in Sheridan's look up to see himself in the dream. In a way, there are several Sheridans in that dream, signifying changes currently in the works, changes yet to come, messages forthcoming or unrecognized. It's a very reflective dream, which will grow clearer the deeper one gets into the show. Certainly there are some archetypes that always creep into a work of this sort; for all we all not Jung at heart...? jms Subject: Question About Acts of Sacrifi Date: 23 Feb 1995 05:24:17 -0500 Nope; the Lumati aren't the same species as Zathras. jms Subject: ATTN JMS: Your Family Date: 23 Feb 1995 05:49:39 -0500 Will not be at NasFic; will try to be at Worldcon, duties permitting. jms Subject: ATTN JMS; Repeat quote please. Date: 23 Feb 1995 05:49:56 -0500 Alas, I don't recall specifically what I wrote; but I'm sure it in ONE of the archives. jms Subject: ATTN: JMS Stop it! Stop it! S Date: 23 Feb 1995 05:54:47 -0500 "When I look in my coffee cup at 3 a.m....I see a brilliant but EVIL author at his computer."'s only 2:37 a.m. as I read clearly this must be referring to someone other than me. "Behind him, tentacles are waving in the shadows." Yes, definitely someone elAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! jms Subject: JMS: Bravo on the Ramirez Sequ Date: 23 Feb 1995 05:55:05 -0500 One of the themes in this show is how you face life...and how you face death. Ramirez faced his honorably. In the end, honor and dignity are all we have left. jms Subject: Re: Acts of Sacrifice