The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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18 years ago
  1. <!-- TITLE The Path of Sorrows -->
  2. <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
  3. <blockquote><cite>
  4. The discovery of a mysterious alien causes the crew to reflect on significant
  5. events in their lives.
  6. </cite>
  7. </blockquote>
  8. <pre>
  9. Production number: 109
  10. Original air date: June 30, 1999
  11. <a href="">DVD release date</a>: December 7, 2004
  12. Written by J. Michael Straczynski
  13. Directed by Mike Vejar
  14. </pre>
  15. <p>
  16. <hr size=3>
  17. <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
  18. <ul>
  19. <p>
  20. <li>@@@931198143 Gideon was an ensign on the Cerberus ten years earlier
  21. when it was attacked by an alien ship, possibly a Shadow vessel.
  22. The ship was destroyed while he was in the middle of a spacewalk to
  23. survey some hull damage. Shortly after the Shadow ship withdrew,
  24. the technomage fleet arrived and he was rescued by Galen.
  25. After he returned to Earth, his story was met with skepticism by
  26. his superiors.
  27. <p>
  28. <li>@@@931198143 At one point, Gideon won a device called an "apocalypse
  29. box" in a poker game. The box's previous owner killed himself
  30. immediately after losing it, though apparently more to escape
  31. the box's influence than because he was upset about losing it.
  32. <p>
  33. <li>@@@931198143 Galen and Isabelle
  34. (<a href="503.html">"The Well of Forever"</a>)
  35. were injured and stranded on a planet after being betrayed by
  36. three other technomages. She died as he comforted her. Thereafter,
  37. Galen refused to believe in any kind of higher purpose or design in
  38. the universe, since it would imply that someone decided that Isabelle
  39. deserved to die.
  40. <p>
  41. <li>@@@931198143 Matheson was working at a secret Psi Corps base during
  42. the Telepath War. He was asked to administer sleeper drugs to a
  43. captured rogue telepath. The rogue convinced him to look at the
  44. Corps in a less forgiving light; he ended up betraying his masters
  45. and unwittingly helping the rogues destroy the Psi Corps base.
  46. </ul>
  47. <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
  48. <ul>
  49. <li>@@@931198143 Who did Galen apologize to, and for what?
  50. <li>@@@931198143 What were the circumstances of Dureena's previous
  51. failure, and who died as a result?
  52. <li>@@@931198143 Who and what was the alien in the orb?
  53. <li>@@@931198143 Who attacked the Cerberus? The Shadows? Given that
  54. Earth was allied with them during the Shadow War, why would they
  55. attack an Earth Alliance ship?
  56. <li>@@@931198143 Was it just a coincidence that the technomage fleet
  57. appeared in precisely the same location as the attack on the Cerberus?
  58. <li>@@@931198143 What was the apocalypse box? Where did it come from?
  59. What happened to it?
  60. <li>@@@931198143 Who betrayed Galen and Isabelle? Why? What precisely did
  61. they do?
  62. <li>@@@931198143 Was the message to Galen genuine, or did the alien cause
  63. it to be sent?
  64. </ul>
  65. <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
  66. <ul>
  67. <li>@@@931198143 Since Matheson has been deep-scanned on at least one
  68. occasion
  69. (<a href="503.html">"The Well of Forever"</a>)
  70. it's possible that his role in the Corps base's destruction is known
  71. to at least a few other people. Have there been any repercussions,
  72. or does the fact that it was wartime (and, more to the point, that
  73. the Corps was apparently on the losing side of the war) mean he
  74. wasn't officially held accountable?
  75. <li>@@@936001489 The word "apocalypse" has two meanings. The commonly-used
  76. one is a cataclysm, generally involving the destruction of life on
  77. a large scale. But the word also means "a prophetic revelation."
  78. Which sense applies to the box remains to be seen.
  79. </ul>
  80. <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
  81. <ul>
  82. <li>@@@931198143 Matheson's psi ability is stronger than P2, though
  83. how much higher isn't clear.
  84. <li>@@@931457216 Galen's reason for refusing to believe in a larger
  85. design echoes a comment by Marcus. He told Dr. Franklin that
  86. he preferred to think that things didn't happen for a reason, since
  87. otherwise it would mean that people deserved it when bad things
  88. happened to them.
  89. </ul>
  90. <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
  91. <ul>
  92. <li>@@@931198143 This one is a favorite of mine as well. It was one of
  93. the scripts written while we were still shooting the first 5, before
  94. TNT got into the process. When that happened, they made it clear that
  95. they *hated* this story, felt that nobody would be interested in all
  96. this backstory...and asked for it all to be taken out, let them run
  97. into this alien and make him an evil character, an emotional vampire
  98. who drives them insane.
  99. <p>
  100. This was one of the first scripts where I dug in my heels
  101. bigtime and refused to do what they asked. I knew it would be
  102. powerful; they thought it would be utterly uninteresting. They were
  103. wrong.
  104. <p>
  105. <li>@@@931198143 <em>What was the ship that attacked the Cerberus?</em><br>
  106. That remains to be revealed.
  107. <p>
  108. <li>@@@931198143 <em>Was Lyta supposed to be in this episode?</em><br>
  109. Yeah, Lyta would've been in that ep but Pat was on a movie at
  110. the time.
  111. <p>
  112. <li>@@@931198143 Re: the Matheson scene...that one was cut back by about 40%
  113. because the episode ran long. (That sometimes happens on dialogue-
  114. intensive episodes.) The original version had it go over a longer
  115. period of time, and showed him coming over gradually. It is a bit
  116. abrupt as it is now, though I still think it plays.
  117. <p>
  118. <li>@@@931198143 <em>Why didn't the rogue have a beacon that sent out a
  119. continuous signal?</em><br>
  120. A device that small would run out of power if it were on all the
  121. time, and might be detected. My feeling was that it was switched off
  122. and had to be removed to power it up, then the telepathic signal would
  123. activate the beacon and bring in the troops. You'd have a two-stage
  124. process to a) avoid detection, and b) ensure that if it *were* found it
  125. couldn't be used by anyone else to stage a trap.
  126. <p>
  127. <li>@@@931198449 "I'm very curious where Joe's going with Galen's
  128. character."
  129. <p>
  130. Actually, Galen has quite a secret he's carrying around with
  131. him. It formed the basis of scripts 114 ("To the Ends of the Earth")
  132. and 116 ("End of the Line," which would've been the cliffhanger). It's
  133. also a major element of the coming technomage novels. There's a very
  134. small reference to it in the episode airing this week, when Galen
  135. mentions that he and someone else have been "betrayed by our own kind."
  136. <p>
  137. It also ties into why they were in such a rush to get the hell
  138. out of known space during the shadow war.
  139. </ul>