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- <title>The Very Long Night of Midwinter.com</title>
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- <h1>What the heck happened to Midwinter?</h1>
- <p>
- How can a site vanish for such a long time? Read on for a brief summary
- of what happened.
- <p>
- The Midwinter Web server used to be colocated at
- <a href="http://www.exodus.com/">Exodus Communications</a>
- along with a bunch of equipment owned by NBCi, who allowed us to use
- some of their bandwidth thanks to a business arrangement whose details
- aren't relevant. It was a good deal for us; they handled everything
- from swapping backup tapes to monitoring the health of the network.
- <p>
- That is, it was a good deal until NBCi closed its doors. Without warning,
- our machines disappeared from the net. Since NBCi had been good in the past
- about staying on top of network problems without any prodding from us, we
- didn't try bugging them about it until a couple days had gone by. Imagine
- our surprise when we discovered that all of our contacts had been laid off,
- and nobody remaining had heard of us!
- <p>
- After much fruitless flailing, we managed to contact someone who had some
- idea what was going on. It turned out that all of the equipment in NBCi's
- cage had been sold to a liquidator. <b>All</b> of it, including the backup
- tapes and our server, which wasn't NBCi property (and was marked accordingly).
- <p>
- We attempted to find out where the equipment had ended up, but weren't able
- to find anyone who knew. We eventually decided it was a lost cause. We
- could undoubtedly sue someone somewhere over what happened, but that won't
- bring back the old site.
- <p>
- Some of what was on the old machine is lost forever; it was backed up, but
- the backups vanished along with everything else and some of our content
- wasn't well-enough linked from elsewhere on the Web to show up on the
- <a href="http://www.archive.org/">Wayback Machine</a> or other Web archives.
- The Lurker's Guide was mirrored on several other sites, though, from which
- we've recovered all the content (though some of it still needs a bit of
- reassembly, and other parts have fallen out of date in the intervening months).
- <p>
- So that's what happened. Our new setup should be less prone to another
- fiasco like that; we have physical access to the server and we're dealing
- directly with the colocation provider. We don't have as big a pipe as we
- used to, but it's <em>our</em> pipe. Needless to say, we'll be keeping
- our own offsite backups from now on!
- <p>
- Thanks to everyone who wrote wondering where we went. Enjoy...
- <p>
- Steven Grimm<br>
- Larry Hastings<br>
- Michael Wolf
- <pre>
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- <h5>
- Last update:
- December 25, 2001
- </h5>
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