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- <h2><a name="history">The History</a></h2>
- <pre>
- 1986 First notes and drafts on the Babylon 5 story
- 1987 Spring/Summer Babylon 5 treatment and writer's bible created by JMS.
- 1988 May Artist Peter Ledger hired to design a Babylon 5 logo, and
- to do a series of paintings based on the treatment and
- bible, which were then used for various presentations.
- 1988 Summer/Fall Babylon 5 pitched to CBS, HBO, ABC, and others.
- 1989 March Babylon 5 pitched to Chris-Craft Television, a consortium
- of stations. CCT pledges support of B5, and attempts are
- made throughout 1988 and 1989 to create co-production
- deals with foreign investors.
- 1989 June/July Babylon 5 submitted/pitched to Paramount.
- 1989 December Babylon 5 receives additional pledge of support from
- Warner Bros., which begins working with CCT to form fifth
- network at same time.
- 1991 November Babylon 5 announced as one of three flagship projects for
- Warners' Prime Time Entertainment Network (PTEN). The
- trades carry the story extensively.
- 1992 June/July Casting for the pilot movie.
- 1992 August 10 Filming on the pilot movie begins.
- 1992 Sept. 4 Filming ends on the pilot movie.
- 1992 Nov. 7 First showing of pilot movie to a convention audience
- at Wishcon II in Springfield, Mass.
- 1992 Nov. 28 First announced showing of pilot movie to a convention
- audience at Loscon 19 in Los Angeles, CA.
- 1993 Jan. 14 Final edit of pilot movie completed.
- 1993 Feb. 19/20 Satellite feed of pilot movie to local stations.
- 1993 Feb. 22 week TV debut of the pilot movie. It achieved a 10.3 GAA
- national rating, which was better than the two hour
- premieres of <cite>Kung Fu: The Legend Continues</cite> (10.2),
- <cite>The Untouchables</cite> (10.2) and <a href="/trax/"><cite>Time Trax</cite></a> (8.3).
- 1993 April Series Pre-production starts.
- 1993 May 28 Formal announcement by Warner Bros. of a series order.
- 1993 Mid-July Filming starts on the series.
- 1993 Late Summer Parts of the first three episodes are previewed at San
- Diego Comic Con, WorldCon and CopperCon 13.
- 1993 Mid-Sept. Foundation Imaging awarded Visual Effects Emmy for the
- Babylon 5 pilot movie at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards.
- 1993 Mid-Oct. First fully completed episode delivered to Warner Bros.
- 1993 Oct./Nov. PTEN rebroadcast of Babylon 5 pilot movie.
- 1993 Nov. 26 "Midnight on the Firing Line" screened at LosCon 20.
- 1994 Mid-Jan. "Making of Babylon 5" airs (hosted by Walter Koenig).
- 1994 Jan. 20 Satellite feed of first episode.
- 1994 Jan. 26 Start of weekly series on PTEN.
- 1994 Mar. 23 Filming ends for first season.
- 1994 May 20 JMS <a href="/lurk/misc/sinclair-leave.html">announces</a> Michael O'Hare's departure.
- 1994 August 10 Filming begins for second season.
- 1994 September 10 "The Parliament of Dreams" wins Emmy for makeup design
- 1994 Nov. 2 Second season premieres in the US.
- 1994 Nov. 25 Limited-release B5 soundtrack debuted at Loscon 21
- 1995 Feb. 28 Viewers for Quality Television select B5 as the #1
- syndicated drama, and the #16 show overall.
- 1995 April 20 Filming ends for second season.
- 1995 April 25 Release of B5 soundtrack.
- 1995 June 8 Show is officially renewed for a third season.
- 1995 June 12 Season three preproduction begins.
- 1995 July 20 Babylon 5 is nominated for three <a href="awards.html#emmy">Emmy awards.</a>
- 1995 July 31 Production begins on season three.
- 1995 October Last four episodes of season two shown.
- 1995 November Season three premiere.
- 1996 July 18 <a href="/lurk/guide/043.html">"Comes the Inquisitor"</a> is nominated for an Emmy.
- 1996 August 26 Filming begins on season four.
- 1996 August 27 <a href="/lurk/guide/031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</a> wins the Hugo Award.
- 1996 November Season four premiere.
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- <h5>
- Last update:
- September 15, 1996
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