- <!-- TITLE The Legend of the Rangers -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- The crew of a Ranger ship encounters an ancient, deadly foe.
- </cite>
- Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar.
- </blockquote>
- <pre>
- Production number: ???
- Original air date: January 19, 2002
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Mike Vejar
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@1011605666 A hostile race known as The Hand (or more fully, the
- Hand of God) was banished to a region outside of normal space a
- billion years ago. They have been searching for a way back ever
- since, and now appear to have found one.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@1011605666 What do The Hand want?
- <li>@@@1011605666 Why do they need help from younger races, if they're as
- powerful as described?
- <li>@@@1011605666 Who built the underground city, and how did they banish
- The Hand originally?
- <li>@@@1011605666 How did The Hand escape their prison?
- <li>@@@1011605666 What happened to Lyta such that G'Kar would describe
- her as "gone?"
- <li>@@@1011605666 Who betrayed the previous crew of the Liandra, and why?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@1011605666 Knowledge of The Hand seems to be very limited,
- suggesting that the Vorlons either didn't know about them (possible,
- if their disappearance significantly predated the Vorlons' contact
- with other races) or didn't consider them enough of a threat to
- warrant mentioning to the Minbari.
- <p>
- <li>@@@1011605666 Some of the information that <em>is</em> known about The
- Hand is potentially wrong. They would have a vested interest in
- exaggerating their capabilities in an attempt to attract new
- servants, so they may not be the all-powerful force Minister Kafta
- described.
- <p>
- <li>@@@1011605666 Since Lorien claimed to be the oldest sentient being in
- the universe
- (<a href="072.html">"Into the Fire"</a>)
- he would have been around to see The Hand in action and might have
- been privy to whatever was done to defeat them. Did he mention
- them to Sheridan?
- <p>
- <li>@@@1011605666 If Delenn's speech at the end of
- <a href="087.html">"Rising Star"</a>
- can be taken as her recollection of what happened in the twenty
- years after that episode, the conflict with The Hand won't be a
- huge, devastating one; she mentioned the Telepath War and the Drakh
- War but didn't specifically name any other major conflicts. Of
- course, it's possible that either of those wars also involved The
- Hand.
- <p>
- <li>@@@1011605666 The fire control system on the Liandra seems to be
- based on the idea of making maximum use of the Rangers' physical combat
- training. Arguably from a purely practical point of view, it would be
- more effective (and less physically exhausting) to let a computer
- handle target selection and firing control based on guidelines from
- the command crew. But the Rangers' combat techniques aren't purely
- pragmatic (for example, their use of fighting sticks rather than
- firearms) and appear to include the notion that fights should be
- personal, one-on-one affairs rather than remote-controlled proxy
- battles. Making a ship's weapons an extension of a weapon officer's
- body is consistent with that aesthetic.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@993065219 <a href="http://www.scifi.com/b5rangers/">Official site</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@987749541 Production start date: May 14
- <p>
- <li>@@@985122603 The SciFi Channel's press release:
- <p>
- Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski is working on a
- two-hour telefilm called Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers
- that will premiere on SCI FI later this year. The film will
- take up the story of the legendary Ranger fleet as it attempts
- to restore order to hundreds of civilizations devastated by the
- Shadow War.
- <p>
- This new chapter of the Babylon 5 story finds the mysterious
- Ranger force--a combination of humans and alien Minbari trained
- in space warfare as well as the unique alien philosophy of the
- Rangers and just about every conceivable form of martial
- arts--faced with deadly challenges in its attempt to create
- peace out of the war's destruction.
- <P>
- Babylon 5 cast members may appear in the movie, which will also
- serve as the pilot for a potential SCI FI Channel series.
- Douglas Netter is executive producing the series along with
- Straczynski.
- <p>
- <li>@@@995527751 The air date was announced on July 10, 2001 at a
- press conference. SCI FI announced that they'll wait to see how
- well the movie does before deciding on a series.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@985166209 Well, that's at least ONE weight off my chest....
- <p>
- To those who've heard the news already, and those just now
- finding out...the SciFi Channel today announced that we have a
- new Babylon 5 TV movie going into production that will also
- serve as a pilot for a likely new series.
- <p>
- The movie (and the series) is under the heading of BABYLON 5:
- THE LEGEND OF THE RANGERS. The specific title for the 2-hour
- movie's story is "To Live and Die in Starlight."
- <p>
- There isn't much I can tell you about the story because we're
- kinda keeping the details under wraps as much as possible for
- the time being. What little I can say....
- <p>
- It's set in the B5 universe just under 3 years after the events
- of "Objects at Rest." At this point there's one major
- character from the B5 universe in the script (a fan favorite).
- Where B5 was a heavy drama with some adventure/action elements,
- this one is a little more skewed toward adventure with
- underlying drama (which is about what you'd expect from the
- Anla-Shok).
- <p>
- We've been sitting on this information for a while now...such
- that we're already well into pre-production. We'll be shooting
- this movie around mid-May, well in advance of any potential
- actor's strike (the script is done and so far everybody likes
- it a LOT).
- <p>
- We've already got designs coming in on a new ship, and a new
- *kind* of ship...and we're going to be getting more into
- Minbari aesthetics, technologies and philosophy.
- <p>
- It's got some great characters, and it's a lot of fun.
- <p>
- I have other news to announce on other fronts...have since the
- end of the year, in fact...but I'm still sitting on the details
- awaiting another press release from another studio. What I
- *can* say is that I have a firm GO order to executive produce a
- new series (nominally SF) that will go into production after
- the potential SAG strike. When that's finally over, if the
- strike indeed happens, we pull the trigger and go into
- principal photography and it's an order for a full season's
- worth of episodes.
- <p>
- I can't give you any details right now on the subject, title,
- studio or network. That will have to await the studio's
- release...so don't even ask.
- <p>
- As far as doing both projects at the same time is
- concerned...it's actually quite common, as testified to by
- folks like John Wells and Aaron Sorkin and David Kelly and
- others. So there won't be any conflict.
- <p>
- <li>@@@1011643981 <em>Why such an inexperienced crew? Is it because
- the Rangers have had to expand like crazy, leading to a shortage
- of trained officers?</em><br>
- Exactly, and after the shadow war, a lot of higher ranking/experienced
- rangers were dead, leading to getting promoted earlier.
- <p>
- Also, the Liandra isn't like the Enterprise, it's more like a PT boat,
- and there's a huge difference between the captain of a PT boat and a
- captain of the John F. Kennedy, though both are technically captains
- on their vessels.
- <p>
- <li>@@@1011643981 <em>The Valen didn't look like a Minbari ship.</em><br>
- As Dulann mentioned in his talk with David in the hall, it was
- influenced by human military designers. David also made fun of it
- earlier.
- <p>
- <em>Where were the White Stars?</em><br>
- The 80 or so surviving whitestars were either on station at Minbar or
- doing larger more important work. This was considered a milk run.
- <p>
- <li>@@@1011643981 <em>The Liandra looked nothing like the Minbari ships
- from the Earth-Minbari War era.</em><br>
- The Liandra is a Ranger ship. The Rangers, if we recall our
- history from In the Beginning, were not directly involved in
- Earth related hostilities during the Minbari War. The EM war
- was under the aegis of the Warrior caste.
- <p>
- It is also, by design, a small, fast (crew of maybe 20) patrol
- ship designed to go on the edge, it's not meant to go out there
- and pulverize fleets. It would have been instantly outgunned
- and destroyed in the EM war's bigger battles.
- <p>
- (One thing I'm curious about is the assumption that we've seen
- all of the Minbari ships. We've literally seen only a handful.
- Go to Jane's books on military weapons, planes in particular,
- and you get all *kinds* of variation...from ospreys to f16s to
- cargo jets to hovercraft...why should there be less variation
- in a more advanced society like the Minbari?)
- <p>
- <em>And the Valen was ugly.</em><br>
- Yes. That was the intent. That's why David made fun of it on the
- balcony. Nobody likes it, it was a compromise between Humans and
- Minbari (which Dulann also mentions), more politically motivated than
- structurally sound. We won't be seeing its kind again.
- <p>
- <li>@@@1011643981 <em>Why were the raiders able to hurt the Enfali?</em><br>
- Even a lion can be brought down by a pack of smaller predators. The
- Enfalli was alone and the pursuit was a long one, and they just kept
- taking hit after hit.
- <p>
- <em>Raider ships don't have aft guns.</em><br>
- Raider fighter craft come in as many variations as human fighter craft.
- The error is in thinking monolithically.
- <p>
- <em>Where was the White Star fleet?</em><br>
- Bear in mind that there were only ever about a hundred, maybe a hundred
- and fifty whitestars built during the Shadow War. A LOT of those got
- wiped out during said war, so now you've got maybe 80 or so. You
- conserve your best ships for big jobs, you don't have them doing this
- kind of grunt work.
- <p>
- <em>Is Tannier the same character as the Tannier in
- <a href="093.html">"Learning Curve?"</a></em><br>
- Meant to be the same character, but it's not the same actor.
- <p>
- <em>The hyperspace special effects looked different.</em><br>
- Hyperspace is now *much* more complex than it was using lightwave, with
- more levels. It was always meant to look pretty hellish, but we could
- never quite pull it off with lightwave, it always looked 2d. This is
- more what I originally had in mind.
- <p>
- <em>In Dulann's vision, Minister Kafta's face was already beaten
- up, even though it hadn't happened yet.</em><br>
- Recheck your tape...that shot ain't there.
- <p>
- <em>The Liandra is smaller than a White Star and has jump engines.
- But Sheridan was surprised about the White Star's ability to jump.</em>
- <br>
- He also didn't know everything about Minbari ships and classes.
- <p>
- <em>Why didn't the Valen fire a shot?</em><br>
- The Valen never had time to fire; they were hit within a second of the
- hand ships coming out of hyperspace (actually *as* they were coming
- out)...the hits disabled most of the systems on the new ship (you can
- see eruptions all over the bridge). The weapons systems were intact
- elsewhere, but the control mechanisms were down. That's why they kept
- hammering the Valen, to make sure it wouldn't be able to fire.
- <p>
- <em>Why not just hide on the other side of the comet?</em><br>
- Two-dimensional thinking. Only works if the comet is directly between
- you and the enemy. If it moves at any other angle, you're revealed.
- <p>
- <em>How is it possible to lose someone on such a small ship?</em><br>
- Given the small ins and outs and access hatches and panels and sub-halls
- and the like...real possible.
- <p>
- <em>Why didn't the Leandra have beam weapons like other Minbari
- ships?</em><br>
- Not a big enough ship with a big enough power source.
- <p>
- <em>The Liandra would never stand a chance against a Shadow
- battlecrab.</em><br>
- It wasn't a shadow battlecrab. It was tough, but it wasn't one of
- those. The hand wouldn't give out that kind of power to flunkies.
- </ul>