- <!-- TITLE Thirdspace -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- Two-hour TV movie.
- The crew discovers a mysterious, ancient artifact in hyperspace.
- </cite>
- <a href="http://us.imdb.com/M/person-exact?+Belafonte-Harper,+Shari">Shari Belafonte</a> as Dr. Trent.
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/112">8.05</a>
- Production number: TNTCF1
- Original air date: July 19, 1998
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002B15UQ/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: August 17, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Jesus Treviño
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0345424549/thelurkersguidet">Novelization</a> by Peter David
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@900914902 Over a million years ago, the Vorlons, believing
- themselves just one step short of godhood, decided to build a device
- to open a doorway to what they believed was the well of souls, the
- source of life. The device, similar in basic function to a jumpgate,
- did open a hole to another place: a universe
- inhabited by an alien race even more powerful than the Vorlons, a
- race that believed itself the only intelligence worthy of existence.
- The aliens were extremely powerful telepaths, able to take control of
- many of the Vorlons and turn them against their own kind. Eventually
- the aliens were beaten back, but before the device could be destroyed,
- some of the Vorlons under alien influence flung it into hyperspace.
- The Vorlons never found it.
- <li>@@@900918110 The Vorlons implanted Lyta with a memory fragment
- detailing the story of the device, and instructions for its destruction
- should it be found. They also left her with memories of some of their
- other mistakes.
- <li>@@@900914902 Interplanetary Expeditions operates outside the bounds
- of the Earth Alliance regulations that govern most companies.
- <li>@@@900914902 Babylon 5 carries a small supply of tactical nuclear
- weapons small enough to be carried by hand.
- <li>@@@900962814 Zack wants to date Lyta, and has gone so far as to tell
- her so.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@900914902 What were the Vorlons' other mistakes? What else does
- Lyta know about Vorlon history?
- <li>@@@900974298 How long did it take the Vorlons to vanquish the aliens?
- <li>@@@900919178 What did the Vorlon writing on the artifact say?
- <li>@@@900918110 Who built the original set of jumpgates?
- <li>@@@900919178 What was the alien city, and what was the spire in its
- center? Why were so many people having visions of it? Possibly
- the city was on the alien homeworld, but why would they broadcast
- images of their world to strangers?
- <li>@@@900914902 How much of Dr. Trent's supposition about thirdspace was
- correct? Barring the obvious problem of the alien race, could
- thirdspace be used as she described, like a faster version of
- hyperspace? Are there other spaces beyond thirdspace, perhaps an
- infinite number of them?
- <li>@@@900956645 Does Lyta remember anything Zack said to her?
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@900953736 <a name="chron">This story took place after</a>
- the Shadow War, but before the declaration of war against Earth. That
- puts it between
- <a href="072.html">"Into the Fire"</a>
- and
- <a href="080.html">"Moments of Transition."</a>
- <p>
- Other clues allow it to be placed more precisely. It took place after
- <a href="074.html">"The Illusion of Truth"</a>
- because that was the last time Zack wore his Earth Alliance uniform.
- Just after Zack was fitted with his new uniform in
- <a href="075.html">"Atonement,"</a>
- Delenn greeted Callenn and told him she'd be ready to leave for
- Minbar in one day, less than the amount of time elapsed in this story
- (Sheridan remarked to Trent that she'd had five days to examine the
- artifact.) It couldn't have taken place after
- <a href="075.html">"Atonement"</a>
- since Dr. Franklin left in that episode before Delenn returned; the two
- of them weren't on the station at the same time again until after the
- declaration of war.
- <p>
- That puts "Thirdspace" between the first and second scenes of
- <a href="075.html">"Atonement"</a>
- (a slight inconsistency since Callenn's ship can be seen to arrive
- in the opening shot, before Zack's fitting) unless Zack's visit to the
- Minbari tailors wasn't the first time he wore the uniform. If his visit
- was just an adjustment, possibly a result of being in fistfights
- in "Thirdspace," the story takes place between
- <a href="074.html">"The Illusion of Truth"</a>
- and
- <a href="075.html">"Atonement."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@900918111 The raiders fighting Ivanova's squadron were attempting
- to steal a shipment of Quantium 40, which is used in jumpgate
- construction
- (<a href="006.html">"Mind War."</a>)
- That resonates with the discussion between Trent and Morishi about
- the building of jumpgates.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900919178 Why didn't the White Stars open jump points for Ivanova's
- squadron after the fight with the raiders, rather than forcing her
- to travel slowly to the nearest jumpgate? One answer is that
- Starfuries aren't equipped to navigate in hyperspace unless they
- start off from a known location and can follow a beacon.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900918111 How did Dr. Trent know that the Vorlons enhanced Lyta's
- telepathic abilities? One possibility is that Bester, or someone
- else in the Psi Corps, told IPX about it. Bester discovered Lyta's
- enhancement in
- <a href="073.html">"Epiphanies."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@900962752 In Ivanova's dream, Vir was caressed by women while Ivanova
- was killed. That may have been because Vir was willing to give in to
- the alien influence, while Ivanova insisted on questioning it. He was
- rewarded for his compliance while she was punished for her resistance.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900956361 How did the Vorlons get into thirdspace to begin with?
- If, as Lyta said, the door has to be opened from both sides, that
- would imply that the aliens in thirdspace already had their side
- open and were waiting for someone from normal space to reciprocate.
- Or maybe they somehow become aware of what the Vorlons were up to, and
- opened their side at roughly the same time. Either way, they've been
- waiting for the door to reopen for over a million years, though of
- course time may not pass at the same rate in thirdspace and normal
- space.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900956645 The fighters that emerged from the gateway appeared
- similar in basic form to Vorlon ships. Were they examples of ancient
- Vorlon ship design? The aliens might have kept possessed Vorlons
- around to use as cannon fodder in case the gate opened again, on the
- assumption that it might be the Vorlons doing the opening.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900956361 Were the Vorlons alone in their fight against the aliens?
- Given the potential danger, it's possible the Vorlons found themselves
- fighting alongside the Shadows and other First Ones against the alien
- forces; the Shadows would have as much of a vested interest as anyone
- else in seeing the aliens beaten back (though it'd be consistent with
- Vorlon arrogance to not mention anyone else's involvement to Sheridan.)
- <p>
- <li>@@@900919179 It may have been the conflict with the alien race that
- prompted the Vorlons to invest effort into researching and developing
- telepathy. The Vorlons were almost certainly strong telepaths before
- the conflict, though, since Lyta mentioned that they had already been
- making themselves appear as beings of light when they visited other
- worlds.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900924492 Though it was never stated outright, the purpose of
- concentrating fire on the front of the artifact (which itself begs
- the question of which side was the "front") was probably to redirect
- shield energy away from the other side. That's evidenced by the fact
- that a hole opened in the force field in the rear when Ivanova ordered
- everyone to fire at the same time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900924492 Why wasn't Draal's help enlisted? The Great Machine might
- not have had enough power to destroy the artifact outright, but its
- weaponry would presumably have been helpful in the assault. Given
- the high stakes -- a powerful, implacable enemy even the Vorlons
- considered a threat -- it's not clear what reason Sheridan would
- have had for holding Draal in reserve.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900914902 What were the creatures in the artifact? Were they members
- of the alien race? Did they arrive after the artifact was powered
- on, or were they lying dormant for millenia? The fact that they
- had the same shape as the shadow in Lyta's vision, and their tentacles
- looked like the one in Ivanova's dream, suggests that they were from
- thirdspace.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900914902 This was the fourth time Sheridan used nuclear weapons
- against vastly superior alien forces; he used nuclear mines to destroy
- the Minbari cruiser Black Star
- (<a href="111.html">"In the Beginning"</a>)
- and a Shadow city
- (<a href="066.html">"Z'ha'dum."</a>)
- He also used nukes to get the attention of the Vorlons and Shadows at
- Coriana 6
- (<a href="072.html">"Into the Fire."</a>)
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@882989498 Chronologically, the movie takes place during
- season four, after
- <a href="072.html">"Into the Fire."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@867698018 According to producer George Johnsen, "Thirdspace" contains
- more new special effects shots than all of season one combined.
- <p>
- <li>@@@869037257 Noted science-fiction illustrator
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/Author=Barlowe%2C%20Wayne%20Douglas/">Wayne Barlowe,</a>
- author of
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0894803247/">"Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestrials,"</a>
- designed the artifact.
- <p>
- <li>@@@900914902 Deuce also appeared in the season-one episode
- <a href="015.html">"Grail."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@900921140 In the crowd scene on the observation deck just after the
- artifact is powered up, the albino smuggler from
- <a href="076.html">"Racing Mars"</a>
- can be seen briefly.
- <p>
- <li>@@@901169987 Spelling error: during Trent's voiceover, when she's
- examining the displays on several of the monitors in her office,
- the text "EMF EMMISSIONS" can be seen running vertically down the
- side of one of the computer displays. It should be "emissions."
- <p>
- <li>@@@901351057 Science goof: Ivanova claimed that carbon dating was
- used to determine that the artifact was over one million years old.
- Unless she meant some different process than what's referred to as
- "carbon dating" today, that wouldn't have been possible. Carbon
- dating is a very specific process: it is used to determine the age
- of dead plants and animals, and is based on the assumption that the
- amount of carbon-14, a radioactive isotope of carbon, in the Earth's
- atmosphere has remained more or less constant over time. The theory
- is that a living organism will ingest C14 from the air and maintain
- about the same ratio of C14 to normal carbon in its body as exists
- in the atmosphere.
- <p>
- After an organism dies, the C14 in its body breaks down and isn't
- replaced; a rough time of death is determined by measuring the
- difference between the amount of C14 in the atmosphere and the amount
- remaining in the organism's body.
- <p>
- Thus there are several reasons the B5 crew couldn't have used carbon
- dating to determine the age of the artifact. First, the artifact
- wasn't alive (though that point is debatable considering its Vorlon
- origin.) Second, given that the B5 crew had no idea where the artifact
- came from, they wouldn't have had a baseline to compare against, and
- thus couldn't have determined a difference in C14 levels. Third,
- C14 has a fairly short half-life; carbon dating can't be used to
- determine ages much beyond 50,000 years since all the C14 breaks
- down in that amount of time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@901351057 Sheridan's passphrase contained the word "Abraxas."
- The Abraxas was a figure from Gnostic mythology, most commonly found
- on small talismans called
- <a href="http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/a/abraxas.html">"Abraxas
- stones"</a>
- which were popular for a time in the Roman Empire.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@889482571 <em>When will it air?</em><br>
- I checked my figures, and apparently it's either
- the 9th or the 19th of July for Thirdspace...they've moved it up at TNT
- from their original November plans as sort of a way of giving a present
- to B5 fans after having to wait for the NBA Playoffs to finish.
- <p>
- <li>@@@889503710 Barlow did a great job for us designing very alien looking
- stuff that looks different than what we've done before...a nice break
- in our format...
- <p>
- <li>@@@865269566 "You mentioned that you were already shooting Thirdspace,
- the first B5 movie. Wasn't "In The Beginning" the Minbari war story
- going to be first?"
- <p>
- The prequel is aired first, but produced second, because B5
- didn't exist during the prequel time period, so rather than tear and
- and rebuild sets, we're doing Thirdspace first.
- <p>
- <li>@@@865969769 <em>How is having more money affecting the
- production? How is the crew handling making a movie?</em><br>
- Actually, we don't really have that much more money. Each
- episode costs a tick under $1 million; for purposes of discussion,
- let's round that up to 1. So you're now talking 2 million for 2 hours.
- Now you've got another million to spend. *But* ALL the prices go up by
- union scale and whatever else can be negotiated. Actors fees go up,
- writers fees go up, directors fees go up, crew fees go up...so at the
- end of the day, you find you have a *little* more to spend, but not
- really that much.
- <p>
- As for how everyone's handling it...really no different than the
- series. Actors learn their lines, directors do their shots, the
- atmosphere on set really isn't much different. The only substantive
- difference is that, because we know we won't be airing these until
- January and March/April, at soonest, we have more time in post and can
- therefore do more EFX.
- <p>
- George calculated that there are as many EFX in "Thirdspace" as
- in the entire first season of B5.
- <p>
- <li>@@@890333528 <em>Early season five doesn't seem to have much
- CGI.</em><br>
- I did keep the first batch just a *bit* on the light side in
- order to have room to do the massive amount of rendering on "In the
- Beginning" and "Thirdspace," the latter of which has (finally delivered)
- topped out at 27 minutes of CGI out of 94 minutes, which has got to be
- some kind of record.
- <p>
- <li>@@@882989498 <a name="JS.when"><em>Is it set at the end of season
- four?</em><br>
- No, it would be about mid-fourth season.
- <p>
- <li>@@@902700637 Anybody can follow this movie and enjoy it; whether
- you've seen the show before or not.
- <p>
- <li>@@@884031156 "I have heard that Thirdspace might be the pilot or
- lead-up to Crusade. True,untrue?"
- <p>
- Untrue.
- </ul>