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- <h1 align=center>What's New at Midwinter</h1>
- <table cellpadding=0 border=0>
- <td valign=top>
- <strong>See Also:</strong>
- </td>
- <td>
- <a href="lastmod.html">Modification Times</a>
- to see which episode guide pages have changed.
- </td>
- </table>
- <dl>
- <p>
- <dt>July 10, 2007
- <dd>
- Administrative note: I will be on vacation when
- <a href="guide/118.html">"The Lost Tales"</a>
- is released. I'll have net access so please send in your comments, but
- don't be surprised if it takes me a little while to update the guide
- page.
- <p>
- <dt>June 1, 2007
- <dd>
- <a href="http://babylon5.warnerbros.com">Warner Bros.' official B5 site</a>
- has a trailer for
- <a href="guide/118.html">"The Lost Tales"</a>
- (Flash required; click on "Main Menu" then "The Lost Tales Movie.")
- <p>
- <dt>April 24, 2007
- <dd>
- <a href="guide/118.html">"The Lost Tales"</a>
- is now available for
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PHX8RA?ie=UTF8&tag=thelurkersguidet&linkCode=as2&camp=211189&creative=374929&creativeASIN=B000PHX8RA">preorder</a>
- from Amazon.com.
- <p>
- <dt>April 23, 2007
- <dd>
- <a href="guide/118.html">"The Lost Tales"</a>
- will be released on July 31, according to
- <a href="http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/newsitem.cfm?NewsID=7211">tvshowsondvd.com</a>
- (which also has a picture of the cover art).
- <p>
- <dt>December 2, 2006
- <dd>
- Principal photography on the first disc of the new DVD series
- has finished. There is now a
- <a href="guide/118.html">guide page</a>
- dedicated to it.
- <p>
- <dt>July 25, 2006
- <dd>
- <a href="http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewTVSeason?id=168268569&s=143441">Season 1</a>
- is now available for purchase on
- <a href="http://www.itunes.com/">iTunes</a>.
- <p>
- <dt>July 24, 2006
- <dd>
- Ain't It Cool News has <a href="http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=23963">more
- details</a> about the announcements at JMS's Comic Con presentation.
- <p>
- <dt>July 23, 2006
- <dd>
- <a href="http://jmsnews.com/forums/showpost.php?p=29206&postcount=27">Lots of JMS news</a>
- from San Diego Comic Con, including more details on "The Changeling" and
- news of an anthology of B5 short films to begin shooting later this
- year.
- <p>
- <dt>June 28, 2006
- <dd>
- Ain't It Cool News
- <a href="http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=23720">reports</a>
- that Oscar-winning director Ron Howard ("The Da Vinci Code," "Apollo 13," "A Beautiful Mind") is looking at directing JMS's script "The Changeling."
- <p>
- <dt>April 18, 2006
- <dd>
- Windows XP users can now
- <a href="http://television.aol.com/in2tv/heroes_horror_tv?defaultLevel=0&defaultItem=1">watch season one episodes</a>
- for free online.
- <p>
- <dt>March 1, 2006
- <dd>
- Jerry Doyle is hosting a
- <a href="http://www.910knew.com/pages/onair.html?feed=122998&article=400764">radio talk show.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>March 1, 2006
- <dd>
- <a href="http://www.andreaskatsulas.com/index.htm">Andreas Katsulas' web site</a>
- has information about memorials.
- <p>
- <dt>February 14, 2006
- <dd>
- Andreas Katsulas has
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=1&id=34628">passed away</a>
- at age 59. Our sympathies to his family. Information on memorial
- services will be posted here as it becomes available.
- <p>
- <dt>February 6, 2006
- <dd>
- B5 writer Marc Scott Zicree is selling
- <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4831021832">an
- actual G'Kar prosthetic head</a> from the show on eBay.
- <p>
- <dt>January 24, 2006
- <dd>
- <a href="guide/117.html">"The Legend of the Rangers"</a>
- will be released on DVD on March 14. It is now available for
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000CEXFYW/thelurkersguidet/102-3336090-0681703?%5Fencoding=UTF8&camp=1789&link%5Fcode=xm2">preorder</a>.
- <p>
- <dt>January 6, 2006
- <dd>
- The B5 Scripts site has
- <a href="misc/b5scripts2.html">changed</a> the proof-of-purchase
- procedure for getting the bonus volume at the end of the series.
- <p>
- <dt>November 3, 2005
- <dd>
- Here's a
- <a href="misc/b5scripts.html">message</a>
- to people who signed up for babylon5scripts.com's alert service --
- an email snafu might cause alerts to go out to some people who
- later unsubscribed.
- <p>
- <dt>October 30, 2005
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="<a href="http://babylon5scripts.com/">The babylon5scripts.com site</a> is now
- online and taking orders for JMS's B5 script books.
- <p>
- <dt>September 12, 2005
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://jmsnews.com/msg.aspx?id=1-17383">All of JMS's B5 scripts</a>,
- including some rare drafts never before published, will be available in a
- series of trade paperbacks later this year. People who buy the whole set
- will get an additional volume with a ton of bonus material, including the
- original outline of the five-year arc written before the show went into production.
- You can sign up for the availability announcement at
- <a href="http://babylon5scripts.com/">babylon5scripts.com</a>.
- <p>
- <dt>April 13, 2005
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- JMS is cleaning house and has started auctioning off some of his
- <a href="http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfrppZ50QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQrdZ0QQsassZbabylon5auctions">rare memorabilia</a>
- on eBay.
- <p>
- <dt>February 25, 2005
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://www.jmsnews.com/msg.aspx?id=1-17289">JMS has confirmed</a>
- that the deal to produce
- <a href="/lurk/guide/116.html">"The Memory of Shadows"</a>
- has fallen through.
- <p>
- <dt>February 24, 2005
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050225b.php">Dark Horizons
- reports</a> that Mira Furlan told a recent convention audience that
- <a href="/lurk/guide/116.html">"The Memory of Shadows"</a>
- is no longer being made.
- <p>
- <dt>February 13, 2005
- <dd>
- <a href="http://www.richardbiggs.com/">A Richard Biggs Memorial Show</a>
- will be held on Saturday, March 19 in N. Hollywood, CA. Most of the B5
- cast will be in attendance.
- <p>
- <dt>February 2, 2005
- <dd>
- The
- <a href="/lurk/making/cast.html">Cast</a>
- page has been updated to note the death of Tim Choate (Zathras) last
- September. Since the filmographies on that page were well out of date,
- they've been replaced with links to IMDB.
- <p>
- <dt>January 29, 2005
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://www.keepb5alive.com/">A campaign is underway</a>
- to ensure that Warner Bros. does not force the original cast members
- to be replaced in
- <a href="/lurk/guide/116.html">"The Memory of Shadows."</a>
- <p>
- <dt>December 8, 2004
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://www.comingsoon.net/news/topnews.php?id=7515">ComingSoon</a>
- has some information about the story of
- <a href="/lurk/guide/116.html">"The Memory of Shadows."</a>
- <p>
- <dt>November 26, 2004
- <dd>
- Midwinter's web server is now a
- <a href="http://bittorrent.com/">BitTorrent</a>
- seed for the freeware fan-created
- <a href="http://ifh.firstones.com/">Babylon 5: "I've Found Her"</a>
- space combat game. If you're running Windows,
- <a href="/lurk/misc/ifhsetup.exe.torrent">Download it</a>
- and try it out! (And then please leave your BitTorrent client open for
- a while so others can download it more quickly.)
- <p>
- <dt>November 1, 2004
- <dd>
- Newsflash: Mira Furlan (Delenn) joins Daniel Dae Kim (Matheson from
- "Crusade") on the November 17 episode of
- <a href="http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/index.html">"Lost."</a>
- <p>
- <dt>July 13, 2004
- <dd>
- The guide page for
- <a href="/lurk/guide/116.html">"The Memory of Shadows"</a>
- is updated at long last.
- <p>
- <dt>June 2, 2004
- <dd>
- A college fund for Richard Biggs' sons has been established. See
- <a href="http://www.richardbiggs.com/memorial_service_information.htm">his official web site</a>
- for more information.
- <p>
- <dt>May 22, 2004
- <dd>
- <a href="http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&safe=off&selm=20040522182556.22491.00000701%40mb-m27.aol.com&rnum=1">JMS reports</a>
- that Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin) has passed away. Our
- condolences to his family -- he will be missed.
- </td></tr>
- <p>
- <dt>May 20, 2004
- <dd>
- All five B5 movies are coming on DVD on August 17, according to
- <a href="http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/">TVShowsOnDVD.com</a>.
- <p>
- <dt>December 1, 2003
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://groups.google.com/groups?q=g:thl2140420723d&dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&selm=20031130053357.16792.00001170%40mb-m07.aol.com">A new B5
- project is in the works</a> according to JMS. Also, DVD sets of
- the B5 TV-movies and "Crusade" are due next year.
- <p>
- <dt>September 19, 2003
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- According to <a href="http://tvshowsondvd.com/">TVShowsOnDVD.com</a>,
- the season four DVD set will ship on January 6, 2004.
- <p>
- <dt>May 25, 2003
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- The season-three <a href="misc/dvd.html">DVD set</a> is available for
- <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00009OOFK/thelurkersguidet">preorder</a>
- from Amazon.com and other retailers. It ships on August 12, 2003.
- <p>
- <dt>January 7, 2003
- <dd>
- Newsflash: <a href="http://www.thedigitalbits.com/">The Digital Bits</a>
- reports that the season-2 DVD set will be released on April 29.
- <p>
- <dt>October 30, 2002
- <dd>
- Newsflash: The Region 2 edition of the
- <a href="/lurk/misc/dvd.html">season one DVD set</a>
- is reportedly available now in stores in the UK. The US release is
- still scheduled for November 5.
- <p>
- <dt>August 14, 2002
- <dd>
- Newsflash: Warner Home Video has put up a
- <a href="http://www.whvdirect.com/babylon5/index.html">Web site</a>
- (Flash required) for the season-one
- <a href="/lurk/misc/dvd.html">DVD release</a>.
- <p>
- <dt>August 2, 2002
- <dd>
- Newsflash: The season-one <a href="/lurk/misc/dvd.html">DVD release</a>
- is now available for
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00006HAZ4/thelurkersguidet">preorder</a>
- from Amazon.com and other retailers.
- <p>
- <dt>July 15, 2002
- <dd>
- Newsflash: <a href="http://www.thedigitalbits.com/">The Digital Bits</a> says
- the season-one <a href="/lurk/misc/dvd.html">DVD set</a>
- will be out on November 5. The box set's cover art is
- also available there.
- <p>
- <dt>June 27, 2002
- <dd>
- Newsflash: The season-one <a href="/lurk/misc/dvd.html">DVD release</a>
- will include audio commentary tracks from JMS on
- <a href="/lurk/guide/013.html">"Signs and Portents"</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/guide/022.html">"Chrysalis"</a>
- as well as cast and crew interviews.
- <p>
- <dt>June 9, 2002
- <dd>
- Newsflash: <tr valign=top><td><nobr>June 9 - </nobr></td><td>
- JMS has posted more
- <a href="/lurk/misc/dvd.html">information</a>
- on the upcoming B5 DVD release.
- <p>
- <dt>February 27, 2002
- <dd>
- JMS's new show
- <a href="http://www.jeremiah.tv/">Jeremiah</a>
- premieres March 3 on
- <a href="http://www.sho.com/">Showtime</a>.
- <p>
- <dt>January 25, 2002
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://www.thedigitalbits.com/">The Digital Bits</a>
- reports that the complete first season of B5 will be released on
- DVD this fall.
- <p>
- <dt>January 3, 2002
- <dd>
- Newsflash: <a href="http://www.conjose.org/">ConJose</a>,
- the 2002 WorldCon, will present a special
- <a href="http://www.conjose.org/wsfs/wsfs_web.html">Best Web Site</a>
- Hugo. If you're planning to attend or join, remember to nominate
- your favorite SF sites by March 31 (whether this is one of them or not.)
- If you're not already eligible, you must join by January 31 to submit
- nominations.
- <p>
- <dt>December 25, 2001
- <dd>
- <b>We're back!</b> After an extended hiatus, www.midwinter.com is
- online again. If you're curious,
- <a href="/lurk/misc/outage.html">here's what happened.</a>
- If you run into any glitches, please
- <a href="mailto:koreth-lurk@midwinter.com">let me know.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>August 3, 2001
- <dd>
- Newsflash: Amazon.com is listing a December 4 release date for the DVD
- of
- <a href="/lurk/guide/000.html">"The Gathering"</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/guide/111.html">"In the Beginning"</a>.
- They are accepting
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005NTNP/thelurkersguidet">preorders.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>June 21, 2001
- <dd>
- TV Guide Online has a short
- <a href="http://www.tvguide.com/newsgossip/insider/010621c.asp">article</a>
- about the new movie.
- <p>
- <dt>June 12, 2001
- <dd>
- SCI FI will be airing a promo for the new B5 movie during its
- rebroadcast of "Dune" tonight through Wednesday night.
- <p>
- <dt>April 9, 2001
- <dd>
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/">The Sci-Fi Channel</a>
- now has a section of its site dedicated to
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/crusade/">Crusade</a>.
- If it looks familiar to you, not to worry; I knew about it well
- in advance and everything is above-board and legit.
- <p>
- <dt>March 20, 2001
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2001-03/20/15.20.sfc">A new B5 TV-movie</a>
- is in the works and will air on the Sci-Fi Channel later this year.
- It may lead to a new series.
- <p>
- <dt>March 13, 2001
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- The DVD releases of
- <a href="/lurk/guide/000.html">"The Gathering"</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/guide/111.html">"In the Beginning"</a>
- will be delayed until around August in order to use the updated
- version of "The Gathering" rather than the original version,
- according to JMS.
- <p>
- "Crusade" begins on
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/">The Sci-Fi Channel</a>
- on April 9.
- <p>
- <dt>January 25, 2001
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://www.thedigitalbits.com/">The Digital Bits</a>
- reports that Warner Bros. plans to release B5 DVDs later this year.
- <p>
- <dt>January 21, 2001
- <dd>
- Newsflash: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- <a href="http://www.post-gazette.com/tv/20010120owen4.asp">reports</a>
- that a new B5 movie, as well as "Crusade" reruns, may be on the
- way from the Sci-Fi Channel. (Scroll down to the third item in the
- article.)
- <p>
- <dt>December 15, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: JMS has
- <a href="/lurk/misc/widescreen.html">commented</a>
- on the problems with the Sci-Fi Channel's widescreen broadcasts.
- <p>
- <dt>November 30, 2000
- <dd>
- Netter Digital Entertainment's equipment (used in B5's production)
- will be
- <a href="http://www.rabin.com/Site/ProdCat.nsf/896ff8b3473ef6018525662c004c0eab/b75dbd7e0c3a0a588825699000710dca?OpenDocument">auctioned</a>
- on December 7.
- <p>
- <dt>November 6, 2000
- <dd>
- The
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0345427203/thelurkersguidet">third book</a>
- in the Centauri trilogy is out.
- <P>
- Updated the
- <a href="/lurk/countries/us/eplist.html">US schedule page</a>
- with Sci-Fi's planned broadcasts of the five B5 movies.
- <p>
- <dt>October 2, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: Sierra is offering fans
- <a href="http://www.sierra.com/b5/">free promotional merchandise</a>
- produced for the cancelled B5 game.
- <p>
- <dt>September 30, 2000
- <dd>
- A new page describing
- <a href="/lurk/misc/jms.html">JMS's current projects</a>
- has been added.
- <p>
- <dt>September 15, 2000
- <dd>
- Reminder: The
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/">Sci-Fi Channel</a>'s
- widescreen broadcast of B5 begins September 25. There are reliable
- reports that the B5 episode of "Sciography," originally scheduled to
- air just before B5's premiere, has been delayed.
- <p>
- <dt>August 17, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: JMS's "Rising Stars" comic
- <a href="http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20000816/en/film-rising_1.html">may be coming to a theater near you.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>August 12, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: The rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated newsgroup should be
- back online by the end of next week, according to its moderator.
- <p>
- <dt>August 6, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: A new novel by JMS, "Tribulations," is available for free
- online reading at
- <a href="http://www.bookface.com/">Bookface</a>.
- Also at Bookface is an unproduced "Crusade" script by Fiona Avery,
- featuring the return of a B5 character.
- <p>
- <dt>July 27, 2000
- <dd>
- New on the
- <a href="/lurk/resources/cons.html">Conventions</a>
- page: Details about the "Crusade for a Cure" convention in September.
- <p>
- <dt>July 11, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- <a href="http://www.the11thhour.com/">The 11th Hour</a>
- has an
- <a href="http://www.the11thhour.com/archives/072000/features/jerrydoyle1.html">interview</a>
- with Jerry Doyle, in which a possible followup series to B5 is
- discussed briefly.
- <P>
- Newsflash: Sci-Fi Channel's run of B5
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-sfc.html?2000-07/12/10.00.sfc">will be
- shown in letterboxed format.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>July 7, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: JMS will be chatting live on
- <a href="http://www.yahoo.com/">Yahoo</a>
- on July 10 at 7PM Eastern (4PM Pacific).
- <p>
- <dt>June 13, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: The producers of Sci-Fi Channel's "Sciography" are looking
- for B5 material: behind-the-scenes photos and video and particularly
- video of the Wolf 359 conventions. They'd also like to interview some
- ardent B5 fans in the Southern California area. If you can help,
- send mail to
- <a href="mailto:jwwolterman@hotmail.com">jwwolterman@hotmail.com</a>.
- <p>
- <dt>June 6, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: The teleplays for two unproduced "Crusade" episodes, as
- well as an original JMS short story, are available from
- <a href="http://www.bookface.com/">Bookface</a>.
- <p>
- <dt>May 21, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: Season 5 starts in
- <a href="/lurk/countries/se/eplist.html">Sweden</a>
- on May 28.
- <p>
- <dt>May 19, 2000
- <dd>
- Correction:
- <a href="http://tnt.turner.com/">TNT</a>
- will be reshowing all five seasons.
- The first three episodes of season one will be shown in a
- three-hour block at 6AM on May 20. After that, episodes will air
- <b>Monday-Saturday</b> at 6AM starting May 22.
- <p>
- <dt>May 16, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash:
- The Sci-Fi channel is looking for B5-related material for a new
- documentary series.
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2000-05/16/12.18.sfc">Details.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>April 4, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: The US
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/">Sci-Fi Channel</a>
- will show all five seasons of B5, plus the movies, starting in September.
- <a href="http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2000-04/04/13.00.sfc">Details.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>March 3, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: Stephen Furst is slated to provide one of the voices in the
- upcoming "Buzz Lightyear" cartoon.
- <a href="http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20000303/en/television-lightyear_1.html">Full story.</a>
- <p>
- <dt>January 20, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: Daniel Dae Kim (Lt. Matheson) guest stars on this week's "Star Trek: Voyager."
- <p>
- <dt>January 1, 2000
- <dd>
- Newsflash: JMS will be appearing on
- <a href="http://www.cbs.com/now/story/0,1597,142059-311,00.shtml">CBS News Sunday Morning</a>
- on January 2. Check your local listings for times.
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