- <h3>Synopsis by Matthew Murray (mmurray@cc.wwu.edu)</h3>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/relieving.jpeg">
- Sheridan is in his office when Ivanova arrives. He tells her that he
- has been looking over his records and isn't sure how they will survive when
- they begin running out of supplies, since even the black market is
- unreliable. Ivanova tells him she will take care of the situation
- for him, then says she is relieving him of command, since
- he has taken no personal time in the previous nine months. He attempts
- to argue with her, but she won't hear it, nor will she hear his
- attempts at retaining command. Resigned, he leaves her alone with her
- work.
- <p>
- Franklin and Marcus, on the transport to Mars, are trying to pass the
- time by playing I Spy which, since there are very few things of note in
- the cargo hold, isn't going very well. Marcus disappears and reappears
- a few moments later, carrying a man in a neck-lock. "It would appear
- we have a spy on our hands, Stephen."
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/spy.jpeg">
- Franklin wants to know where the man came from, and he tells him and
- Marcus that he got in through an access panel, which Marcus knew to
- locked. The man says the Captain of the ship is his brother, and that
- he helped him get through. Franklin wants to know why the Captain
- didn't tell them, but the man says the Captain must have forgotten-- he
- gets forgotten a lot. When Marcus releases him, the man introduces
- himself as John Demeter, commonly called Captain Jack. Marcus and
- Franklin won't tell him who they are, but tell him that if he goes too
- far into their section of the cargo bay, he'll pay the price. Captain
- Jack says he won't push himself on them, and says that he was going to
- offer to share his dinner with them, but Marcus won't have it-- they
- have their own dinner: meal bars. Captain Jack, however, has something
- much more appetizing: Insta-Eats. Franklin is attracted to the smell
- of meat and potatoes coming from the small packet, but Marcus keeps him
- from partaking, reminding him that they are to speak with no one other
- than their contact.
- <p>
- Sheridan is in his office/quarters trying to enjoy his vacation, but
- finds it difficult since every channel and station coming onto Babylon
- 5 has been blocked due to jamming, except ISN. Sheridan reluctantly
- listens to it, only to find a replay of Garibaldi's interview with Dan
- Randall. After rewatching it, Sheridan turns it off.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/garibaldi1.jpeg">
- Sheridan approahces Garibaldi in Downbelow, and tries to talk to him
- about the interview. Garibaldi no longer works for Sheridan, though,
- so he isn't willing to talk-- he thinks Sheridan is upset because he's
- challenging the Captain's authority. Sheridan considers it undermining
- instead, but Garibaldi insists he is entitled to his opinion, and
- thought free speech was something Sheridan was fighting for. Sheridan
- wants to know where Garibaldi's anger is coming from-- he thought they were
- friends, but Garibaldi tells him, "Yeah, well, maybe we both
- thought wrong." Sheridan doesn't want Garibaldi to give Clark's
- propaganda weight, and tells Garibaldi he's hurting the station and the
- cause when he speaks out. Garibaldi starts to leave to meet with a
- client, and tells Sheridan to go back to playing God. Sheridan follows
- and reminds Garibaldi that his former job gives him credibility, which he is
- using to undermine Sheridan's effort, and that, if Garibaldi doesn't stop,
- he will make things very difficult for Garibaldi. Sheridan tells
- Garibaldi to make a legitimate complaint if he has one, but, if it's a
- personal attack, to stop. Garibaldi says he didn't make it
- personal-- it was Sheridan who did so, as the focal point of a cult of
- personality. The people are following Sheridan, not the cause.
- Garibaldi feels Sheridan is starting to buy into his own publicity, and
- Garibaldi says it's time someone started poking holes in that.
- Sheridan tells Garibaldi that he doesn't want Garibaldi misusing his
- authority, and hurting everyone else just to get at him. He storms
- away, leaving Garibaldi behind. Among the many people in Downbelow who
- witnessed this heated exchange, there is one particular group of three
- men, near the back of the crowd, who seem particularly interested.
- <p>
- Franklin and Marcus are eating their meal bars, while Captain Jack
- continues to enjoy his own fine cuisine, which Franklin is not too
- happy about. Marcus reminds him that they aren't supposed to talk with
- anyone until they hear their contact's passphrase, which Captain Jack
- begins speaking to himself. Captain Jack explains that he wanted to
- check them out first, and then offers them some of his food. He hands
- Marcus and Franklin their new identicards, and explains that, since
- they get very few passengers, their access to the transit bureau is
- limited to what they could steal--in this case, Jim Fennermen and
- Daniel Lane, on their way to Mars--for their honeymoon. Neither Marcus
- nor Franklin is thrilled by this, but they resolve to make the best of
- it as the transport approaches Mars.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/wade.jpeg">
- Garibaldi is approached in the corridor by the three men who watched
- his exchange in Downblow. One of them, the older of the three, tells
- him they wanted to talk to him about his "former friend, Captain
- Sheridan." The man explains that there are other people who share
- Garibaldi's feelings about Sheridan, who aren't thrilled with Sheridan
- turning against Earth. The man says he wanted to see what else they
- had in common. He explains that he has extensive information on
- Garibaldi, and wants to know if his objections are only half-hearted.
- Garibaldi tells him he can wonder whatever he wants, and begins to walk
- away, but the man stops him, saying that someone can become a threat to
- a cause he believes in when other things, his ego or sense of destiny,
- for instance, get in the way. If this applies to Sheridan, he asks
- Garibaldi if he would feel obligated to intervene. Garibaldi says he
- won't sell Sheridan out, but the man asks if Garibaldi really can just
- stand by and watch the cause die, if he could have done something to
- stop it. Without answering, Garibaldi walks away.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/jack.jpeg">
- While riding in a transport tube, Captain Jack explains that they
- have been hearing some interesting stories about Babylon 5 on Mars
- recently--such as the Babylon 5 crew using aliens to take everything
- over, or that they had written off Mars entirely. Marcus assures him
- that Captain Sheridan hadn't had time to deal with it while dealing
- with the Shadow War--something Captain Jack knew nothing about. They
- don't get much information on Mars, he explains, but Marcus is not
- thrilled about having fought in a war about which the very people they
- wanted to help knew nothing. Captain Jack doesn't even know who won
- the war. Marcus jokes that the worst part of it all is being married to
- Franklin, are married, and though Franklin objects, he is subjected to several
- more well-spirited jabs as the transport tube pulls into the station.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/smugglers.jpeg">
- Ivanova is in Sheridan's office, talking to four smugglers, each of
- whom had, at one time or another, been caught on Babylon 5. She says
- they were doing their job, and that, with the new conflict with Earth,
- they hardly seen any of them anymore. One of the smugglers explains
- it's becuase the penalties have become so much stiffer now--they are in
- serious trouble with the EarthAlliance, and no one is buying new
- weapons. Ivanova informs them that, in such a case, they should start
- thinking about the future. She wants them to help bring in needed
- supplies--food, medicines, spare parts--to Babylon 5. The smugglers
- protest--there is no profit in bringing in those things. Ivanova tells
- them, that, as long as they work for Babylon 5, they will get all
- the equipment, repairs, and service they require to stay in
- operation, but, if they don't, they might fall victim to unfortunate
- accidents. They will all still make a profit, but, beyond that,
- Babylon 5 will be willing to overlook their crimes against EarthGov,
- since everyone is entitled to a fresh start. She asks them, with all
- they'll gain, what more they could ask for. One of them, as he leaves,
- asks her, "You seeing anybody, Ivanova?"
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/captured.jpeg">
- Franklin, Marcus, and Captain Jack are making their ways through some
- underground tunnels, to find the leaders of the Resistance. After a
- short walk, they get where they are going, but find a welcome they
- didn't expect--three armed men with weapons aimed right at them. The
- leader tells tell them get up against the wall, but Franklin wants to
- know what's going on--he thought they were expected. The leader
- explains that they're expecting lots of people. He thanks Captain Jack
- for bringing Franklin and Marcus to them. One of the men searches
- Marcus and finds his Minbari pike. Marcus tries to explain that he's a
- Ranger, which doesn't mean anything to the leader. The three men with
- guns and Captain Jack lead Franklin and Marcus away. Franklin demands
- to talk to someone in charge, and the leader says he's Number 2.
- Marcus asks to speak to Number One, but the leader tells them they have
- word that a hit squad was coming into kill the leader of the Mars
- Resistance, from one of the outer sectors, and he has no reason to
- believe Franklin and Marcus aren't that hit squad. The leader says he
- only trusts the people he knows, and since he doesn't know Marcus and
- Franklin, and they weren't specifically cleared through by Babylon 5,
- he wants to test them first. He wants their identicards so they can
- check Marcus and Franklin's story. If they are who they say they are,
- they will talk. If not, they will be leaving "feet first." Marcus and
- Franklin surrender their identicards, which Number Two takes. Captain
- Jack asks to pay his regards to Number One, but Number Two wants him to
- stay behind to comfort them, and to take blood samples so they can
- match it against their DNA samples. Captain Jack and the two gunmen
- stand behind to watch over Franklin and Marcus.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/garden.jpeg">
- Delenn enters the garden to find Sheridan there, obviously distracted.
- He explains that he's mad at himself over the way his talk with
- Garibaldi turned out. He says Garibaldi is like a complete stranger,
- and that he feels like he's better at fighting wars than
- relationships. Sheridan says he wishes he could find a way to turn
- things around, but Delenn explains that Garibaldi has to find his own
- way, as does Sheridan--their paths may simply not cross anymore. "It
- is the way of things." Sheridan tells her it doesn't make it any
- easier, but he asks her what she wanted. Delenn tells him that Ivanova
- told her that he had some time off, and she begins to tell him of
- another ritual they must perform in their relationship. He tells her
- he's almost "ritualed out" and asks how many more there are. She says
- there are as many as 50 more, and explains that this one--the
- shan'fall--is about preparation and mutal understanding. She tells him
- that they will spend the night together, discovering each other's
- centers of pleasure, though it is done respectfully, with prayer and
- meditation, since they should know all about each other if they are to
- continue with their relationship. She tells him to meet her in her
- quarters, and leaves. Sheridan is obviously quite taken with the
- idea.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=160 height=120 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/marcus-gun.jpeg">
- As Marcus and Franklin wait for word from Number Two, Captain Jack
- tries to apologize to Franklin for what happened, but Franklin isn't
- interested in listening. Cpatain Jack pulls a picture out of his
- pocket and shows it to Franklin--it's his daughter, who just turned
- eighteen. He hasn't talked to her in a while, but thinks about her all
- the time, and is doing what he's doing to help her. Franklin notices
- her address on the back, which Captain Jack claims he wrote down so he
- couldn't forget it. Marcus asks Captain Jack if he's ever met Number
- One, and Captain Jack says he's met her many times, and that they're
- very close--Captain Jack says he wanted to bring her back something,
- but couldn't find anything. They are interrupted by Number Two who has
- done his check--and the numbers and DNA don't match. He wants to know
- where their contacts are, and then threatens to kill them both. He is
- stopped, though, by a woman who comes in from the corridor, telling
- Number Two to wait a little longer. She explains she wanted to see
- them for herself, and she wants to know what they're up to. Franklin
- and Marcus notice something on Captain Jack's back, and fight away
- their guards as Captain Jack attempts to fire on the woman, Number
- One. Franklin tackles her to the ground, moving her out of the line of
- fire just as Captain Jack fires. Marcus fires himself, and hits the
- creature on Captain Jack's back. The dead creature is still there, but
- Captain Jack is nowhere to be found.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/tendrils.jpeg">
- As Franklin studies the creature, Number Two comes in, explaining that
- he found their real identicards--Captain Jack must have replaced them
- with the fake ones. Franklin might have an explanation--Captain Jack
- might not have had a choice. The creature was controlling Captain Jack
- by overriding neural impulses. It was controlling him the whole time,
- but Franklin realizes that Captain Jack had been giving him hints, such
- as the photograph with his daughter's address, so that they knew where
- to find her if he didn't survive. One of the scouts comes back--they
- didn't find Captain Jack, but they did find out he broke into a weapons
- case and stole a thermal grenade.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/numberone.jpeg">
- In the transport tube, Captain Jack's communicator beeps. He answers
- it, and Number One tells him that what happened wasn't his fault. She
- wants him to come back, but he won't do it. He tells her they found
- him in the middle of the night and attached that thing to him. He
- tried to warn them, but the creature wouldn't let him. She tells him
- that they killed it, but Jack knows you can't kill it all--it always
- grows back. Number One tries to convince him not to do anything
- stupid. Captain Jack tells her he always wondered whether or not the
- transport tubes on Mars could withstand anything, and just as the
- creature begins to regrow, Captain Jack pushes a button on the grenade,
- and the transport car explodes, taking Captain Jack with it, not
- destroying the tube in the process.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/pope.jpeg">
- Garibaldi is just finishing up with a client when Sheridan returns.
- Sheridan says he wants to apologize for what happened, and asks if they
- could try again. As he is speaking, though, a Brakiri woman comes up to
- him and recognizes him as the one who went to Z'ha'dum, died, and
- returned with the knowledge of good and evil. Sheridan tries to stop
- her, but she insists on a blessing, which Sheridan doesn't want to
- provide. Garibaldi grabs her away from him. "Come on! He's not the
- Pope! He doesn't look anything like her," Garibaldi tells her.
- Sheridan asks Garibaldi to leave her alone, and Garibaldi asks Sheridan
- if it's because he likes what she's saying. Sheridan insists it's
- because Garibaldi is hurting her, but Garibaldi won't let go. Sheridan
- forces Garibaldi to let go of her, but for his attempt receives a punch
- directly to the jaw, courtesy of Garibaldi. Security comes to the
- rescue, but Sheridan won't let them do anything. He tells Garibaldi
- that, because of all they've been through, he gets one punch for free,
- but, should Garibaldi try it again, Sheridan will fight back. Sheridan
- turns and walks away, as does Garibaldi soon after.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/ritual.jpeg">
- Sheridan goes to Delenn's quarters, still rubbing his jaw, and rings
- the bell. Delenn lets him in, but when he enters, he is surprised to
- find Delenn isn't alone--Lennier and several other religious caste
- Minbari are there with him. She explains that they are there for the
- ritual--they will pray and meditate, but wait outside her bedroom, to
- make sure that things don't go too far. Sheridan whispers to her that
- he can't do it, but she tells him that it is important to her that he
- do it properly. The engagement means a lot to him, and the Minbari
- ceremonies mean a lot to her. Delenn leads Sheridan into her bedroom
- and closes the door.
- <p>
- Sheridan, apparently just after having woken up, enters an elevator to
- find Lennier there. Sheridan doesn't say anything, but he doesn't need
- to. Lennier, apparently somewhat distrought, turns to him and has only
- one thing to say. "Whoo-hoo?"
- <p>
- Number One tells Franklin and Marcus that the other leaders of the
- Resistance are on their way, but it will take a couple of days. Marcus
- isn't too happy about this, but Number One is willing to put them up in
- a hotel where she has some control. She asks them to go out to dinner
- with her, but Marcus declines, allowing Franklin to go alone with her.
- Before they leave, Marcus asks her where they are staying. She tells
- him it's the Red Planet Hotel, and mentions that, for some reason, they
- were given the honeymoon suite. "Right. Fine," Marcus says as they
- leave. "I'll remind you of this when we decide on custody of the
- children."
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- <img align=right width=128 height=96 alt="" src="/lurk/gif/076/in.jpeg">
- Garibaldi is sitting alone when he is approached by Wade and his
- cohorts. Wade tells Garibaldi that he heard about the fight with
- Sheridan. "I, uh... I think he's lost it," Garibaldi tells them.
- "He's starting to believe the things everybody's been saying about him,
- and buying into this hero worship stuff. It's become about him. Not
- what we've been saying, not what we've been fighting for. And if he
- could see straight, he'd agree with me, but uh... In the end... We're
- going to lose everything we've been working for because of one man."
- <p>
- "That's what happens," Wade tells him. "That's exactly what happens
- when one man begins to matter more than the cause. Are you with us?"
- <p>
- "I won't hurt him," Garibaldi insists.
- <p>
- "No one's asking you to," Wade says. "You give him to us when we tell
- you to. We'll see to it that he gets the help that he needs. Are you
- with us?"
- <p>
- Garibaldi does have to think for a moment, but does come to a
- decision. "I'm with you."