WHAT THE CRITICS ARE SAYING... "'Babylon 5' portrays, with alarming realism and spectacular detail, a myriad of space-based cultures and their struggles to achieve common ground and mutual understanding. Paralleling many of the nuances of today's human relations, 'Babylon 5' offers a futuristic, yet stunningly contemporary view of political and social intermingling on a cosmic level. It is a 23rd century 'whodunit,' complete with spellbinding intrigue played out before a backdrop of interplanetary conspiracies and individual betrayals. "'Babylon 5' delivers a visual masterpiece and creates to the finest points life in the far reaches of time and space, made real with wondrous costumes, detailed makeup, prosthetics, industry-leading computer-generated graphics and astounding special effects.... "'Babylon 5,' a unique combination of state-of-the-art technology with all-out action and underlying passion, is home to both science fiction and dramatic storytelling." -- Delise Langford, The Huntsville Times * "'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' fans may take offense but 'Babylon 5' is the most interesting place to visit out of this world. 'Babylon 5' wins the weekly war of battling space stations with good stories, better characters and intense conflict. "'Babylon 5' is peopled by an inscrutable blend of aliens and humans, each with a hidden agenda. They interact in creator J. Michael Straczynski's complex five-year master plan, enabling writers to enrich this extraterrestrial tapestry. "'Babylon 5' is also much darker than any other sci-fi drama. In one episode, a race of aliens died of a '100-percent contagious, 100-percent fatal' plague before a cure could be discovered. Rest assured that, in the 'Star Trek' universe, an antidote would have been found in time to save everyone. "Writers refuse to succumb to the need to include every character in every episode, conveying the impression there's a lot more going on among the 250,000 inhabitants of 'Babylon 5' than viewers know. That's enough to keep this veteran science-fiction fan riveted to the couch. "WATCH IT? A visually stunning experience. "TAPE IT? It has all the makings of a classic." -- Charles Aukerman, Sun Banner Pride * "Forget 'Star Trek.' The best space opera on television is a show you've probably never heard of: 'Babylon 5,' an energetic, nasty and rousingly entertaining serial that combines grittiness with an almost childlike sense of wonder.... "'Babylon 5' resembles Isaac Asimov's 'Foundation' series in sheer scale, and some of the concepts -- underground railroads for victims of persecution through mind-control, independence movements for off-world colonies, prejudice among alien races -- are explored with unique freshness and perspective, without stooping to the preachiness and sanctimoniousness evident in so many 'Deep Space Nine' and "Voyager' scripts. "'Babylon 5' has struggled to find a wide audience, but it has lasted three seasons. There may be intelligent life out there after all." -- Alex Strachan, Vancouver Sun * "Babylon 5 has set the sci-fi TV world on end with the quality of its writing, method of production and revolutionary special effects........[The] stories are gripping....If you haven't checked ou Babylon 5 you owe it to yourself to do so. This is, without doubt, the best science fiction series ever produced. Give it the next six weeks. You'll be hooked." -- Tom Poston, Break Magazine * "Like any space opera worth its salt, the show comes with a full complement of weird-looking creatures and dazzling special effects. The difference is that 'Babylon 5' does them better than anybody else -- the show won a pair of Emmys for makeup and visual effects in its very first season....What really sets the show apart is its ambitious approach to storytelling." -- Mark Nollinger, TV Guide * "The station houses an array of aliens the equal of 'Star Wars' cantina." -- Brian Donlon, USA Today * "[Babylon 5's] computer-generated space scenes are spectacular and the plot is reminiscent of the golden age of space sagas. The show is the sci-fi equivalent of progressive rock...." -- Stephen Lynch, Orange County Register * "This is one space station you're likely to want to visit frequently." -- Barry Garron, Kansas City Star * "'Babylon 5' just keeps getting better and better. I highly recommend everyone watch it." -- Stephen P. Signorelli, Tri-Town News * * *