- <p>
- <strong>Written by John Vornholt</strong><br>
- Released: February 13, 1995<br>
- ISBN: 0-440-22057-2 (US)<br>
- ISBN: 0-7522-0644-3 (UK)<br>
- Setting: Early 2259, between
- <a href="/lurk/guide/023.html">"Points of Departure"</a>
- and
- <a href="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</a>
- <br clear>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Talia is caught up in a deadly conspiracy to assassinate hundreds of
- top
- Psi Corps officers.
- </cite></blockquote>
- <p>
- Reader reviews, and online ordering, can be found at
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0440220572/thelurkersguidet">Amazon.com</a>.
- <p>
- <hr>
- <p>
- <h2><a name="BC">Back Cover</a></h2>
- <p>
- Telepaths to the left of them. Telepaths to the right of them. And
- danger is all around Commander Susan Ivanova and Security Chief
- Michael
- Garibaldi when a Psi Corps convention is held on Babylon 5. Someone
- will turn this meeting of mind readers into a real blast ... as a bomb
- makes Babylon 5 a death trap.
- <p>
- The prime suspect is resident telepath Talia Winters. With Talia's
- old
- foes, thought-cops Bester and Gray, calling for her head, Ivanova and
- Garibaldi can't openly help her. Now she's running for her life
- through
- a perilous universe, and her psychic talent is her only weapon when
- her
- path is blocked by staggering intergalactic horrors: psi cops closing
- in ... and a killer waiting.
- <h2><a name="SY">Synopsis</a></h2>
- <p>
- Harriman Gray (<a href="/lurk/guide/016.html">"Eyes"</a>)
- arrives on Mars for a meeting with Mr. Bester
- (<a href="/lurk/guide/006.html">"Mind War,"</a>
- <a href="/lurk/guide/016.html">Eyes,"</a>
- <a href="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</a>)
- to help choose a location
- for a telepaths' conference. Bester suggests that he is strongly
- considering Gray as his new aide (recall Kelsey's ignominious end in
- <a href="/lurk/guide/006.html">"Mind War"</a>)
- and that this is a test of sorts for him, even though Gray is not a
- Psi Cop.
- <p>
- As Gray arrives on Mars and hands his identicard to the Earthforce
- personnel, he feels his mind being scanned and sees Bester step out of
- the
- shadows. Gray is staggered by the sudden scan, but he knows Bester
- has special latitude to conduct operations, including scanning people
- without
- their permission. (Also mentioned in
- <a href="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places."</a>)
- <p>
- As the two ride a monorail to the hotel chosen for the conference,
- an explosion rips the building to shreds. Bester rescues the shuttle
- from the explosion's intense heat by activating a manual mode; he
- later
- tells Gray he felt 26 people die in the blast. Getting back to
- business,
- Gray suggests Babylon 5 as an alternate site for the
- conference -- mainly due to his desire to see Commander Susan Ivanova
- again. Bester agrees, saying he will make sure Sheridan can't refuse.
- <p>
- Senator Hidoshi convinces Sheridan to allow the conference to be
- held on Babylon 5; the Captain ignores the opinions of Garibaldi and
- Ivanova,
- who think the conference is bad news. He orders Ivanova to remain in
- her quarters except when on duty to prevent incidents.
- <p>
- Meanwhile, Kosh is up to his old game of hiring Talia Winters for
- bizarre
- assignments (cf.
- <a href="/lurk/guide/009.html">"Deathwalker."</a>)
- She clearly is frustrated by the assignments,
- but also has started to come to understand some of his terminology
- such as
- "Hour of Scampering." This time Kosh asks her to scan an empty chair
- next to him for "Invisible Isabel," as he calls her. To her surprise,
- Talia
- hears a voice there momentarily. Kosh also understands French,
- based on a brief exchange of pleasantries after the scan is concluded.
- <p>
- Gray contacts Ivanova as soon as possible upon landing; when
- Bester tries to scan Gray, Ivanova stands up to Bester. They talk
- more
- and at least agree to be on a first name basis -- in private. Nothing
- more
- comes of a personal relationship between them in this book; however,
- Ivanova's opinion of him is clearly softened.
- <p>
- Talia and Garibaldi make preparations for the conference and as the
- delegates arrive, things get interesting. Talia meets Arthur Malten,
- head of the Mix, the association of commercial telepaths. Malten's
- assistant Emily Crane is peculiar for her shyness. Talia convinces
- Garibaldi to give the three of them a tour of various parts of the
- station,
- including Down Below. Garibaldi has arranged with Na'Toth, aide
- to Ambassador G'Kar, to give the group a little scare which he hopes
- will
- help keep the other delegates to the conference out of Down Below.
- (Their
- telepathic attacks don't work on non-humans.)
- <p>
- Malten begins taking a serious interest in Talia, and eventually
- convinces her to attend the conference on behalf of the Mix. Crane
- seems jealous but provides a data crystal with information
- about budgets inside Psi Corps and the split of money between Psi
- Cops, the
- military telepaths and the Mix. She also later takes back the
- crystal,
- claiming she needs to put more information on it.
- <p>
- Meanwhile, Deuce,
- (cf.
- <a href="/lurk/guide/015.html">"Grail"</a>)
- arrives back on Babylon 5 with a special item in
- hand. During the first day of the conference, Talia and Malten are to
- attend
- the budget meeting, which includes Bester. Crane returns the data
- crystal
- to Talia after carrying it through a security search. Talia proceeds
- to the
- meeting and sits next to Bester.
- <p>
- During the meeting, Talia develops a headache and walks out. As she
- leaves,
- a bomb detonates in the conference room; it takes a serious chunk out
- of
- Bester, but doesn't kill him. Talia is immediately detained and
- awakens in
- her quarters with Ivanova alongside. After a short exchange, she
- decides she
- would rather be tried on Babylon 5 than on Earth, and asks Ivanova to
- be her
- lawyer. Ivanova agrees -- at least until someone better can be found.
- Talia
- is taken to the brig, and Garibaldi starts to search for clues and
- information to clear her name.
- <p>
- Ambassador Kosh pays Talia a visit in the brig, and they have a
- bizarre
- conversation which she thinks means he will break her out of the
- cell in about 20 minutes. Using the telekinetic powers she received
- in
- <a href="/lurk/guide/006.html">"Mind War,"</a>
- she opens the lock to the internal door and then
- finds Kosh has returned and knocked out the guards with a gas.
- <p>
- Talia dons a Minbari robe and proceeds with Kosh to the docking bays,
- where he tells her to enter a cargo container. When she tries to open
- the box
- after launch, she realizes that she is not alone in the container and
- that
- her traveling companion is Deuce, also escaping the station. Against
- his
- better judgment and with many threats to kill her, Deuce decides to
- help
- Talia. When they arrive on Earth, he helps her get a false
- identicard from a tribe of hi-tech would-be Indians who live in the
- desert.
- <p>
- Gray and Garibaldi are assigned to search for Talia and quickly
- board the first Earth-bound shuttle in search of Crane, whom they have
- come to believe has vital information on the bombing. (The Mix's
- headquarters is on Earth.) Bester has Talia declared a rogue
- telepath, and her image begins to be plastered on television sets
- around
- Earth. Gray and Garibaldi also learn that the
- Military telepaths expected something bad to happen to Bester.
- <p>
- Deuce's desert hideout becomes unsafe as shuttles begin
- to scour overhead looking for Talia. At his friends' strong request,
- he and Talia depart. The two play possum to get a Psi Cop shuttle to
- land,
- and capture the two Psi Cops. Talia convinces Deuce not to kill the
- Psi
- Cops, and they steal the craft.
- <p>
- Deuce agrees to give Talia a one-carat diamond and drop her off out of
- the
- way so he can proceed on his own way. They part ways in Phoenix.
- Talia sells the diamond, using the money to get to
- Boston and eventually to Mars.
- <p>
- Meanwhile, Gray and Garibaldi have been busy in Boston, paying a visit
- to
- Crane at Mix Headquarters. Although she is extremely unhelpful
- during the meeting, Garibaldi notices a confidential Senate memo on a
- self-destructing transparency on her desk. Through an old friend of
- Gray's they track down the contents of the memo. They discover that
- Psi
- Corps blackmails and bribes government officials, making lots of
- enemies.
- The bill would completely privatize the corps, taking it out of the
- military,
- which no longer controls it anyway. The Mix would take over control
- of
- Psi Corps.
- <p>
- Garibaldi tries to make another attempt to talk to Crane and ends up
- captured. Gray and Bester come to the rescue but are forced to kill
- Crane and some telepathic accomplices on the street. Bester tries to
- wind
- the whole thing up
- but refuses to acknowledge Talia's innocence. Gray finally finds a
- voice
- and stands up to him, resulting in Bester agreeing to leave them in
- Miami.
- Bester also warns them off Mars, where he believes Malten is located
- presently.
- <p>
- All paths begin to converge here as Garibaldi, Gray and Talia end up
- on
- the same shuttle to Mars by coincidence. Garibaldi recognizes her
- from
- her buttocks, causing Gray to vow that he will pay more
- attention to women's posteriors in the future. They decide to wait
- until
- after landing to make contact.
- <p>
- After landing, Talia's Uncle Ted contacts her through a telepath (it
- may have
- been Ted himself) and assures her that all is safe as an explosion
- rips the
- terminal building (actually it is just a smoke bomb to cause a
- distraction.) Garibaldi and Uncle Ted eventually recognize each
- other and he and Gray agree to follow Talia and Uncle Ted. The two of
- them convince Talia and Uncle Ted that discrediting Malten is of prime
- importance to clear Talia's name and discredit the false Mars
- terrorist group Malten has created.
- <p>
- Bester arrives after Gray contacts him. He meets Garibaldi and Gray
- with
- a shuttle, and explains that his true fear is that people will think
- Psi Corps can't protect itself from attacks from within. He still
- refuses to budge on the issue of Talia Winters.
- <p>
- Garibaldi offers to visit the bunker where they have located
- Malten; after receiving assurances from Bester that he won't be
- abandoned, he goes down to investigate. Bester enters as well once
- they
- position with the hatch. Inside, Malten is strapped to a chair
- wired with bombs and a note saying, "Compliments of the real
- revolutionaries." They have to abandon him after receiving a message
- that they have only 30 seconds to get out.
- <p>
- After the explosion and a narrow escape, Bester informs Garibaldi that
- he
- is still going after Talia and Uncle Ted. Garibaldi pulls a file that
- Ambassador Mollari made of Psi Cops gambling with him. When Bester
- tries to scan Garibaldi, Gray inserts himself and promises to protect
- Garibaldi from the scan. Bester relents and radios in a report
- clearing
- Talia Winters and restoring her to her position within the Corps.
- <p>
- Gray asks Garibaldi to tell Susan that he did
- something brave and worthwhile, and the two go their separate ways.
- The story ends with Talia visiting her family
- for a while before returning "home" to Babylon 5.
- <H2><A NAME="UQ">Unanswered Questions</A></H2>
- <ul>
- <li> How powerful is Bester? He was the only Psi Cop representative
- to
- survive the budget meeting, and was feared by both the military and
- commercial telepaths. Clearly he calls a lot of shots in the movement
- of Psi
- Corps, but is there anyone behind him/against him?
- <li> How does Kosh know so much about Talia's powers?
- <li> Did Kosh leave Talia in Deuce's care for money, or was Deuce's
- appearance coincidental?
- <li> Where does Talia stand after all this? Especially in light of
- the events of <a href="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark
- Places"</a>?
- In all of these incidents she
- has narrowly avoided Bester's wrath, but for how long can she avoid
- it,
- especially if she makes any moves against the Corps?
- <li> Why weren't the two Psi Cops that Deuce and Talia attacked able
- to
- use their powers to take out Talia and/or Deuce?
- <li> Does Bester control the new head of the commercial telepaths?
- <li> Did Uncle Ted or his group kill Malten?
- <li> Where does Gray's career stand? It seems unlikely
- that Bester would take him as an aide now; on the other hand, Bester
- can be
- almost as hard as Kosh to figure out.
- <li> Have Talia's feelings about Garibaldi changed at all?
- <li> Where do the military telepaths stand after this incident? They
- clearly
- are not fans of Bester, but they seem less willing to oppose him. In
- light
- of Malten's demise, will they make a move for power?
- </ul>
- <H2><A NAME="AN">Analysis</A></H2>
- <ul>
- <li> Talia's gift (cf.
- <a href="/lurk/guide/006.html">"Mind War"</a>)
- is clearly much more than it seemed at the
- end of that episode. Her telekinetic prowess is high, and she
- is no longer transparently readable by Bester and other
- telepaths. This is supported further by
- <a href="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places."</a>
- <li> Kosh is much more aware of the events taking place both on
- Babylon 5 and elsewhere based on this episode and others. It almost
- seems
- as if some of his assignments for Talia are attempts to improve her
- telepathic and telekinetic prowess.
- <li> Bester's power among Psi Corps and Psi Cops is nearly absolute
- and
- certainly has been consolidated by the deaths and removals of some of
- the
- more powerful enemies. The blackmail and bribery of government
- officials
- means Bester may be running a sort of shadow government.
- <li> Talia clearly trusts Ivanova very strongly, based on her
- decision to have her as a lawyer in this novel and their
- conversation at the end of
- <a href="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places."</a>
- <li> In light of the events in this novel as well as
- <a href="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places,"</a>
- why wasn't Talia included with the senior B5 officers in the
- secret meeting that ended
- <a href="/lurk/guide/033.html">"All Alone in the Night."</a>
- Does this suggest that Sheridan's feels Talia is not trustworthy
- enough yet?
- Or was he specifically told not to include her?
- </ul>
- <H2><A NAME="NO">Notes</A></H2>
- <ul>
- <li> Since the novel features Garibaldi on the job, it takes place after
- <a href="../guide/025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows."</a> The front
- cover blurb is therefore wrong, since the story takes place in 2259,
- not 2258.
- </ul>
- <H2><A NAME="JS">The Author Speaks</A></H2>
- <ul>
- <li> Chris, I did mention that I apparently substituted Kelvin temperature
- for Celsius. It could get a bit hot on Mars during the day, but that
- would be from thin atmosphere. It'd be damn cold there at night.
- This isn't something has any bearing on the story.
- <p>
- <li> Tony, the way this works is -- I work for Dell Books. They have a deal
- with whoever to have the license to publish B5 novels. Dell Books hired
- me, and Lois Tilton, who wrote the next novel. JMS is doing approvals
- for the time being, although I'm sure there's somebody at Warner Bros.
- who could do it if he didn't want to.
- <p>
- I had lots of free rein with VOICES but no information about the big
- arc.
- <p>
- <li> Thanks for bringing up the fact that I wrote this book last July. I am
- extremely happy that it fits into the second season as well as it does.
- This is the first book, our editor quit halfway through it, and we had
- some other bumps -- but I think we did all right.
- <p>
- <li> You can't write books set in other people's universes (that are so well
- known) unless you have a thick skin. I don't mind being called on the
- carpet for a factual mistake, but I worked pretty hard to get the
- characters right. Nevertheless, they are my interpretation of the
- characters, not someone else's. We had some bumps in the road on this
- first one, but I think things will get smoother as we go.
- </ul>
- <hr>
- Written by Erik Oliver <oliver@dolphin.upenn.edu>.
- Edited by Julie Prince (jprince@peak.org) and Steven Grimm
- (koreth@midwinter.com)