The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5
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18 years ago
  1. <!-- TITLE Objects at Rest -->
  2. <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
  3. <blockquote><cite>
  4. The Interstellar Alliance headquarters moves to Minbar. Lennier faces the
  5. consequences of a terrible mistake.
  6. </cite>
  7. </blockquote>
  8. <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/109">8.91</a>
  9. Production number: 522
  10. Original air date: November 18, 1998 (US)
  11. <a href="">DVD release date</a>: April 13, 2004
  12. Written by J. Michael Straczynski
  13. Directed by John Copeland
  14. </pre>
  15. <p>
  16. <hr size=3>
  17. <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
  18. <ul>
  19. <li>@@@911462615 The Alliance headquarters on Minbar (in Tuzanor, described
  20. in novel
  21. <a href="/lurk/novels/009.html">"To Dream In the City of Sorrows"</a>)
  22. has been completed, and Sheridan and Delenn have moved in.
  23. <li>@@@911462615 G'Kar has named Ta'Lon
  24. (<a href="033.html">"All Alone in the Night"</a>)
  25. as his successor on Babylon 5.
  26. <li>@@@911462615 Franklin has appointed Dr. Hobbs
  27. (<a href="059.html">"Interludes and Examinations"</a>)
  28. as the new chief of staff of B5's medlab, thanks to her diverse
  29. experience and her willingness to stand up for what she believes in.
  30. <li>@@@911462615 Tessa Holloran (Number One) is, Lochley and Sheridan agree,
  31. working out well as the new head of Alliance intelligence. She's
  32. not joining Sheridan and Delenn and the rest of the Alliance cabinet
  33. on Minbar. Sheridan feels that Babylon 5, as a center of commerce
  34. and travel, is a better venue for intelligence-gathering.
  35. <li>@@@911462615 Garibaldi has taken over the day-to-day operations of Edgars
  36. Industries. Since the previous board of directors is gone
  37. (<a href="108.html">"Objects in Motion"</a>)
  38. he has gathered a group of the most vocal whistleblowers and critics
  39. from within the company and named them the new board.
  40. <li>@@@911504597 Lennier has, through inaction, tried to kill Sheridan.
  41. He has fled in shame and vowed not to return until he finds a way
  42. to redeem himself in Delenn's eyes. This is just as the ghost
  43. of Morden prophesized in
  44. (<a href="096.html">"Day of the Dead"</a>).
  45. <li>@@@911462615 Londo has given Delenn and Sheridan a gift for their
  46. child: an ancient Centauri urn, which Londo says is traditionally
  47. passed to the heir to the throne. The urn contains a Keeper.
  48. </ul>
  49. <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
  50. <ul>
  51. <li>@@@911462615 Is the giving of the urn a real Centauri tradition as
  52. Londo claimed, or just something concocted by the Drakh to get a Keeper
  53. into Alliance headquarters?
  54. <li>@@@911462615 How can Lennier redeem himself? Where has he gone?
  55. <li>@@@911547249 In
  56. <a href="088.html">"The Deconstruction Of Falling Stars"</a>
  57. we learn that a something newsworthy befalls Sheridan and Delenn's son
  58. David. Could this have something to do with the keeper in the urn?
  59. </ul>
  60. <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
  61. <ul>
  62. <p>
  63. <li>@@@911462615 G'Kar's statement that Ta'Lon is as ready as G'Kar was
  64. when he first came to Babylon 5 echoes Londo's reassurance to Vir
  65. (<a href="106.html">"The Fall of Centauri Prime"</a>)
  66. that Vir would do at least as good a job as Londo had.
  67. <p>
  68. <li>@@@911462615 Londo's request for alcohol during dinner was more
  69. emphatic than might be expected. Has he already discovered that alcohol
  70. can put the Keeper to sleep
  71. (<a href="061.html">"War Without End"</a>)?
  72. If so, what was he hoping to say or do with the Keeper out of the way?
  73. Would he have warned Sheridan and Delenn about the Urn, told them about
  74. the Drakh, or something else?
  75. <p>
  76. <li>@@@911462615 Delenn's ability to see the Keeper, if only vaguely,
  77. is reminiscent of her sense that Morden was touched by the Shadows
  78. (<a href="013.html">"Signs and Portents"</a>).
  79. In this case, though, it seemed she didn't quite know what to make of
  80. the sensation, since she didn't mention it to Sheridan after Londo
  81. left. What enables her to sense Shadow influence?
  82. <p>
  83. <li>@@@911462615 Londo believes the Centaurum will eliminate the position
  84. of Emperor after he's gone, which implies that he either doesn't believe
  85. or doesn't remember Lady Morella's prophecy that Vir would become
  86. emperor after Londo's death
  87. (<a href="053.html">"Point of No Return"</a>).
  88. Or, of course, the Keeper might have been forcing him to say what he
  89. said, in order to encourage Sheridan to accept the gift.
  90. </ul>
  91. <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
  92. <ul>
  93. <li>@@@911462615 The first Centauri imperial palace was built 2000 years
  94. ago, according to Londo.
  95. <li>@@@911462615 Minbari have no word for "goodbye."
  96. <li>@@@911462615 Zack believes he'll still be on Babylon 5 when they turn
  97. out the lights.
  98. <li>@@@911462615 Of the original major players from the start of the
  99. series, only Vir is still on the station.
  100. </ul>
  101. <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
  102. <ul>
  103. <li>@@@889482760 <em>When is the final day of season 5 shooting?</em><br>
  104. It's either March 20th or 21st, I forget....
  105. <p>
  106. <li>@@@911504597 <em>Did you make any special notes in the script of "Objects
  107. At Rest"?</em><br>
  108. Yeah, my instructions to Chris were the same there as for
  109. another scene next week, "break our hearts." And the two
  110. themes are actually pretty much the same, since they proceed
  111. from similar contexts. That section of "Rest" just puts me
  112. away every time.
  113. <p>
  114. <li>@@@921691787 <em>Will we ever find out what happened to Lyta
  115. and G'Kar?</em><br>
  116. I'm writing 3 B5 short stories for Amazing Stories magazine; the first
  117. is a Londo (shortly after he became emperor) story; also doing a
  118. G'Kar/Lyta story, and a B5-setting story, all following these
  119. characters after the events of "Objects at Rest."
  120. </ul>