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- <h2>An Interview with Mojo</h2>
- Conducted by Chuck Becker
- <<a href="mailto:Necromancer@pol.org">Necromancer@pol.org.</a>>
- <p>
- This interview was originally published in The Zocalo, a free, weekly
- electronic newsletter devoted to Babylon 5. To subscribe, send your
- first name, e-mail address and state/country of residence to
- <a href="mailto:katana@indirect.com">katana@indirect.com.</a>
- <p>
- Well boys and girls it's time for another trip into Mister CGI's
- neighborhood. Today our special guest is.... (Can you say guest? I knew ya
- could!) It's the man, the myth, the legend.... (drum roll please) Mojo from
- Foundation Imaging. This week I had a great opportunity to bend Mojo's ear and
- ask him all the questions you "the readers of The Zocalo" have posed to me. I
- will give you
- the answers as they were given to me. See if you notice a similarity between
- the way Mojo answers questions and the way JMS answers questions. Sorta Kosh
- like!! I'm thinkin they have been hangin out a litttttle too long together.
- <p>
- The questions asked were ones I had and ones you the readers of The Zocalo
- sent to us. This
- interview was conducted by e-mail and I want to thank Mojo for taking the time
- to answer the questions. Thanks also to Amy Berry for chasing him down at the
- Con.
- <dl compact>
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Are you still using the modeler on the Amiga or have you switched to P.C.?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- We were running Video Toasters on Amigas, but we switched over the PC's last
- summer when LightWave became available for the intel machines. They're much
- faster and we need all the speed we can get!
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Who is Mitch the effects guy?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- Mitch Suskin was the on-set FX supervisor last year. This year it's Ted
- Rae.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Who is responsible for what? Does each artist have his own area of speciality
- or do they work on one shot from beginning to end and do everything for
- that shot?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- We have a lot of artistic freedom. Ron Thornton has final say (until it
- goes to JMS), but we (the animators) pretty much interpret the script in our
- own way. We usually do a shot from start to finish... sometimes when I'm
- directing, I'll rough out the shots in wireframe and then hand them over to
- someone else. John Teska (the other supervising animator) gravitates
- towards creature stuff and character animation and I like space battles.
- However, we all do a bit of everything!
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Who created the Nakaleen feeder? How was it designed?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- The Feeder was designed by Ron and the boys at Optic Nerve. (Optic Nerve
- are the guy's responsible for the B-5 make-up for one of many things) It was
- created entirely in the computer, except for the close-up shots of the 'tongue'
- attaching itself to the actor's face. Some of the texture maps that made up
- it's body started out as a scan of butcher meat, and I think a few medical
- reference books were used as well.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Kosh in FON: How much is makeup, and how much is CGI?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- There was an actor against a blue screen,(See my article in Newsletter #
- 31 for an explanation for blue screen) but we added the wings & the glow.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Who designs and creates ship cgi?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- Most of the ships are designed by Ron, although we are all welcome to
- design and build new ships as they appear in scripts. John Teska was
- responsible for the Narn Transport and the Centauri Liner, while I handled the
- smaller Centauri Warbird.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- How long does it take to design and create a regular shot (like Shadow
- ship shots, Narn crusiers etc). What is the approximate cost for one of these
- shots?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- It takes anywhere from a half day (simple B5 establishing shot) to 2 or 3
- days (major explosion) per shot. (Here comes Kosh,Whirr, whistle, beeeeep) They
- all cost exactly X amount of dollars
- per shot. :-)
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Why did MOJO disappear and where did he go? (Enquiring minds...)
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- He didn't pay his Netcom bill and got too busy to reinstate his account.
- Look for him soon on America's Most Wanted.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Using amigas and macs?? How many?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- We're now using Amigas & Toasters for live screen displays on
- 'Hypernauts.' B5 is done with PC's and DEC Alphas, while several Macs are used
- for compositing and 2D effects (PPG blasts and such).
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- What new and exciting cgi stuff is looming on the horizon in the near
- future???
- <dt>
- Cue Kosh again (Rattle ,burp, sound of breaking glass)
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- Keep watching...
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Who has final approval of cgi?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- Ron at Foundation, Joe for B5, but, in the end, the VIEWERS decide!
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- What are cgi deadlines like? How far in advance do they work?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- We get around 2 weeks per show, but if an episode is very FX heavy, JMS
- will
- try and follow it up with less FX intesive stories to give us more time on
- the hard shows.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- What has been the most challenging cgi effect to create? Why?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- The toughest yet is probably episode 8 from season 3, "Messages from
- Earth." You'll have to see it to understand why... other wise, The Feeder was
- a
- nice challenge, since it was our first creature... "Voice in the Wilderness"
- had our first atmospheric and semi-planetary shots, so that took some
- experimentation... the battle from "Coming of Shadows" was a personal
- struggle, since it was the first sequence I directed and it took a lot of
- work to make it so hard-hitting... the Kosh sequence was tough not because
- of Kosh, but we had to build the entire garden! People are so caught up
- with seeing Kosh they seem to have missed that the entire inside of the
- station has been built in 3D!
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- Any nifty/funny/annoying cgi stories regarding the shop, the crew, etc?
- <dt>
- Cue Kosh Again!(Gregorian chant,fingernails on a blackboard,chirp)
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- Yes.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- How are cgi artists trained? Good schools/how to learn & break into the
- business?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- School is not neccessary, but can help. I learned the basics of 3D
- animation at home on my Amiga. No one at Foundation has a degree in
- anything to do with computers (although I did go to film school). Cal Arts
- in Valenica, CA (where we are located) has a good computer animation
- department, as does the School of Visual Arts in NYC. I also think it's
- important to not just learn the technical side of 3D, but the creative side,
- which is more or less filmmaking. A lot of new animators are very adept at
- working the software, but have little knowledge of how to make a movie,
- which is exactly what the 3D animator does - make little movies inside the
- computer. Learning the basics of lighting, composition, editing and film
- theory are things I personaly consider more important than all the computer
- classes in the world. It will certainly help you get ahead! If you want to
- go to school for this sort of thing, see if you can major in CGI and minor
- in film/video. That would be a winning combo.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- How do the people get along? Is it a team effort or do folks 'do their
- own thang'?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- We all hate each other, but are forced to get along for the good of the
- show! Don't you know by now that computers are making everyone anti-social?!
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- What is more important: physics or looks?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- We do the real physics as best we can, but in the end the shots have to
- right, not BE right. Artistic integrity always wins out.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- How picky is JMS?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- Very.
- <dt>
- C.B.
- <dd>
- How picky is Ron?
- <dt>
- Mojo
- <dd>
- Depends how many beers he's had.
- </dl>
- <p>
- Sounds like my kinda guy. Well there ya have it. Okay so I'm no Barbara
- Walters but it was a fun interview. It weally weally was!
- Remember if you've got questions you can E-mail me at Necromancer@pol.org or
- send your questions to the newsletter for me. To subscribe to The Zocalo, send
- your first name, e-mail address and state/country of residence to
- katana@indirect.com. If you have ideas send them on in. Thanks again to Mojo
- and to Amy. Be seeing ya!
- <pre>
- </pre>
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- Last update:
- October 16, 1995
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