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- <p>
- <b>Contents:</b>
- <a href="#overview">Overview</a> -
- <a href="#notes">Notes</a>
- <p>
- <hr>
- <h2><a name="overview">Overview</a></h2>
- <p>
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/approach3.jpg"><img
- align=left width=85 height=64 hspace=4
- href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/Thumb/approach3.gif"></a>
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/line1.jpg"><img
- align=right width=85 height=64 hspace=4
- href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/Thumb/line1.gif"></a>
- <p>
- All special effects for Babylon 5 are computer generated. Foundation Imaging,
- headed by Ron Thornton, produced the special effects for the pilot movie and
- seasons one through three. Starting in season four, the special effects
- were moved in-house to Netter Digital Imaging, another subsidiary of the
- parent of B5's production company.
- <p>
- The B5 effects teams, both at Foundation and at NDI, use
- <a href="http://www.newtek.com/products/lightwave/lightwave_splash.html">Lightwave 3D</a>
- by NewTek and specialized software to design and render the visual effects.
- For the pilot, the effects were rendered on a network of Amiga computers;
- later, Foundation used 12 Pentium PCs and 5 DEC Alpha workstations for 3D
- rendering and design, and 3 Macintoshes for piecing together on-set computer
- displays. The NDI team uses a similar array of equipment; see George
- Johnsen's comments below.
- <br clear><p>
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/station4.jpg"><img
- align=left width=84 height=85 hspace=4
- href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/Thumb/station4.gif"></a>
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/feeder.gif"><img
- align=right width=85 height=57 hspace=4
- href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/Thumb/feeder.gif"></a>
- <p>
- CGI space scenes are clearer and have more realistic movement than model shots.
- Some interior shots such as docking bays are "virtual sets" combining live
- action with computer imagery. Computer-generated aliens make regular
- appearances on the show as well.
- <br clear=all>
- <p>
- Babylon 5's makeup is put together by Optic Nerve Studios, which
- has done makeup work on such projects as
- <cite>Batman Returns</cite> and <cite>Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The
- Movie,</cite> among others. On B5, they've made an attempt to break away
- from the minimalist approach often seen on weekly series, preferring full-head
- (and, in some cases, full-body) prosthetics rather than simple changes to
- the nose or forehead. Their work has paid off in the form of an
- <a href="awards.html#emmy">Emmy</a> award.
- <p>
- The Babylon 5 FTP archive's
- <a href="/lurk/ftp/Pictures/Effects/Thumb/">Pictures
- directory</a>
- contains numerous examples of the show's special effects and makeup.
- <p>
- <a href="thornton.html"><img width=100 height=24 hspace=4 align=middle border=0
- src="/lurk/nav/moreinfo.gif" alt="[More Info]"></a>
- <cite>An interview with Ron Thornton.</cite>
- <br clear>
- <a href="mojo.html"><img width=100 height=24 hspace=4 align=middle border=0
- src="/lurk/nav/moreinfo.gif" alt="[More Info]"></a>
- <cite>An interview with Mojo (supervising animator.)</cite>
- <br clear>
- <a href="http://www.blackpoolstudios.com/"><img width=100 height=24 hspace=4
- align=middle border=0 src="/lurk/nav/moreinfo.gif" alt="[More Info]"></a>
- <cite>BlackPool Studios home page</cite>
- <br clear>
- <h2><a name="notes">Assorted production notes</a></h2>
- <h4>From Adam "Mojo" Lebowitz, Foundation Imaging animator</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>
- The general composition of our FX shots, including camera moves, are
- dictated by the feeling of a scene. If JMS writes a big action scene,
- we'll move around a lot to convey that mood - if the scene has a
- somber tone, the moves will be slower to reflect this. Everything is
- dictated by story - a swooping camera move just for the sake of it can
- very easily draw your attention to the effect and away from the story
- - something we have no desire to do.
- <p>
- Interestingly enough, big swooping camera moves aren't something we
- can do very often for a good reason: you have no points of reference
- in space. Next time you're driving around, look at the clouds. using
- only them as reference, it seems as if you're standing still - even at
- 120 MPH! Now let's move into space, where your only reference are
- stars and planets - it doesn't matter how fast you move the camera,
- it's going to look as if you're standing still. In addition, without
- the background moving, if you move a camera past a ship it tends to
- look as if the ship is moving, which is why you will almost never see
- a shot of the camera moving past Babylon 5.
- <p>
- All this is why we tend to bank the camera a lot (twist it from side
- to side) - it's a way of adding camera motion to the scene without
- bothersome perspective problems!
- </ul>
- <h4>From coproducer George Johnsen</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <em>Are Macintoshes used in the production?</em>
- <p>
- Even though the Joe uses "another" platform, the show actually uses
- many! Macs have been essential to the creation of the show from the
- beginning. Even farther back, the Amiga and the Newtek Toaster were
- employed.
- <p>
- Currently we use Pentiums and Alphas for animation, Macs for Editing,
- Matte paintings and Compositing, and SGI's for Compositing and titling.
- If that isn't platform independent, I don't know what is!
- <p>
- <li>
- The arsenal looks like the following-
- <P>
- Alphas for design stations serving 5 animators and one animation
- assistant (housekeeping and slate specialist). Most of these stations
- run Lightwave and a couple add Softimage. VERY plug-in hungry. PVR's
- on every station, with calibrated component NTSC (darn it, I hates ntsc)
- right beside.
- <P>
- P6's in quad enclosures for part of the renderstack, and Alphas for the
- rest, backed up 2x per day to an optical jukebox.
- <P>
- Completed shots output to a DDR post rendering and get integrated into
- the show.
- <P>
- Shots to composite go to the Macs running After Effects, or the SGI
- running Flint, depending on the type of comp being done, and then to the
- DDR (8 minutes capacity on the SGI).
- <P>
- Boy it sure sounds easy! The only problem is, we have a killer schedule
- and very picky producers, and ESPECIALLY picky viewers! :-)
- <P>
- It is, however, a bunch of fun!
- <p>
- <li>
- <em>What does the process of coming up with a new ship look like?</em><br>
- The script will dictate a direction to look. Joe has some amazing
- pictures in his head, and sometimes they actually pop out and leak onto
- paper! Other times it takes more help. There is a discussion around a
- table not unlike the one that you describe, where the general
- characteristics of the race and their mode of conveyance are discussed
- in detail. The ideas that result are communicated to a designer
- (creature specialist, futurist, technical illustrator, theortical
- scientist, or animator- depends on the type of design required) for a
- concept sketch. Once that is adjusted and approved, a modeler builds
- the object in the appropriate animation software, and the surfacing
- begins!
- <p>
- At completion of that point, a move test is done, approved or rejected
- by myself, John Copeland, and JMS, and the object is added to the
- animator's arsenal.
- <p>
- Yes, it is collaborative, and fairly time consuming, but it does result
- in some cool ships that no single vision could produce!
- </ul>
- <pre>
- </pre>
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- <h5>
- Last update:
- August 12, 1997
- </h5>
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