- <!-- TITLE And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder -->
- <h2><a name="OV">Overview</a></h2>
- <blockquote><cite>
- The evidence of a Centauri connection to the cargo ship attacks is revealed
- to the Alliance.
- </cite>
- </blockquote>
- <pre><a href="/lurk/p5/intro.html">P5 Rating</a>: <a href="/lurk/p5/104">9.21</a>
- Production number: 517
- Original air date: June 10, 1998
- <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00019071C/thelurkersguidet">DVD release date</a>: April 13, 2004
- Written by J. Michael Straczynski
- Directed by Goran Gajic
- </pre>
- <p>
- <hr size=3>
- <h2><a name="BP">Plot Points</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@897549573 The Alliance has formally declared war on the Centauri.
- <li>@@@897549573 Londo and G'Kar have returned to Centauri Prime, where
- they've been imprisoned because Londo refused to allow G'Kar to
- be arrested as ordered by the Regent.
- <li>@@@897585142 Zack has discovered Garibaldi's drinking problem, but
- has agreed to give Garibaldi time to work it out on his own.
- Garibaldi's drunkenness has started to cost lives, and contributed
- to the start of the war since he was unable to warn Sheridan about
- Centauri ship movements.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="UQ">Unanswered Questions</a></h2>
- <ul>
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="AN">Analysis</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@897585142 Why didn't the White Stars have a secondary contact
- other than Garibaldi? Garibaldi wouldn't have been in his office on
- alert 24 hours a day even if he weren't drinking; given the gravity of
- the situation, it's odd that the White Star captain didn't try to get
- in contact with someone else (Delenn or Lennier, for example, would
- presumably have been sufficiently trustworthy) to make sure the report
- was heard in time.
- <p>
- <li>@@@897585142 In a sense, the minister was probably right; the
- attacks really <em>are</em> being staged by a third party, namely the
- aliens in the Royal Court. And it's possible their goal is exactly
- what he accused the Narn of: to implicate the Centauri. Perhaps they
- want to see Londo's empire crushed by the Alliance,
- revenge for Londo's rejection of the Shadows
- (<a href="072.html">"Into the Fire."</a>)
- <p>
- <li>@@@897592140 Sheridan's declaration of war on the Centauri gives
- Londo's comments in
- <a href="060.html">"War Without End"</a>
- a different spin. Londo said, "There's the legacy of your war,"
- referring to the flames engulfing the city below the Centauri royal
- court. Perhaps Alliance forces were responsible for the destruction,
- and Londo's comments about Sheridan allowing the Shadows' minions to
- come to Centauri Prime referred to the fact that they caused the war
- to start.
- <p>
- <li>@@@898534358 Londo and G'Kar watching the Centauri fleet fly overhead
- is a visual reference to Londo's dream in
- <a href="031.html">"The Coming of Shadows"</a>
- in which he watches a fleet of Shadow ships fly over the palace.
- His dream eventually came true in
- <a href="067.html">"The Hour of the Wolf."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@898541873 Which parts of his book do G'Kar's later chapters correct?
- Perhaps the parts the Narn in
- <a href="100.html">"The Ragged Edge"</a>
- was referring to when he quoted the book as saying the Centauri
- shouldn't be trusted.
- <p>
- <li>@@@898537086 Garibaldi's failure to warn Sheridan was foreshadowed in
- his dream in
- <a href="103.html">"Darkness Ascending."</a>
- <p>
- <li>@@@909090791 Sheridan's blockade of Centauri space could make life
- more difficult for his father, who needs a rare Centauri drug to treat
- a blood disease
- (<a href="082.html">"The Exercise of Vital Powers"</a>).
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="NO">Notes</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>@@@902861573 Garibaldi had a bowl of oranges on his table, a pretty
- expensive commodity on the station
- (<a href="025.html">"The Geometry of Shadows."</a>)
- That may mean he's making a lot more money as Director of Covert
- Operations than he was as the station's security chief. Or, more
- likely, that Lise isn't above spending some money to keep his diet
- healthy; she can no doubt afford to ship oranges just about anywhere.
- <li>@@@897593295 Director Goran Gajic is Mira Furlan's husband. The
- character of Aldous Gajic in
- <a href="015.html">"Grail"</a>
- was named after him.
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="JS">jms speaks</a></h2>
- <ul>
- <p>
- <li>@@@897935317 "I have to say this was one of the best episodes of
- the entire series. If this is any indication of what the rest of the
- season is like.......watch out."
- <p>
- Well, the next episode is even more so...and the one after that,
- more so still. You get a slight breather for an episode or so -- still
- very strongly arc, though, just not as in-your-face hardhitting -- and
- then the last are whammers.
- <p>
- "I suspect a stream of apologies to you are about to begin."
- <p>
- Yeah, right, and pandas will fly out of my butt.
- <p>
- <li>@@@887704242 Haven't seen the director's cut yet, but Goran did a
- great job, based on dailies.
- <p>
- <li>@@@897585142 It was shot for shot what I wrote...but at the same
- time, a director can realize that well, or poorly. I thought that
- Goran did a terrific job.
- <p>
- <li>@@@897933568 <em>How much of the tension in the opening scene was
- thanks to the director?</em><br>
- It's shot for shot what was in the script, but at the same time, a
- director must take that shot and make it live. Goran did that
- admirably. He kept the camera moving, framed his shots very nicely,
- got into the emotion of the scene, and worked very well with the
- editor; we only did a light dusting in the editing room.
- <p>
- Since a number of folks have asked, here is the opening scene as
- written. (I only have the first draft in my home computer,
- modifications were done in the office, which involved trimming some of
- this for time.)
- <p>
- ****************
- <pre>
- EXT. BABYLON 5: A new shot, closer, emphasizing the darkness of the station in
- eclipse.
- Sheridan is in bed, alone as we will discover in a moment. He rolls over,
- stirring, and we SHOOT PAST HIM to the doors, where we SEE a single flickering
- light through the translucent glass. He sits up.
- REVERSING past Delenn to the bedroom doors. She is seated on the floor, a
- single candle burning before her, the flame halfway down it, praying or
- meditating as the doors open and Sheridan stands in the opening. His voice is
- quiet.
- Delenn...? Are you all right?
- She nods, distantly, not taking her eyes off the candle.
- You should sleep. It'll be morning
- soon. You'll need all your strength
- for what's ahead.
- She nods again, but doesn't move. He gives it a BEAT, knowing
- she is in a place where he can never reach her, then goes back
- into the bedroom, leaving the door open. We PUSH IN SLOWLY on Delenn's face
- The fragile, guttering flame has now burned three-fourths of
- the way down. As we slowly PAN UP to Delenn's face, not having moved in all
- this time, we become aware of the SOUND of the shower running. She doesn't
- note it, until it stops. Then there's a BEAT and she looks up toward
- Still mainly dark, suggesting pre-dawn, mainly just the light
- spilling from the bathroom entrance as Sheridan comes out in a
- robe, toweling his hair. His manner here is sober, almost
- somber. He's trying to keep this normal, but knows that this
- is going to be a difficult and momentous day. The more we can
- set that tone here, the better.
- It's...all yours.
- She nods, distantly. WIDEN as he goes to the bed and sits. He
- pulls on one slipper, puts his foot down, and picks up the other
- slipper...and just sort of stops. He doesn't want to put it on.
- He doesn't want this day to come. He doesn't want to do what he
- knows he's going to have to do. The slipper just dangles from
- his fingers, the strings cut. Delenn gets up, approaches and sits next to him,
- both with that faraway, haunted look. She touches his back, and leans against
- his shoulder for a moment, both taking comfort and strength in the momentary
- contact. Then she gets up and moves into the bathroom, the robe sliding off
- her shoulders as she steps OS.
- A BEAT, and Sheridan finds the wherewithal to put on the other
- slipper...and sits there momentarily as we HEAR the VO SOUND of a GAVEL
- POUNDING, and the VO SOUND of the council, along with:
- There comes a moment, in all of our
- lives, when we have to do something
- we'd rather not do. When we know
- something we'd rather not know. This
- is one such moment.
- He stands and moves OS.
- </pre>
- <p>
- <li>@@@897935317 <em>Was the part about Sheridan dropping the slipper
- added in a later draft?</em><br>
- Yeah, that was a visual pun written into the script, the other
- shoe dropping...but also reflecting that kind of low energy thing in
- the morning, when you put one slipper on, and you just *don't* want to
- leave...and you just let the energy drain away, and the slipper falls
- from your hand...which also overlaps the gavel dropping, as scripted.
- <p>
- I took a great deal of care in blocking out every shot in that
- one, as opposed to some other cases, as with Mike Vejar, where I wrote,
- in "The Face of the Enemy," "They pull down Sheridan like a pack of
- wolves bringing down a lion" knowing that he would then take that and
- turn it into art. And he did.
- <p>
- <li>@@@897935317 <em>Why did they check the bodies to determine what kind
- of weapon was used? Why not the debris from the ships?</em><br>
- That's what was said, in addition to the rest. Reference was made to
- examining the damaged ships.
- <p>
- <li>@@@897935317 <em>Why doesn't Sheridan warn Londo about the Shadows'
- allies being on Centauri Prime as he saw in
- <a href="060.html">"War Without End?"</a></em><br>
- Well, do bear in mind that the events in "War" were 17 years
- after the fact, so the shadow allies could have come at any time;
- Sheridan didn't fully understand what a keeper was, and also bear in
- mind that there is no reason to suspect anything in this situation.
- People can indeed start wars without having keepers on them, you know.
- We do it all the time. He would have to have some overwhelming
- proof...and even then, if he says anything to Londo, he might risk
- changing the timeline, and that would have potentially disasterous
- consequences.
- </ul>