The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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17 years ago
  1. <h3>Synopsis by Arturo Magidin (</h3>
  2. <p>
  3. G'Kar arrives back on Babylon 5 and is greeted by Capt. Lochley before
  4. he goes through customs. She tells him that that "a few" people are
  5. waiting for him. G'Kar is relieved to know the cult that has been
  6. growing around him has cooled down. Lochley laughs to herself as she
  7. escorts him out, where he finds many Narn blocking his way, holding
  8. signs, little statuettes of him, and photographs. They start chanting
  9. his name when they see him. As he starts to speak, they fall silently
  10. to one knee, awaiting his wisdom.
  11. <P>
  12. In his quarters, Garibaldi is nursing a drink. A call from Franklin
  13. comes in. Garibaldi is late for a meeting of the Advisory Board. He
  14. thought it was scheduled for four, but it is really about to
  15. start. Garibaldi rushes in to find everyone there. He starts giving
  16. his report, hesitant, confusing 'minbari' with 'centauri' and
  17. acting flustered. He is interrupted by Sheridan: "Mr. Garibaldi, you are
  18. drunk." He dismisses everyone except Garibaldi, and goes to talk
  19. to Delenn outside.
  20. <P>
  21. Delenn calms him down. Sheridan comes back in, and asks Garibaldi when
  22. he started drinking again. A couple of months ago, says
  23. Garibaldi. Sheridan suspected as much, but didn't know for sure until
  24. now. He isn't angry anymore, after talking to Delenn, but he is
  25. disappointed. Not on Garibaldi for failing, but on himself for failing
  26. to notice that something was amiss, and because Garibaldi didn't trust
  27. him enough to come for help. He doesn't want to fire Garibaldi, but
  28. cannot let his behavior go either. He suspends Garibaldi until the
  29. latter works out his problems. "That could take a very long time,"
  30. says Garibaldi. "It will take what it takes," Sheridan replies. When
  31. he works it out, Sheridan and the rest will be there for him.
  32. <P>
  33. Franklin makes his way to G'Kar's quarters, weaving his way through
  34. many Narn holding statuettes of G'Kar. Once inside, G'Kar explains
  35. that more and more of his people arrive every hour. Franklin explains
  36. that he is there with a message from the Kha'ri, who have been trying
  37. to contact G'Kar. Narn is up in arms. Half the Kha'ri wants G'Kar to
  38. come back and take charge. But G'Kar turned down leadership before (<a
  39. href="../guide/071.html">"The Long Night"</a>), and will not take
  40. it now. That brings Franklin to what the other half wants: they want
  41. him to go back long enough to give them his blessings and let them
  42. rule in his name.
  43. <P>
  44. G'Kar's popularity has grown. Many believe it was his presence on
  45. Centauri Prime that allowed them to attack without retribution, and
  46. they consider his survival another miracle. "And," Franklin continues,
  47. "you don't want power. And people love giving power to those they
  48. believe don't want it."
  49. <P>
  50. According to Lochley, more ships arrive by the hour, full of pilgrims
  51. intent on learning from G'Kar. If he stays they will flood the
  52. station. "And if I go home," he adds, "they will make me
  53. into... <i>this!</i>" he says pointing disgustedly at a statuette of
  54. himself. He has little to no options.
  55. <P>
  56. Zack arrives in Lochley's office. A transmission from Earth Security
  57. HQ is standing by: dozens of terrorist attacks on Psi Corps property
  58. have been perpetrated over the last month. At each scene, the legend
  59. "Remember Byron" (<a href="../guide/099.html">"Phoenix Rising"</a>)
  60. has been found spraypainted on the walls. And they have tracked the
  61. money used to buy the equipment used by the terrorists, who are
  62. described as extremely well-armed amateurs, to Babylon 5;
  63. specifically, to Lyta Alexander. Lochley and Zack are ordered to
  64. detain Lyta for questioning, arrest her if necessary, and ship her to
  65. Earth.
  66. <P>
  67. Lochley stops by to talk to Garibaldi and check on him. She offers to
  68. help, claiming she understands. Garibaldi is angry and lashes out at
  69. her, disbelieving her claim of understanding. Lochley expands: her
  70. father was an alcoholic, angry at himself for giving up painting in
  71. order to join the military as was expected of him. Garibaldi is still
  72. angry, and when he fails to kick her out of his quarters, he storms
  73. out himself. But Lochley won't leave him until he is done. She follows
  74. him into a lift and stops it, to finish her story. She tells him how
  75. she herself become a drug and alcohol addict (<a
  76. href="../guide/096.html">"Day of the Dead"</a>), ran away, and
  77. became that which she hated most, until someone close to her
  78. died. After that, she tried to get better, but every day is a
  79. struggle. "Maybe that's why we didn't get along from day one," she
  80. says. "Maybe we recognized too much of ourselves in the other person."
  81. <P>
  82. Shortly thereafter, Zack and Lochley are ready to take Lyta, who is in
  83. the Zocalo negotiating with someone, apparently unworried. A full
  84. squad approaches, and she is told she doesn't have a choice but to
  85. come with them. She replies, "Are you sure about that?" and starts
  86. tapping at the table. All the customers around her also start tapping,
  87. the same rhythm as she taps.
  88. <P>
  89. "I'm tired of being pushed around, Captain," Lyta says. "I do not
  90. choose to be arrested." Patrons start converging on Lochley's squad. "Lyta,
  91. don't force us to..." starts the Captain. "To what?" Lyta interrupts. Now
  92. even the security squad is frozen in place. "You cannot harm me," Lyta
  93. says. "You cannot stop one who has been touched by Vorlons."
  94. <P>
  95. But then a PPG warms up, and is put to her temple. It's Sheridan: "You
  96. are not the only one that's been touched by the Vorlons. Let them
  97. go. Let them go or I will blow the back of your skull off!" Lyta
  98. releases everyone, and is handcuffed. "You can't be everywhere,
  99. Mr. President," Lyta says defiantly. "Good point," says Lochley, and
  100. slugs Lyta, knocking her unconscious. Lyta is dragged to level one
  101. lockup.
  102. <P>
  103. Later, Garibaldi finds Lochley. He's been trying to find her to
  104. apologize for his earlier behavior, and has found out about
  105. Lyta. Lochley has something to show him, though: Lise Hampton arriving
  106. on Babylon 5. Lochley sent a message in his name, asking for her
  107. help, so Lise came. Garibaldi and Lise embrace, and Lochley leaves.
  108. <P>
  109. Franklin arrives in Sheridan's office. Sheridan is monitoring Lyta,
  110. who has been placed isolated from other humans, and with the system on
  111. full automatic. Just then, Delenn enters, swearing and pacing
  112. furiously. The Narn government will boycott all shipments to and from
  113. Babylon 5 until G'Kar returns. They believe he is staying there out of
  114. a sense of obligation, and that if he is told to go home, he will. But
  115. before she can continue, she faints.
  116. <P>
  117. Garibaldi tells Lise his full story in his quarters. Lise reminds him
  118. that he was going to leave at the end of the year anyway. Garibaldi
  119. wants to sober up, but doesn't know how long it will take; and he
  120. doesn't want to go back to her until he can get everything right, give
  121. her a normal life. But Lise suggests that he come back to Mars anyway,
  122. pointing out that nobody ever gets everything right, and that there is
  123. no such thing as a normal life. And she needs him, to help run Edgars
  124. Industries among other things. And she still wants to marry him, more
  125. than anything. Garibaldi agrees to go back, but he is suddenly struck
  126. by an idea. He gets up to leave: "I am going to kill two teeps with
  127. one stone," he says.
  128. <P>
  129. In MedLab, Franklin tells Sheridan that Delenn is now stable, but only
  130. time will tell if her system can adjust to the change and stress: she
  131. is pregnant. Sheridan is surprised, as he didn't know for sure whether
  132. or not she could get pregnant. The pregnancy is putting a lot of strain
  133. on her system, and since it is a unique situation, Franklin doesn't
  134. know if she can carry the baby to full term and survive, although he
  135. figures the odds are good. Sheridan hopes she can, but if he has to
  136. choose between the baby and his wife, he will choose Delenn.
  137. <P>
  138. In the brig, Garibaldi comes to see Lyta with a proposal. Lyta
  139. disables the monitoring equipment with a thought, and hears him
  140. out. In exchange for having her remove the neural block against
  141. harming Bester (<a href="../guide/099.html">"Phoenix
  142. Rising"</a>), he will use Edgars Industries' influence with EarthGov
  143. to have the charges against her dropped, although Lyta will probably have to
  144. leave Babylon 5. But it isn't enough of an inducement for Lyta, so she has a
  145. counter-proposal... <P>
  146. G'Kar is outside of Lochley's office, and overhears her talking with
  147. Garibaldi. Garibaldi blames the mess with Lyta and her telepaths on
  148. the Narns paying Lyta for telepath DNA (<a
  149. href=../guide/103.html">"Darkness Ascending"</a>). But as Lochley
  150. points out, even if this is so they can't do anything about it: Narn
  151. internal affairs are outside of Alliance jurisdiction. Garibaldi says
  152. that Lyta has agreed to transfer all the money from the secret account
  153. she has it in now, to a fund to be used to help telepaths, no more
  154. terrorism. The accounts will be kept, and books made available for
  155. review by anyone at any time. Garibaldi will pick an administrator for
  156. the fund, and will use Edgars Industries to have a Senator (who
  157. receives substantial campaign contributions from the company)
  158. intercede on Lyta's behalf and have the charges dropped.
  159. <P>
  160. But Lochley doesn't want Lyta free to wander around the station; she
  161. considers her too powerful, too dangerous, and unstable. G'Kar
  162. interrupts then, coming in, and offers a solution: he will not return
  163. to Narn, since then they will turn him into what they expect of
  164. him. And he cannot stay. Both he and Lyta are in the same
  165. position: unable to go home, unable to stay. So G'Kar intends to go
  166. "out there," visit places all around the Galaxy in a quest to learn
  167. and understand more, that his knowledge may one day help his
  168. people. He will return when he can find a way to destroy the icon he
  169. has become, without having to destroy his message as well. And he
  170. could use a traveling companion: Lyta.
  171. <P>
  172. "I have learned a great deal about healing wounds and curing anger,"
  173. G'Kar explains. "Perhaps, in my own way, I can help her deal with her
  174. own anger, as I dealt with mine." He will leave as soon as his affairs
  175. are in order, perhaps never to return, whether Lyta goes with him or
  176. not.
  177. <P>
  178. Back in his quarters, Garibaldi tells Lise that Lochley agreed to the
  179. proposal. He then points out that everyone is either leaving, or has
  180. left already: Londo to Centauri Prime, Lyta and G'Kar will leave
  181. together. Franklin will go to Earth at the end of the year, and
  182. Sheridan and Delenn will go to Minbar when the headquarters for the
  183. Alliance are finished. And Garibaldi will leave soon as well. It isn't
  184. going to be the same place again. But Lise is happy that Garibaldi
  185. has taken the first step in getting his life back together. "You made a
  186. good deal," she tells him, and goes off to bed.
  187. <P>
  188. "I made a good deal," repeats Garibaldi to himself, as he recalls the
  189. details of the arrangement:
  190. <P>
  191. Lyta realizes she doesn't have the background to keep the money secret,
  192. but Garibaldi does. He can use Edgars Industries as cover, to
  193. launder the money, and for contacts and resources to do the work
  194. secretly. She wants two accounts: the public one Garibaldi told
  195. Lochley about, and a secret one to continue the attacks on the Psi
  196. Corps. The latter will have most of the money, and Garibaldi is to use
  197. it to hurt the Corps and help telepaths. "You can't hurt Bester
  198. directly because of the block," Lyta adds. "But you can help me bring
  199. down everything he cares about." He can help destroy the Psi
  200. Corps. But she will not remove the neural block, not yet
  201. anyway. That's her bargaining chip. She will check back in two years,
  202. and if Garibaldi has created a force she can use, she'll remove the
  203. block. Not before. "Then you can deal with Bester," she says, "and
  204. I'll deal with the Corps."
  205. <P>
  206. "Aren't you taking an awful chance?" Garibaldi asks. "I could just
  207. take the money and run." "I don't believe you would do that," answers
  208. Lyta. "If I thought otherwise, I would kill you where you stand."
  209. Garibaldi has one more demand, however. He wants to know what's going
  210. on with her, what the Vorlons did. The way she figures it, the Vorlons
  211. created her as a superweapon, a telepathic equivalent of a
  212. thermonuclear bomb, a doomsday device, to use against the Shadows when
  213. all other weapons failed or ran out. A very serious prospect.
  214. <P>
  215. In her quarters, Sheridan and Delenn are in bed. But Sheridan can't
  216. help staring at her. "One would think," she jokes, "that you've never
  217. seen a pregnant half-human, half-Minbari before." They laugh, and
  218. Sheridan asks her why she wasn't sleeping either. She says she misses
  219. Londo; they haven't heard from him since they left Centauri
  220. Prime. Sheridan blames it on Londo's ascension to the throne, pointing
  221. out that it will require a big adjustment on Londo's part.
  222. <P>
  223. "Hell, he's probably still celebrating his coronation," Sheridan
  224. adds. "Partying all night." "I hope so," answers Delenn.
  225. <P>
  226. In the Centauri Royal Palace, Londo sits on the imperial throne, alone
  227. and in silence.