OnlineHost: Copyright 1994 America Online, Inc. All rights reserved. OnlineHost: Center Stage is the largest gathering place on the service, bringing celebrity guests right into your home, and offering a host of entertainment events led by a team of talented emcees. It's capable of accommodating hundreds of guests and is truly the showplace of the service. OnlineHost: Your host tonight is CSEmcee3 (Rusti I). OnlineHost: Experiment with the menu. You'll find many powerful options, including one which permits you to interact with other members present in the auditorium. The interaction "rows" text is prefaced by a number shown in parentheses (1), etc., which is followed by the text sent by members in that row. Unless a row is being "broadcast" your hosts cannot see interactive text. Try it. You can't break anything! OnlineHost: Millions of Star Trek fans around the world know him not as Walter Koenig, but simply as "Chekov." What millions of Star Trek fans might not know, however, is that Koenig is more than an actor. He's an author whose diary about the shooting of Star Trek was published as "Chekov's Enterprise." OnlineHost: He has also authored several teleplays including episodes of "Class of '65,", "Family," "The Incredible Hulk," and "The Powers of Matthew Star." Added to his impressive list of credits are the feature films "Moontrap" and "The Deadly Weapon," and the telefilms "The Questor Tapes" and "Goodbye Raggedy Ann." OnlineHost: On the stage he appeared in the Mark Taper Forum Production of "The Deputy" and he toured nationally in "Actors" and "The Boys of August." OnlineHost: Koenig is currently filming "Generations" for Paramount. In the film he reprises the role fans have come to love, that of "Chekov." The film is due out on November 18. And now, America Online is pleased to present the host of the Star Trek Club online, and his special guest, Walter Koenig! W Koenig: Good evening, everyone. CSEmcee3: Welcome to The Globe, Walter Koenig and guests. Data1701D: Hello everyone! And thank you for packing the Globe here tonite!;) W Koenig: Thank you. It's nice to be here. CSEmcee3: Are you ready for some questions? W Koenig: Sure! CSEmcee3: Ok. Here's our first question: Question: Do you plan on making any further appearances on the wide or small screen as Chekov? W Koenig: Although I wouldn't rule out anything, since you should never say 'never', I think it's highly unlikely that I'll be invited to reprise the role. I really do think that the new Star Trek film is the last time you'll see Chekov. OnlineHost: Please do NOT Instant Message our on-stage guests. Thank you. Question: Do you find America's obsession with Star Trek strange? W Koenig: Not really. After all, we all have our heroes and it's really not that far removed from the days of early television. We've all seen fandom in some capacity, be it with Davy Crockett or Superman, or any number of other TV programs. People need people they can look up to, and I'm pleased to have been a part of that in some way. Question: I enjoyed George Takei's autobiography, "To the Stars". Will you be writing an autobiography one day? W Koenig: I'm sooooooooooo glad you asked! I've been working on my autobiography, as a matter of fact. Although it hasn't been optioned yet, I'm hopeful it'll be on the shelves eventually. And I hope they let me keep the title: "Beaming Up & Getting Off". Think they'll let me keep it? Question: Out of all your Star Trek films, which is your favorite? W Koenig: I have two of them. I really enjoyed Star Trek II and Star Trek IV, in equal measure. Working with Ricardo Montalban was a pleasure, as was working with Paul Winfield. And all the action/adventure hijinks in Star Trek IV were really fun! That was also the only time Chekov's part was written distinctly for his Russian character. It was fulfilling to be recognized in that fashion. Question: Walter, how much have you contributed to screenplays of Star Trek episodes and do you plan to move into that area of movie making? W Koenig: Back then, as actors we really didn't have a lot of say in either the TV scripts or the films. However, I have had two screenplays optioned -- non-Star Trek -- and it's been my goal to see at least one of those screenplays produced. Only time will tell. OnlineHost: Please do not Instant Message our speakers. It keeps them from seeing your questions. Thank you. Question: Walter, what are the pros and cons of being involved in a cultural legacy like "Star Trek"? W Koenig: The pros are that it's very rewarding to hear that I've been an indirect -- but positive -- influence on people's lives. (Astronomy, physics, etc.) And it's been good meeting so many people over the years, since Star Trek has touched almost everyone's life in some way. As for the cons, well, there aren't many. I've been concerned about that, as have many of my peers in the industry. But it looks like Babylon 5 has helped break that tendency. Question: How many onscreen minutes do you have. Do you feel the "Classic Trek" crew were treated fairly? W Koenig: Not too many, I'm sorry to report. I think we were treated 'fairly', but that we simply didn't figure into this plot as much as we hoped we would. Question: I am a very big trekkie. But, I have heard, that over the years, there has been a conflict between the crew and Will Shatner; is this true? W Koenig: :::putting on tap shoes, for the fancy dance::: W Koenig: I really don't have a lot to say about Bill, except that there was a nice moment or two for Chekov and his 'keptin' in the film -- which may or may not have hit the cutting room floor. W Koenig: On a side note, although I deeply appreciate the sentiments being expressed via Instant Message, it's making it harder to chat with everyone. I'd appreciate it if you'd please not send us all messages during this talk. Thanks, everyone. Question: Mr. Koenig it is a pleasure to talk to you! I have always been and will be a Star Trek fan! What do you think of the new Star Trek TV Shows? Did you get along with cast of the The Next Generation while filming "Generations"? W Koenig: Although I had reservations about ST:TNG when it debuted, it became a good show and one that I enjoyed watching from time to time. I never have had a chance to watch Deep Space Nine, since it airs opposite other shows that I usually watch. I think Voyager has potential, and we'll have to wait and see how the fans accept it. I think it will become as much a part of the legend as everything that's come before it. And we all got along fine, the The Next Generation cast was wonderful to us. W Koenig: ::::putting on black PsiCorp uniform:::: W Koenig: You in the front row... ::::dragging thought from your mind::: Yes, you, the one with the dark hair. WKIntl: oops...look out! It's;'s Bester! W Koenig: You wanted to know about me, didn't you? Of course you did ... I'm Bester and I'll be making another visit to Babylon 5. The Commander hasn't heard the last from me. I haven't even started to make his life miserable. I'll be entering his thoughts during the last week of January, in an episode titled, "A Race Through Dark Places." Question: What was your relationship with Gene Roddenberry, and do you approve Kirk's death in "Generations"? W Koenig: Gene and I became close friends over the course of the series, and afterward with the making of the Star Trek films. He was a kind man, who always thought about how best to treat people. He tried to be as equitable as he could with everyone, and that's been the most lasting impression I've taken from my association with him. As for Kirk's death, well ... I'd rather comment on that after the movie's been out. Question: What was it like doing the show Babylon 5? W Koenig: Babylon 5 was a wonderful experience, each time. I've always been very impressed with the writing, the effects, and the way in which the cast is allowed to think for themselves. I've been free to give Bester whatever edge I'd like, and you'll see that he continues to be even more charming -- and sinister. They're a great bunch! I always have fun over there. Question: Have you read Uhura's book, and what did you think? W Koenig: I have read it and must say that Nichelle did an excellent job. Of course, she told tales on me just a bit :::laughing:::, which brought back some memories. I enjoyed reading it and hope I do as well at relating anecdotes as she did. Question: How do you feel about the success of "Moontrap"? W Koenig: I have mixed feelings about it, in some ways. I had hoped that the film would see a theatrical release, since it's always gratifying to have something non-ST on the resume. At the same time, it became a sort of 'sleeper' hit on video and did quite well in the international markets. Overall, I was pleased with how everything developed. There was talk a few times about a sequel, but nothing has come of it. Question: Do you plan on doing any more Babylon 5 episodes? W Koenig: I don't want to lead you all on, but let's just say we probably haven't seen the last of Bester. That much evil is hard to contain. Question: How many Babylon 5 episodes do you expect to be in? W Koenig: As I just said, it's really too early to tell. It's not a situation where I can ask to be included. Rather, it has to be because they want the character back, as part of their overall plan for the show. So, we'll see. OnlineHost: Please do not send Instant Messages to our speakers. It keeps them from seeing your questions. Thank you. WKIntl: Walter, I'm sure everyone would like to know about whether you will be doing any more performances of "The Boys In Autumn" with Mark Lenard ... care to enlighten us? W Koenig: Certainly! Mark and I will be doing the play again this February, in Thousand Oaks, (CA). We're looking forward to returning to the characters of Tom and Huck, since we had a wonderful time while reprising those roles on tour at conventions. Question: I've also enjoyed your comic book Raver and have all three issues published by Malibu. Are there plans to continue the series? W Koenig: There has been some talk of it, yes. I'm hoping everyone will see a graphic novel of Raver in the spring. Question: Is "Generations" going to be the last Star Trek movie with the original cast? W Koenig: In my opinion, yes. OnlineHost: Please do not send Instant Messages to our speakers. It keeps them from seeing your questions. Thank you. Question: Both the characters of Chekov & Sulu were just coming into their own right as commanding officers. Will you or do you desire to write any books on how Chekov's career went after Star Trek 6? Wish they would make a movie about that! W Koenig: Although that's an interesting premise and I've seen a lot of fan fiction on that very topic, I personally don't have any plans to continue Chekov's character in the literary sense. Although George has had some success in that arena, by recording a Captain Sulu adventure for Simon & Schuster. Question: Do you consider acting or writing more satisfying? W Koenig: That's very much like comparing apples and oranges, since I enjoy both but for different reasons. Acting gives me the ability to wear someone else's coat for a while, to see how they react to certain situations, etc. Especially in the case of stage work, where the adrenaline runs high and you can't make a mistake. And if you do, you have to find a quick, credible way out of it. :::laughter::: With writing, it's more cerebral. I enjoy the control of putting other characters into the mix, then seeing how they react to various situations. So, okay, it's a lot like playing God, but it's fun! Question: How do you feel about the new movie and the fact that some of the old cast is back in it and some not? W Koenig: I think the jury is still out on the new movie. I do feel it's time we passed the torch, and it's time to look ahead. OnlineHost: Please do not send Instant Messages to our speakers. It keeps them from seeing your questions. Thank you. W Koenig: I'd like to thank you for coming here to talk with me tonight. I had a good time answering your many questions, and hope you'll enjoy the new Star Trek movie. WKIntl: I'm sure everyone will enjoy "Generations", Walter. CSEmcee3: I'd like to thank you all for being here. Are there any closing remarks from our speakers? Data1701D: A big thank you to Walter for coming. |) WKIntl: If anyone would like further information on Walter's club, you can just e-mail me. W Koenig: It was a pleasure being here ... thanks for inviting me. WKIntl: (a note from the mystery woman in the corner). OnlineHost: All good things must come to an end. Time is up for this event. OnlineHost: Our thanks to "Data1701D" (Bill) and his guest, "Chekov" (Walter Koenig) for a fascinating glimpse into an impressive career. Be sure to watch for Koenig's new film "Generations" in which "Chekov" appears once more. For a transcript of tonight's event, please return to Center Stage (Keyword: "CENTER STAGE") within 24 hours. Thank you and good night! (C) 1994 America Online. All rights reserved. Transmitted: 95-06-11 00:03:27 EDT