- <!-- TITLE Crusade -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- This spinoff series deals with the exploits of a Ranger ship, the Excalibur,
- and its search for the cure to a plague that threatens humanity.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Brooks,+David+Allen">David Allen Brooks</a> as Max Eilerson.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Cole,+Gary">Gary Cole</a> as (Captain) Matthew Gideon.
- Jeff Conaway as Zack Allan (rumored).
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Dobro,+Carrie">Carrie Dobro</a> as Dureena Nafeel.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Holden,+Marjean">Marjean Holden</a> as Dr. Susan Chambers.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Dae+Kim,+Daniel">Daniel Dae Kim</a> as Lt. Matheson.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Scoggins,+Tracy">Tracy Scoggins</a> as Capt. Elizabeth Lochley.
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Name?Woodward,+Peter">Peter Woodward</a> as Galen.
- </blockquote>
- <pre>
- Start date: June 9, 1999
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00061QJSK/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: December 7, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- <a href="http://www.psicorps.cnchost.com/">Fiona Avery</a>
- and others
- Directed by many people
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2>Episodes</h2>
- <p>
- Only 13 episodes (of a planned five years) were produced due to creative
- differences between TNT and JMS.
- <p>
- Chronological episode order (ignoring the uniform change in favor of
- maintaining as much storyline continuity as possible):
- <ol>
- <li> <a href="501.html">War Zone</a>
- <li> <a href="509.html">Racing the Night</a>
- <li> <a href="510.html">The Memory of War</a>
- <li> <a href="511.html">The Needs of Earth</a>
- <li> <a href="512.html">Visitors from Down the Street</a>
- <li> <a href="513.html">Each Night I Dream of Home</a>
- <li> <a href="502.html">The Long Road</a>
- <li> <a href="503.html">The Well of Forever</a>
- <li> <a href="504.html">The Path of Sorrows</a>
- <li> <a href="505.html">Patterns of the Soul</a>
- <li> <a href="506.html">Ruling from the Tomb</a>
- <li> <a href="507.html">The Rules of the Game</a>
- <li> <a href="508.html">Appearances and Other Deceits</a>
- </ol>
- <h2><a name="NO">N</a><a name="BP">o</a><a name="AN">t</a><a name="UQ">e</a>s</h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@891976541 TNT officially announced the series on April 7, 1998.
- JMS confirmed that the series was a go on April 3, 1998 on Los Angeles'
- "Hour 25" radio program (which he once hosted.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@891709627 Shooting began August 3, 1998.
- <p>
- <li>@@@903390030 The production team enlisted the help of scientists
- at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to help ensure that the series'
- alien worlds are consistent with the latest planetary science. See
- Netter Digital Entertainment's
- <a href="http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/980817/ca_netter__1.html">press
- release</a>
- on the subject.
- <p>
- <li>@@@905812458 NASA's
- <a href="http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/releases/98/crusade2.html">press
- release</a>
- has more detail and includes an image of the Excalibur.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906450790 <a name="NO.memo">Some behind-the-scenes machinations</a>
- which will probably prove
- to be good Crusade trivia: On September 8, 1998,
- <a href="http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/">Ain't It Cool News</a>
- ran a
- <a href="http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=2060">story</a>
- describing a memo from TNT containing a list of proposed changes to
- Crusade, mostly focused on greatly increasing the amount of sex and
- violence. The next day, JMS
- <a href="#JS.memo1">posted</a>
- on CompuServe and elsewhere that
- he couldn't officially confirm or deny the report.
- <p>
- The fan community's
- reaction ranged from hostility to skepticism to alarm. Many
- doubted the story was for real, and TNT would only say that no such
- memo had been sent to the Crusade producers (but not that it didn't
- exist). On September 19, however, JMS
- <a href="#JS.memo2">verified</a>
- that it had in fact existed, but that it had been withdrawn. He
- also announced that TNT had decided to spend some extra money on
- Crusade's sets, and for that reason, filming ceased for a month.
- <p>
- Later, it became clear that the show TNT wanted -- a space shoot-em-up
- with lots of sex and violence -- wasn't the show JMS was producing,
- and that he wasn't willing to change the flavor of the series just to
- satisfy TNT. As the 13th episode was wrapping up filming, TNT
- informed Warner Bros. and Babylonian Productions that they weren't
- interested in funding any additional episodes, and production stopped.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <h3>About the cancellation and events leading up to it</h3>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-01-30: Rumors abound that TNT has pulled the plug
- on Crusade production.</em>
- <p>
- The plug has not been pulled by TNT, which cannot pull the plug
- because we don't work for TNT, we work for WB. TNT is a distributor.
- <p>
- All I can say for now is that, like Oliver Stone's project for
- TNT, Witchblade, we have found that TNT (known primarily for westerns,
- historical dramas and wrestling) is not SF-friendly in terms of really
- getting what SF is about, and it may not entirely reconcile with what
- their core audience expects from them...and that a new, more SF
- friendly venue is being explored.
- <p>
- So if folks wanted to drop an encouraging note to, let's say,
- the Sci-Fi Channel, for instance, that would certainly be okay by me.
- <p>
- But in the interim...no, we're not canceled. We're taking off
- next week to allow WB to work its magic, but that's about it.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-01-31: How about releasing the series to video or a satellite
- service?</em>
- <p>
- No, you can't do a series to video, it has to be aired. And DTV
- is considered a poor man's venue, for stuff that couldn't make it
- elsewhere.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-01-31: Can the show move to the WB Network?</em>
- <p>
- WB Network is out of the question, due to the way WB is
- structured. It's a very long, corporate story, just take my word for
- it...SFC is the best option for us.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-02-10: What are you doing now? Writing? Working on your
- new comic? Sleeping?</em>
- <p>
- All that...plus working on the show, doing post production on the
- episodes already in hand (CGI, music, sound, editing)...I'm actually
- about as busy as we are during shooting.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-02-26: Will the episodes already shot be aired?</em>
- <p>
- All 13 eps produced so far will be shown; we'll be doing post
- production (CGI, music other stuff) through April 22nd.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-02-26: Why would TNT change its mind when they'd already
- had good success with B5?</em>
- <p>
- One element to the whole discussion is that B5 was already an
- entity in its own right, and taking on the fifth year entailed
- basically buying what was already there, as opposed to becoming
- involved with the creative process of influencing a new series.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-02-26: The Sci-Fi Channel tried to arrange to pick Crusade
- up after TNT decided to only order 13 episodes.</em>
- <p>
- Well, we took our best shot. Sometimes it works, sometimes it
- don't.
- <p>
- The SciFi Channel programming guys wanted the show; they wanted
- it a lot. They crunched numbers for almost two weeks trying to make it
- work. But at the end of the day, the problem was that they had already
- allocated or spent their budget for the year, and couldn't come up with
- the huge chunk of change necessary to get an entire season. Had this
- come up prior to January 1st, things would almost certainly have gone
- differently. But they have their budget, as we have ours, and it was
- already allocated.
- <p>
- So TNT will now air the full 13 produced, and that's the end of
- it for now. I say for now because WB has told us to fold and hold all
- the sets, rather than scrap them, because they believe strongly in the
- show, and feel that when the ratings come in we may well be able to
- pick up a second season. We'll see.
- <p>
- Meanwhile, I'm taking the day off, and deciding which of a
- number of offers from networks and studios, sitting on my desk since B5
- finished, to pick up. I had declined to go that route so I could do
- Crusade and keep playing in this universe, but absent that, there's no
- reason not to go back to the networks and apply there some of what
- we've been able to do in B5 and Crusade.
- <p>
- My thanks to all those who wrote, and called, and emailed, and
- lent their support to the process. And I think that when you see the
- show, you'll be quite pleased by what we did. We're all very proud of
- it.
- <p>
- <li> Bottom line:
- <p>
- The reason we've been waiting so long for news is that the
- SciFi Channel has been crunching numbers for weeks, trying to
- make the deal work with WB, and doing their level best. The
- programming folks there loved the show (and special thanks has
- to go to Programming Head Tom Vitale at SFC who worked hardest
- to make this work).
- <p>
- The problem is simply this: the money to fund a series is a BIG
- chunk of change. SFC had already allocated its budget for the
- year as of January 1st, and there simply wasn't enough left in
- this year's budget to pull it off. Also, the emphasis now is
- on spending money on shows where one owns a piece of it, and
- Crusade is owned entirely by WB.
- <p>
- At the end of they day, they just couldn't make the dollars
- work, though they tried their damndest, and are only to be
- thanked.
- <p>
- I'm told that if the ratings are good on the 13 which TNT will
- still air, all the eps made so far will be shown, there may be
- a second season, but we'll see.
- <p>
- Meanwhile, I'm taking the day off. There have been seven
- offers for overall deals and multiple network pilot deals with
- both networks per se and studios on my desk for about a year
- now, ever since B5 ended, which I've been putting off to do
- Crusade. Now I'll pick one of those deals and make it. So the
- next thing from me you see will almost certainly be on one of
- the major networks. I'm going back into the deep water
- again....
- <p>
- Meanwhile, my thanks to all those who emailed and wrote and
- called and supported. It's a good show, as will be seen when
- the shows are aired, and I'd rather lose a show I believed in
- than keep one I didn't believe in.
- <p>
- <li> "So, has the success of B5 brought more offers than before?"
- <p>
- Definitely. It showed that I could run a series and keep it on
- budget and make it an international success. Right now those elements
- are in heavy demand at the networks. Even though the pay is half in
- cable what you get at the network level, I was content to stay with
- Crusade if it meant keeping our team together, and playing in the B5
- universe a bit longer. Absent that, then there's every reason to take
- up one or two of those offers.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-02-27: A fan asks if a letter-writing campaign would
- help.</em>
- <p>
- What you have to understand at this point is that there's
- really no time left. It takes a large amount of money to hold
- a cast and crew together while other options are being sought,
- and even then options on varoius cast members and others begin
- to expire fast.
- <p>
- WB can't keep spending holding money while they're seeking
- another prospect. It's a business decision, but a sensible
- one, given the large amounts of money involved. Their approach
- now is to believe in the show enough to get it on the air, let
- the ratings speak for themselves, and see what happens.
- <p>
- My only regret is for the cast, who are all uniformly terrific,
- and who are caught out in all this.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-03-13: Is there still hope?</em><br>
- "There's always hope, because it's the one thing nobody's figured out
- how to kill yet." -- Galen.
- <p>
- <li> <em>1999-03-13: A fan suggests writing to Bonnie Hammer,
- senior VP of programming at the Sci-Fi Channel, or to Stephen
- Chao, president of television and marketing for SFC's parent
- company, USA Networks, in the hopes of convincing SFC to include
- the show in their next annual budget.</em>
- <p>
- Yes, both those would be good choices.
- <p>
- And the best time for this would be after the episodes start airing in
- June. I think we have about 5 weeks before the actors' contracts
- expire in July. (They will be running all 13 straight through, or so
- they tell me.)
- </ul>
- <h3>About the series in general</h3>
- <ul>
- <li> WB has asked for a treatment on a sequel, and TNT is interested in doing
- two original B5 movies set during the B5 main story arc, with one of
- them a prequel. We'll see....
- <p>
- <li> I've worked out the details for 1,000 years in either direction
- for the B5 storyline in general, and in specific for 100 years in
- either direction; there's no chance of anything getting watered down no
- matter what happens...there's enough story there for several novels.
- And WB is currently very interested in the side-story/sequel series
- that I've mentioned from the beginning is a possibility.
- <p>
- <li> Actually, I've said pretty much from the very beginning of the first
- season, that there was a side-story that could go off, which I'd be
- interested in telling. And that may be a possibility.
- <p>
- And it's not Crusaders (which always makes me think of Crusader Rabbit);
- it's The Babylon Project: Crusade. (That's the working title, anyway.)
- <p>
- <li> It would take place after the main B5 arc. As for specifics on
- cast, nothing can be said until things get closer to being nailed down;
- there's still a lot that can change on this, and it's a question of
- what works best for the show, and who wants to move on, and other
- aspects.
- <p>
- <li>@@@878760330 <em>Does the series touch on the Rangers' work on Earth
- as shown in
- <a href="088.html">"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars?"</a></em><br>
- No, that part isn't the crux of the Rangers series,
- because that takes place 'way down the road, but monks have always been
- around on the show, starting with Brother Theo, so I imagine we'll see
- them in future.
- <p>
- <li>@@@854165337 Yeah, the sequel and the fifth year could conceivably happen at
- the same time...or not...or one or the other...it's utterly in flux.
- Totally fluxed up.
- <p>
- <li> It would have an arc, yes, but not as rigorous as the one in B5;
- I've kind of done that now, and would like to try something
- different...I don't like to try and walk in the same stream twice, to
- borrow a metaphor from Greek philosophy.
- <p>
- <li> <em>But you've already worked on non-arc shows.</em><br>
- Well, basically, all there *is* are either arc shows or
- stand-alone shows (or maybe somewhat stand-alones with a slight thread
- running through them). My feeling for now is that I just don't want to
- do the same thing twice in a row...and maybe find some new approaches
- along the way to the next project.
- <p>
- You must understand how hideously difficult and exhausting
- telling a 5 year tightly constructed story like this is...basically,
- over the course of 4 years, I'll have written 3,000 pages all in one
- universe, primarily telling one story. That's the equivilent of 6 or 7
- full-size novels in 4 years, telling one story. After something like
- that, you want to do something a little different for a bit.
- <p>
- Four years ago, when I started carrying this elephant, I barely
- had a grey hair on my head...now it's gone almost entirely grey, I look
- as if I've aged 10 years, and people who see me after a gap of a few
- years all say the same thing: "What the hell HAPPENED to you?" I tell
- them: Babylon 5.
- <p>
- <li> I never SAID "Crusade" would not have a story
- arc. I have only said that it won't be as *intense* an arc as that on
- B5, because the tone is somewhat different, because I don't want to do
- the exact same thing twice. But it will have an arc to it.
- <p>
- <li> My general sense for what comes next for me...assuming the B5
- sequel goes...I've done a hard-linked and extremely intense drama with
- an adventure component...and now, having done that, and proved that it
- *could* be done, despite many who said it couldn't, my feeling now is,
- "Okay, we've done that, how can we tweak it so that the sequel has a
- different feel to it?" So I'm looking at something that's a little more
- in the adventurous mode, with a serious underpinning, with an arc to it
- that's not quite as intense in tone, but is still good drama.
- Characters that grow and change, a definite ending, several mysteries
- enclosed inside other mysteries, with a much larger canvas, and an even
- stronger sense of wonder. B5 I did to prove a point, to some extent;
- now I'd like to try something where, having achieved that, I can sit
- back and, knowing the format now, have some fun with it. Maybe turn
- it on its head in a few places.
- <p>
- As with everything else I do, I try to find what I'd enjoy as a
- viewer, and take it from there. That was how B5 came about, and that's
- how the new show would come about, should it happen.
- <p>
- <li>@@@855739129 "Can you tell us if Crusade is going to be a definite length eg B5
- is/was supposed to be 5 years (still hanging on for season 5
- announcement and sadly for season 4 to start showing in UK)."
- <p>
- There's a definite ending in mind, yes, but there's some room to play
- within that framework. Again, there's an arc, but not quite as rigorous
- as with B5.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864919901 "Crusade" would take place about 3 years
- after the events of season 5, in 2265.
- <p>
- <li>@@@864919901 <em>What years would the story span?</em><br>
- 2265-2270.
- <p>
- <li> In some ways, yeah, I think I will have some real opportunities that
- didn't exist with B5, in that for the first 3 years we had to fight to
- get ourselves taken seriously by everyone, including WB. Now we have
- some credibility, and that gives you a certain freedom.
- <p>
- Also, the arc was, for me, a relatively new tool which took me about a
- year or so to really figure out how to use...then I used it
- relentlessly for a very long time. Now it's just one more tool on my
- belt, and I can use it with a bit more precision. It's the difference
- between using a rapier and a broadsword.
- <p>
- It'll probably start out looking fairly conventional, as did B5 our
- first year, just until the suits get comfortable and start ignoring us
- (they're all OVER you in your first year), and then, again as with B5,
- we'll start getting really subversive...ah loves being subversive....
- <p>
- And there'll be the folks who'll say, "Oh, it's just X," just like
- they did with B5 in the beginning, saying "Oh, it's just like DS9,"
- which is *perfect* because it lets me sneak up behind them and just
- WHACK 'em upside the head when they're not looking, as with B5.
- <p>
- Basically, without saying too much, it'll be a MUCH larger canvas, and
- the kinds of stories I can tell will be CONSIDERABLY more varied and
- have more opportunities to explore all kinds of interesting stuff, so
- I can go a bit more nuts on production values, alien stuff, and other
- areas.
- <p>
- <li>@@@884031252 What I want to do with Crusade is take the tools we
- learned to use in B5 and apply them in a different (and in some ways,
- more ambitious) manner. It'll have an arc, now that we've shown that
- it works, but not as rigorous an arc...less overtly political but more
- thematic. Also, after 5 years of angst-driven storytelling, I'd like
- to see if I can use the same tools to do something a little more fun.
- I've lived in the dark side of the B5 universe for a long time, and
- while there's plenty of darkness still out there, I kinda want to go
- and do something a bit more adventurous...and which explores all the
- places in the B5 universe that we've heard about, but never seen.
- <p>
- <li> Nothing has yet been finalized (or even near to it) on the cast.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890000755 <em>Recent reports say you've decided which characters
- from the first series will be in Crusade.</em><br>
- This is not quite correct, but that's all I can say for now.
- There are one or two actors who might slide to Crusade, depending on
- circumstances, and we have spoken to them on the QT about it...which is
- probably why this was said, because I asked the actors in question not
- to say anything until we got closer to seeing how things were going to
- work out; the inquiries were mainly of an "if we had this role, would
- you be interested in doing it?" nature, checking avails and
- possibilities so we could plan accordingly.
- <p>
- <li>@@@895442605 Though nothing has been set yet about Crusade, I would expect at
- least guest appearances by some or many of our previous B5 cast here
- and there.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865288769 <em>Have you given thought to the male/female ratio of
- the cast?</em><br>
- I never ever give thought to ratios, or making a political
- statement, or anything other than the story. If that meant using 100%
- female cast in the movie, or 100% male cast, or some variation thereof,
- then that's what it'll be. I think the *instant* you start putting
- agendas ahead of the creative process, of saying "What is the story
- *about*?" then I think you're dead.
- <p>
- <li>@@@898572188 <em>What's the optimum cast size for a show like
- Crusade?</em><br>
- There's really no best regular size. B5 generally had about 9-
- 11 regulars and recurring (i.e., in the main credits) actors in any
- given season, which was necessary because you had 4 different,
- competing forces, each of whom required some representation (Earth/B5,
- Minbar, Narn, Centauri Prime). With an ambassador plus aide, that's 8
- minimum, plus at least one or two others for station operations.
- <p>
- In Crusade, we're really dealing with one force encountering
- others on a per-episode basis (mostly), so we've got 6 regulars/recurs,
- with a subset of reappearing characters (a la Morden, Bester or Corwin
- in B5). That feels about right to me.
- <p>
- <li>@@@891976625 <em>Any changes to the production crew?</em><br>
- We're not doing a lot of changing. One thing that does tend to
- get changed for a new series is the *look* of the show, you
- want Crusade to have a different and distinct appearance, to be
- its own show. So for instance we're bringing in new graphic
- designers to do screen stuff and signage and other related
- stuff.
- <p>
- Other times it's an individual choice. Anne Bruice-Aling
- recently had a baby, and she wants to dedicate the next year or
- so toward raising her kid, so while she'll remain available for
- occasional stuff or consulting, we'll have someone else heading
- up the wardrobe department.
- <p>
- Mainly, you want to hold onto as many of your original people
- as you can, because we've trained our folks to work in a
- certain, particular way. Nobody else really does things the
- way we do them on B5, and it's wiser to hold onto your crew,
- and give incentives, to keep them around. (We tend to promote
- from within the ranks and reward loyalty rather than bring in
- new folks, that sort of thing.)
- <p> <em>What's in the series "bible?"</em><br>
- I put in it
- basically whatever I think will be useful to anyone, as much as
- I can think up. Characters' names, backgrounds, descriptions,
- the kinds of stories we are looking for, the kinds of stories
- we *don't* want to see, what is good SF and what ain't, sample
- storylines we plan to develop, that sort of thing.
- <p>
- I'm now in the process of converting over the "sell treatment,"
- done for the network, to a working series bible, which will go
- out to those writers with whom I've either worked before, or
- whose work I know and have wanted to work with for a while (as
- was the case with Neil Gaiman).
- <p>
- <li>@@@892111238 I imagine we'll keep about 95% of the production crew on
- the move to Crusade.
- <p>
- <li>@@@896374481 <em>How does the new look get decided?</em><br>
- It's hard to define...it's a long process of give and take.
- John Copeland and I both knew we wanted something different, a
- new kind of look, and we went back and forth discussing it
- between us until we were ready to talk to the production design
- folk. We told them in general terms what we were looking
- for...then they went away, and came back with several
- preliminary designs. We sat and talked about them, made
- revisions and suggestions, threw one thing out, kept the other
- thing, got another version done, and on and on until there was
- something that we felt worked. Ditto for the CGI version (for
- which there is a very early version on the B5 fan club site).
- The final look of the CGI is much sleeker and more refined.
- <p>
- <em>And the costume/makeup design?</em><br>
- Same process. I discuss with Optic Nerve and the costume folks what I
- have in mind. They go away and come up with drawings. They submit
- those drawings; John and I go over them, pick the ones we like, suggest
- modifications, toss out what we don't like, and the process of
- refinement continues.
- <p>
- <li>@@@921834231 <em>How will the shuttle bay work? A force field a la
- Star Trek?</em><br>
- No, there is a definite (and very large) airlock door that closes
- after ships enter the flight deck, so it can then be pressurized.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906450790 <em>Who's doing the music?</em><br>
- We haven't yet set a composer for Crusade; we're giving a shot
- to Evan Chen, a chinese-born classical composer with a strong jazz
- background, on A Call to Arms. How that turns out will determine much
- that follows.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906450790 Evan's an amazing composer...he came out of Shanghai,
- studied music in Russia and Germany, was fast becoming a leading,
- classically trained composer, and discovered jazz in his twenties,
- dropped everything to come to Chicago and study under some of the best
- jazz men around (even if it meant washing dishes to get by). His stuff
- is the most amazing blend of asian influence, classical instrumentation,
- jazz and rock backbeats I've ever heard, even using asian scales
- (somewhat different from western musical scales) in unexpected places to
- make western music sound totally different.
- <p>
- For a show as different as this, I wanted a completely
- different, totally unique sound, something I've never heard before, and
- Evan Chen has it.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906745365 <em>Is Evan playing with any groups right now?</em><br>
- Not that I'm aware of. I think we got in and found him before
- anybody else could get their hands on him.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221874 "Will a CD of Chen's music be put out? I can't wait..."
- <p>
- Yep, in fact, I have it right here, having gotten the first
- pressing of the thing for approval. Chris's company will be putting it
- out.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906450790 <em><a name="JS.memo1" href="#NO.memo">About the TNT
- memo, September 9, 1998</a></em><br>
- At this time, officially, I cannot confirm or deny the report.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906450790 <em><a name="JS.memo2">September 19, 1998</a></em><br>
- The TNT memo was apparently real; however, the egregious points
- have now been withdrawn, and on top of that, TNT has allocated a big
- chunk of change to let us build some new sets and expand stuff.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906450790 I think that to dwell on the thing would be to just open
- wounds that are better left healed.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906450790 Things are going well overall; we've filmed 5 episodes, and have
- just extended a planned 1 week production hiatus (we take two such
- hiatuses -- hiati? -- every year, one in the fall, one in the spring)
- and added three paid weeks in order to allow time for construction on a
- number of new sets.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906450790 What we've done is to try and expedite this so we can
- have the new stuff in hand for the maximum number of episodes as quickly
- as possible. We always take a one-week hiatus in every block of
- episodes we shoot, all the way through B5's history and now. One week
- around the start of October (depending on the start of filming), then
- the Christmas break, then another one-week hiatus midway through the
- last 10 episodes.
- <p>
- So what we did here was to add on three weeks to the hiatus,
- starting Tuesday. Well, three paid weeks off for most of the crew
- directly involved with the actual filming, anyway. Construction, art
- department, props, wardrobe and other departments will still be working
- away to build and dress the sets and stuff so we can get right back
- into shooting on with the new stuff in place.
- <p>
- We're talking here improvements to the corridors, to the
- quarters to enlarge them, adding a wardroom/mess hall, an exercise
- area...other stuff. We generally add sets each season, and wanted to do
- these down the road, but now we have the chance to do them now.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906591943 In addition to the Christmas break, we have always taken
- a one-week hiatus in the middle of shooting to avoid burning out cast
- and crew. This was true of B5 throughout its history. One week in
- the fall, one in the spring.
- <p>
- TNT has allocated additional money to build some major (large) new
- sets that we had thought we'd have to wait until season 2 to
- implement, and to improve some of the sets. (We were always fighting
- to spiff up sets throughout B5, and we always had to bring in our new
- sets gradually, like Earharts and the War Room and others.)
- <p>
- Since they're going to give us the money for that now, we figued we'd
- extend the hiatus by a few weeks (a paid break for most of the actual
- shooting crew), though we still have the art department, costume,
- construction, props and several other departments still working away
- to build the sets and stuff.
- <p>
- We start shooting again October 19th.
- <p>
- <li>@@@907952425 It's been kinda hectic here, between the new sets under
- construction,
- meetings, and other stuff, some of which has been hinted around by
- others. At this point, we're still on target for filming to start up
- on October 19th.
- <p>
- One of the issues brought up by TNT had to do with a decision we all
- made early on that the first episode up, Racing the Night, would just
- jump right into the story, without doing the usual pilot-episode thing
- of showing the team coming together, which was our other option.
- <p>
- On reflection, TNT figured that the best thing might be to do that
- "coming together" episode after all, to set the stage for all that
- follows. It's a lateral change, really, you could have it or not,
- either way, it's dealer's choice. But if we're going to do that, we
- may as well get the sets and other stuff ready to go for that first
- episode and the ones that will immediately follow. We're also making
- some adjustments to the wardrobe (and I've come up with a pretty funny
- way to make the transition in the story). All of the prior produced
- episodes are still in, and still going to be broadcast, nothing's
- changed that as far as I know.
- <p>
- Anyway, things continue to progress, the script for the alternate
- first ep is in, and all should be cool from this point on. Which is
- not to say there haven't been some knife-fights...but we seem to have
- reached some understandings....
- <p>
- <li>@@@908224277 We're still set to go back into filming on October 19th.
- As I mentioned in a prior post, TNT felt the need for an actual
- introductory episode, one that sets the story by bringing together our
- characters together for the first time, more of a conventional pilot
- in that respect. "Racing the Night" was written to take place about 5
- months after the Drakh attack, so that we got right into things. The
- "bringing people into the story" story will, therefore, take place
- shortly after the Drakh attack, two-three days later, to be precise.
- <p>
- Since we're doing a first introductory episode, TNT kinda wanted to
- have the new sets in place for the first few eps (though they can't
- appear in the first one for story reasons), and since we're making
- some wardrobe adjustments, they figured they may as well have those in
- place as well.
- <p>
- Nothing in the story has been changed. The five episodes already made
- will be aired, and you will see that the characters, the story, the
- feel of the show is *exactly* the same between those first 5 filmed,
- and those that follow. What it comes down to are some cosmetic
- changes, some new sets, and an episode that sets things in place.
- <p>
- As we come back, the first two episodes up to be shot will be scripts
- we already had in hand, then the new introductory episode, "War Zone,"
- another one we already have, one new one, then another one from
- on-hand, which will take us through into the Christmas break.
- <p>
- No scripts are being thrown out, no episodes are being scrapped...none
- of that has taken place, or is taking place. The show is the show is
- the show.
- <p>
- (And on the costumes themselves...no, they're not going to be "skin
- tight" things; we're actually kinda going in the opposite direction.
- They're more typically military jumpsuits, black, neatly tailored,
- similar to some Air Force or Marine uniforms. And the only people who
- will be wearing these are the basic technical crew, Captain Gideon
- (Gary Cole) and Lieutenant John Matheson (Daniel Dae Kim); the others
- are civilians, and thus are not affected.
- <p>
- Regarding air dates...we have thus far not been told if they want to
- push for a January airdate or not. Part of the complication to all
- this is that if we make #8 in shooting order the first aired, we have
- to do a hideous amount of post-production on CGI to get it ready in
- time. Rather than make us rush it, they have said they might consider
- waiting until the February sweeps. Another option is to go in March,
- if they don't want to go up against the Network sweeps period (which
- is traditionally death for basic cable)...but the problem *there* is
- that you can only air 4 episodes and then TNT would go into the NBA
- playoffs, which means it would be another 6 weeks or so until any new
- eps could be shown.
- <p>
- So on that score, nobody's decided anything yet, we don't know and
- haven't been told because they haven't decided where will best serve
- us, so we hit the ground with the least network opposition.
- <p>
- Anyway, that's where things are. Hope this puts to rest some of the
- rumors out there.
- <p>
- <li>@@@914520472 The intro movie, "A Call to Arms," is still slated for
- January 3rd; the series initially was going to go in January, then they
- moved it to June 2nd to make room for the NBA playoffs, and now that it
- looks like the playoffs may not happen, I'm hearing March/April.
- <p>
- <li>@@@908224277 <em>How much of the CGI for the new initial episode
- could be done ahead of time, before filming starts?</em><br>
- Zip. Because until it's edited, you don't know how long to make the
- shots, or how they'll intercut with the live action...and there's all
- the stuff from other eps to deal with as well.
- <p>
- <li>@@@908606256 <em>Do you provide storyboards with ships and beams
- or do the CGI people create something from the script or do you check
- it prior to rendering in wireframe form or similar?</em><br>
- <p>
- Pretty much all of the above, depending on the complexity of the
- sequence.
- <p>
- <li>@@@909090496 To the gazillion or so folks who've asked in email...yes,
- we began shooting again on Monday the 19th, as scheduled, making the
- show we desired to make, and we're cranking along just fine. Actors
- are happy, crew are happy, everybody happy but Zathras...but Zathras
- never happy...Zathras happy once, had friend once, but wheels fell
- off, very sad....
- <p>
- <li>@@@856652269 "You have pretty consistently said that you would
- *end* B5, and that there
- would *never* be a sequel. Instead, you would do something in the B5
- universe, but not realated to the B5 storyline. The description sure
- sounds like a sequel to me."
- <p>
- What I have said about this from the beginning, and the ONLY thing I
- have ever said about this, was that there was a side-story in the B5
- universe that could go off from the main story. That has been quoted in
- many different places, and on line, and definitely includes any plans
- for "Crusade."
- <p>
- BTW, that new characters were mentioned does not exclude any current
- cast members...doesn't include them, either, but bottom line, that ain't
- a complete list of characters. There's room and flexibility in there,
- depending on what happens.
- <p>
- <li>@@@859536035 Actually, there'd be no rush at all in terms of getting a sequel
- into prep and out the door. The discussions now are in the area of
- fall 97 to shoot and January 98 to air (with or without a simultaneous
- S5 of B5). We have a lot of the stuff we'd need for the sequel
- (costumes, uniforms, some sets, prosthetics, that sort of thing), so
- the lead time would be very short.
- <p>
- <li>@@@877274170 With luck, we hope to have this puppy finally negotiated
- and a Real Deal within the next few weeks.
- <p>
- <li>@@@883868609 The contract has been sent to me for signing several
- times, and each time it has had some problem or another that needed
- fixing. (See, this is how the process works: your agent and the studio
- negotiate over the phone. Come to terms. Deal memos go out, which
- often don't reflect the conversations, but they hope you won't notice.
- You catch the "errors" and send back the memos. Next come the actual
- contracts, and sonuvagun, more "errors" have slipped through, and now
- THEY need to be corrected, if you can find them in the 90 pages of 8
- point type. So that's been the only real holdup. It's standard.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@891976541 As has come out in the press today, CRUSADE: The Babylon
- Project, is officially a go project as a series. We start shooting
- July 27th to go on the air January 6th. More info will follow over
- time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@911667926 Because 108 is now the slated fist episode, so that we
- can use it to introduce the new characters rather than jump in
- in-progress, it means it will take longer to complete the CGI and stuff
- than 103, since it was shot later. TNT needs the eps a month or two
- prior to airdate for critics...and there's the concern about showing
- only 4 episodes in March (which is when it would all be ready) and
- then being cut off for 8 weeks by the NBA playoffs.
- <p>
- So they figured going June 2nd would avoid all of the problems, and put
- the show out when the network shows were in reruns...meaning it has a
- better chance of scoring large numbers, a strategy that worked well
- with other shows like 90210.
- <p>
- <li>@@@882987634 <em>If "Crusade" is made, what will your involvement
- be?</em><br>
- I'll exec produce, same as with B5, develop the overall
- arc, as with B5 (though it's not as rigorous an arc), do all the same
- stuff in editing, post, all the same stuff. About the only real
- difference I foresee would be my intent to only write about half the
- episodes this time around; I'm looking forward to seeing what other
- writers can do in the B5 universe.
- <p>
- <li>@@@883993339 Our first two seasons were roughly 40-50% freelance,
- which is a substantially higher average than most shows. Years 3 and
- 4 were mine, mainly because of the difficulty in farming out stories
- in that situation.
- <p>
- Crusade will almost certainly to back to the 40-50% freelance mode,
- which is frankly my preference, and it's been that way on all the
- previous shows I've done.
- <p>
- <li>@@@891709736 There are many other good writers out there who I have
- every confidence can do a good job on Crusade. And bear in mind that
- any script that comes in generally gets revised by me, so I'll be in
- there. The plan for now is that I'll do about 11 scripts out of 22,
- and have freelancers doing the other half.
- <p>
- <li>@@@921834231 <em>Has Goran Gajic been approached about directing a
- Crusade episode?</em><br>
- Yes, Goran has been slated for a Crusade episode.
- <p>
- <li>@@@898572630 <em>Will it start off with a movie?</em><br>
- No, the first episode will be of normal length. A Call to Arms
- is primarily a B5 movie, which sets the incidents in place that lead to
- Crusade, which then hits the ground running with its first episode,
- regular length, same as the other 21 TNT has signed for.
- <p>
- <li>@@@905790074 <em>Is the Biblical reference in Captain Gideon's
- name intentional?</em><br>
- There are certain reasons for that name choice, yes, which is
- all I'll say for now.
- <p>
- <li>@@@906591943 Peter is superb as Galen, utterly brilliant. I think
- we lucked into a character and an actor that is going to be extremely
- popular with fans. I couldn't be happier with his work to date; I'd
- put his work up there with Peter Jurasik and Andreas Katsulas, easily.
- <p>
- <li>@@@916729235 <em>Is Matheson's name a reference to horror writer
- Richard Matheson?</em><br>
- Yup. I fell in love with Matheson's work as a kid, and since we had
- Bester in B5, I figured it might be good luck to have Matheson in
- Crusade.
- <p>
- <li>@@@929221492 "But you are saying that dispite the numerical sequence
- being disordered, Crusade remains a contining story rather than
- standalone episodes?"
- <p>
- They're somewhat stand alone that was introducing characters and
- setting up the details that would kick the arc into gear with #14.
- </ul>
- <h2>See Also</h2>
- A translation of this page in
- <a href="http://www.webhostinghub.com/support/by/edu/midwinter-overview-be">Belorussian</a>
- is available.