The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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17 years ago
  1. <!-- TITLE Appearances and Other Deceits -->
  2. <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
  3. <blockquote><cite>
  4. As a group of propaganda specialists visits the Excalibur to try to improve
  5. its image, the crew comes across a derelict alien ship.
  6. </cite>
  7. <a href=",+John">John Vickery</a> as Mr. Welles.
  8. </blockquote>
  9. <pre>
  10. Production number: 113
  11. Original air date: July 28, 1999
  12. <a href="">DVD release date</a>: December 7, 2004
  13. Written by J. Michael Straczynski
  14. Directed by Stephen Furst
  15. </pre>
  16. <p>
  17. <hr size=3>
  18. <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
  19. <ul>
  20. <li>@@@933615846 Mr. Welles
  21. (<a href="044.html">"The Fall of Night"</a>)
  22. is still working as a propagandist for the Earth government.
  23. <li>@@@933615846 Somewhere in the galaxy there exists a race of aliens who
  24. are able to pass their consciousness from one body to another by
  25. touch, effectively possessing the new host. They reproduce by
  26. subdividing as they spread, the old host retaining part of the
  27. alien presence and passing it on to the new. Rather than send
  28. their physical bodies out on risky space journeys to colonize
  29. other worlds, they sent out a series of probes, each imbued with
  30. a piece of the alien consciousness. As the probes are discovered,
  31. the aliens take over the worlds in question.
  32. </ul>
  33. <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
  34. <ul>
  35. <li>@@@933615846 Where is the mind-altering aliens' original homeworld?
  36. <li>@@@933615846 How many other probes are drifting through space waiting
  37. to be discovered?
  38. <li>@@@933615846 Where did the derelict spacecraft come from?
  39. </ul>
  40. <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
  41. <ul>
  42. <li>@@@933615846 Though it turned out to be correct, Max's line of thought
  43. about the alien writing missed an obvious possibility. He noted that
  44. the writing on the ship and the aliens' spoken language seemed to bear
  45. no relation to one another. The explanation could have been as simple
  46. as the ship being manufactured by one group of aliens and crewed by
  47. another; the crew might have bought or stolen the ship from someone
  48. else.
  49. <li>@@@933658333 As the alien was being forced out the airlock, it tried
  50. to say to Gideon, "I know what you're looking for. I know where you
  51. can find it!" Was it referring to a cure for the Drakh plague? If
  52. so, did it in fact know of a cure, or was it just trying to tell
  53. whatever lie was necessary to save its life?
  54. </ul>
  55. <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
  56. <ul>
  57. <li>@@@931207368 Director Stephen Furst played Vir in the original series.
  58. <li>@@@931207368 The costume changes in this episode are a result of a
  59. quirk in the series' production: after five episodes were
  60. filmed with the "new" costumes and set designs introduced in this
  61. episode, TNT increased the show's budget. This episode and the
  62. ones before it in the airing sequence were filmed after the budget
  63. increase. Had the series continued beyond 13 episodes, the 14th
  64. episode would have featured an "accident" in the laundry room that
  65. forced the crew back to their more expensive uniforms.
  66. </ul>
  67. <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
  68. <ul>
  69. <p>
  70. <li>@@@935688992 <em>It's obvious that the episodes filmed 6th through
  71. 13th were intended to air before the first 5 that were filmed. Why
  72. on Earth would you do that?</em><br>
  73. Let me ask you a real simple question:
  74. <p>
  75. What makes you think it was my decision?
  76. <p>
  77. TNT wanted the "new-look" episodes aired first. They wanted to push
  78. the first 5 back as far as possible. I initially figured we'd do 5-6
  79. of the "new look" ones first, the minimum possible, then the first 5,
  80. then the new-look (black uniform) ones to the end.
  81. <P>
  82. TNT *mandated* that the black-uniform ones would go first. It was not
  83. my choice. I have NO control over broadcast.
  84. <p>
  85. Not only did they want to hold them back, they were debating if they'd
  86. even allow us to FINISH post on the first 5. It was a struggle to let
  87. them finish 'em, and they were the last ones to go through post.
  88. <p>
  89. Before you fire, it's always a good idea to know what the target is
  90. first.
  91. <p>
  92. <li>@@@934310433 "As Gideon was preparing Greenberg's body for Airlock'nLoad,
  93. the alien within was pleading:"Don't do this! I know what you're looking
  94. for!" Was this a reference to the Plague/Cure?"
  95. <p>
  96. Yep. But since the body couldn't talk aloud, it couldn't
  97. communicate this effectively.
  98. </ul>