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- <title>Babylon 5 Universe: Appearences (season three)</title>
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- <p>
- <a href="appearances-1.html">Season 1: "Signs and Portents"</a><br>
- <a href="appearances-2.html">Season 2: "The Coming of Shadows"</a><br>
- <strong>Season 3: "Point of No Return"</strong><br>
- <a href="appearances-4.html">Season 4: "No Surrender, No Retreat"</a>
- <P>
- <B>Contents:</B>
- <A HREF="#main">Main Characters</A> -
- <A HREF="#recur">Recurring Characters</A>
- <hr>
- <H2 align=center><A NAME="main">Main Characters</A></H2>
- Character names are abbreviated to their character's initials.
- <PRE>
- +-----------------+-----------------------+
- Main Characters | --Human-- | --Non-Humans-- |
- |JS SI MG SF ZA MC|Delenn Londo G'Kar Kosh|
- --------------------+--+--+--+--+--+--+------+-----+-----+----+
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/045.html">Matters of Honor</A> | X X X X - X| X X X X | 9
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/046.html">Convictions</A> | X X X X X -| X X X - | 8
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/047.html">A Day in the Strife</A> | X X X X - -| X X X - | 7
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/048.html">Passing Through G...</A>| X X X X X -| X X - X | 8
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/049.html">Voices of Authority</A> | X X X - X X| X - X - | 7
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/050.html">Dust to Dust</A> | X X X X - -| X X X X | 8
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/051.html">Exogenesis</A> | X X X X - X| - - - - | 5
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/052.html">Messages from Earth</A> | X X X X X X| X - X - | 8
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/053.html">Point of No Return</A> | X X X X X -| - X X - | 7
- --------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+
- Sub-Totals | 9 9 9 8 5 4| 7 6 7 3 | AVG: 7.44
- --------------------+-----------------+-----------------------+
- |JS SI MG SF ZA MC|Delenn Londo G'Kar Kosh|
- | --Human-- | --Non-Humans-- |
- +-----------------+-----------------------|
- JS John Sheridan SI Susan Ivanova MG Michael Garibaldi
- SF Stephen Franklin ZA Zack Allen MC Marcus Cole
- </PRE>
- <H2 align=center><A NAME="recur">Recurring Characters</A></H2>
- <PRE>
- +------------------------------------------+
- Recurring Characters| Vir Lyta Bro. David |
- |Lennier Cotto Alexander Morden Theo Corwin|
- --------------------+-------+-----+---------+------+----+------+
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/045.html">Matters of Honor</A> | X - - X - - | 2
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/046.html">Convictions</A> | X - - - X - | 2
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/047.html">A Day in the Strife</A> | - X - - - X | 2
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/048.html">Passing Through G...</A>| X - X - X - | 3
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/049.html">Voices of Authority</A> | - - - X<A HREF="#fn1">*1</A> - - | 1
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/050.html">Dust to Dust</A> | X X - X<A HREF="#fn2">*2</A> - - | 3
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/051.html">Exogenesis</A> | - - - - - X | 1
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/052.html">Messages from Earth</A> | X - - - - - | 1
- <A HREF="/lurk/guide/053.html">Point of No Return</A> | - X - - - X | 2
- --------------------+-------+-----+---------+------+----+------+
- Sub-Totals | 5 3 1 3 2 3 | AVG: 1.88
- --------------------+-------+-----+---------+------+----+------+
- | Vir Lyta Bro. David |
- |Lennier Cotto Alexander Morden Theo Corwin|
- +------------------------------------------+
- </PRE>
- <FN ID="fn1"><P>*1 - Morden was heard in this episode, but was not seen and
- did not appear in the credits.</P></FN>
- <FN ID="fn2"><P>*2 - Morden was seen in this episode from "Chrysalis", but
- did not appear in the credits.</P></FN>
- <P>Many thanks to...</P>
- <DL>
- <DT>For creating Babylon 5:
- <DD><A HREF="http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/making/creators.html#jms">J. Michael
- Straczynski</A> (straczynski@genie.geis.com)
- <DT>For creating the Lurker's Guide:
- <DD><A HREF="http://www.midwinter.com/~koreth/">Steven Grimm</A>
- (koreth@midwinter.com)
- </DL>
- This list is Copyleft 1994--1996, <A
- HREF=http://rhf.bradley.edu/~davidh/>David Henderson</A> and the <A
- HREF=http://rhf.bradley.edu/~davidh/haveaniceday.html>Have a Nice Day
- Co.</A> Many rights reserved.<P>
- Because not every character is in every episode, this chart was devised
- to show who was in which shows.<P>
- This list will be posted to <A
- HREF="news:rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.info">rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.info</A>
- every so often, being updated on www.midwinter.com at about the same
- time. I will try to keep it updated as much as possible. This
- document was last updated March 15, 1996, and contains all information
- up to "Point of No Return." The next scheduled update will be in April
- or May, 1996.<P>
- Corrections to this list may be sent to <A
- HREF="mailto:davidh@cegt201.bradley.edu">davidh@cegt201.bradley.edu</A>,
- but please do not send information for upcoming episodes, as I do not
- get a chance to see the episodes until Sunday night.
- <pre>
- </pre>
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- Last update:
- March 19, 1996
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