- <h3>Synopsis by Matthew Murray (i9717029@unicorn.it.wsu.edu)</h3>
- <p>
- Garibaldi finds Vir awaiting the arrival of Londo's three wives in
- the customs area. A female Centauri approaches the two, and
- introduces herself to Vir as Timov, one of Londo's wives. She tells
- him to take her to Londo, and they leave together. As they leave, in
- another portion of the arrivals area, Garibaldi witnesses an interchange
- between two people, who seem to be on the brink of fighting. At
- the height of the tension, one of them suddenly backs down and walks away.
- <p>
- Garibaldi reports the incident to Sheridan, saying that the man who
- didn't back away from the fight was named Stoner, and that he was
- little more than a typical freelance navigator and part-time trader.
- Sheridan asks what the problem is, but Garibaldi can't explain it,
- saying that he had a negative "gut feeling" about Stoner when he first
- saw him. Talia enters Sheridan's office, and remarks that Sheridan has
- settled nicely into his new position. Sheridan asks her to confirm
- some rumors they picked up from the PsiCorps net. Sheridan tells
- Garibaldi that they will talk about Stoner later, but Talia recognizes
- the name. They ask whether she knows him. "Only in the most unpleasant
- sense," she says. "I was married to him."
- <p>
- While Londo is in a bar celebrating with a large number of his friends,
- Vir tells Timov, waiting in Londo's quarters, that Londo will be there
- soon. Timov asks Vir what Londo is hiding, and why she had been called
- there. She asks Vir what Londo said about her to him when another of
- Londo's wives, Daggair, enters. Vir apologizes to Daggair for
- missing her arrival. Timov tells Vir that, if he knew Daggair as well
- as she did, he wouldn't miss her. The two of them continue
- squabbling.
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=128 height=96
- src="/lurk/gif/029/waiting.gif"> Waiting for Londo.
- <p>
- Talia, at the Earth History Exhibition, examining some artifacts from
- Earth, is approached by Sheridan. He asks her why she was in such a
- hurry; she didn't say much before she left his office. She tells him
- that she wasn't in the mood to talk.
- Sheridan asks if she is now. She tells him that, as the
- station commander, it isn't his concern. He agrees with this, but says
- that he considers her a friend, or at least an ally, and will be there to
- talk if she so chooses.
- <p>
- Ivanova rings the bell at Delenn's quarters, and the chime is answered
- by the frustrated voice of Delenn from inside. She asks if Ivanova is
- alone, and admits her. Ivanova is surprised to see Delenn there,
- having considerable trouble with her hair. Delenn says that her
- transformation is supposed to be a bridging between the humans and the
- Minbari and that her transformation should be looked upon as a great
- honor, but comments that she cannot get her hair to do what she wants.
- Ivanova notices that Delenn's hair is brittle, and Delenn explains that
- she has been washing it with the same chemical compound all Minbari use
- to strip away the outermost layer of their skin once a day, to
- symbolize rebirth. Ivanova says she should try bathing instead, but
- Delenn only asks Ivanova to help. Ivanova protests, saying that she
- has duties to which she must attend, but eventually decides to assist
- Delenn. She calls to C&C telling them that she will be preoccupied for
- a while.
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=128 height=96
- src="/lurk/gif/029/hair.gif"> Bad hair day.
- <p>
- Talia tells Sheridan that, during a telepath's first year in the
- PsiCorps academy, they are assigned an advanced trainee to assist them,
- and that Matthew Stoner was hers. She liked him, and he helped her
- learn the difficult tasks that telepaths must perform. But, the
- PsiCorps learned that Talia and Stoner were genetically compatible and
- could produce children with equally good or better telepathic skills
- than their parents'. They were soon married, though only for a short
- time -- the marriage was annulled by PsiCorps soon after Stoner left
- PsiCorps. Sheridan asks how he managed to leave, but Talia doesn't know.
- "He had connections. He had... something. No one in authority wanted to
- talk about it."
- <p>
- G'Kar and Sheridan are walking together, and G'Kar asks if Sheridan has
- settled into his duties. Sheridan asks why everyone keeps asking him that,
- and G'Kar explains that, because strange things happened to
- Sinclair, Sheridan should be on his guard. G'Kar tells Sheridan that
- bizarre happenings give him headaches, and that he has had them many
- times recently, due to the strange events of recent weeks on Babylon
- 5. Londo appears, and seems to be quite cheerful indeed. He too asks
- Sheridan if he has settled in, and asks G'Kar how he is. Londo
- says that the day is "glorious" and he leaves, after commenting on
- G'Kar's health. G'Kar walks away, rubbing his head.
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=128 height=96
- src="/lurk/gif/029/headache.gif"> "I get these <em>headaches</em>."
- <p>
- Timov and Daggair are still in Londo's quarters with Vir, quarreling
- over Londo and their relative positions in Londo's life. Londo soon
- enters and greets the two wives. Timov asks where he was, and why she
- has been summoned to Babylon 5. Londo begins to explain, but stops when he
- doesn't see his third wife. Timov asks again why they have been called
- to the station, and Londo tells her that the following day is the
- thirtieth anniversary of his ascension date. Both wives had
- forgotten, but the Emperor hadn't, and, for the occasion, granted Londo
- any wish he desired. Londo tells Timov and Daggair that he asked for a
- divorce, but that the Emperor wanted him to keep one wife, so that he
- would look good at affairs of state. He tells them that, the next day, he
- will choose the one wife he wants to keep, leaving the others without
- the wealth and privileges that they had accrued during their marriage.
- The two wives begin to fight again when Londo's third wife, Mariel,
- arrives in the quarters.
- <p>
- Stoner consults with a merchant about various objects in his
- possession. The merchant claims that most of Stoner's objects have
- little value, but one in particular, a strange Centauri carving, is
- interesting to him. Garibaldi appears and asks Stoner where he obtained
- that statuette. Though Stoner provides ample documentation to support
- his claim that he found it on an archeological dig, Garibaldi escorts
- Stoner away, to talk in private.
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=128 height=96
- src="/lurk/gif/029/vendor.gif"> Garibaldi harasses Stoner.
- <p>
- Meanwhile, Lennier arrives in Delenn's quarters to find Delenn's hair
- in curlers, with Ivanova standing nearby. The sight puzzles Lennier,
- but he tells Delenn that they were invited to the party celebrating
- Londo's anniversary. Delenn tells him to accept. As he leaves, he asks
- Delenn if the curlers hurt her, but she tells him they do not.
- Wondering about what she is doing, he leaves.
- <p>
- Garibaldi confronts Stoner in his office, asking him about his recent
- activities, wondering if, perhaps, he is running from something or
- someone. Stoner asks why Garibaldi is picking on him so much, and
- Garibaldi tells Stoner that he and Talia are friends. Stoner pretends
- that he didn't know she was there, and asks Garibaldi if she told
- Garibaldi about him. When Garibaldi says no, Stoner asks if Garibaldi
- wants to know any of Talia's most personal secrets. He persists until
- Garibaldi finally grabs him and orders him to be quiet. Stoner asks
- Garibaldi if he really wanted to talk to him, and after thinking for a
- moment, Garibaldi lets him go. Garibaldi tells Stoner that, if he
- harrasses Talia to any extent, Garibaldi will find some way to get back
- at him, and that he plans to keep an eye on Stoner. "Use both eyes,"
- Stoner says as he leaves. "You'll need them."
- <p>
- Mariel approaches Sheridan telling him that she got separated from
- Londo while touring the station. She introduces herself, and is about
- to have him kiss her hand when Londo and his wives appear. Londo takes
- Sheridan aside while the three wives continue to fight amongst
- themselves. Londo warns Sheridan that Mariel is very much attracted to
- men of power, like a moth to a flame, but it is the men, and not her, that end
- up being burned.
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=128 height=96
- src="/lurk/gif/029/group.gif"> Sheridan meets Londo's wives.
- <p>
- Talia is in the Eclipse Cafe, trying to decide what she wants to eat,
- when Stoner sits down next to her. She tries to move away, but he
- won't let her. He asks her if she has nothing to say to him, and she
- asks him why he came there. He tells her that he feels they had
- something together once, though she disagrees with that, saying that
- she doesn't want to be with him. He reminds her that she doesn't want
- to be involved in PsiCorps, but that, once you are in, you are in for
- life. She tells him that he is the one exception, and he explains to
- her that all anyone needs to do is lose their telepathic abilities. He
- tells her that anyone can do it, including her. He
- says he can arrange to have the same thing happen to her, and
- that, if she agrees, the two of them can be together. After Talia
- leaves, Garibaldi catches up to her by the elevator. He tries to
- explain to her that he talked to Stoner, but she doesn't want him to be
- involved. He claims that her safety is an important priority of his,
- but she wants him to forget about it.
- <p>
- Londo, in his quarters, answers his door when it chimes. Mariel is
- there, and she tells him that she thinks that she is the wife he should
- keep, because she loves him so much. Daggair appears and tells her
- that it is Londo's decision. Londo says that he would like all his
- wives to be present, but when Timov appears, she tells him that she
- doesn't want to be part of his "sexual olympics." He tells her that
- Daggair and Mariel were merely expressing their feelings for him, and
- Timov does the same by slapping him across the face. He tells her that
- she hasn't changed, and she says that he has -- he's devolved.
- <p>
- Garibaldi is in his quarters when Talia enters, to apologize for her
- behavior toward him earlier. He accepts her apology, and she tells him
- that she is planning to leave Babylon 5 with Stoner. Garibaldi asks
- why, and Talia explains that, while she and Matt were at the academy,
- the PsiCorps began performing experiments on telepaths to increase
- their abilities. Matt volunteered, but instead of having his powers
- enhanced, they were taken away. She tells her that he offered to do
- that for her, and she tells Garibaldi that she wants to have it done.
- Garibaldi tries to change her mind, but Talia is adamant. "I'm tired
- of being part of an organization that scares the hell out of me."
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=128 height=96
- src="/lurk/gif/029/apology.gif"> Talia apologizes.
- <p>
- As Mariel approaches the vendor Stoner was earlier negotiating
- with and purchases the strange Centauri statuette, Sheridan and Ivanova
- consult with each other about matters aboard the station. Ivanova
- tells Sheridan that Londo's party, celebrating his anniversary, is that
- evening, and that all attendees must be barefoot.
- <p>
- That evening, at a ceremony set in a large room with a large painting
- of Londo in the background, Londo goes over to G'Kar, whom Londo's
- wives notice is wearing a full uniform, including boots. They ask if
- he knows what an insult that is, and G'Kar claims that he does. Londo
- says he doesn't mind, and that "nothing is too good for my esteemed
- Narn colleague." After subtly tossing something to Mariel,
- G'Kar walks away with another headache.
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=150 height=112
- src="/lurk/gif/029/party.gif"> "Nothing's too good for my dear friend G'Kar."
- <p>
- Elsewhere in the room, Delenn, now with her long hair straightened and
- curled, approaches Garibaldi. He says that she looks nice, but she
- tells him that he looks distressed, or soul sick, as the Minbari would
- say. "You know, it's funny. I met this woman, and I took to her
- immediately. Then, I met this guy who had hurt her, and instantly, I
- hated him."
- <p>
- "We Minbari believe, as do some humans," Delenn tells him, "that souls
- travel together. Some groups of souls are drawn onto the other in
- life to relive good relationships from the past, and, if possible, to
- make right the bad ones."
- <p>
- Garibaldi's attention is drawn away by Londo's voice; he is now
- opening the presents that the guests have brought. He graciously
- accepts Lennier's gift of a deck of cards, and opens another
- gift. Mariel says it is from her, but Daggair says that, in a way, it
- is from all three of his wives. He opens it, and finds the strange
- statuette inside. He admires it for a few seconds, but two small darts
- fire from its eyes and hit Londo in the head. He falls over in pain.
- Sheridan calls for an emergency medical team.
- <p>
- While Londo is in MedLab, unconcious, Dr. Franklin tells Sheridan that,
- because they don't have any Centauri blood that matches Londo's blood
- type, and synthesizing Centauri's blood has never been successfully
- done, creating an antitoxin will be very difficult. Mariel tries to
- tell the other wives, all of whom are at Londo's side, that she didn't
- know what the statue would do. Daggair tells her to be quiet, and she
- leaves. Daggair mentions to Timov that
- Londo has not made his divorce decree yet and, if he dies, they would
- be secure for life. Timov has a difficult time believing Daggair's
- callousness, but she claims that she is only looking out for herself, as she
- has been taught through life.
- <p>
- Garibaldi interrogates Stoner, who says that he handled the artifact
- many times without incident, and that it probably wouldn't do anything
- until it was held by a Centauri. Sheridan enters, and tells Garibaldi
- and Stoner that Londo is near death. He asks Stoner if he knows
- anything about the artifact, but all Stoner can tell him is that he
- found it on an abandoned Centauri planet. Sheridan explains the colony
- had been abandoned because they were forced out by the Narns.
- Garibaldi also tells him that the Narns probably rigged up the
- statuette as a trap for the Centauri. Garibaldi tells Stoner that he
- won't let him go until he speaks with G'Kar about the statue. He also
- warns Stoner that he will find some way to convict him. Garibaldi
- and Sheridan both leave.
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=128 height=96
- src="/lurk/gif/029/interrogate.gif"> Stoner in hot water.
- <p>
- Londo is still unconcious when, much later, Timov enters MedLab and
- approaches Dr. Franklin. She tells him that she and Londo have the
- same blood type, but that she didn't tell him before, because she
- wasn't sure what she wanted to do. She tells him that, although she
- might like to see him die, she does have principles, and that she would
- prefer to win her battle against Londo in some other, more satisfying
- way. She offers her blood to Franklin, on the condition that Londo
- never learn she gave it to him. Franklin accepts this, and escorts her
- away.
- <p>
- Lou Welch, a security officer, enters Garibaldi's office, with the
- information he could find on Stoner. It all fits in with Stoner's
- story. Garibaldi tells Welch he wants to talk to Stoner again, but
- Welch tells him that Stoner is eating.
- Garibaldi asks why he is eating so soon; dinner shouldn't be served for
- another hour. "He just... asked," Welch says. "I don't know. There's
- something about this guy that just makes you want to <em>like</em> him."
- <p>
- Londo finally awakes, again surrounded by his three wives and Dr.
- Franklin. Daggair and Mariel tell Dr. Franklin that they are happy
- that Londo is back, but Timov says nothing but that she is feeling
- fatigued and wants to go to back to quarters. Mariel and Daggair both
- follow her out. Londo tells Franklin that he considers all his wives
- nightmares, and that Timov is the worst of them. Dr. Franklin asks him
- if he can make a personal observation. Londo agrees. "Stick it," Dr.
- Franklin says, before walking away.
- <p>
- Stoner tells Talia that he doesn't understand why she wouldn't want to
- leave PsiCorps. She tells him that she is a telepath, and could never
- accept having that piece of her taken away. He tries to convince
- her that he wanted them to be happy, and that he thought if he told her about
- the cure, she would go happily. She tells him that her powers are a
- part of her, and she could never give them up. Stoner claims he can
- understand, and tells Talia she's coming with him. Her
- attitude suddenly changes, and she says that she will. The two of them
- leave the room, but Stoner is assaulted by Garibaldi when they exit.
- "Thanks, Talia, for your help. I love being right."
- <p>
- G'Kar is in his quarters, talking to Mariel. "You know," he says, "the
- problem with mysteries is that in order to get rid of the headaches, I
- have to figure them out. Here, we're faced with a staggering set of
- coincidences. A Centauri artifact, an ancient booby trap, it seems,
- happens to show up on Babylon 5 just in time to be purchased as a gift
- for Londo. And rather hide or deny responsibility, the gift giver
- makes it a point of saying she gave it to him, which neatly avoids any
- accusation of malicious intent because, usually, when you're trying to
- kill someone, you hide the attack. And there, you see, my head no
- longer throbs."
- <p>
- Mariel asks him who he will tell his theory to.
- G'Kar says he won't reveal it, but that Londo will figure it out
- eventually. As she leaves, he warns her to not be overconfident -- if
- he were married to Londo, he'd be concerned right now. "G'Kar," Mariel
- says as she leaves, "if you were married to Londo, we'd <em>all</em>
- be concerned."
- <p>
- <img align=middle width=128 height=96
- src="/lurk/gif/029/rumormonger.gif"> "Do I look like a rumormonger?"
- <p>
- Sheridan confronts Stoner one last time, telling him that, although
- they thought that he and PsiCorps were no longer related, PsiCorps
- communicated with them, telling them to turn Stoner over as soon as
- possible. Stoner tells Sheridan that he left under agreeable
- circumstances, but Sheridan tells him that he doesn't believe he left
- PsiCorps' employment at all and that, instead of his telepathic
- abilities being removed, they were changed, and that Stoner became an
- empath instead, a fact Sheridan believes is substantiated by recent
- events on the station. Garibaldi suggests that he was released because
- PsiCorps knew that other telepaths would learn what happened to
- Stoner. Stoner tries to deny the allegations, but Garibaldi says he
- believes that Stoner was sent there to convince his genetically perfect
- mate, Talia, to undergo the procedure, so other empaths could be
- created. Stoner tries to use his abilities to force Garibaldi to let
- him go, but Garibaldi tells him that security guards are watching the
- room's proceedings outside and that, if Stoner tries to get away with
- anything, he will not succeed. Stoner tries to tell Talia that he
- thought they were perfect together, and that he only wanted what was
- best for Talia, to make up for past mistakes. He claims
- that he does know the cure, and asks her to look into his mind, but she
- refuses. "See you in some other lifetime," Garibaldi tells Stoner as
- he leaves.
- <p>
- As Londo's wives prepare to leave the station, Vir presents Timov with
- Londo's itinerary, so that she will know which ones she should attend,
- and to which she should accompany him. Daggair and Mariel are upset at
- Londo's choice, but Londo tells him that they should be grateful,
- because he did provide them with a sum of money as a going-away
- present. After they leave, Timov asks why Londo chose her as his
- remaining wife, because she does not, and will not, love him, and they
- will not get along. "Because, with you, I will always know where I
- stand," he tells her. He kisses her hand, and leaves as she
- departs.
- <p>
- Delenn runs into Ivanova and thanks her for helping her with her hair
- trouble, and the other help she has provided. Ivanova tells Delenn that,
- if she has any other questions or problems, she will be glad to help.
- As the two board an elevator, Delenn does ask something else. "Do you
- have any idea why I suddenly started getting these... odd cramps?"