- <TITLE>Babylon 5 Behind the Scenes: Writers and Directors</TITLE>
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- <H1 align=center>Writers/Directors List</H1>
- <P><STRONG>Contents:</STRONG>
- <A HREF="#write">Writers</A> -
- <A HREF="#direct">Directors</A></P>
- <H2 align=center><A NAME="write">Writers</A></H1>
- <TD>Writer Index:<TD>
- <A HREF="#NeilBarrettJr">Neil Barrett, Jr.</A> -
- <A HREF="#JeanneCavelos">Jeanne Cavelos</A> -
- <A HREF="#PeterDavid">Peter David</A> -
- <A HREF="#TimDeHaas">Tim DeHaas</A> -
- <A HREF="#LawrenceGDiTillio">Lawrence G. DiTillio</A> -
- <A HREF="#KathrynMDrennan">Kathryn M. Drennan</A> -
- <A HREF="#HarlanEllison">Harlan Ellison</A> -
- <A HREF="#DCFontana">D.C. Fontana</A> -
- <A HREF="#ScottFrost">Scott Frost</A> -
- <A HREF="#NeilGaiman">Neil Gaiman</A> -
- <A HREF="#DavidGerrold">David Gerrold</A> -
- <A HREF="#JGregoryKeyes">J. Gregory Keyes</A> -
- <A HREF="#ChristyMarx">Christy Marx</A> -
- <A HREF="#MarkMoretti">Mark Moretti</A> -
- <A HREF="#JimMortimore">Jim Mortimore</A> -
- <A HREF="#YvonneNavarro">Yvonne Navarro</A> -
- <A HREF="#AlSarrantonio">Al Sarrantonio</A> -
- <A HREF="#RobertSheckley">Robert Sheckley</A> -
- <A HREF="#SMStirling">S.M. Stirling</A> -
- <A HREF="#JMichaelStraczynski">J. Michael Straczynski</A> -
- <A HREF="#LoisTilton">Lois Tilton</A> -
- <A HREF="#JohnVornholt">John Vornholt</A> -
- <A HREF="#MarcScottZicree">Marc Scott Zicree</A>
- </TD></TR></TABLE>
- <P>Complete through the end of the fifth season, the four TV movies,
- and all comics and novels through January 1999.</P>
- <HR>
- <H3><A NAME="NeilBarrettJr">Neil Barrett, Jr.</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/005.html">"The Touch of Your Shadow, the Whisper of Your Name"</A> (5)
- </OL>
- <!-- Jason Brezhinski -->
- <!-- I was very iffy on that...I am getting this vague sense that I'm becoming
- a brand name, and I'm suspicious of that sort of thing. At first they
- wanted it in a proprietary sense, "J. Michael Straczynski's Guide to the
- Babylon 5 Universe," but I vetoed that because Jason Brezhinski did 90% of
- the actual work on the thing, researching every smallest detail shown in
- the series, and if anyone should get that credit, it's him. The final
- title only came about through a lot of haggling. -->
- <H3><A NAME="JeanneCavelos">Jeanne Cavelos</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/007.html">"The Shadow Within"</A> (7)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="PeterDavid">Peter David</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/029.html">"Soul Mates"</A> (29)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/036.html">"There All the Honor Lies"</A> (36)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Comics</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/013.html">"In Valen's Name, Part 2"</A> (13)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/014.html">"In Valen's Name, Part 3"</A> (14)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/111.html">"In the Beginning"</A> (TVM1) [Novelization]
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/112.html">"Thirdspace"</A> (TVM2) [Novelization]
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="TimDeHaas">Tim DeHaas</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Comics</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/005.html">"With Friends Like These..."</A> (5)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/006.html">"Against the Odds"</A> (6)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/007.html">"Survival the Hard Way"</A> (7)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/008.html">"Silent Enemies"</A> (8)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/011.html">"The Psi Corps and You"</A> (11)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="LawrenceGDiTillio">Lawrence G. DiTillio</A></H3>
- <P><I>Story Editor</I>, First Season<BR>
- <I>Executive Story Editor</I>, Second Season</P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/003.html">"Born to the Purple"</A> (3)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/009.html">"Deathwalker"</A> (9)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/014.html">"TKO"</A> (14)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/016.html">"Eyes"</A> (16)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/028.html">"A Spider in the Web"</A> (28)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/032.html">"GROPOS"</A> (32)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/039.html">"Knives"</A> (39)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="KathrynMDrennan">Kathryn M. Drennan</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/012.html">"By Any Means Necessary"</A> (12)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/009.html">"To Dream in the City of Sorrows"</A> (9)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="HarlanEllison">Harlan Ellison</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/092.html">"A View From the Gallery"</A> (92) [Story]
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/108.html">"Objects in Motion"</A> (108) [Story]
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="DCFontana">D.C. Fontana</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/007.html">"The War Prayer"</A> (7)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/017.html">"Legacies"</A> (17)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/026.html">"A Distant Star"</A> (26)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="ScottFrost">Scott Frost</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/027.html">"The Long Dark"</A> (27)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="NeilGaiman">Neil Gaiman</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/096.html">"Day of the Dead"</A> (96)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="DavidGerrold">David Gerrold</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/010.html">"Believers"</A> (10)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Comics</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/009.html">"Duet for Human and Narn in C Sharp"</A> (9)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/010.html">"Coda for Human and Narn in B Flat"</A> (10)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JGregoryKeyes">J. Gregory Keyes</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/010.html">"Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps"</A>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/011.html">"Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendant"</A>
- <LI><A NAME="/lurk/novels/012.html">"Final Reckoning: The Fate of Bester"</A>
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="ChristyMarx">Christy Marx</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/015.html">"Grail"</A> (15)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Software</I></LH>
- <LI><A NAME="/lurk/none/000.html">The B5 Space Combat Simulation</A>
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="MarkMoretti">Mark Moretti</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Comics</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/002.html">"Treason"</A> (2)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/003.html">"In Harm's Way"</A> (3)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/004.html">"The Price of Peace"</A> (4)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JimMortimore">Jim Mortimore</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/004.html">"Clarke's Law"</A> (4)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="YvonneNavarro">Yvonne Navarro</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/114.html">"The River of Souls"</A> (TVM3) [Novelization]
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="AlSarrantonio">Al Sarrantonio</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/008.html">"Personal Agendas"</A> (8)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="RobertSheckley">Robert Sheckley</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/115.html">"A Call to Arms"</A> (TVM4) [Novelization]
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="SMStirling">S.M. Stirling</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/006.html">"Betrayals"</A> (6)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JMichaelStraczynski">J. Michael Straczynski</A></H3>
- <P><I>Executive Producer</I>, <I>Creator</I>, <I>Great Maker</I><BR>
- <I>Director</I>, "Sleeping in Light"<BR>
- jmsatb5@aol.com</P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>TV Movies</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/000.html">"The Gathering"</A> (Pilot)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/111.html">"In the Beginning"</A> (TVM1)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/112.html">"Thirdspace"</A> (TVM2)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/114.html">"The River of Souls"</A> (TVM3)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/115.html">"A Call to Arms"</A> (TVM4)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/001.html">"Midnight on the Firing Line"</A> (1)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/002.html">"Soul Hunter"</A> (2)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/004.html">"Infection"</A> (4)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/005.html">"Parliament of Dreams"</A> (5)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/006.html">"Mind War"</A> (6)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/008.html">"And the Sky Full of Stars"</A> (8)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/013.html">"Signs and Portents"</A> (13)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/018.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1"</A> (18)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/019.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 2"</A> (19)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/020.html">"Babylon Squared"</A> (20)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</A> (21)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/022.html">"Chrysalis"</A> (22)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/023.html">"Points of Departure"</A> (23)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/024.html">"Revelations"</A> (24)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows"</A> (25)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</A> (30)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</A> (31)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</A> (33)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/034.html">"Acts of Sacrifice"</A> (34)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/035.html">"Hunter, Prey"</A> (35)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/037.html">"And Now For a Word"</A> (37)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'Ha'Dum"</A> (38)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</A> (40)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</A> (41)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</A> (42)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor"</A> (43)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/044.html">"The Fall of Night"</A> (44)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/045.html">"Matters of Honor"</A> (45)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/046.html">"Convictions"</A> (46)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/047.html">"A Day in the Strife"</A> (47)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane"</A> (48)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/049.html">"Voices of Authority"</A> (49)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/050.html">"Dust to Dust"</A> (50)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/051.html">"Exogenesis"</A> (51)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/052.html">"Messages from Earth"</A> (52)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/053.html">"Point of No Return"</A> (53)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/054.html">"Severed Dreams"</A> (54)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/055.html">"Ceremonies of Light and Dark"</A> (55)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/056.html">"Sic Transit Vir"</A> (56)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/057.html">"A Late Delivery From Avalon"</A> (57)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/058.html">"Ship of Tears"</A> (58)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/059.html">"Interludes and Examinations"</A> (59)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/060.html">"War Without End, Part One"</A> (60)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/061.html">"War Without End, Part Two"</A> (61)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/062.html">"Walkabout"</A> (62)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/063.html">"Grey 17 is Missing"</A> (63)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/064.html">"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place"</A> (64)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/065.html">"Shadow Dancing"</A> (65)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/066.html">"Z'Ha'Dum"</A> (66)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/067.html">"The Hour of the Wolf"</A> (67)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/068.html">"What Ever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?"</A> (68)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/069.html">"The Summoning"</A> (69)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/070.html">"Falling Toward Apotheosis"</A> (70)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/071.html">"The Long Night"</A> (71)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/072.html">"Into the Fire"</A> (72)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/073.html">"Epiphanies"</A> (73)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/074.html">"The Illusion of Truth"</A> (74)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/075.html">"Atonement"</A> (75)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/076.html">"Racing Mars"</A> (76)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/077.html">"Lines of Communication"</A> (77)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/078.html">"Conflicts of Interest"</A> (78)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/079.html">"Rumors, Bargains, and Lies"</A> (79)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/080.html">"Moments of Transition"</A> (80)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/081.html">"No Surrenter, No Retreat"</A> (81)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/082.html">"The Exercise of Vital Powers"</A> (82)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/083.html">"The Face of the Enemy"</A> (83)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/084.html">"Intersections in Real Time"</A> (84)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/085.html">"Between the Darkness and the Light"</A> (85)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/086.html">"Endgame"</A> (86)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/087.html">"Rising Star"</A> (87)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/088.html">"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars"</A> (88)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/089.html">"No Compromises"</A> (89)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/090.html">"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"</A> (90)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/091.html">"The Paragon of Animals"</A> (91)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/092.html">"A View From the Gallery"</A> (92) [Story and Teleplay]
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/093.html">"Learning Curve"</A> (93)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/094.html">"Strange Relations"</A> (94)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/095.html">"Secrets of the Soul"</A> (95)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/097.html">"In the Kingdom of the Blind"</A> (97)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/098.html">"A Tragedy of Telepaths"</A> (98)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/099.html">"Phoenix Rising"</A> (99)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/100.html">"The Ragged Edge"</A> (100)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/101.html">"The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father"</A> (101)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/102.html">"Meditations on the Abyss"</A> (102)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/103.html">"Darkness Ascending"</A> (103)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/104.html">"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"</A> (104)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/105.html">"Movements of Fire and Shadow"</A> (105)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/106.html">"The Fall of Centauri Prime"</A> (106)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/107.html">"The Wheel of Fire"</A> (107)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/108.html">"Objects in Motion"</A> (108) [Story and Teleplay]
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/109.html">"Objects at Rest"</A> (109)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/110.html">"Sleeping in Light"</A> (110) [Also Director]
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Comics</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/001.html">"In Darkness Find Me"</A> (1)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/comic/012.html">"In Valen's Name"</A> (12)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="LoisTilton">Lois Tilton</A></H3>
- <P>l.tilton@genie.com</P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/002.html">"Accusations"</A> (2)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JohnVornholt">John Vornholt</A></H3>
- <P>vornholt@indirect.com<BR>
- jbv@azstarnet.com</P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Novels</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/001.html">"Voices"</A> (1)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/novels/003.html">"Blood Oath"</A> (3)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="MarcScottZicree">Marc Scott Zicree</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/011.html">"Survivors"</A> (11)
- </OL>
- <HR>
- <H2 align=center><A NAME="direct">Directors</A></H2>
- <TD>Director Index:<TD>
- <A HREF="#MenachemBinetski">Menachem Binetski</A> -
- <A HREF="#RichardCompton">Richard Compton</A> -
- <A HREF="#JohnCopeland">John Copeland</A> -
- <A HREF="#KevinGCremin">Kevin G. Cremin</A> -
- <A HREF="#KevinJamesDobson">Kevin James Dobson</A> -
- <A HREF="#TonyDow">Tony Dow</A> -
- <A HREF="#MarioDiLeo">Mario Di Leo</A> -
- <A HREF="#DavidJEagle">David J. Eagle</A> -
- <A HREF="#LorraineSennaFerrara">Lorraine Senna Ferrara</A> -
- <A HREF="#StephenFurst">Stephen Furst</A> -
- <A HREF="#JohnCFlinnIII">John C. Flinn, III</A> -
- <A HREF="#KimFriedman">Kim Friedman</A> -
- <A HREF="#JanetGreek">Janet Greek</A> -
- <A HREF="#BruceSethGreen">Bruce Seth Green</A> -
- <A HREF="#JimJohnston">Jim Johnston</A> -
- <A HREF="#JohnLaFia">John LaFia</A> -
- <A HREF="#DougLefler">Doug Lefler</A> -
- <A HREF="#JohnMcPherson">John McPherson</A> -
- <A HREF="#AdamNimoy">Adam Nimoy</A> -
- <A HREF="#StephenLPosey">Stephen L. Posey</A> -
- <A HREF="#JMichaelStraczynski2">J. Michael Straczynski</A> -
- <A HREF="#JesusTrevino">Jesús Treviño</A> -
- <A HREF="#MikeLaurenceVejar">Mike Laurence Vejar</A> -
- <A HREF="#DouglasEWise">Douglas E. Wise</A>
- </TD></TR></TABLE>
- <P>Complete through the end of the fifth season, and the four TV movies.</P>
- <HR>
- <H3><A NAME="MenachemBinetski">Menachem Binetski</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/035.html">"Hunter, Prey"</A> (35)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/049.html">"Voices of Authority"</A> (49)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="RichardCompton">Richard Compton</A></H3>
- <P><I>Co-Producer</I>, First Season</P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>TV Movies</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/000.html">"The Gathering"</A> (Pilot)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/001.html">"Midnight on the Firing Line"</A> (1)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/004.html">"Infection"</A> (4)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/007.html">"The War Prayer"</A> (7)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/010.html">"Believers"</A> (10)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/015.html">"Grail"</A> (15)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JohnCopeland">John Copeland</A></H3>
- <P><I>Producer</I></P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/086.html">"Endgame"</A> (86)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/100.html">"The Ragged Edge"</A> (100)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/109.html">"Objects at Rest"</A> (109)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="KevinGCremin">Kevin G. Cremin</A></H3>
- <P><I>Unit Production Manager</I>, First and Second Seasons</P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/028.html">"A Spider in the Web"</A> (28)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/040.html">"Confessions and Lamentations"</A> (40)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/045.html">"Matters of Honor"</A> (45)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/051.html">"Exogenesis"</A> (51)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/062.html">"Walkabout"</A> (62)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="MarioDiLeo">Mario Di Leo</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/027.html">"The Long Dark"</A> (27)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</A> (33)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/037.html">"And Now For a Word"</A> (37)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="KevinJamesDobson">Kevin James Dobson</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/068.html">"What Ever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?"</A> (68)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/072.html">"Into the Fire"</A> (72)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="TonyDow">Tony Dow</A></H3>
- <P><I>Visual Effects Supervisor</I>, "The Hour of the Wolf" to "Falling Toward Apotheosis"</I>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/075.html">"Atonement"</A> (75)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/080.html">"Moments of Transition"</A> (80)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/087.html">"Rising Star"</A> (87)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/095.html">"Secrets of the Soul"</A> (95)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/098.html">"A Tragedy of Telepaths"</A> (98)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="DavidJEagle">David J. Eagle</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/038.html">"In the Shadow of Z'Ha'Dum"</A> (38)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/047.html">"A Day in the Strife"</A> (47)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/050.html">"Dust to Dust"</A> (50)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/054.html">"Severed Dreams"</A> (54)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/064.html">"And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place"</A> (64)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/067.html">"The Hour of the Wolf"</A> (67)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/070.html">"Falling Toward Apotheosis"</A> (70)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/078.html">"Conflicts of Interest"</A> (78)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/085.html">"Between the Darkness and the Light"</A> (85)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/090.html">"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari"</A> (90)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/093.html">"Learning Curve"</A> (93)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/097.html">"In the Kingdom of the Blind"</A> (97)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/099.html">"Phoenix Rising"</A> (99)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="LorraineSennaFerrana">Lorraine Senna Ferrana</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/021.html">"The Quality of Mercy"</A> (21)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JohnCFlinnIII">John C. Flinn, III</A></H3>
- <P><I>Director of Photography</I></P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/014.html">"TKO"</A> (14)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/029.html">"Soul Mates"</A> (29)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/042.html">"The Long, Twilight Struggle"</A> (42)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/055.html">"Ceremonies of Light and Dark"</A> (55)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/063.html">"Grey 17 is Missing"</A> (63)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/073.html">"Epiphanies"</A> (73)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/077.html">"Lines of Communication"</A> (77)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/094.html">"Strange Relations"</A> (94)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/105.html">"Movements of Fire and Shadow"</A> (105)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="KimFriedman">Kim Friedman</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/065.html">"Shadow Dancing"</A> (65)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="StephenFurst">Stephen Furst</A></H3>
- <P><I>Vir Cotto, Centauri Diplomatic Attaché</I></P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/074.html">"The Illusion of Truth"</A> (74)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/088.html">"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars"</A> (88)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/101.html">"The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father"</A> (101)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="GoranGajic">Goran Gajic</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/104.html">"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"</A> (104)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JanetGreek">Janet Greek</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/008.html">"And the Sky Full of Stars"</A> (8)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/013.html">"Signs and Portents"</A> (13)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/018.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 1"</A> (18)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/019.html">"A Voice in the Wilderness, Part 2"</A> (19)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/022.html">"Chrysalis"</A> (22)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/023.html">"Points of Departure"</A> (23)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</A> (31)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/044.html">"The Fall of Night"</A> (44)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/089.html">"No Compromises"</A> (89)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/092.html">"A View From the Gallery"</A> (92)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/103.html">"Darkness Ascending"</A> (103)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/107.html">"The Wheel of Fire"</A> (107)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>TV Movies</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/114.html">"The River of Souls"</A> (TVM3)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="BruceSethGreen">Bruce Seth Green</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/003.html">"Born to the Purple"</A> (3)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/006.html">"Mind War"</A> (6)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/009.html">"Deathwalker"</A> (9)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/017.html">"Legacies"</A> (17)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JimJohnston">Jim Johnston</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 1</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/002.html">"Soul Hunter"</A> (2)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/005.html">"Parliament of Dreams"</A> (5)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/011.html">"Survivors"</A> (11)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/012.html">"By Any Means Necessary"</A> (12)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/016.html">"Eyes"</A> (16)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/020.html">"Babylon Squared"</A> (20)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/024.html">"Revelations"</A> (24)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/026.html">"A Distant Star"</A> (26)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/030.html">"A Race Through Dark Places"</A> (30)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/032.html">"GROPOS"</A> (32)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/034.html">"Acts of Sacrifice"</A> (34)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/053.html">"Point of No Return"</A> (53)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JohnLaFia">John LaFia</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/071.html">"The Long Night"</A> (71)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/082.html">"The Exercise of Vital Powers"</A> (82)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/084.html">"Intersections in Real Time"</A> (84)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="DougLefler">Doug Lefler</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/096.html">"Day of the Dead"</A> (96)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JohnMcPherson">John McPherson</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/069.html">"The Summoning"</A> (69)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="AdamNimoy">Adam Nimoy</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/048.html">"Passing Through Gethsemane"</A> (48)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/066.html">"Z'Ha'Dum"</A> (66)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="StephenLPosey">Stephen L. Posey</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/039.html">"Knives"</A> (39)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JMichaelStraczynski2">J. Michael Straczynski</A></H3>
- <P><I>Executive Producer</I>, <I>Creator</I>, <I>Writer</I>, <I>Great Maker</I><BR>
- jmsatb5@aol.com</P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/110.html">"Sleeping in Light"</A> (110) [Also Writer]
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="JesusTrevino">Jesús Treviño</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/041.html">"Divided Loyalties"</A> (41)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/056.html">"Sic Transit Vir"</A> (56)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/059.html">"Interludes and Examinations"</A> (59)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/076.html">"Racing Mars"</A> (76)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I> [as Jesús Salvador Treviño]</LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/108.html">"Objects in Motion"</A> (108)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>TV Movies</I> [as Jesús Salvador Treviño]</LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/112.html">"Thirdspace"</A> (TVM2)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="MichaelLaurenceVejar">Michael Laurence Vejar</A></H3>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 2</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows"</A> (25)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/036.html">"There All the Honor Lies"</A> (36)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor"</A> (43) [as Michael Vejar]
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 3</I> [as Michael Vejar]</LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/046.html">"Convictions"</A> (46)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/052.html">"Messages from Earth"</A> (52)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/057.html">"A Late Delivery From Avalon"</A> (57)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/058.html">"Ship of Tears"</A> (58)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/060.html">"War Without End, Part One"</A> (60)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/061.html">"War Without End, Part Two"</A> (61)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 4</I> [as Mike Vejar]</LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/079.html">"Rumors, Bargains, and Lies"</A> (79)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/081.html">"No Surrenter, No Retreat"</A> (81)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/083.html">"The Face of the Enemy"</A> (83)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I> [as Mike Vejar]</LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/091.html">"The Paragon of Animals"</A> (91)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/102.html">"Meditations on the Abyss"</A> (102)
- </OL>
- <LH><I>TV Movies</I> [as Mike Vejar]</LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/111.html">"In the Beginning"</A> (TVM1)
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/115.html">"A Call to Arms"</A> (TVM4)
- </OL>
- <H3><A NAME="DouglasEWise">Douglas E. Wise</A></H3>
- <P><I>First Assistant Director</I>, Fourth and Fifth Seasons</P>
- <OL>
- <LH><I>Season 5</I></LH>
- <LI><A HREF="/lurk/guide/106.html">"The Fall of Centauri Prime"</A> (106)
- </OL>
- <P>This list is maintained by David Henderson and was last updated January 10,
- 1999. Please send E-mail to davidh@psiphi.org if you have and corrections or
- suggestions.</P>
- <P>Thanks to Jeff White (pweent@scruznet.com) for pointing out some tyops.</P>
- <pre>
- </pre>
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- <h5>Last update: January 10, 1999</h5>
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