- <html><head><title>Poll 5 - introduction</title>
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- alt=""> </nobr> <h1>Poll 5 - introduction</h1> <p> Poll 5 is an informal, unscientific survey of <cite>Babylon 5</cite> viewers.
- Anyone with an E-mail address is free to participate. A <a href="b5ChronologyAndRankings.xls">spreadsheet</a> of results is available.
- <h2>How to vote:</h2>
- <ol> <li>Watch an episode of <cite>Babylon 5</cite>. <li>Send your vote on a 10 point numeric scale to
- <a href="mailto:mike100000@delphi.com"><tt>mike100000@delphi.com</tt></a>. <li>Tell me your <strong>real</strong> name.
- (It can be in the .sig or header.) <li>Do <strong>not</strong> include any spoilers. <li>Please tell me what episode you are voting for. <li>If you send your vote too late to make a post, don't worry it still
- counts for any future averages. <em>I will allow vote changes but
- <strong>please</strong> tell me you're changing your vote.</em>
- Your comments, suggestions, and corrections are always welcome. </ol> <p>
- Mike Hopkins <mike100000@delphi.com><br>
- <h2>JMS's comments on the poll:</h2> (August 31, 1995)
- <p> In *general*, the P5 ratings poll tends to reflect my own opinions of the show, which is generally a good thing, I suppose.
- The ones I think are knockouts tend to do well.
- From time to time, I'm a bit surprised -- I still think that Parliament of Dreams is rated lower than I'd rate it, ditto for Soul Hunter and one or two others -- but what I've found is that generally the real serious episodes get rated higher, while the
- lighter ones (like Geometry of Shadows, which is still something of a favorite) get rated lower.
- <p> What's great is that this season [2], we haven't had one single episode on the level of War Prayer or Infection or Grail, some of our weaker first season eps.
- The worst we've done is pretty darned good.
- What we're now working for in year three is that they're all better than that at their baseline rating.
- <pre>
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- alt=""> </nobr> <p> (Note: Don't use the "comments" link to send in a vote -- it sends mail to the Lurker's Guide maintainer, not to the P5 votetaker.)
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