JMS CompuServe messages for July 1996. Collected by John Hardin . Date: 01 Jul 1996 21:46:36 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Bill MacIntosh <> Subject: Fan Club Bill MacIntosh <> asks: > Is there a email address to inquire to the status of my > membership? They're going out in batches; anyone who hasn't received one within the next week or two, let me know. Somebody started sending them out bulk mail; they'll go out henceforth either 1st or 2nd class mail. jms ------------------------------ Date: 02 Jul 1996 21:33:06 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Richard L. Long <> Subject: Fan Club Richard L. Long <> asks: > question? > is it up and running yet? The web page isn't up yet, WB is taking forever on the approval. jms ------------------------------ Date: 02 Jul 1996 21:33:07 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: William H. DiPaola <> Subject: severed dreams in UK {original post unavailable} No, that's what actually happened. He's a trooper. jms ------------------------------ Date: 02 Jul 1996 21:33:09 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Philip Hornsey <> Subject: sci fi shows Philip Hornsey <> asks: > In what context did Torme's name come up, if I may be so bold as > to ask? No, everything I've heard concurs with your assessment. Basically, we have a lot of mutual friends in common, and the name just came up in conversation. jms ------------------------------ Date: 02 Jul 1996 21:33:12 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Wallace & Grommit D.F. {original post unavailable} pfthpft jms ------------------------------ Date: 02 Jul 1996 21:33:14 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Martin Shaw <> Subject: Fan Club in the Uk Martin Shaw <> asks: > What is the current status on this? Okay, we've got a reading on this. All overseas/foreign Fan Club memberships will be handled using Air Mail instead of ground, for the same price. We'll just eat the difference. So memberships from the UK and elsewhere can come on in now. jms ------------------------------ Date: 02 Jul 1996 21:33:16 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Kevin P. Kenney <> Subject: WWE2> To: Tom Pokey <> Subject: ATTN:JMS - Review Shows {original post unavailable} Usually I carry it around in my head; if I need to quote verbatim from a prior episode, for a flashback or the like, then I tend to drag out the script and read it; it's easier than fast-forwarding through videotape. I do tend to rewatch episodes as they're aired in reruns, making sure nothing untoward happens to them. jms ------------------------------ Date: 03 Jul 1996 02:07:08 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Mara Huebner <> Subject: Don't wanna hear that! {original post unavailable} My sense is that these things tend to go in cycles; if you were around in the Roaring Twenties, with flappers, jazz, and (to say the least) a lapse in morals that went into the first part of the 1930s, you'd extrapolate from that to say that the 1950s, by virtue of being 20 years down the road, would be even MORE loose, more immoral, wilder. But, in fact, the 50s were extremely conservative. And most of the SF of the time looked to a future that was as button-down as the present of their writers. Then the looser 60s and 70s, and a rebirth of some extent of conservatism in the Reagan 80s and for health reasons. The day someone perfects, and distributes, a guaranteed Aids vaccine, I think you're going to see another sexual revolution that'll make the 60s look like a dinner party. So by the time of B5, we're in a bit of a conservative swing again, in terms of sexual matters (which often tends to come about post-war). jms Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:01 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: S.G. Menzel <> Subject: Fan Club S.G. Menzel <> asks: > Any idea how much longer? > Could you post a message here, once the webpage is up and > running? Thanks, and as soon as WB gets us the approvals, we'll be sure to announce the web page just about everydamnwhere. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:03 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: colin heaps <> Subject: Sic Transit Vir colin heaps <> asks: > It's okay to kill the Narns , after all, it isn't as if they were > another sentient species is it? Finally, Claudia, (why can't she > come to the Wolf convention - please, pretty please - you'd hate > to see a grown man begwouldn't you? That's all very encouraging, thanks. Yeah, it's kind of a fun episode, all soft and fuzzy on the outside, with REAL big teeth on the inside. I like that kind of episode a lot. It's wonderfully subversive. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:05 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: John M. Kahane <> Subject: Just curious... {original post had no questions} And there are some who would argue they're the same thing. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:07 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Mark Sloan <> Subject: Previously on Babylon 5 Mark Sloan <> asks: > Did you ever consider regularly putting in clips from previous > episodes at the start of each programme, in the same manner as, > say, LA Law, another programme with multi-episode storylines? The problem with putting in clips from previous episodes is that we only have about 42-43 minutes to tell our story. If we put in 30 seconds or 1 minute of clips from last week, that leaves us with 1 less minute to tell our story this week, and in this show, we need every second we can get. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:10 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Will Caraway <> Subject: Centari Background Will Caraway <> asks: > 1) What was the Centari's part in the last Shadow War? > 2) How large was the Centari Empire at its peak? > 3) What started the downfall of the Centari? > 4) What role, if any, did the loss of Narn play in that downfall? > 5) How was the Eye lost originally? In short form, since this would take forever otherwise...they were a fairly large empire at one time, but in areas which didn't really connect with what was going on with the last shadow war. They were more or less out of it. The downfall of the republic was mainly entropy, it's nearly impossible to maintain control of an empire covering light years (or even thousands of miles, as the early British Empire discovered, among others), and in that process, the Narn were basically the final insult. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:12 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Andrew Bradbury <> Subject: copyrights Andrew Bradbury <> asks: > Would I put something like "Copyright Time-Warner 1996", (or am I > getting totally confused?), or "Babylon 5 is a trademark of {x}"? > Finally, as the picture is entirely my own work, am I entitled to > put my own copyright on the picture (making sure I acknowledge > the previous trademarks/copyrights)? The copyright is still owned by PTEN, regardless of the future. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:18 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Glen Guenther <> Subject: B5 Bootlegs? {original post had no questions} ANY B5 videos of any sort being sold at conventions are bootlegs and illegal. They are crummy quality, and copyright infringement. We have been and will continue to prosecute anyone we find doing this. And I do mean prosecute. Serious fines are the order of the day. For a second offense, we go for criminal penalties. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: spoilers {original post unavailable} I have enough time living in this dimension without getting into what may or may not happen in parallel or alternate universes.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:22 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Brent Barrett <> Subject: Avalon & Delenn Brent Barrett <> asks: > I'm curious: What exactly did Marcus/Franklin tell Delenn about > David in "A Late Delivery from Avalon" before she went in to > recover the sword? Did they tell her who he was and what he did? > Did they tell her what "role" the wanted her to play? > Did they tell her to get the sword? She was told the whole background...including who David really was. She was in a way taking the pain from someone who had attacked the very ship she and the other Grey council members had been aboard. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:25 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Will Caraway <> Subject: Ship Of Tears-Mira {original post had no questions} I couldn't agree more. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:27 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> Subject: Shadow Dancing SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks: > What else would beings with eight legs want except to "shake" > 'em? So when can we expect to see Garibaldi in a white Disco-suit > singing "Staying Alive" ? Never have I seen a better reason to log off and never, ever turn my modem on again. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:29 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Hero Games (Sue) <> Subject: Susan and Talia Hero Games (Sue) <> asks: > Did I miss something? > Was anything ever actually confirmed between the two of them or > was it merely hinted at as being a possibility? They weren't shown in separate beds. We saw Talia reaching over to the empty space in the bed where Ivanova had been, and finding her gone. jms ------------------------------ Date: 07 Jul 1996 22:18:31 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Brent Barrett <> Subject: Delenn as a child Brent Barrett <> asks: > Will we ever find out who/what Delenn saw as a child in that old > temple? Probably. jms ------------------------------ Date: 08 Jul 1996 12:08:09 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 Bootlegs? (blocked) asks: > What should we do, next time? Best to get their card and let me know the details; we'll take it from there. There've been enough inquiries on this that I'm thinking maybe I ought to make some kind of general policy statement for folks to have. I'll try to get to it soonish. jms ------------------------------ Date: 08 Jul 1996 12:08:11 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Glen Guenther <> Subject: B5 Bootlegs? {original post had no questions} Nah, it ain't worth your hassle. They show up again later. jms ------------------------------ Date: 08 Jul 1996 20:43:15 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> Subject: Last Episode Name SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks: > So how did you manage that? > Didja throw teddy bears at him? At Chicago, the assumption was still that the UK wouldn't be getting the final 5 until the US did. But since now they'll be getting new (to the US) episodes starting in August, keeping the title quiet now seems kind of a moot issue. jms ------------------------------ Date: 08 Jul 1996 20:48:42 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Paul Owen <> Subject: Sic Transit Vir {original post had no questions} Thanks, yeah, I love the range we get on the show. jms ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 1996 21:08:55 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Shane S. Shellenbarger <> Subject: J.M.S. at S.D.C.C. Shane S. Shellenbarger <> asks: > BTW, standing and pacing for ninty minutes must be tiring, > couldn't they get you a bar stool? There were chairs there, but I would've been low-eye level, and given that there were SO many folks so FAR in the back, all you would've seen from that distance would've been the table and a little bump for a head. So I stayed on my feet. Besides, a moving target is harder to hit.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 1996 21:08:57 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: William H. DiPaola <> Subject: Harlan Ellison on Snyder {original post had no questions} Because he and Snyder are long-term serious buddies, and he'd brought Harlan there to talk about his heart attack, and flog the book, and it just didn't occur to him. jms ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jul 1996 21:08:59 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: O. C. Alexander <> Subject: Susan and Talia O. C. Alexander <> asks: > Indirectly unrelated to this, wouldn't intimate contact make it > more difficult for Susan to hide any psi tendencies from Talia? > Also indirectly unrelated, given the previous statements by Talia > about the intensity of mutual telepath love, do telepaths in > general view intimacy with non-telepaths as a lesser experience, > and so typically avoid "normals" as lovers? Well, a telepath can also hold it back and avoid dipping any further into someone's mind, if not permitted or asked not to do so. jms ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 1996 14:17:16 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: William H. Vallely <> Subject: B5 BUBBLE BUDDY William H. Vallely <> asks: > Now, Warners does have *some* proprietary interest in the show, > right? I mean, how can they expect to get a better deal from > someone else when they could publish it themselves? Stirling > written? S.M. Stirling's credits are beyond reproach, and if you don't know who that is, or what he's done, then the loss is yours...and you're simply showing your ignorance here of written SF. And we've had lots of other quality SF writers doing our books, like Neal Barrett Jr. and Lois Tilton and John Vornholt, among others. But I guess maybe you don't know who THEY are either. That's okay...they don't know who you are, either. Re: the comic...yes, WB did want DC to do it originally, and they did so for some time. But they're really not set up these days to do much licensed stuff, the Star Trek books and other licensed stuff have pretty much all gone to other publishers. Creatively, things weren't working out, and in reality, WB can get more from an outside company that pays larger bucks for the license than with an in-house company which doesn't have to. So again, your facts don't touch reality at any two contiguous points. And yes, there *is* a large demand for B5 merchandise. And if you used this forum for any purpose other than to issue snide commentaries, you would know that from *day one* on this series, I've stated very openly that I do not WANT a lot of merchandising on this show while it's in production. I'm taking the Calvin and Hobbes model on this one. I said here, in front of all the users on CIS, GEnie and elsewhere, long before we were ever in a position to even get offers, that I intended to drag my feet on licensing, because I've been involved with, or seen too often shows in which the tail began wagging the dog, where merchandise begins to drive the show. I refuse to allow that to happen with B5. It's real simple: you tell the story first. Make the show first. Then, when it's all done, if it's a hit, and ours is growing steadily, then there's all the time in the world to do some merchandising. If not, it's a moot question anyway. For every 10 prospective licensing deals that come through my hands, I appove only 1, and usually with a great deal of conditions involved, and direct creative supervision. Bill Watterson could've made gazillions of dollars licensing all kinds of Calvin and Hobbes stuff. His friends wanted him to, the company REALLY wanted him to, others couldn't understand why he wouldn't do it...but he understood the importance of the story, and the product. Take care of that first, and the rest will attend to itself later. He made a good living doing what he was doing, and I do okay much more do you need? I guess it's beyond your comprehension that anyone would actually turn down money, or want to do something for reasons other than money. Again, the loss is yours. jms ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 1996 14:17:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Brent Barrett <> Subject: Delenn Kissing Brent Barrett <> asks: > where *does* Delenn pick up those sayings like "Something in the > air"? Are you *serious*? > Did she really? Nope, just kidding. jms ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 1996 22:08:15 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Tom Knudsen <> Subject: Babylon 5 Tom Knudsen <> asks: > Does this mean that there's still a chance to see the books you > were going to write? Yup. jms ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 1996 22:08:16 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Bill Hirst <> Subject: Previously on Babylon 5 {original post had no questions} Thanks. It's kind of like building a text-hologram, I suppose.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 12 Jul 1996 22:08:19 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Troy Starr <> Subject: You are number 29! Troy Starr <> asks: > That got me thinking: If you had the choice, how would you have > prefered the show to be created and distributed? Would you prefer > independant distribution (such as PTEN), a cable network (TNT), > or a broadcast network? the market penetration of a prime time > broadcast network slot? It'd be either a guarantee from a cable network -- which would let us do a lot more in terms of language and hard storylines -- or syndication. This show wouldn't have lasted long on the networks, which invariably tend to interfere creatively, and only give short orders to start. This is a very eccentric show.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jul 1996 21:27:42 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Vlobb <> Subject: Bored of the Rings Vlobb <> asks: > Seriously for a second...are you going to be writing the episodes > for Season 4 under the assumption that there shall be a Season 5 > at the moment? Oh, and if you are writing them assuming that there > will be an S5, do you have a Master Plan to bring us the end of > the story should Warners fail us??? I'll have more on this once I've worked it out. jms ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jul 1996 21:27:44 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Ch.4 (UK) edits violence {original post unavailable} Thanks, and yeah, when you get "Shadow Dancing," I'd love to see how much the slice outta this one.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jul 1996 21:27:46 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Steve Gill <> Subject: B5 in the newspaper! {original post had no questions} Thanks, any quotes you can remember from the article? I haven't seen it yet. (Or you could send a copy to me c/o Babylon 5 at the usual address, 14431 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 260, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423) jms ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jul 1996 21:27:48 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Vivien Loveday <> Subject: Avalon Q's Vivien Loveday <> asks: > 1) Will we see/hear from David/Arthur again? > 2) Is Morden in any way related to Mordred? > 3) Ivanova said (in MOH I think) that "We will all die horrible > lingering deaths" - is this important? The answer to all those is, nominally, no. jms ------------------------------ Date: 14 Jul 1996 21:27:51 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Avalon & Delenn {original post unavailable} Thanks. Actually, there are 5 more season 3 eps left to air, in October, followed by new season 4 eps in November. Thanks again. jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 22:56:14 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Previously on Babylon 5 {original post unavailable} Yeah, as I think I indicated, WWE is probably the one most in need of prior episodes, but in general, the rule applies. jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 22:56:16 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Vlobb <> Subject: Bored of the Rings {original post had no questions} Don't worry about it.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 22:56:17 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: JMS:Budget B5 {original post unavailable} I guess maybe Dick Robertson would be the one to write to at WB and thank; his address is in the faq. jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 22:56:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Darran Williams <> Subject: Ch.4 (UK) edits violence Darran Williams <> asks: > ASide to that how much time do Channel 4 have to do the > 'required' edits before it's broadcast ? We usually get "censor-check" copies to C4 about 2-3 months ahead, so there's plenty of time to make any edits. jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 22:56:22 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: David Belt <> Subject: Narns conquerers? David Belt <> asks: > Is this accurate? They had a brief period after the Centauri got driven out where they were throwing their weight around, yes. Didn't last long, though. jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 22:56:24 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Richard Wakefield <> Subject: Minbari & League Ques. Richard Wakefield <> asks: > When was the Earth-Minbari war ? > And it was the DSEV Amundsen that fired, was it not ? > How many (roughly) Alien races are in the League Of Non-Aligned > Worlds ? Are there just the ones in the B5 Counsel ? > Or are there a few more ? The Earth/Minbari war ended in 2247, and there were several ships in the initial contact convoy, the Amundsen and the Prometheus. The membership in the League varies widely and frequently, so a good count is difficult. jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 22:56:29 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Al Lipscomb <> Subject: I&E Al Lipscomb <> asks: > A race of critters who started out in hyperspace? > Who could have let them out? No, they didn't exactly start out in hyperspace, but they were among the first to get into it, and they know a lot of tricks in and out and around it. jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 22:56:32 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Kevin P. Kenney <> Subject: WWE1-2 Questions Kevin P. Kenney <> asks: > Will we ever see more of the Centauri Prime future line (around > the time of Sheridan's 'visit')? We won't actually go back to that future time again, but we will see the events which cause it to come about. jms ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1996 23:02:46 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Cherns Major <> Subject: WWE-Homage? {original post had no questions} I've never seen the Dr. Who ep you mention, and I'm at an utter loss to call any of Feydeau's work to mind, so that may answer the question. jms ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jul 1996 21:42:07 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Don Crossman <> Subject: Previously on Babylon 5 {original post had no questions} Thanks. I know the feeling; I get the same reaction when I read Jonathan Carroll's books. It's the nearest thing I've seen in writing to close-up magic, it's *right there* in your face, and you can't see how he's doing it. If the stuff in I&E came even close to that, then I'm happy. jms ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jul 1996 21:42:08 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Art W. Sullivan <> Subject: Bored of the Rings Art W. Sullivan <> asks: > Contrary to other peoples worries, do you feel, that it will be > easier getting B5 renewed for year 5, than it was for year 4? Now > that WB has shelled out the money for 4 years of B5, even if > rating dropped slightly ( not that they will ), wouldn't it be > better to complete year 5 and try for a greater syndication price > based on a 5 year complete series than a partially completed 4 > year run? It's a sensible position, yes. Let us hope they can be reasonable. jms ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jul 1996 21:42:13 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Richard Wakefield <> Subject: Thoughts + Positions Richard Wakefield <> asks: > How do you get around and reply too so many messages ? > All I would like to know is are *all* the races, including > Vorlons and Shadows between 2-4 days hyperspace from B5 ? We know > Earth is 3 days, Centauri Prime is 4 days.Someone said the Vorlon > Homeword was 4 days, and Narn 2 days...can you confirm this ? Are > the shadows far away, just a couple of days ? The majority of races are within that range because that's as far as they've gone in putting in navigational beacons, without which traveling in hyperspace can be extremely dangerous. You sort of inch your way outwards. And is a massive task, moreso than most folks will ever know, or should ever know...but it's worth it in the end. jms ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jul 1996 21:42:17 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Avalon & Delenn {original post unavailable} It was prompted by needs that developed in the story. jms ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jul 1996 21:42:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Michael Beemer <> Subject: WWE1 - dialog Michael Beemer <> asks: > Are they still "speaking Minbari" with the English presented for > our benefit, a la "Red October"? No, he slid into Minbari at that point to try and conceal what was being said from the others on the bridge. jms ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jul 1996 22:12:30 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Michael Studte <> Subject: B5 Fan Club Kit! Michael Studte <> asks: > Do you know if there is ANY way to get them to ship things via > air (to Australia)? We're shipping all foreign orders airmail rather than surface and just eating the cost difference. jms ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jul 1996 22:12:31 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 and its Morals {original post had no questions} I'd actually offer that we're not a moral show at all, but rather an ethical show. We don't generally tell people what to think, or which road they have to take. Rather, we raise ethical issues for the purpose of provoking discussion so people can define their stands for themselves. jms ------------------------------ Date: 17 Jul 1996 13:15:31 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Toni Muller <> Subject: Praise for B5 {original post had no questions} Thanks, you've just made my day. jms ------------------------------ Date: 17 Jul 1996 13:15:32 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 Fan Club Kit! {original post had no questions} By next week, we'll be able to post a direct phone number for Jim Lockett at the fan club, and an email address. If you haven't gotten anything by then, contact him directly and he'll resend. jms ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jul 1996 11:46:36 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: JMS: ?? < I can see why you can't answer questions #2 & #3, but how could > the age of Delenn and Sheridan's child spoil a plot? Would it make > a difference if he was 5 or 15 at the time? It's not that I *can't* answer the question, I simply choose not to. There is no requirement here that I HAVE to answer every single question unless I'm specifically prohibited for some reason. Some things I just prefer to hold back until a later time. You may not know the reasons, but I do. jms ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jul 1996 11:46:40 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Video Tapes/ Mail Order {original post had no questions} Yeah, I actually don't know what the deal is on that. It would have to be legit (though only for the UK) because they're being very open about it. It's like any mail order video company, I assume. They buy in bulk, and sell it via mail for a discount. jms ------------------------------ Date: 19 Jul 1996 02:20:12 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> Subject: B5 Vs ST:Voyager {original post had no questions} Yeah, that's been one of the big problems, more and more nights are being committed to either UPN or Fox or WBN...syndicated shows are being squeezed out. jms ------------------------------ Date: 19 Jul 1996 02:20:14 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Rebecca Eschliman <> Subject: Awards Rebecca Eschliman <> asks: > Now that the Emmy nominations have been announced, and the > inevitable reactions from the netted are battering at you, I > would ask, "What award currently given to television would mean > the most to you?" Is there a particular award that you would find > most gratifying to receive? "Is there a particular award that you would find most gratifying to receive?" Speaking as a long-term fan...the Hugo. jms ------------------------------ Date: 19 Jul 1996 02:20:15 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: JMS: ?? < Did you mean to say you "could" answer every question "if" you > chose, UNLESS you were specifically prohibited by WB from doing > so? So you just basically feel that reveling his age would be a > major spoiler of some kind? Well, logically, you could backtrack from there to figure out exactly when Sheridan and together. I'd rather let that come along at its own pace. jms ------------------------------ Date: 19 Jul 1996 16:50:02 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Emmys (blocked) asks: > Any Nemmy onminations? John Flinn got a nomination for cinematograhy for "Inquisitor." Last year we sent videotapes of our up-for-nomination episodes, and got three nominations for it. But WB got upset by this -- they don't do this for their other shows, we did it on our own -- and ordered us not to do it again. The other shows don't need it because they're network shows and get good exposure; most syndicated shows (non-Trek) tend not to be Emmy aspirees, so it's not a problem there. We're in between, and we were, in effect, producing videotapes, and they didn't want that. So we had to sit on our hands and not do what we knew would result in getting more noms. It's very frustrating. jms ------------------------------ Date: 19 Jul 1996 17:15:24 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: All Subject: B5 Fan Club Email Jim Lockett, head of the Official B5 Fan Club, now has an email address which can be used for inquiries and notifications of unarrived stuff. His address is: JPLB5@AOL.COM jms ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 1996 15:57:50 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Ch.4 (UK) edits violence {original post unavailable} It is, not to put too fine a point on it...EXTREMELY important to see "Shadow Dancing." If they choose to cut the nasty bits that's one thing, it won't affect what You Need To See, but to not run it at all would be a disaster of substantial dimensions. Still, I imagine they'll run it; the nasty bits can be excised pretty well, if necessary, I should think. jms ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 1996 15:57:52 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 and its Morals {original post unavailable} No, I don't think so, because that plunges you too deeply into the mire of situational morality or situational ethics. Granted, there's always a certain element of situational judgment in these things ("It's wrong to kill. The martians are about to flatten the country. KILL 'EM.") But the decision making process should, ideally, be on what seems the *right* thing to do rather than the *convenient* thing to do. jms ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 1996 15:57:55 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Tom Knudsen <> Subject: Emmys Tom Knudsen <> asks: > WHAT!!!!!!?????!!!!! > What the HELL is the problem with those guys???? > What are they afraid of?? > Do they think that your sending out a few video tapes of the show > to the people doing the voting is going to lower the ratings or > something??? No comment. jms ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 1996 15:57:57 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: John L. Creigh <> Subject: Emmys John L. Creigh <> asks: > What on earth is the motivation for this, if you can comment? I don't think I can comment without getting in just a HEAP of trouble. jms ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 1996 15:58:01 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: William H. DiPaola <> Subject: "INDEPENDENCE DAY" AWFUL William H. DiPaola <> asks: > Why did they(the studio) even bother in the first place without > serious revisions having at least been done first??!! Have people > become this lame in mentality, this stupid??????? Where has common > sense gone by en large, and have people learned to just 'shut > their brains off' when they go to a theater? Thanks. I saw ID4 this week, and on one level, could enjoy it for the technical expertise (I think they ate our lunch in some visual areas, and now somebody else is doing Big Fleet stuff, so we have to work to stay ahead of the curve again). But story wise, yeah, there was some massively dopey stuff in there. jms ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 1996 15:58:04 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Antony Jackson <> Subject: UK Media Articles Antony Jackson <> asks: > Bester, the Psi Corps member with the slimy manners and bad wig, > is now working with Sheridan, but can he be trusted? That's great to know, thanks for passing it along. jms ------------------------------ Date: 20 Jul 1996 15:58:08 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Randy Hoppe <> Subject: Tri-Luminary -> The One Randy Hoppe <> asks: > Can we expect to see him using the Tri-Luminary in the future? Nope. jms ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jul 1996 21:56:56 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 Fan Club Kit! (blocked) asks: > Lockett? Drop Jim a note. Never hurts. jms ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jul 1996 21:56:58 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 and its Morals {original post had no questions} Thanks. We rarely draw events 1 for 1 from the real world; it's a sad thing I suppose but certain tragic themes have a way of recurring over the generations. We just give them different names. jms ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jul 1996 21:57:02 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Vivien Loveday <> Subject: Ship of Tears Vivien Loveday <> asks: > protect what?! > Is this going to be explained in Shadow Dancing? > have the shadows reopened the facility that you mentioned in > Messages From Earth and the comics? Is this Mars link important? Kill telepaths to protect the Machine from them. jms ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jul 1996 21:57:04 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Brent Barrett <> Subject: Minbari Background Brent Barrett <> asks: > How is it done, or is it some combination of these things that > determine a Minbari's caste? In "Legacies" the question of caste heritage had more to do with how your death is handled than what you're determined to be in life. jms ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jul 1996 21:57:09 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> Subject: Minbari names? SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks: > Is this significant? No, various families on Minbar use various common surnames, prefixes and suffixes. jms ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jul 1996 21:57:12 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Continuity Error? {original post unavailable} Yes, if they had survived the first encounter. jms ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jul 1996 22:05:53 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 Fan Club Kit! {original post unavailable} Write if you haven't received your stuff yet. jms ------------------------------ Date: 21 Jul 1996 22:05:55 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Paul Owen <> Subject: New War Room Staff Paul Owen <> asks: > I've just watched Ship of Tears, and looking at the new War Room, > I wondered how much the ordinary technical staff know about the > Shadows?, are they a selected and trusted few or are all B5 (ex > Earthforce) personnel now pretty much aware of what's going on ? > PS who do the flying saucers belong to??? Everyone now pretty much knows what's going on. It's out in the open now. jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 16:41:16 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: "INDEPENDENCE DAY" AWFUL (blocked) asks: > How come we've never seen one on B5? > Hasn't Dicovery done one, or did we manage to miss it? > With Chris Franke doing the music for that show, can't you > contact the producers and get into their lineup? Or is this > another example of WB a**h***ishness? Movie Magic wanted to do an hour on B5, but it was nixed by WB; we hope to do one eventually, though. jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 16:41:18 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Video Tapes/ Mail Order {original post had no questions} That's great to hear, thanks! jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 16:41:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 on Video. {original post unavailable} No and no. jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 16:41:21 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Won Bin . Lee <> Subject: WWE1 - dialog Won Bin . Lee <> asks: > Out of curiosity, will there ever be books on B5 languages like > they have for Klingons? Doubtful. jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 22:52:31 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Don Crossman <> Subject: B5 Fan Club Email Don Crossman <> asks: > Question: I sent a query (from my AOL acct); Is he acknowledging > msgs or not? Jim's gotten a lot of email on this, but that's good, it lets us track down where the problems are. But it may take him a while to acknowledge it all, given that. jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 16:41:16 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: "INDEPENDENCE DAY" AWFUL (blocked) asks: > How come we've never seen one on B5? > Hasn't Dicovery done one, or did we manage to miss it? > With Chris Franke doing the music for that show, can't you > contact the producers and get into their lineup? Or is this > another example of WB a**h***ishness? Movie Magic wanted to do an hour on B5, but it was nixed by WB; we hope to do one eventually, though. jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 16:41:18 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Video Tapes/ Mail Order {original post had no questions} That's great to hear, thanks! jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 16:41:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 on Video. {original post unavailable} No and no. jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 16:41:21 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Won Bin . Lee <> Subject: WWE1 - dialog Won Bin . Lee <> asks: > Out of curiosity, will there ever be books on B5 languages like > they have for Klingons? Doubtful. jms ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jul 1996 22:52:31 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Don Crossman <> Subject: B5 Fan Club Email Don Crossman <> asks: > Question: I sent a query (from my AOL acct); Is he acknowledging > msgs or not? Jim's gotten a lot of email on this, but that's good, it lets us track down where the problems are. But it may take him a while to acknowledge it all, given that. jms ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jul 1996 21:07:43 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Video Tapes/ Mail Order {original post unavailable} That's wonderful...would've loved to have heard that one. jms ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jul 1996 21:14:55 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Apology to jms {original post unavailable} Re: apologies...unnecessary. We learn by our mistakes, and move on. The incident is forgotten, gone. We move on. To your questions...there's always been a side-story that could go off after the 5 years in the B5 universe, but it wouldn't be B5. No reference books planned for now, or anything filmic currently on the boards. jms ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jul 1996 21:14:57 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Timmorn <> Subject: entertainment utility {original post had no questions} Yeah, we noted that got past all of us until the darned thing came out. jms ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jul 1996 21:07:43 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Video Tapes/ Mail Order {original post unavailable} That's wonderful...would've loved to have heard that one. jms ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jul 1996 21:14:55 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Apology to jms {original post unavailable} Re: apologies...unnecessary. We learn by our mistakes, and move on. The incident is forgotten, gone. We move on. To your questions...there's always been a side-story that could go off after the 5 years in the B5 universe, but it wouldn't be B5. No reference books planned for now, or anything filmic currently on the boards. jms ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jul 1996 21:14:57 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Timmorn <> Subject: entertainment utility {original post had no questions} Yeah, we noted that got past all of us until the darned thing came out. jms ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 1996 11:30:25 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Cherns Major <> Subject: WWE-Homage? {original post had no questions} Thanks.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 1996 11:30:26 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: William H. DiPaola <> Subject: TV GUIDE article William H. DiPaola <> asks: > Your show in an issue where Trek was also focused on??!! I stay off the road for the good of the commonweal; it's not something I feel is negotiable, just personally. It's unquestionably a pain in the butt. jms ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jul 1996 12:35:45 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Ship of Tears (blocked) asks: > Which book?? The story is "The Cask of Amontillado," by Edgar Allen Poe. jms ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jul 1996 12:35:47 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Darran Williams <> Subject: jms Songwriter ? Darran Williams <> asks: > 2) Who sings the songs? No, not a career move; it's not widely known -- I guess mainly because I haven't ever mentioned it much -- but from time to time I've written songs. Mainly the lyrics; I know how the music should sound, but I'm incapable of reading music...I think it's the same mental glitch that hits me when I try to do certain kinds of math. "X is a numerical value." "No, X is a letter, 7 is a numerical value." I can't ever seem to make the one equal the other in my head. Similarly, a black note on a piece of paper isn't the music...anyway, it's a glitch.) So when I write songs, and I have a specific melody I'm hearing in my head, I'm invariably placed in the humiliating position (since I can't play a musical instrument) of humming it, or somehow trying to suggest it to the music-person. Suffice to say it looks really goofy and stupid. Anyway...despite this, I do sometimes write songs, and like to keep my hand in, as they say. I did two songs for an ABC-TV prime-time Real Ghostbusters special, did a few songs that have been recorded by small groups (you've never heard of any of them, trust me), another song that, much to my chagrin, is apparently still being used in church songbooks (and that's all I will ever say about that)...and when I decided to do a show with a singer for B5, I wrote a couple of songs for that one, with Chris Franke providing the music. They're bluesy, Billie Holliday kinds of songs, updated slightly. I'm actually very pleased with how they came out (Erica Gimpel, one of the cast members from Fame, plays the part and sings the songs). Several folks around here want either or both songs to come out on the next B5 album, but I"m loathe to do so, on the theory that the soundtracks work better in the style we've already used, all instrumental. (There've even been some inquiries from music people who've heard the songs about releasing them commercially, but that would mean adding about 30 seconds to each song to make them airplay compatible, and I'm not sure I want to take on the extra hassle just now.) jms ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jul 1996 12:35:50 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Delenn question (spoiler) {original post unavailable} She wanted to see Kosh to assure herself that the Vorlons, who she'd never met before, were who she believed them to be, and that this was a true Vorlon and not a pretender. He had to be in place as part of Valen's prophecy. jms ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jul 1996 21:29:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Apology to jms {original post unavailable} I'm also the executive producer, I basically *make* the show, overseeing every aspect of production, hiring directors, actors, supervising sets, costumes, efx, you name it. It takes 7 days to film an episode. My favorite is probably "Shadow Dancing," which you haven't seen yet, mainly because I haven't been able to poke any holes in it yet. It's a good ep. jms ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jul 1996 21:29:22 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: TV GUIDE article {original post had no questions} The show has been an uphill battle from the first day until today. After a while, you just kinda get used to it. jms ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jul 1996 14:31:07 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: TV Zone {original post unavailable} Photos of me? Oh, dear. Now nobody'll buy it.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jul 1996 14:36:06 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: TV-Guide B5 article {original post unavailable} What a great image.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jul 1996 14:36:07 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Stephen Chatwood <> Subject: WWE_Possible arc hole Stephen Chatwood <> asks: > Then at the end of WWE we see Sinclair flanked by a couple of > Vorlons, about 900 years before Babylon5 existed?? Any comments? Bear in mind that there have been lots of folks named Sinclair in the last 900 years; that we don't know how much Valen told anyone about his prior life; that the Minbari had had little to no direct contact with the Vorlons in well over a hundred years and likely would not have told them what they found at the Battle of the Line until such time as personal contact had been made again, which only happened at Kosh's arrival...and there wasn't exactly time to make a report after he rolled into B5 for the first time. jms ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jul 1996 23:38:23 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Apology to jms (blocked) asks: > Are there serious, concrete plans for this "side story"? All I can say for now is that WB has asked us to make a presentation to them on a possible sequel; this has been done. They've now asked us to go to the next step of making a demo reel. In addition, there's some very exciting stuff going on with TNT that I can't talk about yet, but hope to be able to do so soon. jms ------------------------------ Date: 27 Jul 1996 23:38:26 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Richard M. Perry <> Subject: Snow White? {original post had no questions} ....oh, shrock.... No, don't go. It's terrible. Everyone dies. Your kid will end up traumatized. The surgeon general issued a report advising against it. Whole communities have outlawed it. I...I.... I was a much younger fellow when I wrote that. I was, I think, about 18 or 19; I'd written a number of produced one-act plays at 16 and 17, but this was my first commissioned play, and one of my first long-term produced full-length plays, running summer stock in the San Diego area for 16 weeks. You can't hold what I wrote at 18 against me now. I don't remember anything about it. I've flensed it from memory. I can't...I....awk.... ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jul 1996 08:58:50 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: [F] ALL (2nd pass) Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO! The following information has just been released by Jim Lochett, coordinator for the OFFICIAL BABYLON 5 FAN CLUB. (Note to convention organizers: the address given below can now be used as a central clearing house for invitations to cast and crew.) *** THE OFFICIAL BABYLON 5 FAN CLUB Join today and you will receive the Official Membership Kit, including: A Subscription to The Universe Today: The Official Newsletter of the B5FC filled with exclusive interviews, news about Babylon 5, and exciting merchandise offers. An 8x10 Cast Photo Full Color Babylon 5 Mini-Poster (13"x20") B5 Fan Club Button & Full Color Sticker Membership Certificate (Signed by the show's Executive Producers, J. Michael Straczynski and Douglas Netter) Membership ID Card granting you discounts on merchandise, conventions, etc., as well as access to the Members Only section of, the B5 Fan Club Web-site (to be up May 1996). Plus as a bonus, the first 100 people to join get: A Limited Collection Sticker of the alternate B5 Logo as designed by artist Peter Ledger. ================ To Give a Membership as a Gift, simply make a copy of the entry form, fill in the name of the person you wish to make a member, and send it off. (Don't forget to include your name on the Suggestions line, so that we can include a gift card.) Each year the Renewal Kit will offer new and different goodies, savings, and of course another year's subscription to The Universe Today. Remember, this is more than just your run of the mill fan club; the Babylon 5 fans time and time again have gone that extra step for the show, and the Babylon 5 Fan Club is our way of giving something back to those who've been so loyal to us. ---------------- CLIP OR COPY AND GIVE TO A FRIEND ------------------- YES! I want to join The Official Babylon 5 Fan Club. Please send my membership kit to: Name: _______________________________________________________________ Age: __________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ___________ ZIP: ________ Country: _____________ e-mail address: ________________________________________________________ Local Station you watch B5 on: _________________________________________ Suggestions: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____ I am already on the mailing list. _____ I got this form from a friend. Enclosed is $12.95 for a U.S. membership; $14.95 for a Canadian membership; and $19.95 for Foreign memberships. Orders must be in U.S. funds. Send check or money order (DO NOT send cash) made payable to: Babylonian Productions/Fan Club Mail to: The Official Babylon 5 Fan Club PO Box 856 North Hollywood, CA 91603 Please allow 5-6 weeks for delivery. Foreign and Canadian orders are shipped surface, please allow additional time for shipping. All returned checks are subject to a $15.00 service charge. ---------------- CUT HERE FOR THE END OF THE FORM ------------------ ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jul 1996 14:00:17 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Apology to jms {original post unavailable} That breakdown is about right; and no, Minbari don't count as First Ones. jms ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jul 1996 14:00:19 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: TV Zone {original post unavailable} Agreed, darned careless of them. jms ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jul 1996 20:51:13 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: TV GUIDE article {original post unavailable} It's common today, in our age of cynicism, to deride anything in which the people involved feel passionately about what they do. We should all be laid back, do it for the money, just churn out sausage between commercials; if you get passionate about something, you're told to chill out, because passion is passe. jms ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jul 1996 21:06:03 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Apology to jms {original post unavailable} The B5 copyright belongs to PTEN/WB. jms ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jul 1996 21:06:05 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Post B5 Years... (blocked) asks: > What exactly is a "demo reel"? > Is it more like a pilot episode complete with actors or more like > a series of highlight clips? I know the sequel is in the B5 > universe but time-wise would it be before, after or during the > current timeline? Does the TNT deal have to do with the broadcast > of B5 reruns? No, the TNT situation involves something else, though it relates to B5. More on this when things are settled. jms ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jul 1996 21:06:08 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Neville White <> Subject: IaE in UK Neville White <> asks: > presumably Adira was actually poisoned by Mordens cronies, since > he was looking for a way to hurt Londo, and we saw him finding > out information about her? I don't remember seeing any rangers in > this episode - where did he come in? Will we ever find out why > Kosh allowed himself to be "poisoned" in the pilot episode now? > What was the flash of light running across B5 when Kosh died? Does > Delenn know what the shadows are after (considering the war from > a 1000 years ago, I would have thought that the star faring > Minbari would have had pretty good records)? Will you tell us? > What happens to the information Kosh recorded about Talia back in > year1? your questions: "1. presumably Adira was actually poisoned by Mordens cronies, since he was looking for a way to hurt Londo, and we saw him finding out information about her?" Correct. "2. In the final credits, a ranger is mentioned. I don't remember seeing any rangers in this episode - where did he come in?" His scene was snipped for time, it was a small one, didn't add much to the story, but you have to keep those credits in under SAG rules. "3. Will we ever find out why Kosh allowed himself to be "poisoned" in the pilot episode now?" You're assuming he allowed it. "4. What was the flash of light running across B5 when Kosh died?" A non-localized phenomenon. "5. Early on, when Sheriden was talking to Delenn, he wants to know "what the Shadows are really after". Delenn looks like she is resolutely not saying anything and hoping that the conversation moves on before Sheriden presses for an answer... which it does. Does Delenn know what the shadows are after (considering the war from a 1000 years ago, I would have thought that the star faring Minbari would have had pretty good records)?" They do, and she does, and she's making a few mistakes that may come back to haunt her in the not too distant future. "6. Will you tell us? (answer = cryptic "YES" no doubt!)" In the fullness of time. jms ------------------------------ Date: 28 Jul 1996 21:06:12 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Rebecca Eschliman <> Subject: The Greyest of the Grey Rebecca Eschliman <> asks: > My question is: given the fact that the overall plan for B5 and > the themes involved were pre-organized, do you ever find themes > that are there, but that you did not consciously plan, and, if > so, do those "themes trouves" influence how you write future > episodes? To the two parts of this...yes, there's always been the undercurrent in the series that says we are our brother's keeper, that we have an obligation to look out for one another. If we're bound and determined to seek our own destruction nothing can stop that...but anything less, and a kind word in the right place, an action taken at the right time, can bend history and help others. This is part of the community sense that comes through so strongly in B5. And yes, there are sometimes themes that come out without my knowing it; sometimes I wear my heart on my sleeve more than I intended, and stuff slips through, thematically and dialogue-wise, that later I see and wish I'd left out. Sometimes it'll be much later when I'll realize what a character was REALLY saying when s/he whispered a line or two into my brain, and I'll perceive again that the characters are smarter than I am sometimes...and take that thematic element and run with it. And no, I won't tell you which was which.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1996 12:39:01 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Rebecca Eschliman <> Subject: Apology to jms Rebecca Eschliman <> asks: > May one assume that, given these new potential offers, that you > might be willing to postpone your retirement from television for > a few years (please, please, PLEASE..)? We will see what we will see.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1996 12:39:03 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: AsstOp Mike Willmoth <> Subject: Episode Character Titles AsstOp Mike Willmoth <> asks: > Why the difference? Because putting Ambassador at the start of each name would look odd after a while, and many people wouldn't get to the second name before it scrolled off; because Delenn and G'Kar only have the one name, and to break it for Londo...well, what the heck. So the Centauri get screwed for a change, it's about time. jms ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1996 12:39:04 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: IaE in UK {original post unavailable} A personal transport is assigned to one vorlon for life, changing and evolving over time. Little fighters have a more primitive system. It's not the same thing as a shadow-vessel merge. A big Vorlon cruiser has a full crew. jms ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1996 12:39:05 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: WWE_Possible arc hole {original post unavailable} I think it'd be hard to just drop in Garibaldi's attitudes about Valen without it having something to do with an episode; if it doesn't move that particualr episode along, it shouldn't be there. So that sort of thing is tough to pull off, making the show more unfriendly to new viewers. jms ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1996 12:39:06 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Helene Northway <> Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO! Helene Northway <> asks: > Any word for those of us who sent checks/form in in April and > haven't received anything yet???? There've been some problems with the post office; send a note to to let him know your situation. jms ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1996 12:39:07 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO! (blocked) asks: > Nothing personal, Joe, but why are you soliciting membership in a > "fan club" when most of us who applied for membership and sent > money months ago haven't received anything? No, it's not vapor. Many people *have* received their stuff. So it's there, and it's working, but there have been some glitches in the post office side that blindsided us. A "vapor club" is one where you sign up and get nothing, because nothing's made or delivered. Many people here and elsewhere *have* received their full packets, and newsletters, and the posters are going out shortly, now that WB has *finally* approved the design, which took longer than it should have. If you haven't received the material, send email to and let him know. jms ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1996 12:47:36 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO! (blocked) asks: > Why should Joe be soliciting members when he hasn't taken care of > the ones who sent in money months ago? What guarantee do new > applicants have that they won't be left in the lurch? For starters, I didn't resolicit anyone, the fan club message gets popped up by the system. Second, new applicants have less of a chance of getting left in the lurch than the folks who dived in at the beginning when we were still putting all the pieces into position. If you have *any* reservations, we will happily refund your money. Or you can give it a bit of time; we can't know who hasn't gotten their stuff until we hear from them, and/or the post office sends back the material, which has begun to happen. We're dealing with it as fast as possible. jms ------------------------------ Date: 29 Jul 1996 12:47:37 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: B5 FAN CLUB INFO! (blocked) asks: > Nothing personal, Joe, but why are you soliciting membership in a > "fan club" when most of us who applied for membership and sent > money months ago haven't received anything? PS...I just went down the hall to ask Jim Lockett about what the status of things was, and there was a huge pile of newsletters and packets on his desk ready to go out. I asked about yours in particular, and he had it right there, about ten down in the "to-mail" pile. So you should have the stuff shortly. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:08 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Neville White <> Subject: IaE in UK Neville White <> asks: > Another thought that occurred to me just now - and I haven't been > back to the video to check it up, but in Dust to Dust didn't Kosh > appear in G'Kars dream as *his* father, too? Yes, by all means, I can't exactly lay claim to a patriarchal system, after all. And that's what Kosh tends to play into, the whole father aspect, though others might take the other approach in this. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:09 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Eric Rochkind <> Subject: Olympics in 2260? Eric Rochkind <> asks: > Since we have not yet seen or heard the Olympics mentioned in the > third season of "Babylon 5" (Granted, this could be in one of > those episodes we haven't seen yet) are the olympics still being > celebrated in the 23rd century? If not, why not? > Any ideas on this subject? My gut instinct would be that the Olympics would still be almost exclusively an Earth/human thing, we have to keep some things to ourselves, as part of our unique heritage. And they're probably still going on. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:11 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Rebecca Eschliman <> Subject: The Greyest of the Grey {original post had no questions} On the other hand, the only way to get pertinent information is to ask impertinent questions.... jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:14 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Delenn question (spoiler {original post had no questions} Nope. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:15 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Paul Owen <> Subject: I&E -Vorlon Cruiser Paul Owen <> asks: > Since its own weapon seemed to be pretty devastating why did we > not see it attack a Shadow vessel directly ? I think we just didn't see those shots; it was used in the attack. And thanks. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:17 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> Subject: The Greyest of the Grey SysOp Dupa T Parrot <> asks: > Do you have any idea how often you've brought tears to our eyes > this season? Particularly the tears shed over an animatronic > actor? And that's good. Too much of TV is just the plot/action stuff, not much emotional content. For me, drama done well should make you feel something. That's vitally important to me. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Audio (blocked) asks: > Do you have any input on this? That happens after we turn it over to WB, during the dubbing process wherein they add first captions, then commericals. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:23 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: William H. DiPaola <> Subject: gerbals or hamsters? {original post had no questions} Go to your room. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:24 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Chris Croughton (UK) <> Subject: jms Songwriter ? Chris Croughton (UK) <> asks: > To you, maybe, but there are dozens (hundreds? > How about all the blues singers who couldn't recognise a note of > written music but wrote those superb songs? Has it been shown yet? No, the songs are in "Walkabout," which is the next episode up after "War Without End." jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:26 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: WWE question (blocked) asks: > First of all why does she get into the suit? > What the heck is that about? > Also, why wouldn't she try and wake Sheridan to see if he was OK? When Delenn takes off her stabalizer and puts it on Sheridan, taking on his suit for whatever small protection it might offer, at that point he stabalized and she became lost/unstuck in time. So it was she who appeared in the last sequence there. She took the risk to ensure saving Sheridan. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:29 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Apology to jms (blocked) asks: > Does this mean there's hope that we can keep you in television > after B5's run is complete? We'll see; it depends on how far they would let us go with the story. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 14:19:30 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: IaE in UK (blocked) asks: > What significance was the fact that one of the Vorlon ships was > red instead of the usual green/yellow ? Is it a prototype ? Thanks. The different color just goes to show some measure of individuality in design, and there are some hierarchies implied here. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 22:26:18 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Antonia Smillie <> Subject: Apology to jms Antonia Smillie <> asks: > Just tell me one thing - who or what are TNT? TNT = Turner Network Television, a huge cable network here in the states. jms ------------------------------ Date: 30 Jul 1996 22:26:20 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Antonia Smillie <> Subject: Old SciFi series {original post had no questions} Thanks, and in theory, yes, you could carry on without the station itself, since the story is about the people who live there, rather than the place itself. jms ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jul 1996 15:18:13 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Jonathan Hoopingarn <> Subject: B5 Tech & Other Stuff Jonathan Hoopingarn <> asks: > Is 1G maintained at the interior surface or the last level (Down > Below?) just inside the skin? How many levels are there between > the outer hull and the inner surface (I'm trying to figure the > change in "gravity" from level to level)? What's the radius of the > main cylinder? By the way, had you read Gerard K O'Neill's work on > space habitats? I don't have the specs onhand, but basically you've got a smidge under 1g in the inner levels, working out until you've got a smidge over 1g in the areas closest to the hull. This helps with alien requirements in living quarters in those areas. jms ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jul 1996 15:18:14 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: Margaret Rainey <> Subject: IaE in UK Margaret Rainey <> asks: > If the Shadows are already on-station, and can blow away Kosh (of > all people), why don't they just rub out Sheridan, Delenn, et al, > in a similar manner, and solve their "problems" at a stroke? why > do I feel I must be over-simplifying....? A good question, which we'll answer in the last episode of this season. jms ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jul 1996 15:18:15 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: Old SciFi series {original post unavailable} I know, but I can't tell you. the new number 2 ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jul 1996 15:18:17 -0700 From: J. Michael Straczynski <> To: (blocked) Subject: IaE in UK {original post unavailable} No, I wouldn't say childish gods...that's too easy. It has to be a bit more than that. But good thoughts nonetheless. jms