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- <title>Babylon 5 Universe: Main Characters (season four)</title>
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- <p>
- <a href="cast-1.html">Season 1: "Signs and Portents"</a><br>
- <a href="cast-2.html">Season 2: "The Coming of Shadows"</a><br>
- <a href="cast-3.html">Season 3: "Point of No Return"</a><br>
- <strong>Season 4: "No Surrender, No Retreat"</strong>
- <pre>
- </pre>
- <p>
- Despite its fantastic setting, <cite>Babylon 5</cite> is at its core a story
- about people, about the choices they make and the consequences of those
- choices. <cite>Babylon 5</cite>'s characters are as interesting and varied
- as the situations they encounter.
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <img align="middle" src="/lurk/gif/chars/sheridan4.gif" width=80 height=100>
- Captain John Sheridan
- -
- <a href="/lurk/making/cast.html#boxleitner">Bruce Boxleitner</a>
- <dd>
- The commander of Babylon 5 and, with Delenn, leader of the Army of Light.
- Formerly an officer of the Earth Alliance military until Babylon 5's secession,
- Sheridan was a hero of the Earth-Minbari War. He now finds himself at the
- center of a storm that dwarfs anything in his experience.
- A visit to Z'ha'dum, the Shadow homeworld, resulted
- in his death, but he was revived by Lorien, one of the First
- Ones. His sacrifice resulted in the destruction of the Shadows'
- largest city and halted their advance. The experience lent him a heroic
- mystique in the eyes of many, a situation which doesn't entirely please him.
- <p>
- <dt>
- <img align="middle" src="/lurk/gif/chars/ivanova4.gif" width=80 height=100>
- Commander Susan Ivanova
- -
- <a href="/lurk/making/cast.html#christian">Claudia Christian</a>
- <dd>
- Second in command and in charge of the day-to-day operations of Babylon 5,
- Ivanova's responsibilities have only increased since the start of the Shadow
- War. A capable pilot and tactician, she can frequently be found in command of
- part of the White Star fleet. Ivanova's natural pessimism, bordering on
- fatalism, would be unbearable if not for her dry sense of humor. Born in
- St. Petersburg, Russia, and raised abroad on Earth, Ivanova is a latent
- telepath, "not even a P1," and spent her life hiding her talent from
- Psi Corps after their legally-mandated drug treatments drove her mother
- to suicide.
- <p>
- <dt>
- <img align="middle" src="/lurk/gif/chars/delenn4.gif" width=80 height=100>
- Delenn
- -
- <a href="/lurk/making/cast.html#furlan">Mira Furlan</a>
- <dd>
- Officially, Delenn is the Minbari Ambassador, a former member of Minbar's
- ruling body, the Grey Council. The Shadow War splintered the Council and
- her people; now she leads the Religious and Worker Castes as co-commander
- of the Army of Light. Delenn's strong sense of destiny, her conviction
- that her role in the war is a matter of fate, led her to undergo a physical
- transformation that gave her human characteristics. At first, this made her
- an outcast, but as the ancient prophecies started coming true, she found
- her people rallying around her. Delenn and Sheridan are in love, but their
- relationship is largely on hold thanks to the demands of the war.
- <p>
- <dt>
- <img align="middle" src="/lurk/gif/chars/garibaldi4.gif" width=80 height=100>
- Security Chief Michael Garibaldi
- -
- <a href="/lurk/making/cast.html#doyle">Jerry Doyle</a>
- <dd>
- Formerly in charge of security on Babylon 5. Though he has a troubled past,
- bouncing from position to position and trying to overcome alcoholism, he seems
- to have found his home on Babylon 5. Garibaldi is something of a smart-aleck,
- always ready to crack a joke, but given to bouts of self-doubt and
- introspection when nobody's looking. While Sheridan was on Z'ha'dum, Garibaldi
- was abducted by the Shadows and brought to a Psi Corps facility; he has no
- idea what was done to him there, and only vaguely remembers the abduction
- itself. Since his return he has become short-tempered and skeptical of
- Sheridan and his other compatriots.
- <p>
- <dt>
- <img align="middle" src="/lurk/gif/chars/franklin4.gif" width=80 height=100>
- Dr. Stephen Franklin
- -
- <a href="/lurk/making/cast.html#biggs">Richard Biggs</a>
- <dd>
- Dedicated and assured, a specialist in xenobiology (alien biology), and
- in charge of Medlab on Babylon 5. His background is mainly in
- experimental medicine, so his bedside manner is occasionally not what
- it should be. His strong sense of personal morality is at times in
- conflict with his duties as the chief medical provider for aliens from
- hundreds of worlds and cultures, some of whom view his obligations
- rather differently. Dr. Franklin is known to operate outside the rules
- when he feels the issue is important. He runs a free clinic in the
- Downbelow section for those who cannot afford medical care; he also
- serves on an "underground railroad" for telepaths who do not want to be
- found by the Psi Corps. In his middle thirties now, he spent years
- hitchhiking through space, offering his medical services in exchange
- for the opportunity to examine new life forms.
- <p>
- <dt>
- <img align="middle" src="/lurk/gif/chars/londo4.gif" width=80 height=100>
- Londo Mollari
- -
- <a href="/lurk/making/cast.html#jurasik">Peter Jurasik</a>
- <dd>
- The former Centauri ambassador to Babylon 5, Londo was promoted to chief of
- planetary security and became a member of the Centauri Royal Court. Londo
- was once a minor figure, a decadent nobleman from an insignificant royal
- house. But his dealings with the Shadows, dealings whose price he didn't
- understand until too late, propelled him into the corridors of power and
- are likely to make him the next Emperor. World-weary and horrified by the
- events spinning out of control around him, Londo's sarcastic sense of humor
- has been all but smothered; he finds himself walking on eggshells, choosing
- his words carefully lest they cause even more damage.
- <p>
- <dt>
- <img align="middle" src="/lurk/gif/chars/gkar4.gif" width=80 height=100>
- G'Kar
- -
- <a href="/lurk/making/cast.html#katsulas">Andreas Katsulas</a>
- <dd>
- The ambassador of the Narn Regime when there was a Narn Regime to represent,
- G'Kar is a fugitive, wanted by the Centauri Republic. Sheridan granted
- him asylum on Babylon 5, which G'Kar is using as a base of operations from
- which to organize a movement to retake his homeworld from the Centauri.
- Thanks to a Vorlon-induced revelation, G'Kar believes that his people
- must serve the role of sacrificial lambs, sacrificing themselves in the
- interest of the greater good. He is something of a spiritual leader
- among his people; his exile, now well over a year long, has given him a
- compelling serenity and sense of conviction.
- <p>
- <dt>
- <img align="middle" src="/lurk/gif/chars/kosh4.gif" width=80 height=100>
- Ambassador Kosh
- -
- animatronics
- <dd>
- Native voice
- designed by Chris Franke.<br>
- English translation: Ardwight Chamberlain.
- <p>
- The station's second Vorlon Ambassador after the first was assassinated by
- the Shadows, Kosh is a reclusive, dark personality, who seems to hold the
- other beings on the station in low esteem, if not contempt. Like all Vorlons,
- in public he wears a bulky encounter suit to hide his true form. When he
- bothers to speak with others at all, he communicates through a complex sequence
- of musical tones, translated into English by a device on his encounter suit.
- The only person on the station who knows anything about Kosh is his aide
- Lyta Alexander, whose body he occasionally inhabits when he wants to travel
- incognito.
- </dl>
- <p>
- <a href="appearances-4.html"><img
- align=middle width=100 height=24 border=0 alt="[More Info]"
- src="/lurk/nav/moreinfo.gif"></a>
- <cite>Character appearances, season four.</cite>
- <p>
- <strong>Next:</strong> <a href="supporting-4.html">Supporting Characters</a>
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- Last update:
- April 28, 1997
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